Ghis (closed)

"Yes, ma'am," he smiled lovingly and scooped her up off her feet, carrying her to his bedroom. The bed was not nearly as large as Brogan's, but it was more welcoming with its sheets and blanket in warm colors of red and faint cream. Ciaran set her down on its edge, and pulled off his tunic. He revealed a handsome and broad torso, heavily muscled, but like Brogan, covered in scars. One looked still very fresh, dark and deep in his skin in the middle of his chest. He carred a massive tribal dragon tattoo that stretched from his collarbone down to nearly his waistline and wrapped around his side. It was stunning, done in a dark blue ink. On his back, as she would soon see, was his family crest of a great bear with his surname 'Danforth' stretched across the top in old English script.

Once he tossed aside the shirt, he came to kiss her again whilst freeing her from her final pieces of clothing.
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As she watched him undress himself, Julia became curious about the multitude of scars that covered his body. She reached out with gentle fingers and traced the newest one, her heart going out to him for fighting so fiercely that he had received it.

When his clothing was tossed aside, she let out a whimper as his lips found hers and he kissed her senseless. She could feel his fingers upon her clothing yet again, peeling them aside and ensuring that she was soon naked beneath his gaze. She actually blushed like a virgin bride as he looked upon her pale skin and gentle curves for the first time.

“I sincerely hope that you like what you see, Ciaran.” She whispered, wanting so much to hear the encouragement from him that she was something more than a pretty face to him.
"I've liked what I've seen from th' first second I met ya, love..." he whispered back with a smile. As his eyes cast over her, he chuckled, "Though I gotta say... I think I'm startin' t' prefer ya without clothes." His words were warm, hinting that her outer beauty wasn't all he cared about. He kissed her once more, now kneeling before her. When their lips parted, he looked up at her and spoke again: "Now... lemme show ya somethin' yer gonna enjoy."

He brought one of her legs up over his thick shoulder, kissing down her stomach as he did so, and one hand skimmed her inner thigh on its way to her delicate blossom. His fingers soon skimmed over the petal-like folds just as his lips reached her waistline.
Julia smiled warmly at Ciaran as he whispered his appreciated for her. She kissed him back with a welcome sigh as he knelt before her, his hands already starting to position her until she was right where he wanted. She trembled as he brought her leg over his shoulder, his lips pressing against her belly as his other hand skimmed up her thighs until he was stroking over the seam of her sex.

“Oh…” She sighed softly, her fingers clenching in his thick hair as his lips continued their downward journey. “Ciaran…what are you doing?” She asked softly, a little frown of confusion on her features as she watched her lover continue to kiss lower and lower.
"Ye'll see, love... jus' relax," he muttered, his fingers pressing slowly between her folds to stroke down and dip slowly inside her once with just one finger to start with. That was when his lips found her folds too, and his tongue came to circle round her sensitive clit slowly. This was certainly new.
“Oh my…” Julia moaned as his fingers pressed into her body so slowly, stretching her wet core as his lips found their way to that sensitive bundle that enjoyed attention. “Oh, Ciaran.”

She turned her green eyes down her body to watch him please her, her fingers tightening in his thick hair as he did something to her that even Brogan had yet to do. She was shaking, her hips dancing upon the soft blankets of his bed as he made love to her in this new and incredibly exciting way.
Ciaran's tongue continued at its current position, but he soon slipped a second finger inside her, making slow strokes as deep as they could. His tongue and fingers soon switched places, which brought on an entirely new set of sensations. He kept a slow and steady pace, building her up.
She was panting, her chest heaving as a thin sheen of sweat covered her body. He was making her burn in the most delicious way as his fingers soon found their way to her hard pearl and teased the nub as his tongue delved in and out of her weeping entrance. She whimpered and cooed for him, her fingers digging into his hair to pull him further against her skin or to push him away.

“I need you, Ciaran.” She moaned, her eyes fluttering closed as the sensations in her body threatened to spiral out of control.
Ciaran obliged her as she moaned for him, and, pulling away, he abandoned his kilt and his dark trousers. In doing so, he revealed that his length matched Brogan's, and he was hard as steel. He leaned down, kissing hotly at her neck. But instead of taking full dominance over her, he rolled to the side and sat up, bringing her up and onto his lap to straddle his waist facing him. He let his back rest against the wall behind him, and guided her down onto his hard shaft. With a groan, he buried himself inside her, far more open about his pleasure.
Julia gasped as he moved away from her and undressed. Her eyes were instantly glued to the heavy cock that was bobbing before her as he leaned forward and kissed her neck in the most passionate, breathtaking moment of her life. She moaned and felt her entire body clench as he pulled them both upon the bed, situating her over him so that she could guide herself onto his shaft.

The moment that the blunt tip of his cock touched her folds, Julie knew that she was in heaven. She moaned hotly as he groaned and buried himself deep inside of her, his eyes showing her all the passion that she’d missed with Brogan. When she was fully seated, she looped her arms about his neck and drew him in for a passionate kiss. Her breasts mashed against his chest, nipples scraping through the coarse hair as she started to move her hips.
Ciaran moved along with her, using the wall behind him as leverage to meet her hips with his own. He met her kiss with fiery passion and grunted softly behind it with each thrust. Pulling away a minute later for breath, he kissed the edge of her ear and whispered, "Gods, Julia... Yer bloody amazin'..."
Each thrust from Ciaran had Julia moaning. There was no pain as there had been the first time Brogan had entered her. With Ciaran it was simple, soul searing pleasure. Each grunt from his lips made her heart swell and the way he kissed her stole her breath away completely.

“Oh,” She moaned as he kissed her ear, whispering that she was amazing. “I love you so, Ciaran.”

She whimpered as their pace increased, his hips slapping against hers as the both strove towards that ultimate release. She was panting as their bodies moved as one, giving and taking from one another in beautiful unison.
Ciaran's grunts turned into groans and panting, and it wasn't too long before he felt his limit approaching, and he muttered in her ear, "Tell me when yer ready, love..." He'd hold out until she was ready to go over the edge with him. He wanted that moment, to meet her orgasm with his own.
Julia whimpered as Ciaran moaned against her ear, telling her that he was near his release. She nodded her head, pressing her forehead against his as her emerald eyes focused solely on him.

“I’m ready, love. Please…” She panted, crying out in pleasure as she felt her body tense and release in a beautiful pulsing wave.
Ciaran finally gave out in tandem with her, his bass voice resonating a warm, deep moan. locking their hips tight together, his seed filled her belly with warmth. Finally, he let his head rest back against the wall as his chest heaved and droplets of sweat rolled down his skin. He drew her in close and kissed her deeply, and when they pulled apart, he whispered her name as if it was that of a Goddess. "Julia..."
The kiss that Julia returned was one full of love and promise. It felt so right to be in Ciaran’s arms, enjoying his embrace, even though thoughts of Brogan were slowly starting to creep back into her mind. She had sinned with another man and she did feel guilty, but Ciaran had a way about him that made her not care.

She gave him a smile as he murmured her name. Reaching up, she gently caressed his cheek with her hand, taking in every single feature of her lover’s face.

“I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be right now.” She whispered, giggling along with him in the afterglow of what they’d just done.

There was no quiet brooding or heavy possession. They were equals in that bed, sharing a beautiful moment together. As the sweat on their bodies began to cool, Julia knew that it was nearly time to return to the keep. She let out a little sigh and pulled herself off his shrinking shaft, gasping at the feel of his heavy seed leaking down her thighs.

“We will have to be careful, love. As much as I wish I could, I can’t risk carrying your child.”
Ciaran nodded and sat up straight to caress her cheek gently, "How 'bout I set up a bath, hm?" He kissed her once more with a smile. She could see, just in his expression, how incredibly thrilled he was just to be in her presence. In his eyes she could see a deep, passionate love that even their sin moments ago could not describe.
A slow smile crept across her face as Ciaran caressed her cheek. She nodded as he offered to set up a bath and she returned the kiss that he placed upon her lips as he looked at her with a quiet admiration. She was falling in love as dangerous as that might have been. It felt right and she knew that she wanted Ciaran in her life for a very long time.

She moved so he could set up the bath. Lounging on the bed, she watched him work quietly. Not even Brogan had offered her a bath after their first night together. It made her realize how much she was missing being married to a man like Brogan Ghis. Did he treat his first wife the same way? Was he more doting on Cassandra? It was a mystery that she would probably never solve.

“How long was Brogan married before? Was she from Inverness?” She found herself blurting out, wanting honest answers from someone she trusted.
"Um... lemme think..." Ciaran sighed, trying to recall memories he'd let go of for so long due to Brogan's aversion to hearing about Cassandra. "I think... Cassie an' Brogan married when Brogan was... eighteen, Cassie was sixteen... Yeah, 'cause I was se'enteen. She wasn't my li'l sister, but she migh' as well o' been, tha's 'ow I got m'job at th'Keep in th' first place. She died only a bit af'er Annie was born, so... Near ten years, give 'r take. She weren't a Scot, though. Nope, she was Irish... Tha's why Wick wanted t'kill 'er so bad, thought it weren't righ' fer a Scot and an Irishwoman t'be t'gether, 'specially their worst enemy an' a lass from County Down. Wick 'ates the Down County people more'n any other Irish."

It was well known that the Irish and Scottish hated each other's guts, especially that accidentally mistaking a Scot for Irish or vice versa could get you knocked out, even killed. Of all people, Brogan seemed like the last man who'd like an Irishwoman, much less marry one.
“Did he love her?” She asked softly, hearing the fondness in Ciaran’s voice for the woman that had been lost to all of them for nearly five years now. “I mean, they must have loved one another if they had Annie.”

Julia had her hopes that Brogan had once had a great love in his life. She knew that it didn’t have to be the case. Her own parents barely tolerated one another and they had two children together.

Standing from the bed, Julia made her way to the steaming tub that Ciaran was finishing. With his help, she took his hand and stepped into the tub, sighing as she sank down into the steaming depths of the water.
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Ciaran joined her, the huge basin plenty big enough for the both of them. Leaning back on the wall of the basin, he rested his arms along the rim with a sigh, "'E loved 'er more'n life. Most o' the scars 'e's got're from protectin' 'er from Wick, either goin' t'battle or stoppin' assassins. 'E's got a real bad one from 'is jaw t'his waist, I bet y'seen it, got tha' from th' battle tha' Cassie died in... 'E sent Annie t' Cassie's family in Ireland t'be safe th' next day, ain' been 'ome since."
It made Julia feel bad that she had reacted so poorly to the news that Brogan had a wife before her after learning how much he loved her. She couldn’t imagine losing the one great love of her life and having to send his only child across the sea. It must have broken the man and Julia knew that she had to apologize to him when he finally came home.

Perhaps Brogan had used up all that affection on Cassie and had none left in him for her. It didn’t really matter anyway, she thought. She had Ciaran now…

She was quiet as the bathed, watching her skin clean of the sweat and seed that had been left behind by their coupling. She was careful to not get her hair wet. It didn’t have time to dry before they left and she didn’t want anyone knowing what she had done that afternoon.
"I know I d'fend 'im a lot, an' sometimes I don' know why after 'e's such a hardass some days... But give 'im a li'l time, 'e'll soften up." Ciaran reached out to lay a hand on her cheek. "An' whether 'e does or doesn't... I'll be right beside ya."
“I know.” She said with a smile, turning her cheek into his hand to press a kiss to the center of his palm. “We better hurry. Valentina is probably wondering where I got off to today.”

She finished her bath and stepped from the tub, drying off her body with a large, warming towel. She carefully redressed and placed her wedding ring back upon her finger. It weighed heavily on her mind and she did her best to not think about it.
Ciaran escorted her home in a timely manner, and they arrived to find Valentina about to go out looking for her. Seeing the two walk in, she sighed but smiled. "Well, look who decided to show up. I was just about to come find you to let you know your things have arrived from Chester, and Brogan's brother Boar and his wife are on their way from Inverlochly, they should be here tomorrow."

"Oh, boy, that ol' man's comin'?" Ciaran laughed.

"Yes, with his new wife."

"What 'appened t' th' first?"



"She was insane, Ciaran, you remember that."

"Oh, yeah..." Ciaran chuckled again.
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