Fyi People........


Literotica Guru
Sep 29, 2002
While all of you are so busy bumping threads and bashing me, long after I've dropped it, one of our fellow literoticans was in a very serious auto accident last night. She is very badly injured and her best friend was doa. You can read about it in a playground thread.
To me, that puts things in perspective. What is really important, and what is worth fighting over? To me, fighting in here is absolutely pathetic. Especially when horrific things are happening around us and to our contemporaries.
Now I would love more then anything for Prettygrneyes to come back to a peaceful Literotica when she comes back to it. This really isn't worth fighting over, nor is there any reason that it can't just be dropped.
That's all I'm going to say. Do with it what you wish.
like, I'm so over you. Just stop making threads about yourself.
Using someone else's misfortune to draw attention to yourself YET AGAIN is pathetic, in my opinion.
perky_baby said:
like, I'm so over you. Just stop making threads about yourself.

Oh, and this is about myself? Now I know that it isn't just me, it's people in general whom you people don't like. I am amazed at how insensitive you are.

This, my friends, is what I refer to as "real life!"
My thanks to Laurel for creating The Playground.


Purple Haze

ps. I'm not even going there...
You know what, say what you will. You're only showing what insensitive fools you are. Your wish has been granted, I will not be lowering my standards and surrounding myself with the likes of you anymore. Good riddance.
MsTerious said:
You know what, say what you will. You're only showing what insensitive fools you are. Your wish has been granted, I will not be lowering my standards and surrounding myself with the likes of you anymore. Good riddance.

Not under the name MsTerious, anyway, right? Go ahead, get a new name, one of these smart detecto-babes will have you uncovered in a day. Your style is pretty distinctive.
I don't really know the history behind this whole thing, but I will say this : It's one thing to drop back into a forum after having problems before and asking for good thoughts for a friend who might have had some serious troubles. It's quite another thing to tell people about the troubles and then say that everyone should suddenly change their additudes.

Tragedies happen all the time. It's sad, yes, and I'm sure we all wish hat nothing this tragic had happened to Prettygrneyes. But to be honest, it does cast things in a suspicious light when it's only brought up in relation to your own problems with some of the people here.
*bratcat* said:

aaaawwww...but it was miiiiiiiine....:mad:

We'll get you a knew one, darlin'!

That one has been beat to hell. Plus, she doesn't give good drama. ;)

Why should you care about PGE's accident?

Remember.. Lit isn't real.