From now on

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Sexy-girl comes under my military protection.

How safe is she going to feel with you falling on your damn ass all the time?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
OK cunts, you make fun of my injuries

I'll tell you something cunts

While i'm out of action, the world is just that little bit less safe.

I was and still am one of the best from my unit

we all feel as we're the best unit in the world.

Someone cue the theme song from the A-Team..............
Hanns_Schmidt said:
OK cunts, you make fun of my injuries

Thanks for your blessing, Humpty (is that pronounced with an 'Umpty', G?). We'll get right on that.
Humpty Hanns sat on a wall
Humpty Hanns had a great fall
All the special forces
And green-wearing men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

I'm going to shoot your mothers tit

No, you're not. Cause i'm doing to have Hannibal fuck you up, all while he's got a cigar in his mouth.

Plus, I think you're going to like being B.A.'s bitch.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Almost funny.

I do what I do for your saftey

Remember that

You forgot to call me a cunt, you slacker. I can fall on my own ass just fine, thank you very much.

Ya know, that sad part Storm is that 69% of Lit can't see this thread.
Lasher said:
You forgot to call me a cunt, you slacker. I can fall on my own ass just fine, thank you very much.

Ya know, that sad part Storm is that 69% of Lit can't see this thread.

This is funny for so many reasons ;)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I was and still am one of the best from my unit

we all feel as we're the best unit in the world.

A gang on big-wheels is hardly an elite unit.

Guru said:
A better poll to post is to ask how many people think Hanns is actually a fat, 45-year-old man with coke-bottle glasses and a penchant for eating Cheetos.

I bet he knows alot about FPS(first person shooting) games. He is probably a sniper in one and gets regularly ass-fucked by computer characters. His life has failed in every aspect....even here.
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I can just picture the Thomas the Tank Engine FPS game. Sir Topham Hatt as a boss character...