

Assassin/Subtlety Spec'd
Aug 9, 2000
if you were one o' them "Rangers," the area you'd guard would be proper fucked.

unless you're really Ranger Gord.
ChilledVodka said:
I like SINthysist better.

``<burp>``` thanks...<burp> hehe:D
ChilledVodka said:
LOL...... <;;;;;;>

<burp>....hhhmm..scylis..... hmm


mm..see..I have to go to the city

It;s windy over there (Hints*)


ooo... wooW !! Dang 1:45 AM Sat.

hmm...what's your.....


OOO. !! lOOky>>>>>>


I copy from


sweet...lOOky --->>>>


heh,,,dang,,,try again,,

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have you see my ChilledVOdka.....%^%&^%^ ?????

want some``
"Proper Fucked" sounds like a nice play to be. :)

And unlike many of the nerds who like to use LOTR pictures in thier av I actually do like to go out and wander around in the forest preserves nearby by mtself to get a breath of fresh air, exercise, and find various animals I find interesting to observe.

So I'm probably closer to being a ranger irl then you are to an immortal elf archer.

Being a Ranger is not about "guarding", you are thinking of a guard. lol That's why there are seperate classes in most games for Rangers and guards, they furfill two very different funtions.
Frimost said:
"Proper Fucked" sounds like a nice play to be. :)

And unlike many of the nerds who like to use LOTR pictures in thier av I actually do like to go out and wander around in the forest preserves nearby by mtself to get a breath of fresh air, exercise, and find various animals I find interesting to observe.

So I'm probably closer to being a ranger irl then you are to an immortal elf archer.

Being a Ranger is not about "guarding", you are thinking of a guard. lol That's why there are seperate classes in most games for Rangers and guards, they furfill two very different funtions.


lOOk at....



now we can go kicks some ass...LOL..:cool:
actually, rangers are guardians of the forests/wilderness, and of any travelers passing thru their area of protection. the good ones, anyway. sorta like the national park rangers we have today, really. that's what they've always been, and actually, it's why we call park rangers or Texas Rangers "rangers." because their jobs are to safeguard the land and the people under their jusidiction/protection.

and i'm closer to being Orlando Bloom portraying Legolas than you are to anything noble. because i'm only half elf. no immortality for me, but rather very little body hair, and i can't grow a beard to save my life.
scylis said:
actually, rangers are guardians of the forests/wilderness, and of any travelers passing thru their area of protection. the good ones, anyway. sorta like the national park rangers we have today, really. that's what they've always been, and actually, it's why we call park rangers or Texas Rangers "rangers." because their jobs are to safeguard the land and the people under their jusidiction/protection.

and i'm closer to being Orlando Bloom portraying Legolas than you are to anything noble. because i'm only half elf. no immortality for me, but rather very little body hair, and i can't grow a beard to save my life.

mmmm... sexyyy```ooo...``

<feelings and blushing you hair>

mmm... you are my Hero....aww sexyyy scylis...muah:kiss:


HeavyStick said:
You're gonna fuck a chipmunk aren't you?

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL..hehe you are funny sticky...

mmmm... lOOky...sexyyy heavy`~hunuky~dOme...

<*SPANK*your butt> mmmuuah:kiss:

<*climb on your back * heh,, & pull your hair>``OUCH !!:eek:

Oh ! sexyyy sticky... that was a welcome reaction.

hmmm.... and you don't have to turn around now...

I am not going to tease your prick anymore..sorry..:(

(for give me?????? hmmm?)

hehe... and I know how to ring the bells....ha:)

mmmuah:kiss:on your sexy back...many of them


<feeling your butt>```hmmm. sexyyy

you sitll have not tell me what is yyayati and his love ?

tell tell tell tell tell telllllllllllllllllmemememememememememe !!

and oh.. also... <LOL> hmmm

what are you doing with your right hand.;)
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and i'm closer to being Orlando Bloom portraying Legolas than you are to anything noble.

Pfff, what do know? Nothing...As for "noble" I am the descendant of Italian Barons and advisers to the Vatican. If you mean so in morals then you would be hard pressed to find anyone here who is more dedicated to their principals then I. As for animals, I hold them in higher regard then most of the posters here.

Admit it Legolas, you couldn't hit the side of a barn with a bow and arrow. :p