Free meals for Senators, but not for low-income schoollids.


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2014
Senator in a rural state is almost a hardship. If they are traveling all over the state to visit the needs of their constituents, then a free lunch is a good thing compared to the lack of state compensation and the sacrifice those who serve have made when it comes to their own personal income. This issue is just a bit more complex than our daily displays of outrage over what "they" are doing to us.
Senator in a rural state is almost a hardship. If they are traveling all over the state to visit the needs of their constituents, then a free lunch is a good thing compared to the lack of state compensation and the sacrifice those who serve have made when it comes to their own personal income. This issue is just a bit more complex than our daily displays of outrage over what "they" are doing to us.

They have plenty of money. They don't need it. Hungry kids however do not have plenty of money. And definitely need food.

It's not just about the optics.
You didn't even read the article did you.

If they are awash in money, especially Federal dollars, then are the only poor kids those in the nations?
Maybe they want the poor kids to stay lean for when the Republican Senators eat them.
Not that article no. It's behind an adblock paywall. Duh. Apparently you didn't read it.

However there are several on it and yes I have. The reality remains: They said no to poor kids and yes to giving themselves money.

$45 per day per senator and state employee. An additional $10 per day. For children in families making 130 to 200% below the poverty line - nothing.

The Senate’s inconsistent actions on the two bills will confuse the public and hurt the chamber’s credibility, Hogan said.

“There’s no underlying consistent philosophy to how we’re spending money in this session, and this is a classic example of it,” Hogan said.

Assistant House Minority Leader Zac Ista, a Grand Forks Democrat at the forefront of the push for free school lunches, said the Legislature should be looking to support both students and state employees.

“I think it shows (the Senate’s) priorities are a little out of whack when they have no problem increasing the meal reimbursement rate for ourselves but not for those families that may be struggling to make ends meet,” Ista said.
The per diem meal reimbursement bill applies to all state employees, not just senators, who travel on state business. Most companies and government entities reimburse travel expenses and $45 per day to cover 3 meals seems pretty reasonable. WRT to school lunches…

“A federal program already provides free meals to students from families making below 130% of the federal poverty level, so the state allocation nixed by senators would have applied to kids with family incomes between 130-200% of the poverty level.”
That's funny. I clicked on the link and went right to the article.

I rather suspect you went and looked for a version with far-more political leaning to it.
That's funny. I clicked on the link and went right to the article.

I rather suspect you went and looked for a version with far-more political leaning to it.

Whatever dude, don't worry about discussing the issues.
Just pointing out the obvious inadvertent error or outright lie in your post.
Maybe they should give themselves a raise too. Since they seem to have so much money to spare.

More money for people who are already fed? Sure. Money for starving kids? Nah. No need.
Maybe they should give themselves a raise too. Since they seem to have so much money to spare.

More money for people who are already fed? Sure. Money for starving kids? Nah. No need.

Except as already pointed out, there's a federal subsidy in place to do this.

Which you'd know if you pulled your head out of your twat.
Except as already pointed out, there's a federal subsidy in place to do this.

Which you'd know if you pulled your head out of your twat.

< 130%

0 for >130% and < 200%

Pull your head out of your ass. Frankly you're too stupid to continue typing.
Not a surprise that the RWCJ sociopaths here are defending the right wing sociopaths in ND.



Edit: It’s like the RWCJ “members” forgot their talking point about high inflation, ESPECIALLY FOOD.

👉 RWCJ “members” 🤣

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Irony. Multiple levels.

They fail to maintain their discipline when it comes to the RWCJ narrative.

Food inflation is punishing for a lot more people now.

Expanding the school lunch program would be a very reasonable relief action.

