For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Because they ransacked their houses. They literally rounded them up and threw them into concentration camps.

Maybe you missed that part.

They didn't tighten gun laws, they had informants who outed their jew neighbors.
Lose your Marxist revisionist history, if you please. Anyone who actually studies history honestly is seeing you as a fool. The only ones you impress are your fellow brainwashed socialists who hate individual liberty and have as much a devaluing of human life as you do. Your depravity is showing and it ain't pretty.
Abortions are a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy.

Whether you consider it murder continues to mean nothing to me.
Because you are sick and depraved. Maybe you should experience what that baby in the womb does, and feel every bit of the pain and suffering abortion inflicts on them. Bet your story would change quickly.
Lose your Marxist revisionist history, if you please. Anyone who actually studies history honestly is seeing you as a fool. The only ones you impress are your fellow brainwashed socialists who hate individual liberty and have as much a devaluing of human life as you do. Your depravity is showing and it ain't pretty.
Nazis relaxed gun control. Historically, that is fact. It used other methods to clamp down on its citizens, specifically Jews.
Because you are sick and depraved. Maybe you should experience what that baby in the womb does, and feel every bit of the pain and suffering abortion inflicts on them. Bet your story would change quickly.
A baby is a post birth human.

I don't care what your opinion of me is. You don't have any moral high ground because you think your god is superior and rules all.

Your bible is yours to follow as much as you want. I give no shits about it
A fetus cannot live outside the mothers womb until around the 28th week. So how can you claim a fetus is a baby. A baby can survive outside the mother's womb, can't it?
He's going to bring back his "fetus means....." bullshit again. Shifty one he is.
Abortions are a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy.

Whether you consider it murder continues to mean nothing to me.

The only way you arrive at your conclusions is by using your bible and redfining words.
Tell that to the babies who were tortured to death in the womb. And the word "fetus" is Latin for little one, a term of endearment for a baby. Disguise the language all you want, it still amounts to murder.
He's going to bring back his "fetus means....." bullshit again. Shifty one he is.
But in the end, hell die and discover there is nothing, no heaven, no gods, nothing. After death is the same as before fertilization...and all this was a waste of his time.
A clump of tissue does not feel pain or suffering.
Videos have been shown of them screaming in pain during an abortion. Some of the most sickening, heart wrenching, stomach turning video you will ever see. Funny thing, Planned Parenthood complained, now those videos are banned on about every social and media platform. A total blackout of information. Any video on YouTube that is Pro-Life has a disclaimer under it that abortion is not what the evidence that video is presenting proves it to be. If your side were so right, you would be broadcasting the ultrasounds of the abortion, be broadcasting the images to prove it's less than human life. The reason your side hates ultrasounds, is because when people see the truth right in front of their eyes, it's really hard to lie to them.
But in the end, hell die and discover there is nothing, no heaven, no gods, nothing. After death is the same as before fertilization...and all this was a waste of his time.
But in the end he'll face a Holy God as Judge and be without excuse because he was willfully ignorant, choosing not to see, actively deciding not to understand or accept the Truth that can either free or damn him. And he will have nothing left to say, except, "You are Righteous and Holy in Your Judgement."

You will bend the knee one day, my friend, whether here or in eternity. Every knee will bow.

And one other thought. If I am wrong, there's no real consequence because none of it really mattered anyway. But what if you are wrong? Are you willing to bet an eternity of wrath and judgement that could be avoided on that chance?
A fetus cannot live outside the mothers womb until around the 28th week. So how can you claim a fetus is a baby. A baby can survive outside the mother's womb, can't it?
If the baby is, say, 25 weeks, and born premature, and is on life support until it matures, and I go in and kill it, is that murder? Because if it is, you destroy your own argument.
Nazis relaxed gun control. Historically, that is fact. It used other methods to clamp down on its citizens, specifically Jews.
Yeah. And America invented and was the biggest slave country. And the KKK never had anything to do with the Dems. And Sanger wasn't a eugenicist. Get a grip. Your lies and revisions are wearing thin.
If the baby is, say, 25 weeks, and born premature, and is on life support until it matures, and I go in and kill it, is that murder?
Well a baby isn't going on life support at 25 weeks, it's 28 right now. Best we can do, maybe in a few more years they'll get it down around the 26th week.

But I'll humour your hypothetical. Yes if you kill a baby on life support, that is murder.
Because if it is, you destroy your own argument.
How? Explain please....*chuckles*
Tell that to the babies who were tortured to death in the womb. And the word "fetus" is Latin for little one, a term of endearment for a baby. Disguise the language all you want, it still amounts to murder.
Babies aren't in the womb. The word fetus is not synonymous with baby.
Yeah. And America invented and was the biggest slave country. And the KKK never had anything to do with the Dems. And Sanger wasn't a eugenicist. Get a grip. Your lies and revisions are wearing thin.
JFC dude, deflection much?

The Nazis relaxed gun control laws. That is a fact. Sorry you don't like that.
Videos have been shown of them screaming in pain during an abortion. Some of the most sickening, heart wrenching, stomach turning video you will ever see. Funny thing, Planned Parenthood complained, now those videos are banned on about every social and media platform.
That's because those videos are a lie, like most anti-choice propaganda.
A total blackout of information. Any video on YouTube that is Pro-Life has a disclaimer under it that abortion is not what the evidence that video is presenting proves it to be.
The video does not "prove" anything, except that some people are very, very gullible.
If your side were so right, you would be broadcasting the ultrasounds of the abortion, be broadcasting the images to prove it's less than human life.
Huh? The great thing about having the truth on your side is, you don't need to broadcast any propaganda.
The reason your side hates ultrasounds, is because when people see the truth right in front of their eyes, it's really hard to lie to them.
Erm, no. The reason our side opposes mandatory ultrasounds is that they're invasive for the patient and shouldn't be mandated when they're not medically necessary.

And look, I know you're not going to listen to a word I say, because you've not only drunk the anti-choice Kool-Aid, you've gone back and brewed another gallon or two of the stuff. There is one reason and one reason only why I respond to your lies and I don't just put you on ignore: to set the record straight for other readers who otherwise might believe your junk if it goes unchallenged.
Prove there is a God, see how easy this is. You have your belief I have mine. They don't have to agree.
And that's my point. I can point to the abundant evidence of His Hand and design. You don't want to see it so you can't. It's a heart issue, not an opinion or lack of evidence issue. And if my belief is wrong, there is no consequence. It actually makes me a better person who genuinely loves my neighbor, is kind to my enemies, and gives to those in need, reaching out, not down, to the outcast and the ones the world calls unwanted. I leave the world a better place. If yours is wrong, the consequence is dire and forever. And you have lived selfishly in the meantime, self being the highest good. As Paisley says in his song, "Those Crazy Christians", "Much as I'm baffled by it all, if I ever really needed help, you know who I'd call is those crazy Christians."
That's because those videos are a lie, like most anti-choice propaganda.

The video does not "prove" anything, except that some people are very, very gullible.

Huh? The great thing about having the truth on your side is, you don't need to broadcast any propaganda.

Erm, no. The reason our side opposes mandatory ultrasounds is that they're invasive for the patient and shouldn't be mandated when they're not medically necessary.

And look, I know you're not going to listen to a word I say, because you've not only drunk the anti-choice Kool-Aid, you've gone back and brewed another gallon or two of the stuff. There is one reason and one reason only why I respond to your lies and I don't just put you on ignore: to set the record straight for other readers who otherwise might believe your junk if it goes unchallenged.
No, you have drunk the wine of lust and sacrifice babies at its altar, hoping to the universe your conscience that tells and warns you you will be held accountable to God one day is wrong.
JFC dude, deflection much?

The Nazis relaxed gun control laws. That is a fact. Sorry you don't like that.
You get caught up on the list and miss the point of it. The point is that everything about your version of "history" is revisionist, including this.