Trump and his IQ remarks.


Sep 22, 2018
Trump is at it again. For years, he frequently has said that, "So and so has a low IQ." I'm quite sure that this stems from someone testing his IQ long ago and telling him that his was below average.

There is a difference between ignorance and intelligence. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge. (Trump also suffers from that, big time.) However, I can prove that he has a low IQ.

Back when COVID was going on, he could not grasp the idea that more cases were being discovered. He insisted that more cases were being reported due to increased testing. The commentator he was speaking to repeated over and over again that the percentage of positive cases were increasing. Trump simply could not grasp this concept at all. He truly didn't get it. It wasn't due to more people being tested. The percentage of tested people was coming back positive. I could not believe this display of "plain old stupidity."

Yep, that's a low IQ. End of story.
The American public is very familiar with Trump and Biden. They understand that neither man is a member of Mensa. They recognize that both men are really old. Two thirds of the electorate would prefer other candidates instead of the two we have. But here we are. Despite the best efforts of Biden supporters, his age and fitness for office are of greater concern to voters than Trump’s. The Wall Street Journal article on Tuesday and the video clip of Biden at Normandy didn’t help the president this week.
The American public is very familiar with Trump and Biden. They understand that neither man is a member of Mensa. They recognize that both men are really old. Two thirds of the electorate would prefer other candidates instead of the two we have. But here we are. Despite the best efforts of Biden supporters, his age and fitness for office are of greater concern to voters than Trump’s. The Wall Street Journal article on Tuesday and the video clip of Biden at Normandy didn’t help the president this week.
Yes, here we are.

Biden's words carried iron; he delivered his speeches with dignity and sounded presidential. I'd say my support goes to a man who calls for a strong alliance among allies over a flatulent fellow who says America should retreat and let Putin have Ukraine. The other guy still threatens his political opponents with retribution on a daily basis.

The latter isn't helping Trump's image with those who will vote and those undecided voters listening to his rhetoric.

Biden speaking at Normandy:
The American public is very familiar with Trump and Biden. They understand that neither man is a member of Mensa. They recognize that both men are really old. Two thirds of the electorate would prefer other candidates instead of the two we have. But here we are. Despite the best efforts of Biden supporters, his age and fitness for office are of greater concern to voters than Trump’s. The Wall Street Journal article on Tuesday and the video clip of Biden at Normandy didn’t help the president this week.

Yes, here we are.

Biden's words carried iron; he delivered his speeches with dignity and sounded presidential. I'd say my support goes to a man who calls for a strong alliance among allies over a flatulent fellow who says America should retreat and let Putin have Ukraine. The other guy still threatens his political opponents with retribution on a daily basis.

The latter isn't helping Trump's image with those who will vote and those undecided voters listening to his rhetoric.

Biden speaking at Normandy:

Everyone should read these two posts and watch the video dmallord shared - and then draw your own conclusions.

I concluded that President Biden projected American strength and courage, and represented America as Commander in Chief in a dignified and respectful manner.



I also concluded that BabyBoobs is a fucking POS: Just like the corrupt orange traitor that BabyBoobs’ supports.




The American public is very familiar with Trump and Biden. They understand that neither man is a member of Mensa.
No. Nope. No. Biden has never bragged or campaigned on some superior intelligence. He is humble in his interactions socially and politically. Only 1 modern day politician boasts on being the smartest person in the room on any subject everywhere, all the time.
They recognize that both men are really old.
Sure. But again, only 1 recognizes and makes light of this. The other ran roughshod through primary opponents claiming a capacity for a heavy workload and high energy and coined the term 'sleepy' for his opponent when in reality he has trouble with his flatulence, prefers riding in a golf cart, is known for a lacking attention span, during a deposition confused the woman he claimed he never met and who was accusing him of sexual assault was his wife, slept through his latest trial, and makes errors that indicate an underlining problem in cognition that does not account for his age.
Two thirds of the electorate would prefer other candidates instead of the two we have. But here we are.
True. 100% true. But this member knows, has learned and copied from propaganda sources, that to purposely post his intended misinformation he must include some nugget of truth to establish false credibility.
Despite the best efforts of Biden supporters, his age and fitness for office are of greater concern to voters than Trump’s. The Wall Street Journal article on Tuesday and the video clip of Biden at Normandy didn’t help the president this week.
The clear indications of creeping age, the presence of lacking physical fitness, a flawed morality, criminal behavior, penchant for praising our enemies, and stated intentions for a radical re-imagining of American democratic ideals are of little to no concern for the trump voter. You do not need to follow any particular news source to find clips of trump demeaning current generals, Gold Star families, our allies and brokered treaties, or the service of US military veterans but here’s one for you anyway:

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People may think that President Biden is more likely to die of old age before Von Schitzinpants.

Is that any sort of reason to vote for a nasty braggart felon?

Has he returned the Israeli artifacts he stole from the White House yet? They were on loan for an exhibition, not gifted as personal property. There's one thing that comes with having overly-tiny hands, and that's light fingers.
People discussing other people's IQ on this forum is the definition of irony.
I do not know your IQ.
I'd assume you're somewhat intelligent. Yet, you support trump.
Each and everyday good people come to this god forsaken forum in a righteous effort to have to warn grown assed American adults against doing the stupid ass shit that so called intelligent conservatives tend to constantly do.
How actual people debate.
View attachment 2354608
You, much like wat, are not a person up for debate.
You're not a tourist who comes here repeating old and debunked ideology. You're not even a meme creator, although you now have posted this above. No, you just pop your head in to say useless crap. You're more like a rubber necker - not offering any assistance to any problem, but willing to clog traffic with phone in hand to brag later that you were there, a witness to a thing.

You should be thankful there are responders cleaning up things so you can continue enjoying the freedoms you enjoy, but care not to put any measure of skin in to insure.
I think IQ becomes irrelevant once you've started down the path of mental degeneracy, which Trump has (and Biden too, for that matter). Innate mental capacity in Trump's case, as shown in IQ, also becomes irrelevant when one is as uneducated and limited in factual knowledge as Trump has always been. That's where Biden outshines him. Biden has achieved a wide knowledge base. Trump never did.
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People discussing other people's IQ on this forum is the definition of irony.

Either you don't post stories and you're simply a troll trying to punch out of his below average IQ score...

You do know we don't believe you [about your IQ] right?

Hey, he has a high IQ, he says so himself!
