For Anyone In The UK

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Hey gorgeous :kiss:

How's life treating you?

I think I'm having postponed Lit withdrawals -have just done something I said I would never do lol. Don't think I'll keep it up long, but I have an overflowing urge to be rebellious :eek::eek:
Hey gorgeous :kiss:

How's life treating you?

I think I'm having postponed Lit withdrawals -have just done something I said I would never do lol. Don't think I'll keep it up long, but I have an overflowing urge to be rebellious :eek::eek:

Hey sweetie, nice to have to back :kiss:

I'm good, just waiting to hear all about you

Hmm, rebellious... do I need to hide? :eek:
Hey sweetie, nice to have to back :kiss:

I'm good, just waiting to hear all about you

Hmm, rebellious... do I need to hide? :eek:

Oh, I have done SO much! I'll message you with rambling details a bit later - have only got about 20 min left before I disappear lol.

Highlights: on the back of a motorbike all day in Huey, and again in Hanoi, got Asian massage (yes, the one where she walked on me and abused me :eek:), met the most cute Vietnamese guy ever and spent the day with him, slept on boat in Halong Bay, ate so much good food, cycled through rice paddies in Hoi An, visited My Son, kayaked down the Mekong Delta and soooo much more lol.

Definitely the best place I have been so far. :)
Oh, I have done SO much! I'll message you with rambling details a bit later - have only got about 20 min left before I disappear lol.

Highlights: on the back of a motorbike all day in Huey, and again in Hanoi, got Asian massage (yes, the one where she walked on me and abused me :eek:), met the most cute Vietnamese guy ever and spent the day with him, slept on boat in Halong Bay, ate so much good food, cycled through rice paddies in Hoi An, visited My Son, kayaked down the Mekong Delta and soooo much more lol.

Definitely the best place I have been so far. :)

Awesome !! :D
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