For Anyone In The UK

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A Little Hoarse...
May 9, 2016
The previous thread reached 5000 posts so here is the little brother to Anyone in the UK.

Just one rule - Have fun!

Take it away guys.
Thank you for the new thread. Particularly for starting the title with a Preposition. Gotta keep us grammar nazis happy... ;)
*sneaks in whilst the UK is asleep and switches out the Earl Grey for Chai*

(good morning everyone!) :D
I didn't wake you when I snuck in, did I? I tried to be quiet, but I left puddles on the floor. Swimming that ocean took a LONG time. ;)

I heard you come in. I did shout what sodding time do you call this, but was tactfully ignored ;)
Now this is confusing, the old one is still taking posts, and I am here on the news one ... taking posts... too much for my Saturday evening brain with beer... best get another!

Oh, evening all!
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