Following Me

How do I find out who follows me?
You double tap into your name and then click the about tab, then you should be able to see, I have just started following you, so you should be able to see my profile picture.
I assume you're talking about story side. If that's the case, then log into your control panel. From there, click "Following" in the left menu. Once that loads, you'll see two tabs at the top on the right side of the screen. You'll start on the "following" tab, so click to the "followers" tab.

Or, cheat and follow this direct link:
I assume you're talking about story side. If that's the case, then log into your control panel. From there, click "Following" in the left menu. Once that loads, you'll see two tabs at the top on the right side of the screen. You'll start on the "following" tab, so click to the "followers" tab.

Or, cheat and follow this direct link:
I don't think she was talking about the story side, but I could be wrong, there is a different process for the buliten board side.