First Trans-species Pioneer

SIDEBAR: I feel the Russians could benefit themselves by putting up manufactured Homes like in the PIC Icon,& placing them in subdivisions around all their cities.They d have to have insulation befitting the colder climate...

I saw a article a few yrs back,where people were killing tenants in Leningrad,to have a place to live over there/big apt shortage,like NYC...

The MFG housing factory makes jobs,and creates affordable prolateriate homesteads,say on 1 to ten acres each,with water lines and septic tanks,electric,thrown in the same trench with phone and cable lines of course...

The main theme,we tried to get away from fearless leader with the iron fist routine with our leaders.We have more of a corporate exec officer in our leadership image of the prez.Putin says he s KGB...

Teddy Roosevelt may have been somewhat along the putin stereotype.Gov of MN,was a Navy Seal,& World Wrestling Champion,Jesse Ventura.Genius type too,had his own show,Conspiracy Theory...The old Bush ,and Jr bushes vice pres Cheney were like CIA types with those kind of companies,ie,Bush senior was oil Co affiliated...Haliburtons CIA affiliated with Cheney IMO.
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Jesus Jumpin up Christ you old Florida fart, my novel has fissionable material being shipped from Pakistan to a Port in Iran to a Port in Syria, (where there are five thousand russian built tanks) for transport to Haifa and some radiatin for the Jews...

you go and urge that nigger in the black house to piss on Syria? at least wait until I get my boo, "The Reluctant Admiral" finished and in the bookstores, okay?


Giving my formal props to the prez,He s not only a Lawyer but a former law professor at Law School.The FBI types favor the Lawyer jobs as plainclothes in FBI jobs,besides CPA s for FBI profiling...LOL...

Not that I agree with him on expanding the Middle Eastern conflict.I saw a skit on the family guy ,where Peter Griffin,the fatman said ,those that don t want to be accused of being queer,are going to be pro war,Who s with us on this war thing,eh?

Out at the Community College in Detroit s suburbs,we had a number of Detectives as professors for my campus.Oakland Community College is named for Oakland County,one of 3 counties the Detroit Metro area encompassed.

My campus had police sciences,and criminal justice majors coming out of it.The Royal Oak campus had the police academy.There were 6 different campuses,and 25 000 students spread out among them.I took the mental health social work major,it was in the public service cluster,so was police and fire dept majors,ie,in the public service cluster,offered as a para professional degree.

Its my belief that the co director of the mental health social work major was a detective,as well as being the Instructor of specialty classes,& he was a psychologist.
The other co director of my major was a masters of Nursing Education,she was married to one of the County district Attorneys.

I never asked,what kind of psychologist are you,JJohnson?Retired now?Mercury said he was a Air Force psychologist,last mo..I had a couple more psychologists for professors at comm college,one in Alcohol/substance abuse counselling class,Dr of Ed psych,with a private clinic on the side.Another taught my Intro Criminology,another for my Abnormal Psych class...

One of my dads sisters was married to a school psychologist a while in FL.She was a elementary school teacher.Her daughter married a Fed.She also had one of those mailman/detective husbands...
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Jesus Jumpin up Christ you old Florida fart, my novel has fissionable material being shipped from Pakistan to a Port in Iran to a Port in Syria, (where there are five thousand russian built tanks) for transport to Haifa and some radiatin for the Jews...

you go and urge that nigger in the black house to piss on Syria? at least wait until I get my boo, "The Reluctant Admiral" finished and in the bookstores, okay?



Hey Old Boy! I desperately need your help pacifying AH. Theyre animals!

Obama aint gonna do jack cept maybe bomb a few camels and rocks. He's not a warrior he's head waiter.