Final Fuckasy (closed for UnHolyPimpHand)

To say that Tifa’s whipping was unsatisfying was an understatement. The girl he was whipping didn’t deserve this, and the one who he wanted to punish was simply gone, vanished within his own mind-control wizardry—the perfect escape. Once again, Don Corneo’s problems stemmed from his ability to outsmart even himself. He sighed as he tossed the crop away, for a plan that was coming together just as he’d planned it—Corneo couldn’t help but feel slightly defeated.

“Keep being the good girl that I know you can be, I’m sure I’ll find it in myself to forgive you eventually—one in the pussy!” Corneo announced as he slipped the first, gumball-sized vibrator into Tifa’s dripping pussy, another was on its heels, “two in the pussy—three in the pussy! Ho ho hihihi!”

Despite his melancholic disposition, Corneo had to continue to display the confidence of a Don—a Pimp’s Bravado. As he added vibrators to the traffic jam inside Tifa’s incredibly sensitive, narrow, little tunnel, he joined the wires to a central battery bank and control device. The rotors used the central bank of batteries at the behest of a separate control which—of course, Don Corneo would keep.

Using an eyeliner pencil, Corneo kept tallies of how many vibrators were in each of her holes. The final tally was six in her pussy and three in her ass—though he didn’t count the rather aggressive anal plug that he put in after the three in her ass—the plug left a pink, corkscrew pig’s tail poking out from under her short skirt.

“Upsie dasisy!” Corneo cooed, pulling Tifa up to her feet, “testing—one, two!”

At his test, Corneo turned the entire nest of packed together vibrators humming and vibrating and clattering against one another—by the number ‘two’ they were back to resting still.

“Yes—ho ho hi hi hiiii! Looks like that works perfectly,” Corneo chuckled, clipping a red leather leash to Tifa’s control collar, “for now, you may crawl. Let’s go visit your sector seven friends, shall we?”

Corneo tugged on her leash at the same time he sent the nest inside her to buzzing until she began crawling as he’d instructed her.

“Oh we’re going to have such fun today!” Corneo chortled, already scheming for ways to get at the true Tifa without putting himself in danger. He led her over to the ladies’ baths, walking her through the courtyard like a dutiful pet.


“Mmmm, such an eager little Honey Bee,” Madam M smirked, gently tapping her folded fan against her lips as her pale knee just barely peeked past the fold of her embroidered, traditional yukata, “why don’t you show me what you can do with one of these, I’ll decide what it’s worth.”

Little by little, the Madam’s long, cream-colored leg slipped more and more out of the opening of her garment until her lithe and toned thigh was holding the fabric open, giving Kyrie a clear view of her neatly-trimmed bush—her pink little pearl glistening at the center like it was winking at her. Her leg held the garment open like a lover opening the covers to their partner on a cold night.

When Kyrie’s face grew closer, Madam M pulled her insistently between her legs, steering her mouth right to her clit—obviously quite practiced in being bribed in this way. Like a trap, snapping shut, Madam M draped her leg over Kyrie’s shoulder, swallowing her up into the garment aside from the very top of her head, where Madam M gathered a fistful of Kyrie’s damp hair.

If not for Madam M’s lustful expressions and sighs, one might not even notice that Kyrie was there, with her face buried in glistening, black pubic hairs and her body obscured by black fabric. She rotated her hips into the teen’s attention, fucking her face while tugging her hair hard to entice her to go deeper.

“Uhhh—oh, Um! As for you—oh—ohh—ohhhhhh!” Madam M’s eyes rolled back in her head and her hips hitched and spasmed for a moment as she had a micro-orgasm, filling Kyrie’s mouth with warm liquid as she continued to ride her face—Madam M’s pushing was becoming increasingly urgent as she managed to briefly penetrate Kyrie’s nostril with her swollen clit, “you can go get measured for your costu—ooh—ooooohhh—Oh Fuck!”

Madam M gripped the back of Kyrie’s head with both hands as she doubled at the waist, pulling her deeper as her thighs squeezed the poor girl’s head like a walnut in a nutcracker. She came, squirting with enough force and volume that the spray of clear juices splattered out around Kyrie’s face and sprayed the cobblestones at their feet.

It was just then that Corneo threw the doors open—giving Madam M an abrupt aftershoch from surprise alone. A tiny squirt splashed Kyrie’s forehead.

“Don, what and hon—oh—ohhhh!”

“Don’t hurt yourself, dear. I just came to let Tifa Chan see her old friends.”


“Don’t be so dramatic…” Hojo sighed, fixing up his pants and moving over to where Aerith lay panting, “you did well, I’ll give you a very nice simulation while you gestate, so don’t worry. You’ll like it. Boys and flowers—or whatever.”

Hojo had left some of the code adaptive to respond to Aerith’s wishes and desires as she slumbered. Really she was quite lucky, if the stasis worked as he hoped she might live for thousands of years. A time-traveling Ancient.

Hojo wrapped her in a threadbare hospital gown before lifting her up, cradling her in his arms, carrying her back to the place where the platform had brought them up through the floor.

“If you can produce strong clones and offspring for us, we might even be able to let you go one day. But you’ve got to be a good little incubator between now and then.”

ACJ made a whalesong moan.
"Oh thank you, Daddy, thank you!" Tifa cried happily when he said he would eventually forgive her if she was a good girl. "I'll be sure to be the bestest girl for my Don Daddy, I promise!" she said sincerely, well, as sincerely as one under the influence of dangerous illegal materia could be.

The words she said in her own voice didn't sound like her at all. The voice was the same of course, but the words, the words were so far from anything she'd ever say it was hard to recognize this quivering, red-faced, dripping, horny beyond measure, young woman as Tifa. Her legs were spread in obedience, waiting to be filled.

Don popped circular mini vibrators into her one by one. "Oohhoohoo Daddy, that's so many!" she giggled and shrieked a little at the strange sensation of the small balls inside her.

The ones in her ass were a little more uncomfortable than the ones in her pussy, but she did like the cute little tail on the anal plug he inserted after the mini vibrators. The slightest movement caused the vibrators in her pussy and ass to shift, tickling her insides. Tifa was humming with desire before Don even got to the test run. When he did get to the test run she moaned in desire as the vibrators buzzed inside her for a couple of precious seconds. She fell back to her knees at the intensity of the vibrators massaging her insides.

"MMM! Please, more!" she whined. Don just chuckled and clipped a red leash the color of her missing fighting gloves to the collar around her neck. It was convenient she was already on the floor, as Don told her she could crawl.

He said they were going to see her Sector 7 friends today and the name Sector 7 rang a bell deep in the recesses of her mind. Also, friends! Friends were nice, and a day with friends and Don was even better. He sent another jolt through her to get her moving and Tifa yelped in excited surprise as she crawled after her master.

If Tifa had any wits about her she'd feel so humiliated and degraded right now, but with the materia-encased necklace she wore, she was a happy little pet following her master wherever he may go.


Kyrie wasn't into girls, but the sight of Madam revealing her long, beautiful legs followed by her neat-pubic hair was erotic in its nature. The Madam was beautiful and powerful, two attributes Kyrie desperately craved. She had never gone down on a woman before, but it turned out her technique didn't matter much as Madam M took control immediately. She grabbed Kyrie's head and yanked her between her thighs, moved her where she wanted her. Then she draped her leg over her shoulders and clamped down to hold her in place. Her elegant yukata covered most of Kyrie's petite figure, except for her head, which Madam was holding in her tight grasp. Madam M fucked her face like the men had last night, but it didn't choke her, just smothered her a bit as her nose and mouth pressed tightly against Madam M's pretty, pink pussy, trapped against glistening pussy lips. She rode Kyrie's face hard, yanking her hair. Kyrie worked her tongue on Madam M's clip, licking and sucking and doing her best to keep up with whatever Madam directed her to do through the guidance of her touch and twitches of her hips.

Jessie just took in the sight before her, wide-eyed and a little intrigued. Just as Madam M gushed fluids into Kyrie's open mouth, she told Jessie she could go get fitted for her Honey Bee costume. Jessie was an actress so she naturally liked costumes, but admittedly she'd never been a fan of the Honey Bee style. The girls just looked absurd with those huge stingers. She'd rather see a real, juicy ass. But whatever, she'd wear anything to get her out of his ludicrous debt.

Even though Madam M had spoken to Jessie, her clear focus was on Kyrie as she squeezed her head between her thighs like a nutcracker. Madam M's erotic moans were muffled to Kyrie but she hoped she was getting close. Any more of this and she feared her head would pop straight off!

At last, Madam M sprayed Kyrie with cum, squirting like crazy all over the place. Kyrie licked Madam M's cum from her lips when the older woman finally pulled away. She was proud of herself despite being used as a tool more than showing off any natural sexual prowess.

Jessie had to leap out of the way to dodge some of the droplets of clear liquid. At the same time the wide double doors crashed open and out stepped Don Corneo. Jessie didn't notice Tifa at first because she was trailing behind him, crawling like a pet on a leash!

Tifa was excited when she saw Jessie, so excited she forgot she was on a leash for a moment and felt the sharp tug of her collar when she tried to stray too far. She mewled like a whining cat.

"Tifa!" Jessie cried. She rushed over to her friend, her robe falling around her shoulders. She knelt down beside Tifa and looked her in the eyes. Her eyes looked different. All of her looked different. Though she wore her typical garb, this was not the girl Jessie had entered Coreno's mansion with. It was hard to believe they'd only just arrived here last night; everything seemed so different now. Surreal almost.

"Why are you crawling? What's with the collar? Are you all right?" Jessie asked.

"I'm fine," Tifa said. She sounded sincere. "I've been bad, so Daddy had to punish me."

Other than crawling on the ground, Tifa looked unharmed so Jessie stood again. Her eyes flickered to Don Coreno. After Madam M's warning, she knew she could not lose her temper, but she was devasted to see Tifa in this state. The words coming out of Tifa's mouth were not her own. "I thought she was your bride, not your pet," she said to Don, unable to help herself. It wasn't rude, necessarily, but said with concern, as a true friend would be.


Aerith didn't respond as Hojo lifted her to her feet, wrapped her up, and carried her back to the platform. She didn't believe him for a second when he said they may let her go one day. Even if they did, what would she do? She wouldn't be able to just keep living on as if everything was normal. She both wanted and didn't want to know of the mad scientist's plans for her. It involved pregnancy... with herself? She was so confused. It hurt to think. Everything ached. She just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up...

In her dreams, Aerith finally found peace. She was in a modified version of her typical outfit. She wore pink, lacy lingerie with dark pink garters. She was in a field of beautiful flowers on a hilltop in some unknown place.

In the beginning of her dream she'd been targeted by the Turks, but then Zack showed up and drove them off. In her dream, her lost love fought off everyone: the Turks, Shinra, her horrifying clones. By the end, he was breathing hard, covered in sweat, exhausted, but flashed her his signature grin none the less.

“Is that it?” he joked.

Aerith almost cried in joy and ran to him, pushed him down into the grassy field strewn with colorful flowers.

“Hey, what gives? Now you’re attacking me too?” he grinned playfully. Aerith stole that grin with a kiss and soon they were making love, Aerith on top of him, holding him down, guiding his movements with the thrust of her hips, finally in control.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Aerith,” he praised her, his hands traveling along her body, finding the curve of her waist, the swell of her ass. He kissed her passionately then whispered in her ear, "I love you."

"I love you Zack, so much. Please don't go away again!"

"I never will, I promise," he vowed. He held her tighter and thrust his hips not faster but with more intensity,

Aerith found the ultimate pleasure in her dreams, coming multiple times as she rode her long lost lover. If Hojo was still in the room, he would bear witness to her soft little shivers and sighs that soon turned into full-blown moans. In her sleep, Aerith found the apex between her thighs and began touching her flower gently, but more frantically and desperately in time as dream Zack bucked his hips up faster and faster to meet hers and squeezed the supple cheeks of her ass. She never wanted this to end.


  • Kinda lIke this, but with clothes!.jpg
    Kinda lIke this, but with clothes!.jpg
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“I never will, I promise,” Zach’s avatar nodded within the digital simulation that was being broadcast direct to Aerith’s brain stem—not just three dimensions, a five senses immersion that could be smelled, felt and even tasted for as long as the connection remained secure.

Outside of the simulation, Aerith’s nude body jerked and convulsed within the translucent fluid it was suspended in. The massive sensor array helmet that covered Aerith’s head, neck and upper chest was more expensive than more… organic forms of sensory immersion but she deserved it after what she’d been through.

…what he’d put her through.

The burden of unparalleled genius is to be forever misunderstood. Hojo didn’t relish heaping suffering on Aerith who didn’t deserve it—but her sacrifice would save the lives of millions—countless generations, the future of all species! None had the stomach to accept the inevitabilities that Hojo did. It’s what made him the best.

That which could be true had to be true. If Aerith was an ancient, then paradise must exist. An endless supply of clean-burning mako. Without it, society couldn’t continue as it had—it would be an epic collapse. Shinra was too big to fail, Aerith’s pain was a small price to pay for the survival of that dream—the Shinra way of life.

“System, open cloning beds Zero-One, Zero-Two and Zero-Three,” Hojo instructed his computer terminal. At least the clones could share some of Aerith’s burden in reconstructing the human race, “time to get up, girls. I need you to go be fruitful and multiply.”


“Ohhh Ho ho, hi-hi-hi! What a scary face that is!” Don Corneo clapped his hands together and giggled at Jessie’s stern rebuke, “I simply gave her what she never knew she always wanted—why do you think she couldn’t maintain a stable relationship before me. The bitch needed discipline, now that I’ve shown her, she’s happier than ever. Isn’t that right, My darling pet?”

At this question, Corneo switched on the vibrators buried deep inside of Tifa’s body. He used the toe of one of his designer house slippers to push down on the base of the tail, connected to the plug in Tifa’s ass.

“I think your friend is jealous, Tifa Chan. Tell her that she should be happy for you,” Corneo looked up to lock eyes with Jessie, “be happy for her. Just look at what a pretty little sow-wife she makes.”

Corneo changed settings, the vibration leapt from one device to the next—a chase pattern, like Christmas lights.

“If you’d really like to talk more about the intimate workings of my bedroom, I could pencil you in for after your shift at the Inn—but you’d better be smart with your words. My time is precious valuable,” Corneo clicked off the vibrators, “otherwise, we just stopped off to say hello. We’re on our way to announce the change in ownership at the 7th Heaven bar. If you get your costume quickly you could earn some gil as a Go-Go dancer. Come on, bitch.”

Corneo tugged on Tifa’s collar, directing her out of the bathhouse and back toward the Sector 7 Slums.
As the real Aerith dozed, finding peace and ecstasy in dreams, the trio of Aerith clones were born from their chambers. They were nearly perfect clones of Aerith, but a few details were off. Zero-One had heterochromia; one eye was the same emerald green as the real Aerith's, but the other was a striking, icy cold blue. Zero-Two had reddish, auburn hair instead of chestnut brown. Zero-Three was almost a perfect replica, except her mind... it wasn't all there and you could tell just by looking at her there was nothing in her head. Her eyes were dull, dusty imitation emeralds compared to the real Aerith's striking eyes. She was a bimbo without needing any drugs or materia. The three of them exited their cloning beds at once, except for Zero-Three who stumbled over her own feet on the way out.

They lined up in front of Hojo as if they were programmed to do so, awaiting their specific instruction. They all had an urgency inside to breed, and they rubbed their legs together to soothe some of that primal ache.

Don Corneo pressed down on Tifa's ass and suddenly there was a soft buzzing and rattling sound. Tifa's body jerked in response and she could barely get her words out as her body wracked with teasing pleasure. "I hiii hiii I'm fffffine. I'm sssooo happ-ppy to be D-Dadddy's little sow-wife!!!" she cried as the vibrators danced inside. By the end of her sentence, her voice had raised two octaves. It was so intense and not intense enough all at once. She whined when he stopped the vibrations and rubbed her body against his leg, silently begging for more as Don spoke to Jessie.

A stern look from Madam M helped Jessie hold her tongue when Don called her best friend a bitch and his pet who needed to be disciplined, and Tifa readily agreed with him. Jessie knew Tifa well enough to know she was not in her right mind. They'd been friends for years, and Jessie wanted to help Tifa, even though she claimed not to need any help, but she didn't know how she could. She had to get rid of her debt first. It's not like she could just start lobbing grenades to fix this confusing mess - she was completely defenseless here, and as degraded and humiliated Tifa looked, she seemed completely oblivious to it. She also didn't seem to be in any immediate harm.

"Say hi to the guys for me," Jessie finally said, watching with suspicious eyes as Don led Tifa out of the baths. Her gaze lingered a few moments even after they'd left, then she turned to Madam M. "Where do we go to get fitted for our outfits? The Honey Bee Inn?"


Tifa crawled through the dirty, dingey slums on her hands and knees. Luckily Don Corneo wasn't exactly what you'd call a pinnacle of fitness, so it was easy for Tifa to keep up. She moved through the pathways of Sector 7 like one of the many stray cats that populated the area. Perhaps Wedge would want to adopt her, he was very fond of cats, but Tifa already had an owner.

"Yo Tifa! Holy shit, is that you?!"

"Johnny?" A flash of recognition in Tifa's amber red eyes. It felt like years had passed since she'd last seen him.

Though Cloud had told him to get out of town after he accidentally ratted them out to Shinra, Johnny still came by Sector 7 to visit his family. His word wasn't exactly golden, after all.

"The one and only!" Johnny declared, spreading his arms wide. He was in jeans and a leather jacket, no shirt. Goofy looking as ever.

Johnny was so enraptured with Tifa, who he considered his love and light (which was not reciprocated in the slightest by Tifa, but Johnny still had some delusion they were together) that he didn't notice the one holding the leash for several, long seconds. When he spotted Don Coreno at the master's side of the lease his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. To see this powerful but kinda weird looking little dude with a beauty like Tifa was difficult for Johnny to take in.

"So, uh, you won the audition?" He asked, disappointed. His eyes flashed from Tifa to Corneo, Corneo to Tifa, and back again, still trying to make sense of it.
Don Corneo turned his lip up at being stopped by the loudmouth, he looked familiar but unlike Tifa, Corneo didn’t know him by name. He tried to place where he knew this haircut from, but nothing was striking. He switched on Tifa’s array of internal toys as they stopped to chit-chat. He seemed slightly dismayed to see Tifa on the end of his leash—which filled him with a twinge of delight. Maybe this interruption could be good for some fun.

“I know you, don’t I?” Corneo pondered, rubbing his chin with the hand that held Tifa’s leash, not at all impressed that this Johnny knew him, “oh yeah, your father owes me quite a bit of money, doesn’t he? That’s right! Of course! I never forget a debt.”

Corneo’s beaming smile returned once he placed the young man, feeling at an advantage—as he was accustomed to feeling. Meeting people on equal footing wasn’t exactly Corneo’s Modus Operandi.

“Yes, this one got a taste of being my bride and decided to give herself to me instead. She’s quite fond of discipline and can’t get enough of my cock. We’re just on our way to look at my new bar. If you come buy a beer before we leave, I might have her suck your cock,” Corneo clapped Johnny on the shoulder before cutting off the vibration of Tifa’s toys, “say goodbye to your friend, now.”

The rest of the walk to 7th Heaven was uneventful—at least from Corneo’s perspective. Some old lady with a grey afro had made ugly eyes at them, but Corneo had shot her a dirty look back which seemed sufficient to send her along. Old folks tended to look reproachfully on non-traditional sex practices—what with their antiquated sensibilities and so-forth.

When they entered the bar, the one called Wedge spat his mouthful of beer and tipped backward in his chair, getting a genuine chuckle from Corneo. Of all these Avelanche types, Corneo liked Wedge the most—excluding the ladies, of course.

“T-Tifa?” Wedge muttered, peeking out from behind the table, on all fours—as Tifa was, “is—are you doing alright?”

“She’s fine, Slice,” Corneo answered for her, turning on her toys at the maximum intensity, he sometimes liked to call people by the wrong names when they vexed him, “where’s the cripple?”

“Watch it, blondie,” Barrett emerged from behind the bar, his neck uncharacteristically overlapped with gold chains—a new fashion statement courtesy of his deal with Shinra and Corneo, “the ink ain’t dry on that contract yet.”

“Yes, well, as long as the money is spent I consider our past negotiations concluded. Do you have the paperwork for me?”

“It’s still all in her name…”

“That won’t be a problem.” Corneo scoffed, taking hold of the stack of papers that comprised the deed and business license for the 7th Heaven Bar.


“Ow!” the Honeybee yelped in shock and pain as the tailoring pin broke the skin of her round, muscular buttocks, “A-andi! That hurt!”

The chorus girl whined and rubbed her butt in protest.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Andi’s voice began slow, dripping and sumptuous like honey—only to sting in his next breath, “did my pin get in the way of your fat—fucking—ass!?!”

In a fit of sudden rage, Andrea Rhodea pitched the flimsy box of pins across the room, shattering the fragile plastic pieces and scattering the pins tumbling in all directions across the floor like glitter in the staged lighting.

“As a part of your contract with the Honeybee Inn you are required to maintain a steady weight no greater than one-hundred and fifteen pounds—as you well know! The chorus must look uniform in height and size! We’ve got new uniforms to fit—new choreography to learn and even a second location in the works—and now we’ve got to take a break for your cellulite ass? Go pick up every single one of those pins—do a squat each time—then come back when you’re at least two pounds lighter!”

“Bad time?” Madam M asked coyly, standing at the back of the auditorium, gently fanning herself with Jessie and Kyrie on either side of her, each wearing smaller and less elaborate iterations of yukatas in similar style to Madam M, “I’ve got some new performers for you—parlour girls at worst. They’ve got some debts that they need to work on.

“This one has stage experience,” Madam M gently tapped her folded fan on the top of Jessie’s head, then repeating the motion for Kyrie “and this one has an eager little mouth. Have fun, Andi.”

“Humph!” Andi pouted, looking the girls over—at least they were in shape, “Okay, you—saddle-bags. Come out of that costume, give it to our dancer here—you’ll be on blowjobs until you can lose the weight back. And you’ll debut tonight on the main stage. You, follow me this way, ‘Eager Mouth.’”

Andi led Kyrie to the upstairs bar.

“For now, you can serve drinks. If they ask to see the special menu let them know that they need to book a room for that. Can you remember that much?”


Sure, he was their creator, their father figure—the first and only man they’d even set eyes on, but Hojo couldn’t help from reveling in the obvious and apparent adoration that the Aerith clones looked at him with. He’d done his best to explain things to them, that he was their creator but not their owner… that they had been bartered for information and a cessation of terrorist activities—but he wasn’t certain that ideas like “ownership” meant anything to them yet.

He’d dressed them, just like a father getting his twenty-something daughter ready for school. Their outfits catered to how faithful they were to the original. Zero One was dressed in a clean, white sundress—overlayed with lace around the bodice and buttons down the middle—much like the original. She even wore her hair in a long, loose braid, bound up with a scarf. Zero Two was more daring, in a red, sequin party dress and a tiny, black leather jacket that she wore around her shoulders—another homage to their original form. Zero three was dressed in skin-tight cutoff shorts and a tank top—much like her intellect, Hojo had cut corners with her outfit.

03 clearly needed to cook for a little bit longer than she had. Hojo made notes to reflect this for further experiments.

They arrived in the plaza at the center of the Sector 7 Slums by helicopter and Hojo helped each girl down to the swirling dust of the plaza and led them all inside to the 7th Heaven Bar.

“Well… this place is just as much of a dump as I remember.” Hojo remarked as he led the girls inside, “Corneo, I see you’ve been successful in your mission. Barrett—your intel was useful. It seems that now we need only settle up accounts.”

“Yes indeed!” Corneo chortled, looking the clones up and down, licking his big lips with a slobbery tongue, “but I think I ought to inspect the merchandise first. Don’t you? Hoo hoo hoo!”

“Knock yourself out,” Hojo sighed, requesting a drink from Barrett, “something strong, please.”
"I won! I won the audition, Johnny I -- ah ah ah I -- mmmm" Tifa could not explain further as Don turned on the numerous circular sex toys inside her body and they started to vibrate, dancing inside her depths. Her eyes rolled back briefly and she bent to the ground, relishing the feeling of pleasure as her owner stopped to chat with her old friend.

Although he was talking to Don Johnny couldn't take his eyes off Tifa as she wiggled and writhed in the dirt, moaning more like the Honey Bee whore his dad had paid big bucks to suck off Johnny on his birthday last year than the strong woman he knew. He was so busy staring at Tifa's orgasmic bliss he nearly missed Don mentioning his father. "Uh, my dad will get that debt squared up right away - mmhmm, yeah, r-right away... and then I'll see you later?" He looked to Tifa. "At the Honey Bee-- I mean, 7th Heaven -- for that, um, yeah..." He couldn't bring himself to say blowjob. It was something he'd wanted since the day he met Tifa, but now seeing her this way it almost felt wrong to even contemplate the idea. He would be there, of course, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words aloud. Johnny scrambled away. "Well, until then, Tifa! See ya!"

"Bye!" she called cheerfully, somewhat coherent now that Don had stopped the vibrations, but still entirely oblivious to her old friend's shock.

Their next encounter was less joyful. They ran into Marle, Tifa's landlady and friend. Marle had been a great source of advice to Tifa over the years and had turned into a sort of motherly figure. Tifa beamed at the woman but instead of looking happy to see her, Marle looked concerned, angry even. Tifa's smile faltered on her face and she suddenly felt sad, but she wasn't sure why.

Luckily 7th Heaven wasn't much further from their encounter with Marle and Tifa was overjoyed to get inside. The first familiar face she spotted was Wedge, and she called out to him happily. The husky man she'd called to literally fell over upon seeing her. He landed on the floor with a thud but quickly righted himself, much like one of his cats.

“T-Tifa? Is—are you doing alright?”

Tifa couldn't help but laugh a little at what she considered to be an over-exaggerated reaction. She crawled over to him as far as her leash would allow, giving him and anyone else in the bar a direct view down her white tanktop into her extremely busty cleavage. She wasn't wearing a bra, so her breasts hung freely. Panties were a thing of the past as well. Anyone standing behind her would get an amazing view of the tiny toy piggy tail plugging up her asshole underneath her short skirt. "I'm--" she started to speak to Wedge, but before she got to say anything else, her Daddy answered for her and turned on the assortment of toys inside her.

"Ohhh!" Tifa gasped. The soft sound of buzzing resonated throughout the bar as fireworks lit up her insides. "Ah! Not in front of my friend, Daddy, please!" she begged, but she was already reaching for one of her ample breasts to squeeze a hard nipple, needing to hold onto something as the toys twisted and turned deep inside her pussy, vibrating all over, reverberating against her g-spot.

She was so distracted by Corneo's toys she lost entire track of the conversation, but she did notice when Barret appeared from behind the bar... or some alternate universe pimp version of Barret with gaudy, expensive, golden chains around his thick, muscular neck. Why did he suddenly look so incredibly attractive to her? Maybe it was just his familiar aggression that she found comforting. His eyes always had a comforting passion reflecting the rage that burned inside him for some just cause or another, but Tifa hardly recognized him in his gold chains and steely eyes.

Why wasn't he looking at her? She whined, wanting to get his attention. She'd crawled all this way, the least he could do was acknowledge her. They were supposed to be friends, after all. She looked to Wedge with a frown. Hmm he was looking extra attractive too, or maybe it was just the way he was looking at her. She wondered what would happen if Daddy unhooked her leash and she slid her body over and under her old AVALANCHE pal... Would his cock be hard against her ass? Would he want to fuck her? Tifa squeezed her nipple harder and her pussy clenched around the toys.

Tifa moaned as the vibrations continued to rock her insides. If Corneo didn't turn them off soon, she was going to cum. Was she allowed? Would Daddy be mad? He was still conducting business. She longed to tuck a hand under her skirt and rub her clit, but she couldn't just start doing that could she.... well... why not? She'd already been paraded around the slums as Don's newest bimbo. Feeling shame was not an emotion bimbos experienced unless it was shame at not performing well for their master.

Tifa settled back to perch on her ass, taking the pressure off her knees. This new position had her knees spread wide open to Wedge and Barret. She leaned back on one hand while the other slipped under her skirt and started rubbing her clit as the balls buzzed inside her. She starting moaning louder as the delicious feeling between her legs grew. She continued to rub her pussy as Barret approached Coreno with some papers. She smelled his familiar masculine scent as he passed by her. Tifa worked her fingers on her clit harder, greatly aroused by Barret's manly scent and Wedge's undivided attention.

Tifa came hard, her inner walls clenching so tightly again and again around the vibrating balls inside her she feared one would get lost! When her orgasm finally subsided, the vibrators still pulsed inside her and Tifa was still breathing hard.

It hadn't been enough.

If anything she was hornier than ever before! She wanted a real cock for her pussy to squeeze around. Is this what Daddy had meant when he told her she'd need to find someone to fuck before lunch? His words echoed in her mind, "You’ll probably have to convince someone else to fuck you between now and then—otherwise you might really lose your mind."

Tifa looked to Wedge with a pleading look, her pussy juice starting to drip onto the floor because her outfit no longer came with underwear. Her huge breasts swayed at her slightest movement, and there were a lot of those, since Daddy still kept the vibrators on at maximum blast, even when new patrons came into the bar! Tifa felt like such a naughty little whore, but she loved feeling that way. Well, the new Tifa did; The Tifa with a hefty, expensive necklace that was really just a glorified collar did. She tugged gently at the collar. It felt hot on her pale skin. Though she was panting hard from her orgasm, she longed for another. Would Daddy ever turn those vibrators off and give her the fucking she craved? If Daddy wouldn't, would Wedge, would Barret? Tifa moaned at the thought of Wedge's large hands cupping her breasts and the idea of Barret's big, black dick sliding into her wet cunt. She wondered if it was as strong and imposing as the rest of him.


Jessie felt oddly exposed on their walk to the Honey Bee Inn, even though she'd been given a long yukata to wear. She hoped they wouldn't run into anyone they knew... Johnny was known to frequent this area, and he was also known to have a big fucking mouth. Whatever, it's not like everyone wouldn't know her fate soon. It's not like she should be ashamed - tons of talented young women and men performed at the Honey Bee Inn - but she just knew her mom wouldn't exactly be thrilled to find out her daughter's big break came from shaking a yellow and black striped bulb protruding from her ass. How did those things even stay on, anyway?

Really the only person she wouldn't mind running into would be Cloud. She'd just ask him to slice up Don Coreno for her and then she could ride his cock on that motorcycle out into the artificial sunset. Ah, a girl could dream. But Cloud nor Johnny was anywhere to be found. Unfortunately for Jessie, their walk to the Honey Bee Inn was not a magical journey.

Madame led the girls through Wall Market with no interesting random encounters or extraordinary events. Jessie was starting to wish she'd also taken one of those crazy pleasure pills Madam M had offered because Kyrie seemed a lot more excited by their situation than she was. The teen was bobbing up and down as she walked as if thinking about the dicks she'd rode and sucked on last night.

Before too long they arrived outside the Honey Bee Inn. Jessie felt the eyes of patrons milling outside on the three of them as they entered. It was still early, so there weren't too many people out and about yet.

Madam M led the way into the Inn and through the lobby to the auditorium. The Inn was so extravagant and bright, it was hard to believe such a place existed in the slums.

She could hear the famous Andrea Rhodea's before they even entered the auditorium. He was berating some poor Honeybee girl about her weight. "Harsh," Jessie muttered to herself, but she understood. It was important for the chorus to be uniform.

She knew from her family's residence up on the middle, reactor workers' plate that even those up top knew of Andrea Rhodea and his famous Honey Bees. Jessie wouldn't admit it, but she was getting a little excited.

“This one has stage experience,” Madam M gently tapped her folded fan on the top of Jessie’s head, then repeating the motion for Kyrie “and this one has an eager little mouth. Have fun, Andi.”

"Bye, Madam!" Kyrie chirped and waved even though the woman was two feet away from her. She was clearer eager to work off more of her debt between the beautiful woman's thighs. Jessie wasn't sure if Kyrie's enthusiasm was solely due to her debt, the pair of yellow jacket pills Madam M had given her, or a genuine desire for more of Madame M's sweet nectar. Perhaps it was a combination of all three.

Jessie looked to the rejected Honey Bee in pity as she stripped off her costume and handed it to Jessie glumly. Andrea told her she was on blowjob duty until she could lose the weight. Blowjob duty, huh? That didn't sound too bad. Fuck she wasn't even on any drugs yet this morning and already she was thinking about sucking cock from the night before. Maybe this whole experience had just made it evidently obvious Jessie had an eager little mouth just like Kyrie. She needed to focus. Work off her debt and stop getting confused with thoughts of men and dick sucking at an even more incredible frequency than usual.

Alone in the room, Jessie changed into the Honey Bee outfit. She treated the expensive costume carefully like any avid theater nerd would. She examined herself in the mirror as she slipped the wings on. She did a little twirl, took note of her plump faux stinger and real muscular, thick ass. A smile came to her lips, unbidden. She was going to be on stage.

Outside, Andrea was leading Kyrie to the upstairs bar and asking about her abilities.

"Uh yeah, I can remember that much. I'm not a complete idiot," Kyrie said in a bratty tone. She was a little disappointed she hadn't been chosen to debut on the main stage like Jessie. Serving drinks to a ton of horny guys while their attention was on the dancers and the hookers didn't exactly excite her, but she knew she had to work off her debt. Besides, Madam M had insinuated they could make extra cash on the side for being eager cum buckets... at least, that's how Kyrie had interpreted it. Maybe she could meet a generous guy at the bar and get a big tip. Maybe steal a wallet or two. Yeah, this could work out for her. She would make up her debt in no time!

She looked into Andrea's eyes and tried to soften her face into an expression of guilt. "Sorry, I meant, leave it to me!" She flashed him a fake smile.


"Wooow how did everything get so much smaller?" 03 asked, oohing and aahing in delight as they soared through the sky in a helicopter.

“Nothing's smaller, it’s because we’re so high up,” 02 explained to her dimwitted sister, rolling her emerald eyes at how stupid 03 was. She knew they were just born, but come on, have some common sense! She did have to admit the view was something to ooh and aah about though. Everything was so new. They’d only just been brought into existence and now they were soaring in a cramped helicopter above the city of Midgar with their creator, Hojo.

01 was quiet, contemplative. She had the moody existentialism of a teenager, except hers was justified. She knew there was something unnatural about her and her sisters' very existence and it unsettled her. Hojo had been shady with the details. Like why did they all look so similar? And did they have a mother out there somewhere? He'd explained the basics of humanity to them, and told them they were being given to a man in exchange for the good of humanity or something. It didn't really make sense and was quite overwhelming to the freshly created humans.

The helicopter landed and the trio of clones followed Hojo obediently to stand once again on solid ground. 01 straightened out her simple white dress. 02 did the same with her sparkly, red sequined dress. She ran her fingers through her long auburn hair that hung freely down her back. She was the only clone to have her hair down. 03 had her hair in two braids, and a simple tank top and short shorts that didn’t quite cover her ass. The three beautiful imperfect clones followed their creator into the bar.

The bar was quite a contrast to the metallic labs at Shinra headquarters. All three clones took in their surroundings and the people inside, the first people they'd seen in real life instead of pictures. They took in the large, dark-skinned man standing behind the bar, the cute husky one kneeling on the floor, and the gorgeous brunette also kneeling on the floor with a flushed expression. The triplets weren’t entirely sure what to make of her, but their own pussies started to dampen at the woman’s periodic lustful moans. Her necklace was connected to a leash held by a short, portly man in an elaborate coat. He in particular seemed very interested in their presence.

“Are you Con Dorneo?” 03 asked without further delay, intent on fulfilling her creator’s wish. She didn’t realize she’d gotten his name wrong. “Hojo told us you’re our new owner.”

“But he’s my master!” the busty brunette suddenly interjected, surprising the triplets.

A spike of jealousy had penetrated through Tifa’s lust-filled craze upon hearing Aerith 03 speak. She looked up at Corneo with desperation. “Right, Daddy?” A horrible fear speared her suddenly. “You’re not trading me in because I was a bad girl this morning, are you? Please don’t get rid of me!” She pawed at his thighs and gazed at him with fear and lust, the vibrators still reverberating inside her pulsing pussy.

This Tifa was a far cry from the one who’d served AVALANCHE victory drinks after blowing up the first reactor, a far cry from the powerful fighter who'd knocked Shinra guards out in one critical blow, and even the tipsy, dolled up Tifa who'd left 7th Heaven with just Jessie last night, was still a far cry from the depraved, desperate, brainwashed, insatiable slut she had become.

[OCC - but soon to be IC? ;)]
Modified Honey Bee Outfit
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“Five-six-seven-eight!” Andrea Rhodea clapped his large, smooth hands together loudly in time with the count, the sound reverberating and carrying in the acoustically designed performance space, “jeté, jeté, pas de bourrè—kick, ball-change—there you go—seven, eight! Isolation!”

The girls had been well coached to milk the “isolation” body roll between sequences. Andrea Rhodea was fully invested in the dance and his choreography, and true to his legend—the dance itself was well beyond the abilities of a novice. Furthermore, he expected his choreography to be absorbed and learned almost immediately—after one walkthrough, he expected the girls to confirm with one another over steps they couldn’t absorb in due course.

“No! Charlotte—it’s the left first and use those hips!” Andi slapped her ass hard under her stinger as he passed through the choreography, observing each girls steps closely, touching them as he offered corrections, “chin up Cindy! Let them see that bright smile. Yes! Not bad for a first day, new girl. Not bad.”

New Girl was Jessie and for her Andrea gave her an encouraging pinch on her fishnet-clad ass below the stinger.

“Back to one!” Andi called, descending from the stage to watch the new steps from the audience point of view, “five-six-seven-eight.”

Andi picked up clapping through the tempo again as Chocobo Sam made his way down the center aisle to speak with Andi. The choreographer just gave a respectful nod to his old friend without losing the count. He spoke in close volume to the fellow member of the trio.

“Is there something you desire from me, Sam?”

“Well, I heard from Madam M that you got a new hostess with an ‘eager little mouth’ as she put it. I figured I might stop by—relieve some tension and gauge new talent—two birds, one stone and all that.” Sam answered, his deep voice tinged with a steep southern drawl that matched his hat and leather vest.

Sam looked and sounded like he was carved from wood, solid and worn against hardship. He was a real Birdboy roughneck type and smelled slightly of damp chocobo down.

“I’ve got her cutting a bag of limes at the second-story bar. Use one of the rooms for that, though. I don’t want you out of your jeans around things that might go into people’s drinks.”

“Fair ‘nuff,” Sam tipped his hat, heading up to the second-floor bar where he spotted Kyrie, looking bored over the busy work she’d been dealt, “you must be Miss Eager Little Mouth. Madam M said I should give you a once o’er for red-light work. Come with me.”

Sam led Kyrie into one of the secluded private rooms off of the antechamber which was set aside for what Sam called “red-light work.” He began unbuckling his belt as she followed him in.


Wedge couldn’t stop staring.

Tifa was squirming and crawling and—and touching herself! Wedge’s breathing was getting heavier as he tried to disguise his big, hard erection, but it felt so good that he ended up squeezing it through his cargo pants. What had the Don done to her?

The arrival of the clones sent Tifa into a whole new level of shameful depravity—pawing and pleading at the front of Don’s pants—begging at his feet. For his part, the Don just placed his index finger on Tifa’s lips to stop her pleading.

“Now, now, don’t be insecure. Your Daddy has dozens of sluts in his harem and stable. You’re still special—my bottom bitch, because you’re the most down. Now, go make some drinks for everyone—make yourself useful for a change instead of being such a lazy, little pig-wife. The men are talking.”

Corneo caught a glimpse of Wedge manhandling himself and smirked. The husky man blushed and tried to find a different way to disguise his hard-on.

“And when you’re done with that, help your friend Slice with a piece of pussy. I’ll start a tab for him,” Corneo smiled before turning his attention back to the clones, he lifted 01’s skirt briefly and ran his fingers slowly through 02’s hair, “the third one didn’t quite cook long enough, did she?”

“A minor defect, given your needs. Corrections will be made for future models,” Hojo answered, clearly not pleased at having his groundbreaking work critiqued by a common pimp.

“Any other defects I should know about?”

“Just small deviations from the source code, but nothing that will impede their research in your care.”

“Right, research…”

“You sure did a number on her, huh?” Barrett chimed back in, increasingly distracted by Tifa’s change of disposition.

“The experimental Shinra materia does most of the work—speaking of which,” Corneo turned his attention back to Hojo, “do you have those new drugs for me?”

“I have what you asked for,” Hojo seemed hesitant as he reached into his jacket for a sealed phial of purple fluid, it was the sort of container which required a syringe to extract its contents, “but be careful with this. It’s incredibly potent and could severely damage the subject’s mind if she tries to resist the effects…”

“Well I’m not going to pay you for it without testing it first…”
“Fine… use a tiny, TINY dose on 03. Her mind shouldn’t be too badly affected—such as it is.”

“Hm, that gives me an idea…” Corneo smirked, stroking his chin for a moment. He handed the phial back to Hojo, “you dose her, I’ll use her for advertising. Do you have any paint?”

“Yeah, we still got some poster-making supplies from our eco terrorism days…” Barrett answered.

“Good,” Corneo smiled, turning back to 03 and speaking slowly like he was trying to make a puppy understand English, pointing and gesturing through nouns and verbs, “I—am Daddy. Just Daddy, nothing else. Daddy is going to give you some medicine. Medicine will make you feel good. Daddy wants you to feel good. Okay?”


As the sun was setting, the 7th Heaven was preparing to reopen its doors to the general public. A huge, hand-painted tarp hung from the awning of the immense, wrap-around porch. The sign read “UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.”

“Is that alright? Can you hold yourself like that?” Corneo was asking 03 who had been stripped naked and painted on. Her wrists were bound up above her head from the lantern beside the doors that led into the 7th Heaven Tavern. Her ankles were similarly bound to the legs of a stool upon which she was perched with a large vibrator and several of Tifa’s spherical rotors inserted inside her and running on high, “I know it feels almost too good, but if you can stay like this all night, Daddy will make sure you feel even better later on. That’s my good girl.”

Dosed as she was, 03 was almost helpless to do anything other than cum again and again on the toys inside her. Not to mention that every patron who went in or out of the bar would be free to fondle her at their pleasure.

03’s hair was still arranged in braids even as the rest of her clothes had been set aside for her work as a living billboard. The hand painted message across her nude body read: “B.O.Blow Special—free BLOWJOB with bottle purchase!”

All of the bulbs had been replaced or covered with red film or cloth. Red lights to represent the 7th Heaven’s new business. “Red light work,” as some called it.
Sweat ran down Jessie’s back as she danced. It was exhausting going through the same quick, complicated steps over and over, but she didn’t let her tiredness show. She was a professional, after all, and Andre didn’t have patience for slow learners. He expected the girls to master the dance quickly. Jessie realized this immediately when he went through the entirety of a dance all at once without introducing the steps one by one. The Honey Bees had to rely on each other to get into a rhythm, to dance in perfect sync.

Jessie didn’t have too much trouble keeping up. She’d been dancing all her life. She’d even gotten the chance to perform at the Golden Saucer, but on the night of her grand debut as the Princess in a play, she heard her father had an accident at the mako reactor at work. Shinra had overworked him, and he’d collapsed one day in mako storage. No one found him for hours! Ever since then she’d given up her dream of being a star and dedicated her life to eco-terrorism. She didn’t mind - she thought it was a more meaningful life, but that didn’t mean she didn’t miss being on stage.

Though it had been years since she’d danced in a choreographed routine, dancing was muscle memory. She fell naturally into the steps, her body curved elegantly, her moves fluid and graceful but sharp and strikingly sexy when the dance called for it.

Jessie let out a small squeak when Andre pinched her ass in praise. Andre knew talent when he saw it. Jessie was not another wannabee hopeful, her star had gone out prematurely, and she could easily shine again. Though Jessie was doing well, Charlotte went right instead of left and Cindy (who looked an awful lot like Ms. Folia from the Leaf House) had a strange facial expression like she had just been stung by a hornet, and not the sweet smile of a honeybee.

Andre had them dance again, and he would keep them dancing until they got it perfect. Jessie’s muscles remembered the steps for her, so her attention was on the man in a cowboy hat who’d just entered. He spoke with Andre for a moment then left as soon as he’d come. In the interim the girls were already halfway through the dance.


Kyrie was at the back of the bar, getting jostled about by the other girls like buzzing bees in a hive. This life was not very glamorous. She hadn’t even gotten to serve any customers yet! They had her doing busboy stuff. Kyrie was not meant to be a busboy. She was sighing periodically, glumly chopping limes at the back of the bar when a handsome man with a cowboy hat entered, and he was headed straight for her.

Kyrie stood up straighter, stopped chopping the limes. She could just tell he wanted something.
She didn’t know anything more about this man other than he was one of the Big 3 in Wall Market, and if he knew Madam M he must be important. He called her Miss Eager Mouth and told her to come with him.

“Yup! That’s me. Miss Eager Mouth,” Kyrie said obediently. Ever since Madam M’s morning threat she’d been on edge. She’d even accepted busboy work because of how badly Madam M had scared her. She’d very much like to remain a living fuckdoll with ALL her limbs, thank you very much. And if it meant she got to fuck guys like this…

Kyrie quickened her step. She shut the door behind her and when she turned around Sam was already unbuckling his belt.

“Woah! You waste no time, huh?” Kyrie chriped. “Just like Madam M.”

She dropped to her knees in front of him and cocked her head playfully. Her little pink tongue slipped out to lick her bottom lip. The yellow jacket pills from earlier were making her extra horny. She hoped Chocobo Sam would fuck her in this assessment for red light work. Though he did smell like wet chocobo down, he was a handsome, rugged man and Kyrie was instantly attracted to him.


Tifa was embarrassed for overreacting. Don told her he was not replacing her with any of these triplets. She was his little pig-wife, his bottom bitch, and he would not be replacing her.

How wonderful! Tifa beamed. He told her to make herself useful, ordered her to make drinks and unclipped her collar so she was free to stand.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Tifa chirped. Her thick, muscular, round bare ass with the curly-tailed butt plug was on full display for the patrons of the bar as she bent to kiss his rings to show appreciation.

Tifa headed to the bar to start making some cocktails, a talent conveniently not lost from the bimbo materia. She was just about to ask Don what’d he’d like when Daddy said that when she was done, she should help her friend to a piece of pussy. Tifa’s cunt clenched at the order. The balls still buzzed inside her. She didn’t understand what Don meant when he said he’d start a tab for him. Wedge was her friend, she generally let him drink for free. She certainly didn’t want to charge him for drinks, or for her pussy either.

“We won’t actually charge you,” she whispered to Wedge, flashing him a wink. “Right, Barret?”

Barret was trying to pay attention to the business transaction, but Tifa saw his eyes keep flashing to her. He looked a little distraught, a little like Marle had.

“You sure did a number on her, huh?” Barrett asked Don, his eyes still on Tifa preparing the drinks behind the bar. She was squeezing her legs together and breathing heavily.

Tifa cocked her head at him as she shook up a round of extra strong cosmo canyons, her mind having instantly gone to her go-to and favorite drink. She didn’t understand what Barrett meant by that. A number on her? Yeah, she was unbelievably horny beyond reason… but she was happy right? She was with her friends! And she was going to get to fuck one of them... hopefully both of them? She wanted to be sandwiched between the two large, muscular men, sucking Wedge off while Barret fucked her, and then switching, and then switching again. Her pussy ached to be filled.

As Daddy examined the new girls, Tifa swung around the bar with the finished round of drinks and handed them out to each man. When she went to Barret she gently laid her hand on his forearm and smiled broadly. She gave Wedge his drink last with a similar smile. Looking at his adorable, sweet, round, handsome face Tifa felt so very lustful for him. He was a great friend, surely he would help her find some relief. Tifa tapped her drink to his and said, “Daddy said I’m allowed to play with you. Will you play with me, Wedge? Please?” It came out excited but seductive. She smiled at him sweetly but with great desperation in her beautiful, loving eyes.

Wedge still looked at her in disbelief, but Tifa saw how aroused he was at the sight of her and her actions. His cock strained against his pants, aching to be inside her. Tifa moaned softly and pressed her body against his. “Hmm should we go to the secret headquarters?” she asked, gesturing towards the pinball machine, her breath softly fanning his ear. Her whole body was buzzing with sexual energy, Daddy still hasn’t turned off the vibrators inside her. She adjusted her skirt, really adjusting the vibrations that kept her on edge. To her relief Daddy took some of them for the new girl, so she only had a handful left inside her.


Aerith 03 nodded obediently at Daddy and took the medicine offered. Of course she wanted to feel good! Who wouldn’t?

And that’s how she found herself tied up on a post, staring up desperately at the red lights above her. Daddy was positioning her just so and talking softly to her. She couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying with the intense feeling in her pussy, the intense pleasure that wracked her freshly created body. She had a weak mind to begin with, and now he was distracting her with such intense pleasure! She couldn’t stop moaning.

A vibrator probably a size too large for a first timer was shoved deep inside her pussy, and that was after Daddy had put the buzzing balls inside her. These feelings were so new and so overpowering for the poor clone. 03 writhed and wiggled on the post, trying to find any sort of relief. Even though she did reach her peak multiple times, it was too intense, and not enough all at once. Daddy told her if she stayed like this all night, he would make her feel even better later on. 03 wasn't sure if she wanted that - this was already incredibly intense and overwhelming!

“How long is night?” she asked. Her voice was an aroused whimper. The aphrodisiac had long sped through her veins. She groaned in desperation and grinded against the pole, arched her back as another small orgasm shook her body. Her clit had emerged from its hood in pleasure, her nipples were rock hard.

03 moaned loudly, squirming in her chair as the pleasure built in her body once again.
“Night is until I come to get you again, sweetheart,” Corneo patted 03’s head, gently tying a blindfold around her eyes, “don’t worry about anything, little one. Just make as much noise as you want—scream and moan, and whenever you have a--, er, an explosion! You shout ‘Corneo Sama runs the slums!’ Can you remember that?”

Without waiting for an answer, Corneo kissed her forehead and squeezed her perky, naked tit with his powerful hand, just as he overheard Tifa overpromising with his merchandise. He made his way back inside to settle that business.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa—not so fast, bitch,” Corneo reached over and flicked Tifa in the forehead with his middle finger, “you’re not going anywhere. Out here is perfectly fine, this is a brothel now… a whore house,”

Corneo wasn’t sure if bimbo Tifa would know the word “brothel.” He grabbed a glass beer mug from behind the bar and handed it to Tifa.

“You’re expected to service enough customers to fill your glass, you frankly don’t have time to be giving your friends special favors down in your little clubhouse. We’re having a grand reopening tonight in case you hadn’t noticed,” Corneo handed beer mugs to the other two of the triplets before taking a long, greedy sip of his Cosmo Canyon—lucky he liked them strong, “sorry, Slice. It’s nothing personal.”

“Um, I—I understand… I think,” Wedge muttered, his eyes locked on Tifa’s erotic body as she rubbed it against him, “do I still get to fuck with Tifa Chan?”

“Yeah, sure. Just make sure you cum on her or in the cup—not in her.”

Wedge was already trying to get out of his shirt, but he’d left on his shoulder armor and grenade belt which got the whole bundle of clothing bound up around his thick neck, leaving him blind and mostly helpless, thrashing around with his arms and head stuck inside his clothes and equipment. Corneo, Barrett and Hojo all shared a laugh at his expense.

“Will all of us get a turn?” Hojo asked, wringing his hands slightly.

“I’ve got something even better for you,” Corneo smirked back, handing a small vial of Tifa’s blood and a few of her long, black hairs folded up in a wax paper envelope, “make your own.”

Hojo grinned wickedly as he took both the collected samples and the hint.

“Yes, well… I guess I’d better get back up to Headquarters.”

“Tell your coworkers!” Corneo remarked, dismissing Hojo who awkwardly shifted and stammered for a moment before dutifully fucking off, “you get a turn with her, of course. It was part of the original agreement, after all.”

Corneo flashed Barrett a wry wink before turning back to Tifa.

“Would you help the poor buffoon out of his clothes? That Johnny idiot will be here any minute and he requested you for his BJ party. Also, I’d rather not make Barrett wait too long,” Corneo finished off his drink, “you two will also be sucking cocks to fill your glass. You can fuck them, if you want—just make sure you get them to order more before you let them fuck. Also, all action takes place on the floor—no arrangements for anything outside of these walls. Understand?”

Customers were beginning to mill in for the night’s business.

“Welcome to Seventh Heaven: Honeybee Paradise!” Corneo welcomed the regulars from the neighborhood watch, “buy a bottle—get a blowie! We’re having a B.O.Blow special and bukkake party to commemorate our grand reopening!”


Chocobo Sam grinned at how dutiful and obedient the new girl Kyrie was proving to be. She reminded him somewhat of a past love. His large, work-worn hand gently caressed the side of her face, rough fingers combing into her hair, gently working along her scalp as his other hand released his thick hog across Kyrie’s cute, teenage face.

His cock was nowhere near as thick as Corneo’s but it was nearly as long. It was a long, dense, veiny monster and smelled less like Chocobo, but more like man. He backed his hips up enough for his cockhead to slip across her lips.

“Go on then, Sugar. Show me what you got. If you can impress, I’ll take that firm little ass of yours for a spin, too.”


“Not quite…” Andrea Rhodea was less than satisfied as he watched the run-through of his choreography, “something isn’t quite right. Newbie, step forward.”

Andrea made his way onto the stage and stared at Jessie for a moment, pacing around her slowly and contemplating something that only he knew. Was her dancing inferior? Superior? Was she what was wrong? His expression gave no hint.

Suddenly, as he paced around her, Andrea aggressively tore the top of her Honeybee costume—ripping the collar, chest and bust of the corset. His sudden assault on her wardrobe left her firm, perky tits completely exposed. He tore the decorative stinger/thorax part of the costume off next.

“Wardrobe! Make all of the outfits look like this. Tits and no tail, then we’ll go back to one,” Andrea gestured with his hand and turned back toward the cabaret floor.
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Wails of “Corneo Sama runs the slums!” reverberated throughout the sector 8 slums as Aerith 03 was brought to orgasm again and again from the vibrators buzzing inside her. Tears ran from her eyes at the intensity and insistence of the new feelings. She could not get a break from the pleasure. She writhed her hips on the stool, which had grown slippery from her juices. She was starting to attract quite a crowd. Many looked enticed or at the very least amused, but there were some who looked on disapprovingly or seemed outright disgusted. Don Corneo would see to it those in opposition would be run out of town or get with the program soon enough.

Inside the bar, the old 7th Heaven was no more. The building remained, but the soul of the place was changed, just like it’s old manager. Tifa served up her pussy instead of drinks now. She had her arms around Wedge’s neck, grinding her body onto his. But Daddy wasn’t happy with her suggestion to take Wedge to the basement to have sex with him. He flicked her forehead to show his displeasure and shoved an empty beer mug into her hands. He passed the same clear mugs over to the other girls.

He told them they were expected to fill their glasses. They all knew what he meant even though he wasn’t explicit, well, maybe the Aerith Clones didn’t fully understand, but they had a need they instinctively knew only a man could fulfill. They would follow Tifa’s lead. Were the cups to prove to him they’d satisfied their customers? The girls nodded in understanding.

“I’m so sorry, Daddy,” Tifa said, apologizing for trying to bring Wedge to her “clubhouse” as Daddy has put it. “Of course I’ll have sex up here so you and everyone else can watch!”

It wasn’t as if Tifa had any conscious devious plans to try and escape Don Coreno’s clutches; the basement had just seemed like the natural place to have sex with her friend. It was a familiar place and they’d be alone. It would take seeing how this night played out for Tifa to start recognizing her old bar as a brothel.

Don Corneo had slipped past her defenses with his drug cocktails, materia, and amazing cock without her even realizing it, and now he was expanding his empire at her expense, into her own territory.

Aerith 01 took notice when her creator handed Corneo some fine black strands of hair and a vial of blood. For some reason the sight made her uneasy. She could hear 03’s cries of intense pleasure from the entryway. Though they didn’t sound altogether pleasant, they were turning her on. The clones were born with one instinct ingrained in their DNA, and with Don Coreno’s instructions, they knew what their purpose was.

“We understand,” they said in unison, in an almost unsettling way. They had neutral expressions on their faces, though 01’s fingers shook on the glass slightly, nervous. 02 was more confident, her long painted nails clicked on the rim of the glass, impatient, as she waited for customers to filter in.

Tifa fawned over Wedge, trying to help free him from his garments as Don requested. Her mind was spinning at the idea that not only would be fucking Wedge, but Barret too! And most likely Johnny. Bimbo Tifa hadn’t realized when Daddy said they’d be visiting her friends today that he meant she’d be fucking them as well! Not that she minded, she’d been aching all morning for relief ever since Don had given her the bimbo materia. She just hadn’t expected that being Don Coreno’s wife meant also being his whore and getting to fuck other men, especially when those men were dear friends of whom she had a shared history with.

Now that Wedge was out of his shirt, Tifa went straight to work stripping him of his pants Luckily, they were easier to get down. She yanked his underwear down as well and leaned in to him. The musky, manly smell of him assaulted her senses and Tifa buried her face into his crotch, moaning. “Mmm I thought it would be weird since we’re friends, but I’m really excited for you to fuck me,” Tifa said. Then she gave his cock a few loving kisses. The vibrators buzzed in her sex, her pussy clenched. The taste of him was turning her on, so was glancing up at him and seeing that round, adorable face turn bright red with pleasure as arguably the hottest girl in the slums worshipped his cock. She sucked him for a moment before standing up; she needed his cock inside her. “Fuck me over the bar,” she pleaded. She grasped his cock and pulled him a louch too aggressively towards one end of the bar. “But like Daddy said, pull out when you're going to cum!” She handed the cup to him, then bent over the bar. Since she wore no panties her pussy was exposed almost immediately as she leaned forward. It was dripping with her arousal that had been building since morning. Her labia were vibrating slightly from the vibrating orbs inside her. She swayed her ass enticingly at her good friend, begging for him to fuck her.

Customers were beginning to filter in now. The pair of Aerith’s were a little awkward at first, unsure what to do with themselves; they’d never seen so many people. Aerith 01 twirled her cup nervously, waiting for someone to approach her. Aerith 02 was a bit bolder, loitering by the entrance, smiling at guests as they entered. She pulled off her leather jacket, leaving her in her hot pink, short dress. Her flowy auburn hair cascaded down her back. She experimented with the rectangular machine in the corner and suddenly upbeat music was playing! Smiling at her accomplishment, Aerith 02 began to sway her body to the beat.

The neighborhood watch members got quite a shock when they entered. The neighborhood bar tender leaning over the bar, bending over for their mutual pal Wedge, her soft but muscular ass cheeks on display for anyone standing behind her to see as her. Her short leather skirt without any underwear left nothing to the imagination. Her pussy was dripping quietly onto the floor. Any man in the establishment could have their piece of 7th Heaven tonight if they wanted it, and there were even 3 new girls to choose from.

“I love the new setup, Barret,” One of the regulars commented to him as he took in the new services 7th Heaven had to offer.


Kyrie may have an eager little mouth, but that did not mean she had a talented one. Kyrie had fumbled with the blowjobs last night, but she’d been distracted by the cock in her pussy. Surely this time with her undivided attention she’d be able to do a better job. She really hoped he’d take her body for a spin.

Chocobo Sam set free his giant cock and it bounced out onto Kyrie’s face, thick and veiny, eager to be sucked. “Mm,” Kyrie made a soft appreciative sound as she breathed him in. Sam adjusted his hips so his cockhead slid against her lips. Kyrie took that opportunity to part her pretty pouty mouth and taste his cockhead. She opened her mouth wide then took him inside, being careful not to knick him with her teeth. She moaned and flicked her tongue out to swirl around him.

Her technique wasn’t extraordinary and she was a little sloppy, but she was earnest. She settled her palms onto the sides of his thighs to steady herself as she challenged herself to go deeper, but kept stopping before he breached her throat.


Jessie gasped when Andre tore her costume, leaving her bare-breasted on stage. Then he yanked off her stinger too. Jessie was not shy about showing off her body, but a costume alteration was the last thing she’d been expecting. The other girls looked surprised too, but no one protested as the wardrobe crew came out to alter their outfits.

When all the honeybees stood bare-breasted on stage, the dance began again. There was an increased urgency this time, a brazen sexuality flowing from some of the girls. Jessie was one of them. She gave her entire body to the dance. The rhythm and beat and her fellow honeybees guided her movements. Though they were all of similar heights and weights, their breasts differed in shape and size. It made for quite the display of eroticism as their breasts bounced and swayed in response to their movements. Jessie was hyper-aware of the weight of her breasts when she did any especially fast movements. She pitied the larger breasted girls whose surely ached, but no one said a thing as they moved through the steps, though their breathing was louder than usual.
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Wedge’s eyes lit up as Tifa rubbed her sexy, erotic body on him and helped him out of his pants. His raspy breathing was even more labored than usual as she put her mouth on him, her breath tickling through his pubes as she expressed excitement that they would soon be fucking. Wedge’s proud, thick cock was already hard by the time Tifa’s soft lips started kissing him down there. Wedge’s large hand gently caressed the back of her head, feeling that silken, black hair below his palm as her mouth worked on his cock and balls until she popped back up, seemingly possessed of a sudden idea.

“Fuck me over the bar,” Tifa practically moaned—Wedge nodded so vigorously in reply that his neck rolls jiggled, “But like Daddy said, pull out when you’re going to cum.”

Wedge slammed the mug down on the bar, his lips curling up in almost a sinister smile as she exposed her bare, round ass to him. Wedge pulled the bundle of vibrators out of her sopping, wet pussy by the cords—like picking carrots, leaving the pig-plug and the smaller assortment of other vibrators still buried in her asshole.

The vibrators and toys clattered as Wedge tossed them onto a nearby, out-of-the-way table. He gripped her belt and the bottom clasp on the back of her suspenders in his strong hands, leaning his considerable weight over her as he lined his hard cock up with her pussy, so hot and needy that there was nearly steam coming off of it.

“I’ve been waiting for this so long…” Wedge whispered huskily, leaning on Tifa and forcing her tits to pillow outward against the bar, her top doing very little to keep them corralled, “since I first laid eyes on those big, fat tits—this sweet, round ass…”

Wedge spanked Tifa’s bare ass hard before returning his grip to her belt and suspenders, yanking hard on the leather straps to drag her bodily back into the thrust of his hips, slamming his full width and length into her all at once. True, Wedge couldn’t compare to the great Corneo—but with her ass still packed with shaking, vibrating toys, it was a tight fit to say the least.

“Cock-teasing, friend-zoning slut! You and Jessie too—always shaking these asses around and waiving those titties in front of all of our faces—whining about your childhood sweetheart,” Wedge was venting some deep-seeded resentment as his hips slapped loudly against Tifa’s firm ass over and over, the leather of her skirt and the belt tugging against her hips muffled the slapping sound slightly, but somehow making it sound even more lewd as he sped up, “you deserve everything you’re getting, you cock-teasing slut!”

Sweat was beginning to drip down onto the small of Tifa’s back as he slammed her faster.

“Holy shit! Is that Tifa Chan taking a cock?” the guy from the general store with the unfortunate haircut came inside the bar, lured in by 03’s full-throated screams, “she’s turning tricks now?”

“That’s right, but you’ve got to buy a bottle or a pitcher first—and we’re doing a bukkake exhibition, so cum on her or in the cup that’s over by her.” Corneo chimed in, making his way over to the dance floor to join 02, grinding against the back of her short, red, sequined cocktail dress.

“Whoa! Dreams really do come true! I want to fuck those big, floppy tits of hers… would a pitcher be good for that?” the Faux-hawk inquired.

“Pitcher’s good, come around here and squeeze your cock between these tits,” Barrett answered, already tilting a pitcher under a tap to fill it with the bargain house brand of beer.

“Sa-weet!” the shopkeeper, poured a glass for himself hastily as he moved behind the bar to balance on an empty keg and slip his cock into the front of Tifa’s tank top—it didn’t slide at first, so he spat on her, the glob of spit hitting her chin and neck before dribbling into her cleavage, where it was quickly spread around by his long cock, “it’s even better than in my dreams! Corneo Sama runs the slums!”

The shopkeeper shouted to the ceiling in appreciation as he emptied his first glass of beer in one gulp before squeezing his hands into the bulging, soft chaos of TIfa’s tits pressed down against the bar.

“Lick the inside of my naval, you cheap slut. Get that pink tongue all up in there while my cock fucks your big, stupid tits!”

“Dumb—fucking—slut—” Wedge was panting as he continued slamming her pussy with all the strength and momentum his large frame could muster to crash down on her each time he probed her insides, “get—what—you—deserve!”

By the jukebox, Corneo’s hands were caressing 02’s hips as he continued to grind the swelling outline of his cock against the young clone’s firm backside, moving in time with the music that poured out to the street.

Biggs entered the bar in the midst of various new customers, so none of his friends recognized him immediately—which was fitting, because he barely recognized the bar itself—much less his friends.

Barrett was dealing drinks and collecting Gil as fast as a one-armed man possibly could while Wedge was fucking the life out of Tifa, bent over the bar while her tits were getting fucked from the other side. Don Corneo, the gang-boss of Wall Market was dancing with someone who looked like the Sector 6 flower girl—but he thought he’d seen her outside…

When he saw a third flower girl, he decided for certain… something was odd.

“Excuse me… Aren’t you Aerith? The flower girl?” Biggs asked 01, unaware of how complicated that question was for a clone. She both was and she wasn’t Aerith…

“She’s close enough for what you need, lover boy! Cum in her or on her—services free with a pitcher or a bottle,” Corneo chimed in without missing a beat in his dance with 02, he actually wasn’t bad—Andrea Rhodea occasionally gave Corneo private dance instruction.

“Barrett… you alright?” Biggs tried to ignore Corneo’s cocky answer—acting like he owned the place.

“I could use some help, frankly!” Barrett answered, clearly getting swamped with drink orders as more and more crowded into the bar, “you know how to tend bar, right?”

More and more people streamed into the reimagined 7th Heaven, lured in by the siren song of 03’s sex screams. There were Shinra businessmen, Wall Market thugs and people from all parts of Districts 6, 7 and 8. The Gil was flowing in so fast Barrett barely had time to count it.


“That’s it! I love it! I just love it!” Andrea Rhodea gushed enthusiastically, “yes, I like it now. Get to places. House opens in an hour.”

Andrea daintily clapped his hands together, scattering the showgirls from the stage. But, before Jessie could make it, Andrea took hold of her hand.

“Not you… come with me. I’d like to get to know you better before curtain. Follow,” Andrea gestured elegantly with well-manicured fingers, leading Jessie (still topless) backstage to a dressing room that had her host’s name inside of an engraved star. He showed her in.

“As I said, I’d like to get to know you…” without a whit of hesitation, Andrea’s whisper-soft hand cupped and caressed one of Jessie’s perky, upright breasts—still holding its shape from years of her not wearing a bra under her unique armor, “do you consent to share your body with me? You won’t regret it. None ever do.”


“Aw hell… maybe you’re a vag-itarian,” Sam sighed, resting his head on the back of Kyrie’s head, clearly disappointed, “if you can’t work your throat, you’re no good for red light work—like this…”

Sam made a fist in Kyrie’s dark hair, urgently pulling her lower on his thick, hard cock—gagging her as he forced his way deeper into her throat. His hips provided the counter-measure until his balls rested on her chin.

“Now that’s more like it…” Sam remarked, his resonant baritone warm with approval, “it’s okay to choke and spit. We guys like it when you struggle over it—but we get impatient when you suck us lazy. Don’t be lazy. Come on. You’ll need to do better than that if you want to get that little pussy fucked.”

Sam relinquished his hold on her head, allowing her to take back over and demonstrate what she’d learned.

“Or maybe you’re just suited for cutting limes…”
After Tifa presented her ass to him and begged him to fuck her, Wedge slammed his mug down on the bar. He pulled the vibrators out of her pussy so he could align his cock with her entrance. His big, powerful hands grabbed her by her suspenders and leaned her over the bar, resting some of his heavy weight onto her, causing her bountiful tits to press hard into the wooden countertop. He whispered in her ear that he’d been waiting for this, said words like tits and ass as his husky body held her down against the bar. Tifa had never seen Wedge take charge like this and it was really turning her on. She swayed her ass enticingly and he gave her a quick slap. Then he finally entered her.

You’d think Tifa had never taken a cock before the way she reacted to Wedge’s fairly average cock. She screamed in ectasy as he jerked her hips back into him by her suspenders; her hands stretched forward and tightened into fists as her good friend started to give her a good fucking.

He called her a cock-tease and a friend-zoning slut. Bimbo Tifa just moaned louder in response. She couldn’t recall a time her and Jessie had waved their tits and asses in the other AVALANCHE members faces, but she trusted Wedge because he was her friend, so if he was saying she deserved it, then she deserved it. He mentioned her childhood friend but Tifa was so far gone by this point it didn’t phase her. All she could really focus on was cock now.

She hadn’t been expecting Wedge of all people to be so rough with her, especially not when he’d been so excited and eager to fuck her and had gently ran his thick fingers through her silken dark hair Now that he was finally pounding away inside her it was like something had cracked inside of him. Clearly these feelings had been building up a long time.

“I’m so sorry, Wedge,” Tifa moaned. “I didn’t mean to be a cocktease! Please, fuck me as hard as you want! Punish me!”

Tifa’s pussy dripped juices down Wedge’s cock and onto the floor. She felt so wonderfully full. The vibrators in her ass teased her as Wedge slammed his cock into her again and again. The skin of her ass rippled from the force of Wedge’s thrusts. For a husky, heavier guy he sure had stamina.

He was getting revenge for years of being the butt of every joke, the group fat guy. Now, he had the slums’ hottest bartender shaking and moaning around his cock as he took her from behind on her own bar, the very same bar where’s serve up drinks. Now, she was serving up her body to him.

The patrons were piling in. The place was packed when Tifa glanced behind her. She saw a lot of familiar faces, but there were a lot of strangers too, people from the other slum districts who’d somehow heard of Don Coreno’s expansion. One familiar face Tifa recognized immediately was the general shop owner, who’d always been kind of a dick. He was surprised to see Tifa like this, and as she’d always politely declined his advances, naturally he was the first to pay for access to her body. Even Bimbo Tifa felt a distaste for him as he approached, unzipping his pants. He pulled out his cock and pressed it down into Tifa’s cleavage, spitting on her tits to make the slide easier. He pressed forward and his cock slipped between her soft pillows. He pressed as far as he could go so her face smashed against his stomach, called her a cheap slut and ordered her to lick his belly button. Tifa did as he ordered, but she wasn’t happy about it.

Wedge was still calling her names too. His mean words were in contrast to the heaven of his hips slamming into her from behind, sending delicious ripples through her jiggly but muscular ass cheeks. Tifa focused on how Wedge’s cock felt instead of the words he said. Even Bimbo Tifa felt bad for supposedly leading him on. She hoped she could make it up to all of them now by being a good cocktender. She couldn’t stop moaning, the sounds muffled against the general shop owner’s stomach as he fucked her tits and Wedge kept shoving her body forward with his powerful thrusts.

As Tifa served up her pussy and tits at the bar, 02 and Don Corneo danced to the jukebox music. His hands held her waist, rubbing the flare of her hips in her sparkly party dress. 02 had a persistent ache between her thighs that only seemed to get worse the more Don Corneo grinded against her, but she did nothing to stop it. In fact, she wanted more of the feeling. She rubbed her body against his, leaned into him, panting slightly.

01 was watching the activities as they unfolded, jealous her sister was getting attention from their owner, but also shy about the task she’d been given. She surveyed the crowd of patrons. Some looked ready to eat her alive.

“Excuse me…”

She jumped a little.

“Aren’t you Aerith? The Flower girl?” A handsome man with dark hair and a bright red bandana matching the one of the man fucking Tifa over the bar asked.

01 wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Yes, she was supposed to share her flower, so she supposed she could be considered a Flower girl. Before she could answer, Coreno did for her.

01 was hoping the handsome newcomer would take Coreno’s advice to cum in her, but he passed her and went to the bar. Soon after another man approached her, with light blue eyes and a thick beard

“Hey, you’re working right?” he asked. He was probably around Barret’s age with greying dark brown hair. Tifa would recognize him as Wymer from the neighborhood watch, if she wasn’t facing the opposite direction getting her pussy pounded.

“Um, yes,” 01 answered. She held out her cup to him. “But you have to use this cup, and you’ve got to buy some beer,” she said, doing her best to follow her new Daddy’s instructions. 01 squeezed her thighs together, excited to get to work.


Outside, 03 was a woeful, wonderful, writhing mess. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she came over and over again. It felt too good yet there was no relief from it, one orgasm led into another, barely minutes in between, always rising and falling, but never quite reaching high enough. She wailed in pleasure as another hit, her wrists chafed in the ropes that held up her arms.

03’s swansong led the men of the slums to Seventh 7th. A crowd was gathering outside the bar, some people were taking photos, and once the first person touched her the rest deemed it acceptable and social conduct degraded from there. Businessmen pawed at her breasts, slum rats rubbed their greasy hands down her thighs, and overconfident Wall Market thugs tried to stuff their fingers up her pussy alongside the vibrator. 03 came over and over, shrieking, out “Corneo Sama runs the slums!” every few minutes or so. The rest of the time she was panting, moaning, and screaming with intense pleasure as the vibrators teased her insides and the men fondled her breasts as they passed.


Andrea Rhodea at last declared their dance ready for showtime. Jessie breathed a sigh of relief - he really had pushed them so hard to mold them into the perfect hive mind of dancers. House opened in an hour. Jessie would take that time to stretch and mentally prepare herself for showing off her titties to the audience.

Funny she was nervous about baring her breasts to a crowd when she’d just been gangbanged by some Wall Market thugs the previous night, but she just hoped no one she knew would show up. She almost laughed imagining her dorky friends' faces if they saw her bare breasts bounce and jiggle as she performed at the Honey Bee Inn. A lot had changed in just 24 hours.

Jessie had nearly left the stage when Andrea stopped her. She felt the tug of his gentle, soft hand pulling her back

This reminded her of one of those moments her mother had always warned her about, about people in showbiz taking advantage of young, naive girls, but Jessie was convinced she was impossible to be taken advantage of and let him shut the door behind them to the dressing room.

Once they were alone he wasted no time in caressing one of her perky, soft breasts with a gentle hand. His touch was erotic and his gaze was intense, his artic blue, almost grey eyes staring into her warm brown ones. He asked her to share her body with him, cockily saying she wouldn’t regret it. Normally Jessie would have jokingly called someone out on that cockiness in a joking manner, but the tone in Andrea’s voice told her he was not exaggerating in his capabilities.

She hesitated for a second. She hoped this wasn’t a test of some sort, but in the end, under fire of his intense, erotic gaze, Jessie said, “Yes. I consent.”


Kyrie was frustrated her cocksucking hadn’t been good enough. She was going to whine and ask him to have patience with her, give her a chance, but she couldn’t get any excuses past his cock.

Chocobo Sam tugged on the back of her hair, yanking her head down, forcing her throat to open for him. Kyrie squealed and squeezed his thighs with her hands, panicking a little. Sam had no patience for a girl like Kyrie. She was no hard working ranch hand, she was a brat through and through.

He pressed his cock in deeper. Kyrie choked and gasped for breath around his cock. As she choked, a gush of spit overflowed her mouth, spilling down his balls. Her eyes started to water as he kept holding her down, taking a forceful, hands on approach in his teaching methods.

Kyrie found she was dripping wet from his harsh treatment. Her pussy juices glistened between her thighs, hidden by the kimono Madam M had given her. She squirmed as he held her down, spit up some saliva again as her throat trembled around his cock. Finally, Sam released her.

Kyrie jerked off his cock. She gasped for air and choked violently. Strands of spit connected her tongue and lower lip to Sam’s long cock. Panting, Kyrie looked up at him with her big, brown, worshipful eyes, tongue still hanging out.

Kyrie far preferred to be manhandled (or womanhandled, in Madam M’s case) in the arts of oral sex, but she would do her best to impress Chocobo Sam. She's absolutely die of boredom paying off her debt cutting limes!

Obediently, Kyrie did not allow herself long of a reprieve. She took a deep breath then slid her mouth down on him again, tongue first.

Kyrie sucked down Sam’s cock like an alcoholic sucking down a drink after a month of forced sobriety. She moaned with the effort to go deeper when she felt him at the back of her throat. She forced him through, choking herself on his long cock. To her dismay, she still had several inches to go. She groaned in pleasure pain as she forced herself to take him deeper still. Her hands moved from the back of his thighs to his ass to push him forward, forcing his cock even further down her throat.

Kyle held herself down on his cock, gazing up at him, tears in her big brown eyes as she sputtered and choked. Spittle dribbled from the sides of her mouth down her chin. Only when she absolutely could not take it anymore Kyrie pulled back, giving herself a moment to breath.

Then she pushed forward again, taking his cock into her throat once again. Her tongue wiggled about 3/4ths of the way down his cock, desperately trying to reach more of his flesh as she couldn’t seem to get him further down her throat. Kyrie choked loudly, almost pulled herself off, but instead pushed down further as bubbles of spit spilled from the sides of her mouth. She gagged herself on Sam’s cock again, then pulled back briefly, then down again, fucking his cock with her throat, up and down, up and down, gagging and sputtering and spitting.

Lewd sounds filled the private room as Kyrie deep throated Chocobo Sam’s cock, forcing herself to fight her gag reflex and take him into her throat repeatedly, swallowing air when she could, spit dribbling down the side of his cock and into his pubic hair. She wasn’t exactly elegant, but he had said it was okay to choke and spit...
Sam gave a low grunt of approval as Kyrie dove into her task with renewed gusto, he relaxed his grip on her hair to appreciatively embrace the back of her head as she deliberately gagged herself on the head of his rigid cock again and again. It felt incredible. Not to mention the way her slobber and uncontrolled spit dribbled down her front and even splattered occasionally onto his worn-in jeans. When she succeeded in taking all of him and looked up through eyes overflowing with reflexive tears, Sam nodded in approval, even smiling some.

“A quick learner—that’s a good trait to have,” Sam nodded, holding Kyrie down just a moment longer than she preferred before letting her up for air, which she didn’t seem to require much of, “there you go—well, I’ll be damned. That tight little throat of yours ain’t half-worthless afterall.”

Kyrie even reached behind Sam, to grip his muscular buttocks through his jeans and urge his hips forward to force still more of his cock down her slender throat. When she settled into a fast rhythm of shoving her face into Sam’s lap and taking his dick deep over and over again, his breathing started to come faster and become ragged, to the point that he had to grasp her silken, black hair in his fist again and hold her back to stop himself from dumping his load right there, across her face and down her throat.

“Okay, that’s enough of the face fucking. You’re a slow starter, but you sure can break late,” Sam nodded, using terminology from Chocobo racing as he esteemed his two primary jobs to be quite similar at their core—he was in the business of evaluating flesh, “come up on out of that robe and let me get a good look at the rest.”

While he waited for Kyrie to strip herself naked, Sam backed up to one of the elaborate booths that bordered the second floor playroom. He lowered his pants and simple white briefs to his knees before sitting down—the coarse hair on his thighs doing little to hide the deep cuts of muscular definition from a lifetime of riding Chocobos. He stuck his feet out, waiting for Kyrie to take the initiative to take off his boots.

It was something of a test. Was she domestically inclined at all? Did she know that it was a woman’s job to help her man out of his boots?


“Mmmm, splendid…” Andrea Rhodea practically purred in Jessie’s ear, as he let his caress move over her body and slid behind her until she could feel the enormous bulge of his prolific cock behind his dance attire, “I find that first timer give a much more honest performance after they’ve been made to climax one or several times.”

While his bulge moved against the coarse material of the honeycomb-patterned fishnets that still clung to Jessie’s muscular, dancer’s ass, his hand moved slowly down, over her sculpted, athletic stomach to gently but decisively caress her clit from both sides with two fingers—found and isolated as quickly as if he himself had placed it there. While the two fingers gently squeezed, a third descended to tenderly stroke the very tip with the very tip of a soft but muscular finger.

He continued teasing her clit until he felt her begin to move her hips with the motion of his finger—as she did he grabbed her perky breast from behind, squeezing it harder than before, isolating her nipple between similarly skilled fingers.

“Let yourself go…” Andrea whispered as he continued, neither speeding up or slowing down—continuing the rhythm, “your body knows what to do.”

It soon became apparent that his rhythm was that of the music they’d been rehearsing and the gyrations of her body were increasingly similar to some of the more risqué movements from the dance—but this time it wasn’t choreography, it was physiology.

“Don’t hold back,” Andrea continued to whisper, moving his body with hers, “not your voice, not your feelings, not your truth! Yes, like that—seven—eight—”

It must have seemed like a magic trick when Andrea allowed his thumb to take over on the sensitive, exposed peak of her clit and two fingers plunged into her on “one” and before “two” were baring down on her under-exploited G spot. Once there, Andrea pushed up with his fingers until he felt the curve of her bladder.

“Let—yourself completely—surrender. Seven—eight…”


By now there was an ambient roar in the 7th Heaven, as patrons were pushing and shoving against one another to get inside and find their way into one line or another. Others had begun gambling with the handwritten numbers they’d been given that represented their place in line for the girl of their choice. The crowd around the bar trying to order drinks was becoming increasingly unmanageable as Barrett struggled to keep up.

In the end, Corneo had been forced to stop dancing with 02 just before things really started heating up to assist Barrett behind the bar. 02 had work of her own to attend to, as paying customers were unlikely to wait longer for the pimp to have his way.

As ever, Corneo’s lust for flesh was overwhelmed by his lust for money.

Wymer easily demonstrated to 01 that he’d made the requisite purchase, opting for a straight shot of well whiskey instead of a pitcher, as it got him in the action faster. His number was written in pink, a color that had been assigned to 01 mostly due to her similarity to the original Aerith. 02’s numbers were in red and Tifa’s were in black. This scheme had come about as much out of necessity as anything else—since Corneo had failed to account for how strong the demand was here in sector 7.

He would need to redirect resources to make this place flow efficiently.

Wymer led 01 over to a booth near the far wall, far enough from the bar to be clear of the chaos building there. He slowly unbuttoned the bottom three buttons on 01’s white dress, until her hairless pussy was on clear display for him. He fished his cock out of his cargo pants and gently pulled her closer by the edges of her dress. When she was lined up, Wymer gripped her firm ass in both hands and drove her down into his lap to be impaled by his cock.

He’d been all the way hard even before he felt her warm pussy surround him and when he was inside, he didn’t hold back.

“Fuck baby, you got a real sweet pussy!” Wymer was grunting.

The tickling sensation of Tifa’s tongue inside his naval hole proved a bit too much for the faux-hawked shopkeeper, because after a few more ferocious thrusts and squeezing Tifa’s tits so hard that his fingers would surely leave behind bruises, Faux-hawk was cumming between her tits. The first glut of his cum had landed across her muscular stomach and down the front of her skirt—next, he pulled back to blast her face with thick, foul-smelling semen—placing her glass under her chin at last to catch a good deal of his third volley as it dribbled over her lips and chin, overlapping with the goo from mere moments prior.

“Ohhhh fuck… it’s even better than I dreamed…” Faux-Hawk sighed, putting his cock away and marking a single tally on her big, floppy tits, indicating that one man had fucked them to completion so far, “thanks for the titty-fuck, whore. I’ll be back to see you each payday from now on.”

“Thank you for your patronage!” Don Corneo called after the shopkeeper as he left, making way for others, “Who’s next up for Tifa Chan—her mouth and tits are available!”

Wedge wasn’t the quick-shot that the shopkeeper was, and Tifa’s moans for him to punish her only served to make him more ferocious with his fucking. By now, he’d lifted her completely off the ground by her belt and was wearing her legs around his middle like a belt of his own. He continued tugging her into his powerful thrusts by her belt and suspenders which had become something like a harness for her to be held aloft, only her breasts pressed against the bar.

“Fucking slut! This is who you were all along, isn’t it? I tried to be your friend, but you barely noticed me once that blonde kid showed up! Jessie too! Even though I knew you could never think of me that way—I thought that I meant something to you—something more than comic relief… I don’t hear you laughing now, whore!”

The fierce rocking caused the stool under wedge to snap and when he drew his hips back again it snapped into pieces. Though it was no one worth naming, someone in the crowd chuckled at the fat guy’s stool breaking.

Now on his feet, supporting Tifa’s thighs on his own, Wedge took it out on TIfa’s pussy, fucking her like he hated her, with only brief pauses to slap her ass again and again with his big, strong hands.

“Slut! Whore!” Wedge was grunting obscenities.

“It’s true then, eh Wedge? Our Tifa, turned out into a common slut, huh?” Biggs mused as he pushed his way over to the bar, “I’ll take a Cosmo Canyon, hard.”

Biggs handed Corneo a bill which by now the pimp was just pocketing, the cash register too full to close. Corneo handed Biggs back a black three.

“Your drink will be up any moment now,” Corneo shrugged before turning to other customers.

“How about it, Tifa? Are you coherent enough to suck my cock?” Biggs smirked, holding his number up to her face.

The music skipped as someone else began fucking 02 against the juke box, simply lifting one of her legs and driving right in.

For 03, the situation was becoming somewhat hazardous as more and more drunken, horny guys gathered around, hoping to beat the system by getting off with the billboard. She was bound firmly to the rather heavy barrel, so they had no chance of getting at her good spots, but one enlightened individual found that he could squeeze his cock into the bend of her knee and fuck the back of her knee until he came on her thigh. Of course, once he proved it was possible, everyone else had to try it.

One guy even managed to do something like a handstand on the barrel she was tied to—and as he was rather short in stature, this allowed him to get his cock into 03’s mouth. Others cheered.
7th Heaven was more popular than it had ever been before. Evidently, a lot of the good citizens of the Sector 7 slums were just degenerates looking for an opportunity to really let their darker nature show. Man after man grabbed a number for one of the three available girls. The less fortunate men lingered around Aerith 03 outside, waiting for their turn to thrust their cock in the crevice behind her knee or thrust their cock in her mouth. Through it all, Aerith 03 kept cumming and cumming, unable to get any handle on her incredible, wild pleasure.

Tifa was so horny. Her desperate need for cock had become her primary motivation. She was glad when Faux-Hawk came though, eager to replace his vulgar sweaty cock with a new one. His cum splattered all over her tits and then he aimed at her face, blasting her with jets of thick, sour-smelling cum. The excess cum dripped from her lips and chin into the beer glass Corneo had given her at the beginning of all this. She was not pleased with Faux-Hawk’s declaration that he’d be back again, but thankfully, she was far too distracted by Wedge’s aggressive thrusting to dwell on Faux-Hawk.

With her mouth no longer muffled by the shopkeeper’s stomach, she cried out in bliss as Wedge kept fucking her. “Yes, yes! Punish me, Wedge! Fuck me harder!”

Wedge was ferocious in his fucking. She’d always seen him as a gentle man, a tender friend, but right now he was a wild animal. He grabbed her by her belt and yanked her back into him in time with his thrusts. Tifa had no control over the speed or pressure and she absolutely loved it. His cock felt so good inside her; it wasn’t as huge as Coreno’s but it was thick and hard and striking her so deeply from this angle.

It was like they were doing some strange form of yoga as Wedge held her up off the bar by her suspenders so the only part of her touching it were her voluptuous breasts. Wedge continued cursing her, letting out so much deep-seated anger Tifa had no idea he’d had.

“You do mean something to me!” she cried in response, but she wasn’t sure if he heard her because suddenly the stool snapped beneath him. Some asshole in the crowd starting laughing; Tifa wanted to punch him out, but all she could do was moan as Wedge took his embarressment and anger out on her pussy, hate fucking her with even greater force. He held onto her hips tightly, slapped her ass painfully, his entire palm almost covering the juicy, muscular globe.

Tifa’s body shook wildly from the force of her dear friend’s thrusts as he called her a slut and a whore. Tifa couldn't help but agree at the moment, but she found she didn’t care. She was happy to be one. Her pleasure was building from Wedge’s relentless thrusts.

She heard another friend’s voice then.

“Biggs!” she said happily, glad it was a familiar face to have her tits next. She grabbed her breasts and held them apart, opened her mouth wide. The vibrators in her ass were driving her absolutely mad combined with Wedge’s powerful, deep thrusts. She was so eager to please Biggs, another one of her Avalanche friends.

Tifa felt so horny and ground her hips against Wedge’s as he fucked her deeply while Biggs positioned himself at her opposite end, ready to be sucked off. She was dripping with her arousal. She reached one hand down, started massaging her clit. Her mouth hung open, her eyes rolled back. She stared at Biggs with a straight up ahegao face as she reached forward, grabbing his thigh with her hand to steady herself, and leaned into his semi-hard cock. She breathed him in, relishing his familiar musky scent. She looked up at him excitedly, he’d asked her a question… what was it? It didn’t matter. He was smirking at her expectantly. Tifa grinned then dived her mouth down upon his cock. She buried her nose in his thick, black pubic hair, taking him deep to the back of her throat.

Her pussy was so wet. She was so horny. It felt incredible to be lodged between her two good friends, pleasing them with her body as they deserved. She swooped her tongue around Biggs’ cock, savoring his taste. Her fingers worked overtime on her clit as Wedge kept fucking her hard from behind and she worshipped Biggs with her mouth. At last she finally got the powerful orgasm she needed after being teased with those vibrators inside her for so long. Her pussy pulsed around Wedge as she kept cumming over and overing. Bimbo Tifa was in absolute bliss; she was incredibly satisfied with her new role at 7th Heaven.

As patrons entered they barely recognized her, but her iconic outfit and the sound of her voice gave her away.

All the girls were very popular. Some men were trying to draw two numbers, content to fuck whoever finished up first.

For Aerith 01, losing her virginity was euphoric. That first abrupt, sharp pain, followed by warm, bubbling pleasure. It started to overwhelm her, started to fill her up with each thrust of the older man inside her virgin cunt. With Aerith 01’s bi-colored eyes closed due to the intense pleasure, she was a spitting replica of the original Aerith. She moaned and writhed atop his cock as he jerked his hips up into hers. He grabbed her ass tight and started bouncing her up and down in time with his thrusts. 01 was made for this. Her head fell back, she gripped his shoulders tightly as she started to move her hips on her own, disregarding his guidance and riding him instinctively. She ground her hips back and forth as she rode him, applying friction to her clit. Ohh something was building. She was going to explode! 01 came with a wail that could be heard from outside the bar. She clutched Wymer’s head to her breast tightly as she shook on top of him.

Aerith 02 was really enjoying dancing with Daddy, so when he pulled away to help tend bar she visibly pouted. Her panties were soaked; her pussy was dripping with her arousal. She wanted to get fucked like her sisters were. Their moans were turning her on so much. Thankfully it wasn’t long before a few men took Don’s place, crowding around her, jockeying for position. They wasted no time in bending her over, hiking up her skirts, and tearing her panties off. Her gasp of surprise turned into a cry of pleasure as the first man plunged inside her pussy from behind. His cock was a good size for her first time, and all she felt was pleasure, no pain at all. He came quickly. 02 groaned; she needed more. That hadn’t been nearly enough. She turned her head around to look at him, but moments after he’d cum another man had taken his place and started fucking her. He was more aggressive than the first man. He pushed redheaded Aerith against the jukebox and lifted her leg for a better angle. Soon, 02’s moans joined the chorus of feminine cries as 7th Heaven completed it’s transformation into a whore house.

For the clones, their purpose in life was quickly becoming clearer and clearer, especially to 03, who was being used and abused for free outside the bar. She just kept cumming over and over, but like Tifa, what she really needed was a big cock filling her up. Her sisters lost their virginities to random strangers in the bar, while 03 got her mouth and crevices fucked like a cheap fuckdoll. Men too aroused to hold out to wait for their numbers came all over her body. She was coated in cum within the first hour of opening. One man even got his cock in her face. She sucked him obediently, actually enjoying it, it gave her something to focus on and channel the great yet never enough pleasure she was experiencing. After the first man came, another man followed. 03 sucked and swallowing obediently, moaning around endless cocks: “Corneo Sama runs the slums!”


Kyrie rejoiced at Sam’s praises and kept sucking his cock with enthusiasm. Kyrie was rarely called a quick learner. She wanted to continue proving herself to him. She sucked him obediently, gagging and choking on his cock as she took him into her throat over and over again. She could hear his breath quickening and she knew he was close. She tried to speed up, she wanted to prove herself to him so badly, but was stopped by his big, rough hand gripping her hair.

He said that was enough of the face fucking and it was time for him to get a good look at her. Kyrie nodded obediently. Saliva was dribbling down her chin; his cock was also coated in it.

Kyrie was so ready to sit down on that hard cock of his and ride him, but he wanted her to strip naked first. In her eagerness to ride him, Kyrie hastily pulled her robe aside, revealing her perky tits and slender waist. She was skinny, but she had a nice ass and a toned, young body.

She stood in front of Chocobo Sam, awaiting his next instructions. He was so strong and handsome. She couldn’t wait to bounce on his cock. Kyrie grasped her breasts in anticipation, gave a little twirl to show off her tight, barely legal body, eagerly waiting for his orders.


Andrea’s whispered voice in her ear made Jessie shiver. He caressed her body and pulled her close to him, close enough to feel the impressive bulge in his dance tights. Jessie moaned softly and pressed her body into his. She really didn’t need any convincing.

“I find that first timers give a much more honest performance after they’ve been made to climax one or several times,” he purred.

“I can definitely get behind that,” Jessie said, not missing a beat. She laughed lightly. She couldn’t help but be excited. Rumors of Andre’s pleasure were almost as widespread as his dance talents.

The pressure of his bulge pressing into her backside excited her greatly. His hands slid down her shoulders to her chest, down her toned stomach, and finally to her eager sex. He pinched her clit gently between two fingers, slowly massaging her tender nub. He started touching the tip of it as well, making her squirm and writhe against his hips.

She moaned as he whispered to her to let herself go, that her body knew what to do. Her breath came faster and faster as Andre expertly pleasured her. Oh fuck it felt so good! Her head fell back against his shoulder as he massaged her clit.

Even as he pleasured her he still moved like he was dancing, gyrating his hips against her, guiding her in the movements of this modified dance routine as his fingers played over her clit like working a delicate instrument. Jessie moaned louder as she felt her peak approaching. It became too much when she felt Andrea slip two fingers inside her and press against her g-spot. She hadn't even realized he'd transitioned his fingers on her clit as she was consumed with pleasure.

“Ohhhmmm!” Jessie moaned incoherently as her orgasm hit. Her mouth fell open, slack-jawed with pleasure. She felt her pussy clench tightly, over and over, around his invading fingers. Clear liquid spewed from her core, drenching Andrea’s sleeves and hands in liquid. He had said to surrender…

“Mmm,” Jessie sighed happily, sated, as her orgasm finally faded minutes later. Jessie had never squirted like that before, so powerfully and greatly. Andrea really was talented. She really didn’t care how many girls he’d blessed with this treatment, she just hoped it wouldn’t be the last time she’d be subjected to his experienced fingers.

“I hope you don’t only do that for the new girls,” she said playfully, smirking. "That was amazing."
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“Well damn, you’ve got a hot rod, little bod on you, sugar,” Cocobo Sam grinned, an experienced hand at judging the potential of flesh and he’d almost missed the fine meat of this bird by getting caught up in the feathers, “you may be top-floor material after all, you just need a new gimmick—Madam M’s aesthetic don’t suit you at all.”

Sam’s smile widened as Kyrie did a little pirouette to show off all of her young, firm flesh without hiding anything. He appreciated that from her. He moved on her slowly but deliberately, his large cock growing even harder above his tight-fitting blue jeans. He turned her to face away from him, rubbing the length of his erection against her bare ass while bringing his hands up to cup and caress her large breasts firmly in his strong hands. He squeezed them just short of causing her discomfort as the head of his cock began to grind against her damp pussy lips.

“Damn if you ain’t soft as baby chocobo down,” Sam cooed into Kyrie’s neck, his coarse beard tickling at her bare shoulder and neck, “I’m gonna fuck you now, is that what you want?”

Kyrie didn’t seem to be resistant to the idea of being fucked, so he released one of her breasts to line himself up with her pussy and he pushed through with his hips, lodging the wide crown of his big dick so deep inside Kyrie’s young, inexperienced body.

“Damn—tight as a tick, too,” Sam groaned, raising his hands back up to squeeze her breasts again and push her back against his muscular chest, “yeah, that’s good pussy you got there.”

It took some effort to drag his huge cock out of her clenching pussy, for a moment it felt like he might drag her inside out before her wetness overwhelmed her tightness and he slid out just enough to roughly slam in again. The next time he slid out easier, his fingers closing around her erect nipples—he slammed in again.

“I think I might like to keep you all to myself for a while.”


“Jesus Christ…” Biggs groaned as Tifa eagerly took his cock in around her dangling tongue as her eyes rolled back and crossed in her head, “she’s really some kind of demented slut after-all, huh?”

“Fucking slut!” Wedge agreed, slamming his cock in to the base again, timing it again with another hard slap to her round, jiggling ass, “but fuck, this pussy is good!”

“She looks like a real mind-broken slave already,” Biggs observed, taking hold of the back of her head, ensuring that his cock reached all the way into her throat while her tongue lolled around his balls, “I guess Don Corneo is as good as they say.”

“I’m hiring, too,” Corneo remarked over his shoulder as he continued serving drinks at a frantic pace, “I’ve got a lot of work to do in terms of expanding into this district, especially if this place can continue to be this popular. Speaking of which…”

After briefly clearing the bar of orders, Corneo bodied his way through the crowd, making his way to the entrance which was becoming increasingly unruly. Without realizing what he was doing, Corneo shoved the man who was fucking 02 against the juke box, forcing him deeper and making him lose control of his nut, cumming inside her.

“Keep it in the cups!” Corneo reminded the trick by the jukebox, gently guiding 02’s hand to hold her glass between her legs to catch the cum as it dripped out of her, “alright, that’s enough—back away from my advertising!”

As soon as Corneo made it out of the bar, he produced his pistol and fired twice into the air, the bullets clanging against the reclaimed metal overhang.

“We’re at capacity, folks. Try again tomorrow night,” Corneo lifted 03 to unhook her wrists from the lamp and began untying her from the barrel, “and you animals ought to be ashamed of yourselves—taking advantage of a helpless girl like this. You sector seven filth have no class.”

“Get off your high horse, Corneo!” Someone shouted from the crowd, “I’m still horny! You just going to refuse me service?”

“You know where the Honey Bee Inn is—if you can’t afford that, feel free to beat yourself off, dirtbag.”

Corneo picked 03 up gently, cradling her in his arms as he pushed aside her blindfold. Letting her dull, unintelligent eyes blink away the darkness.

“You did so well, honey bee,” Corneo whispered to 03 as he carried her inside, “hey, big guy. Make the pinball do the elevator thing.”

The former members of AVALNCHE shot an instinct dirty look at Corneo, still instinctively clinging to the myth that their interior basement was still a secret. They quickly remembered that the building itself was Corneo’s now and how secretive he decided to keep the lower level was up to him entirely. Barret triggered the pinball machine, letting Corneo stand on the elevator plate and ride the shining, blinking and chiming machine to the lower floor.

Corneo laid 03 down gently down on the couch downstairs.

“You can rest here, if you want to come up and serve some customers later, just call me. Otherwise, you can rest for the rest of the night. You did so well.”

Corneo made his way up just as Johnny was buying up the last of the beer from the tap. A hiss and a spurt of foam indicated the end of the keg.

“Looks like I made it just in time!” Johnny proclaimed, striking an overly dramatic pose.

“Ohhhhhhhh you fucking slut!” Wedge groaned, gripping Tifa’s ass cheeks in both palms and spreading them as he came inside—like the man before him, Wedge made a tally on Tifa’s thigh to indicate that he’d been the first inside her, “oops, I missed the cup.”

“Come on, dude…” Corneo grimaced, not loving his new wife having the jizz of loose acquaintances inside her.

“Does that mean I’m next?” Johnny asked enthusiastically.

“Not so fast, Junior,” Barrett interjected, tossing off his drink-stained apron and stepping around the bar, “I’ve been busting my ass all night, now it’s my turn to bust hers.”

“We can’t be here all night, you two can go eskimo brothers on her,” Corneo said at last, picking 01 up from Wymer’s lap and hurrying him along, as he’d long ago finished and was just relishing the feeling of being inside her, “move along, blondie. She’s not that into you.”

Corneo steered 01 to a new customer as Barrett and Johnny were sizing up how to double penetrate Tifa without spoiling Biggs’ fellatio.


Andrea pulled his hand away just before Jessie squirted as she came from his dexterous fingers. He smiled, keeping his hips writhing against hers to the implied rhythm of the unheard music. He brought his hands up her stomach to her breasts, caressing her and lightly stimulating her nipples.

“No, not just new girls. Only special girls, though. Sometimes special guys…” Andrea chuckled softly, “hmmm, sometimes that and more.”

At that, Andrea spun her out and bowed low in a flourish.

“But I must save my potency for my performance. I’ll see you after the final curtain,” Andrea gently kissed the back of Jessie’s hand and glided dexterously from the dressing room.
Tifa moaned in response as Wedge and Biggs insulted her, talking about what a slut she'd become. She really was such a mind-broken slut, shaking and moaning around them, sandwiched between two of her good friends as she came over and over. Wedge kept slapping her ass, causing her muscular yet juicy flesh to jiggle. All the while Tifa was in bliss, safely wedged between two people she thought she could trust. Tifa rubbed her clit frantically as Wedge kept thrusting his big cock inside her, slamming against her cervix, while Biggs fucked her throat. Tifa’s tongue licked around Biggs’ balls. She started to cum again, choked lightly around Bigg's cock as he pressed it deep into her throat. Tifa's whole body was tightening and releasing, clenching and unclenching, as orgasm after oragasm crashed into her like waves in a storm.

While Tifa rode out the waves, her sweet, familiar voice carrying angelic cries of pleasure throughout the bar, 03 continued her siren calls to the wider community outside the bar. The men were getting really out of hand now. One was on either side of her, fucking the crevice between her torso and her armpits. Another man was fucking her clenched thighs, and still another was sliding his cock in and out of her mouth.

“--Orneo Saaaa saa maa ru--rullll---sss the sl--sl--ummmms!!!!!” She choked out between thrusts of some stranger's cock. 03 could barely get out what Daddy had told her to say. Her orgasms were almost continuous now with the vibrator shaking relentlessly against her g-spot and the balls vibrating inside her asshole, not to mention how aroused she was at being used like this. She felt like she was doing her duty like it was her purpose in life. Her pussy ached to be filled by a real cock, though 03 didn’t understand that was what she needed quite yet, having only been born yesterday.

The pleasure was so intense she just kept exploding over and over, crying out. 03 was covered in cum. She was barely recognizable. The slippery ejaculate slipped between her breasts, coated her thighs and covered her face completely so even if she didn’t have the blindfold, she would have been unable to see anyway. As much pleasure as she was feeling, it really was becoming too much.

03 needed rescuing, and Daddy was on his way.

As he passed by, Corneo shoved the man fucking 02, causing him to press in deeper. Aerith 02 cried out in pleasure as the man came inside her, filling her with his cum. Coreno was not pleased. Though he spoke harshly to the man, he took hold of 02’s hand gently and guided it between her legs so the mug she was holding would catch the cum that leaked out of her dripping pussy.

Coreno exited the bar then and fired off 2 shots with his pistol. 02 jumped in surprise, but 01 and Tifa were too distracted by cocks to be bothered by the sound. 03 however cried out around the cock currently lodged down her throat in reaction to the sudden loud noise. She was really quite a sight; Tears leaking from her eyes from the endless onslaught of orgasms, but you couldn’t really see her tears with all the cum covering her face. 03 gasped for breath when the man fucking her mouth pulled out, cum strands dangling between her lips.

Coreno told the mob they were at capacity and to try again tomorrow. 03 breathed shakily against the barrel, waiting patiently for Daddy to untie her. He pulled her off the barrel and the vibrator and finally she was free. 03 breathed shakily and wiped the cum from her eyes. She blinked up at Corneo with blank, tired eyes. He praised her and picked her up gently. 03 wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him for support. She felt safe in his big arms and against his large body. She closed her eyes, nuzzled into his neck. “Thank you, Daddy,” she said.

03 didn’t care where he was bringing her. She was relieved to be free of the vibrations and the endless cocks. Her new master told her she’d done well. 03 was so happy to hear that from him. Her Creator had told her that Daddy was her new master, so she was so, so happy she’d been able to please him.

Daddy laid her down on a couch and told her she could rest there. He said she could serve customers later if she wanted, she just needed to call for him. “Mm, thank you, Daddy,” Aerith 03 repeated her thanks. She was so exhausted from her endless orgasms and the careless treatment of the men. She curled up into a little ball when Daddy left, breathing deeply, regaining her strength.

Back upstairs, Wedge had finally reached his limit. With one last cry of how much of a fucking slut Tifa was while squeezing her asscheeks, he came deep inside her pussy, completely forgetting about the mug. Tifa liked the feeling of his relentless hips bucking into her bouncy ass erratically as he came, and the bruises that would surely be left on her ass from his slaps. The red marks Wedge was leaving put a new, fresh touch of color to the overlapping “D-O-N-‘S” branded onto her asscheeks from the spanking her new husband had given her last night. Tifa wondered if Barret, who was next in line to fuck her, would spank her as well. She was a little afraid of that. Barret was a huge, hulking man. He was a gentle giant, sure, when his rage was not directed at you. Did he have as much pent up resentment towards her as Wedge did?

As Wedge slowly stopped thrusting inside her, Tifa’s fingers gradually let up on her clit, giving herself a break from the undying pleasure. She was able to concentrate more on satisfying Biggs then, and Tifa aimed to please. Her hand grasped at his ass, pulling him forward, practically gagging herself on his dick at this point without any work on Biggs’ part.

Wedge pulled out, and with him leaked some cum, dripping down her spread thighs into the mug on the floor between her legs. Wedge added a tally on the back of her thigh, just under her jiggly ass, to mark him as the first to fuck the bimbo barmaid.

Over the sounds of her own obscene choking and gagging, Tifa heard a familiar, excitable voice. There was no mistaking that voice. Johnny had made it here at last. Distracted as she’d been by Wedge’s orgasm, and her own, she hadn’t heard him come in at first.

Tifa’s eyes widened when she realized what her new husband meant by “eskimo brothers” as Johnny and Barret looked her over, trying to puzzle out how best to penetrate her at once. She moaned around Biggs cock, equally nervous and excited. Tifa had never been double penetrated before.

As excited as Bimbo Tifa was that Barret was going to fuck her, she was nervous about his great strength and the size of his dick. She was just sure his cock was going to be massive like the rest of him. She was excited about it too, though, and really wanted to see it, but her face was directed forward as Biggs kept fucking her throat. All she could do was reach backward, gesturing towards Johnny and Barret, mostly Barret, beckoning him forward.

Wymer was still thrusting away inside of 01, but he’d already cum and his dick was practically limp at this point. 01 needed another thick, hard cock to ride instead. She was mewling gently, restless. Like all of the customers so far, Wymer too forgot to pull out once he'd reached his peak into her tight, warm, wet sheath. When Daddy pulled Wymer away, 01 placed the beer mug between her legs, letting it catch the excess cum that leaked out of her. Coreno directed her to another customer, and this man was ready to go. Pre-cum leaked out his huge cock. 01 realized she really enjoyed being filled up and excitedly sat astride him in his chair, grabbed his shoulders, and lowered herself onto his dick.

“Ohhhh!” 01 moaned wantonly, gyrating her hips on the stranger. She held the mug in her left hand, ready to pull off of him at the first hint of his orgasm. Daddy had told them to collect all the cum in these mugs and she wasn’t going to disappoint him.

02 was onto her 3rd cock. The man currently fucking her was plowing her from behind against the jukebox, causing the music to skip every few seconds, irritatingly. 02 was groaning in annoyance and pleasure. Her long, red hair swayed against her back as the man kept slamming her into it with some force. Another man stepped in, getting between 02 and the jukebox. He scooted the jukebox out of the way and unbuckled his pants.

“Can we tag team this one too, Coreno?” the next customer asked, waving his number as proof of purchase. He grabbed the back of 02’s head and jerked her up and towards his waiting cock while she continued to get fucked by her third customer.


Jessie grinned when Andrea said he only did this to the special performers. Her mother always had told her she was special.

“Only your best dancers, huh? That’s some solid motivation,” Jessie said with a smirk. She rubbed her lithe body against him, pressed her firm, muscular ass into his bulge. He grasped her breasts lightly from behind then glidedaway, saying he needed to save his energy for the performance, but that he would see her afterward.

“Mmmhmm, I’ll find you,” Jessie purred seductively. It was a promise.

40 minutes later and Jessie was glowing. She’d cleaned herself up from her powerful orgasm, but it was like it was still with her in a way. She felt so sensitive and so in tune with her body. That Andrea was really something. His sensual touches had been an art form of their own. Jessie smiled at her reflection in the mirror then rushed to get in place backstage with the other girls.

Jessie didn’t notice, but some of her fellow dancers gave her snide looks. Perhaps she really was glowing. Many of the bees vied for Andrea’s attention, so the fact this new girl, fresh to the hive, had gotten alone time with him already irked some of them.


Kyrie didn’t know exactly what “top-floor material” meant, but it sounded like a good thing and Sam was grinning at her so Kyrie grinned right back. She may have even jumped a little in excitement at having gained his approval.

Sam was ready to take her for a spin. He approached her and turned her around. Kyrie felt his hard, bare cock poking her backside and moaned, rubbed her body against him in longing. Those yellow jacket pills from earlier were adding to her desire for him. She was so wet. She wanted Chocobo Sam to fill her up with his cock so badly! He teased her, grinding his hard cock, wet with her saliva against her dripping pussy lips. Kyrie mewled in need as he palmed her breasts, squeezing the supple, nubile flesh.

He asked if she wanted him to fuck her now and Kyrie bucked her hips back into him. “Yes, please!” she moaned desperately.

Chocobo Sam was already pushing inside, the wide helm of his cock spearing her open. “Ah! Oh! Oh my god! Oh my god!” Kyrie whined as he spread her open. She was dripping wet, but the feeling of his thick cock sliding into her so deeply all at once was a lot for the teen to handle. Kyrie groaned and gently moved her hips against his, adjusting to the feeling of having him inside her. Sam complimented her pussy. She could hear him groaning in her ear as he delighted in the tightness of her barely legal pussy. He grabbed her breasts and pulled her backwards into him, holding her thin body against his wide, muscular, hairy chest. He stayed still inside her for a wonderful moment, then slowly, almost painfully dragged his cock back out of her tight, tender hole just slightly. Then he pushed forward again. He began a slow, deep rhythm.

“Ahh ohh mmmmm,” Kyrie sighed and moaned as Sam fucked her. She was a good, vocal little whore.

“I think I might like to keep you all to myself for a while," Sam praised.

Kyrie liked the sound of that. She’d been attracted to him since she’d seen him coming towards her at the bar, and she really liked praise, and Sam had a lot of that, when she did things right, of course. Whether it was just dirty talk or he really meant it Kyrie was into it. “Ohh yes, fuck me harder, Sam, please!” Kyrie cried. Her hips squirmed against him as he thrust deep inside her again and again.
“I call dibs on her pussy!” Johnny exclaimed enthusiastically, striking a pose with one finger extended into the air triumphantly, “I’ve been dreaming about what she’s got between those legs since I was a young boy.”

Barrett just laughed, joined soon after by Wedge who was pouring himself a beer from one of several abandoned pitchers that had been bought for the sake of the overwhelmingly successful B.O.Blow Special and left behind while the original buyer had gone to collect on the special prize without finishing his beer.

“Reconsider your position,” Barrett said forcefully, it was not a question, “unless you think I can fit this beast up her ass.”

Barrett lowered his olive cargo pants down below his hips, freeing his foot-long, veiny cock for inspection. His was the only cock that could rival Corneo’s for size, and as it was God-given, not engineered, it lacked the spongy flexibility that allowed the pimp to stretch even the smallest of holes without harming his partner. Barrett’s cock could easily do harm. Johnny nodded, glumly. There was no arguing with a cock like that, it would surely kill Tifa to take that monster in her ass.

“Straddle me, whore,” Barrett instructed Tifa, sitting on the barstool that Wedge recently vacated with his cock pointing straight up, nearly to his chest, “bury this cock in your guts and give the youngster a nice big target.”

When Tifa did as she was instructed, Barrett did his best to spread open her round, muscular ass-cheeks for Johnny to have his way with her asshole, but Barrett’s impediment meant that while one of her ass cheeks was firmly clasped in a wide, strong hand—maybe the only hand large enough to encompass TIfa’s entire cheek—the other side was more prodded at by the stationary barrels of Barrett’s gatling gun prosthetic.

On the other side of the room, Corneo was fielding his own Double Penetration related questions.

“Just be careful with her—don’t be rough with her asshole,” Corneo slapped the trick’s hand away from Aerith 02’s hair, “and lay off her hair. Letting tricks tug away at sluts’ hair is a good way to end up with a stable of bald whores. Gentle with her ass and lay off the hair—otherwise you can do what you want.”

“Here I go—go—GOOOO!!!” if there were such a thing as the “cringe-worthy” gene it would have been imprinted all across Johnny’s DNA. His father was no better, a notorious drunk and lothario, Johnny was a constant stream of enthusiasm without an ounce of sense mixed in.

Johnny spat on his cock in lieu of proper lubrication and pushed the smooth, almost burgundy head into Tifa’s clenching ass, grasping her shoulders as he did, while Barrett was still pulling her further down his tremendous shaft, stretching her at both ends.

“Yeah… that’s good pussy,” Barret sighed, releasing Tifa’s ass to retrieve a still-lit cigar from a nearby ashtray, “shake that ass, slut. Make them things clap on him.”

A plume of smoke wafted around the trio while others in the bar continued taking their turns, sharing their mixed seed between the girls’ insides and the provided mugs that were quickly filling up. As the jukebox skipped again, Barrett thrust his hips upward, meeting Johnny’s meek thrust from behind.


Chocobo Sam was more than a little impressed with how enthusiastically Kyrie was taking his big cock and indeed begging for more. It was tempting to doubt her sincere ability to withstand his hardest thrusts, but as she continued to moan loudly and beg for more, it seemed almost a waste not to give her a shot. She was, after-all, auditioning for him.

Sam slid his hairy, muscular arms under Kyrie’s slender limbs, bringing his hands together and interlacing his fingers at the back of her neck, going suddenly rigid and roughly folding her body over on itself—a “full-Nelson” the hold was called and a favorite among the bisexual gym-rats that populated the Wall Market Gym.

Pushing his hips forward and bending at the waist, Sam lifted Kyrie’s feet completely off the ground as he bent her in half and continued to slam her guts with all of his considerable might. In this position Kyrie’s silken hair draped over her face and Sam’s sweat joined hers and moved steadily down her body, like he was laminating her in his essence.

“You just may be something special, a high-ticket item—a blue-chip slut. We’ll dress you up like a school girl, a sailor scout, gym clothes and swimsuits… maybe even a ballet dancer! You can lip-synch on stage with other girls, doing Andrea’s choreography like a real gravyure idol—and then after the show we auction you off to get dicked down by the highest bidder. You scream and cum like it’s your first time and the trick is Hercules!”

The sweat was dripping onto the floor now, off of her toes, fingertips and the tip of her nose—the sweat was neither hers nor his. It was both of their sweat comingled. It was theirs. A fresh shower of shared sweat rained down as he realigned her spine once again.

“You like that? You want to be my little whore idol?”


The Honey Bee Inn was abuzz with excitement as the doors were opening, a big-deal Shinra Executive was coming in to see the show. It was well known that Shinra Executives could spend money in ways that were impossible for people from the slums to match. Shinra Execs could change the lives of slum dwellers with their single-night party budget. Bigwigs like this tended to stay up on the plate, where things were more catered to their income bracket—so when they did visit the slums, it was with an attitude that absolutely everything was for sale—which often turned out to be the case.

Tonight, it was the infamous Chief of Public Security, Heidegger who was paying a visit. When he arrived there were two cute honey bees waiting to cling onto each of his arms, fawning over him as he passed through the Will Call and into the Grand Lobby, Andrea Rhodea himself was out to greet the visiting magnate.

“Mister Heidegger, it is an honor,” Andrea bowed low.

He’d sent one of the other girls to alert Jessie, he wanted her to meet him before the show as Andrea expected her performance would attract his attention and Andrea was unsure if the Chief of Public Security would recognize her as a member of the now disbanded terrorist organization AVALANCHE.

“I think you’ll be very pleased with our show tonight—any member of the cast is of course available for a private session should you desire one.”

“We’ll see…” Heidegger seemed unimpressed with it all as one girl slipped a cut cigar between his lips and the other girl lit it, “I hope you ladies are ready to suck on some balls while I watch this little slut pageant.”
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Jessie couldn’t hide her surprise when she came face to face with Heidegger, Shinra’s Cheif of Public Security. There had been gossip backstage about a top Shinra exec coming to the show tonight, but never in a million years would she have thought it would be Heidegger. What was Andrea playing at here? Why did he want her to meet Heidegger? Oh no, was she going to be arrested on the spot?! Was this a setup? Jessie tried to hide the emotion from her face and put on a smile as she neared.

Heidegger of course had a top-tier seat and top-tier personal entertainment. Two honeybees flanked him, each with a hand in his lap. Heidegger exuded power and wealth. He puffed on a large cigar and looked bored. What was a fancy upper plate guy like him doing down here?

This seemed like a weird fever dream, meeting Shinra’s Chief of Security in this bold outfit - tits and tail as Andrea had put it. Jessie’s tits were perky, her pretty pink nipples hard from the temperature and as a side effect of the yellow jacket aphrodisiac drug herself and the other girls took before the show. It was just part of the routine the stage manager said, get their libido’s up so their sweet smell of honey would fill the air during the show.

Hopefully, he wouldn’t recognize her with a full face of makeup and without her signature red bandanna… or hopefully, he’d be too distracted by the two honeybees playing with his meat to pay her too much attention. A little nervous, a little horny, and trying hard not to show either, Jessie tried to act like a honeybee. She was a honeybee now, after all.

With a big smile on her face, she curtseyed very low to Heidegger and spoke with a lilt in her voice, “Welcome to the show… It’s an honor for a little honeybee like me to perform for someone as prestigious as you.” The words were almost literally painful to say.

Even as Jessie moved, her breasts did not sag despite the new outfit modification which bared her full chest and granted no support. Jessie had an athlete’s body and perky, medium breasts that bounced and swayed as naturally and enticingly as she did.


Kyrie squealed when Sam lifted her up like she weighed nothing and screamed when he rammed his cock deeper inside her. It hurt, but it was an exquisite pain. She grasped at his hairy forearms tightly, trying to handle the intensifying pleasure. Sam kept slamming his hips up into her, pushing his cock into her pussy so deep in this new position. She was so turned on and impressed by his strength.

As he fucked her, he told her of all the various outfits she’d get to wear. She liked the imagery he was conjuring, of the possibility of being on stage. She knew she was meant for more than cutting limes!

“I’ll wear whatever you want me to wear, Sam, I’ll fuck who you want me to fuck,” Kyrie gasped, breath shaky and broken up by moans as he continued pounding away into her teen pussy. She squeezed his forearms tighter, nails digging into his skin.

“You like that? You want to be my little whore idol?”

Yes!!!” she shrieked with pleasure as he bounced her body up and down his dick, as their sweat intermingled and slid down their bodies and onto the floor. Sam was primal in how he fucked her, and it felt like he wasn’t holding anything back. His thrusts were rough, but all she could feel was pleasure.

“I want to be your whore idol. I’ll do whatever you want just please keep fucking meee~ Ohhh you feel so good. Yes! Yes! Yes!” her cries came in time with his thrust “Let me be your whore idol!”


As Tifa finished sucking off Biggs, she heard Barret and Johnny discussing who would get to fuck her pussy. If Biggs’ cock wasn’t currently buried in her throat, she’d have requested Barret get her pussy, most definitely. She didn’t need to see his cock to know it was huge.

With a grunt, Biggs started to come. He did a little better than Wedge, at least half of his cum made it into the mug he’d placed between Tifa’s huge, soft tits. Tifa swallowed the bit in her throat, licked her lips, and beamed at him.

With her head now free, Tifa turned just in time to see Barretdrop his cargo pants. She may have audibly gasped.

His cock was even bigger than she’d imagined it could be. It was more impressive than Corneo’s, not just because of the size, but because it was all natural. It was terrifying and exciting all at once to see his hard, black cockhead glistening in the low light, the veins on the shaft prominent. The stiff, aching rod nearly reached to his chest.

“Straddle me, whore,” Barret demanded.

Tifa stood up from the bar a little stiffly, having been hunched over it for so long. Her shirt was stained with cum and a strand of Bigg’s seed was leaking out the corner of her mouth. Tifa didn’t notice it until it was sliding down her chin. She wiped it into the mug haphazardly and faced Barret.

Her eyes were glued to his cock. Slowly, she raised her gaze to meet his familiar brown eyes. As she straddled him on the barstool, she felt his cock against her stomach, nearly between her breasts. She leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, “I’ve fantasized about this.” It was true. On lonely nights when she was missing home and yearning for love or something primal. She’d never acted on such thoughts, but they had kept her up at night.

Tifa lifted her body above Barret’s lap, into his strong, wide chest, as she began to align their bodies. When she felt the head of his gigantic cock slide against her clit and then down towards her opening, grazing her dripping hole, Tifa mewled loudly and ground her hips into him. She braced herself on his shoulders and slowly lowered her hips.

“Ahh~!” Tifa groaned as his wide cockhead spread her tender pussy apart. Her dark red eyes stared into his. Her eyes would be familiar to him, but not as bright as they’d been just days ago. The Bimbo materia necklace hung heavy on her throat, but even Bimbo Tifa winced at the sheer sensation of Barret’s doublewide cock penetrating her. It hurt, but the more she moved the more natural it began to feel.

She lowered herself inch by inch, her cunt stretching impossibly wide to accommodate his thick, long, veiny cock. She fit him instead little by little with each rise and lowering of her hips. "Mmm… fuck, yes, Barret, you're gonna break me in half!!" Tifa wailed. At last, she managed to fit most of his oversized cock fully inside her tight, slick pussy. Even with the slickness from her pussy juices, it was still an impossibly snug fit and there were still several inches to go!

Barret grabbed one of her asscheeks with his human hand, completely eclipsing the firm globe. His gunarm poked at her opposite cheek. He pulled her forward so she was in a better position for Johnny to fuck her. Tifa had forgotten all about him to be honest... Until she heard his obnoxious shout followed by the prodding of his slick cockhead against her asshole.

Johnny grabbed her shoulders as Barret pulled her down, trapping her between their two bodies. She could hear Johnny panting in her ear as he started to fuck her. The dual sensations were incredible. Tifa moaned and screamed in pleasure pain. Her huge, supernatural breasts bounced heavily against Barret’s chest.

She rose her hips up slowly until about half his cock was outside her, then lowered herself onto him fast. She gasped at the sharp, incredible feeling of his cock sliding inside her while Johnny made fast, eager thrusts inside her asshole. Barret’s cock was so incredibly large. She would never have been able to handle such a cock had she not been so eager, her body so slick and ready to receive him.

“Shake that ass, slut. Make them things clap on him.” Barret commanded. He started to smoke a cigar and enjoy the show as Tifa increased the speed of her hips.

Tifa moaned louder and moved faster. Dragging her hot, slippery pussy up and down his cock and ass cheeks bouncing on Johnny’s modest cock. Her ass did start “clapping” as Barret put it. She could just make out the clapping sound over her own pleasured moans and the eager pants of Johnny as he found his rhythm.

“Ohhhh fuck! Don’t clap them cheeks too hard or I’m gonna burst!” Tifa heard Johnny groan from behind her. Tifa let out a light giggle and changed her rhythm, going slower but now deeper, really feeling Barret fill up her not. It was getting easier and easier to slide her juicy cunt all over him. She wasn’t just rising and falling but gyrating now, grinding her pussy down into his lap.

Tifa rubbed her pelvis against his, grinding her clit against him. She held Barret’s massive shoulders tight as she worked herself on his cock. She moaned wantonly as she met his gaze. Her tongue hung out slightly, her eyes shone with desire. She could feel her own pleasure start to peak. She felt so stuffed full of cock. Double stuffed.

Without the aid of the Bimbo necklace and all its pleasure materia, Aerith 02 was at a disadvantage when it came to double penetration. She’d only just gotten used to normal sex, and now Daddy was going to let someone fuck her asshole at the same time?! She may have been born yesterday, but Aerith 02 knew her ass was nowhere near as flexible as her pussy. She was nervous, but she had to do whatever Daddy said; Hojo had said so. Also, she had decided she was tough; she could handle this.

The second man wasted no time in swooping in as the first man repositioned her so he held her by the thighs. Like Johnny, he considered spit sufficient lubricant. He got behind her and with some difficulty, managed to slide inside. 02 cried out in pain but the stranger fucking her pussy kissed her to silence her. Eventually, the pain started to feel good.

Men assumed since Coreno had given permission to double penetrate 02, that they could do the same with 01, but this next man fucking her wasn’t having that. 01 was relieved. She wasn’t sure how the other girls were handling two at a time!

01’s next patron shed his pants quickly, revealing a little shorter than average but thick cock. He wasted no time in pulling 01 into a booth and turning her over so he could fuck her from behind. 01 gasped at the sensations from this new position. She felt the man grab for her braid but halted at Daddy’s orders not to mess up their hair. 01 sighed in relief. The man grunted his disappointment, then began to fuck her harder instead.

Beneath 7th Heaven, the third Aerith clone slept soundly. She hadn’t been bright enough to think to look for a cloth or towel to clean herself up with and had instead fallen straight to sleep, still drenched in cum, on the couch.
“Mmm, yeah…” Heidegger grunted through a puff of dense smoke, “such a warm welcome, indeed.”

With the cigar still smoldering between his chapped lips, Heidegger reached out to grasp one of Jessie’s firm, perky breasts in his rough, massive hand. As his thumb brushed her erect nipple roughly against the edge of his massive, squeezing hand, his other smoke stinking hand cupping her face and sinking his large thumb into her mouth as though it were a normal and acceptable form of greeting.

Any dancing she intended to do was halted by his hands on her body, his grip was terrifying in its sheer force. He pulled her into his lap with enough force to easily be considered an assault—if not for the power dynamics inherent in clubs of this ilk. His metal buttons dug into her back and the ash from his cigar fell through her bangs on its way to the ground as he released her face in favor of rubbing her clit through the thin fabric of her honeybee costume.

“And it’s only going to get warmer from here,” Heidegger sneered through a puff of smoke.

With her back pressed against his chest, he pulled the costume aside and sank two fingers into her pussy while squeezing her tit hard enough to hurt. He knew much more than he let on and had down out to the slums specifically to have time with the notorious hacker and demolitions expert from Avalanche—Jessie Rasberry.

One of the honeybees on his flank removed the cigar from his mouth, recognizing that both of his hands were busy, while the other was unbuttoning and unzipping his dress uniform trousers. He opened his bearded mouth and slathered his tongue along the side of Jessie’s neck.

“I could eat you up,” he pinched her nipple hard and dragged his teeth down her earlobe, his coarse, black beard scratching at her neck and jawline.


If not for the loud music and the din of the crowd already filtering in for the night’s festivities, Kyrie’s moans, wails and screams might have been heard throughout the club. She was really going for it and her enthusiasm made Sam more energetic with his own thrusts, dripping sweat down onto her from above as he hilted inside her tight, teenaged pussy over and over.

“Oh fuck yeah, slut!” Sam groaned, his heavy balls slapping her firm ass over and over, “I’ll do it, I’ll make you famous! Kyrie: the whore idol of the slums.”

Sam was getting so caught up in his fantasy—imagining cute outfits to dress her in, prerecorded songs she could lip synch to, that he almost lost control of his nut. It was much too early to breed her and a pregnancy would be detrimental to her career as an idol. Instead, Sam managed to pull out just in time, blasting his cum across her stomach, up to her breasts and even reaching her face.

“Whooo-wee, cutie. You drained me like a sink hole in the bottom of a lake,” Sam sighed, moving over to the bar and grabbing a towel which he used to wipe his own sweat before dropping it onto Kyrie’s stomach, “get cleaned up. You’re not going to be working the bar tonight. I’m going to bring you back to Madam M and we’ll look at some costume options.”

When Kyrie had mostly wiped herself down, Sam helped her to her feet by gripping under her arms, like he was teaching a toddler to walk. He kissed the top of her head, damp with sweat but not drenched in cum like most of her was.

“Get dressed. Wear whatever you want for the ride over, we’re going to try lots of things on you.” Sam nodded, slipping back into his vest and hopping a bit as he pulled up his denim jeans, “hurry up.”

At the back of his mind, Sam was concerned that Madam M would be upset with him laying claim to someone she’d already placed in a job—but surely she could see that Kyrie’s talents extended far beyond just cutting limes.

Sam left her to finish getting herself put back together, going outside to ready his loyal Chocobo “Champ” to bare two riders. Kyrie weighed practically nothing, but Champ was spoiled and could be a bit of a diva at times.

“Hey there, big fellah,” Sam cooed, gently scratching under Champ’s beak, much to the animal’s delight, “we got one more riding along to the other side of the market. She’s tiny, it won’t be much more to carry.”

Champ shook his head suddenly, pulling away from Sam’s hand to give him a withering glare. Champ’s least favorite thing was meeting new people. He snapped his beak loudly in protest.

“Don’t be that way you brat. I like her, so be nice,” Sam grabbed a fistful of Sylkis Greens that he’d let Kyrie feed to Champ. In his own way, Champ was almost as big of a whore as Kyrie.


When Tifa confided that she’d been fantasizing about riding him, Barret grinned wide, showing off his new gold cap on his right canine tooth.

“I’ve been fantasizing about it too. Every damn day. Watching them big tits jiggle—that slutty little skirt reflecting the light off your round ass—oh yeah!” Barret bore down, his gun arm pressing down on one thigh while the other hand was gripping the soft skin of her toned thigh tight enough that his fingers would leave bruises the next day—shoving her hard onto his massive cock, making her scream, “yeah, bitch. I’m going to split you like wet pine.”

His last remark was in response to her screamed claim that he would split her in half.

“Biggs, grab the thing,” Barret called over his shoulder to Biggs who had taken over serving drinks, by now they were sold out of almost everything except for sake and Southern Comfort—and the sake was running low.

“Are you sure?” Biggs glanced back to Barret, still snatching 100 gil notes from the throng of customers with one hand and pouring from a giant, green sake bottle with the other—almost completely directionless with his pours as the customers pushed and shoved to push their glasses under the flow, “I think maybe she’s had enough.”

“Just do as your—TOLD!” Barret raised his hand and his gatling, bringing both down hard on Tifa’s thighs while pushing up with his hips—pound slamming the last of his collection of inches inside her.

“Yeah, she’s fine,” Corneo confirmed from his spot in the middle of the bar where he was tipping a stream of SoCo into the mouths of 02 and her tricks fucking her—a reward for good work stretching her ass, “she was rude to me this morning, so don’t go easy on her.”

Just as Corneo confirmed that Biggs should bring Barret what he asked for. The tension of what it could be only mounted as Biggs—who was in tremendous shape—seemed to be struggling to lift the unknown item, opting instead to scoot it along the floor in little bursts before resting and repeating. He grunted as he hugged it to himself and lifted it like a body.

The item was a different attachment for Barret’s prosthetic limb—it looked very much like his melee mace—except that the bowling-ball-sized sphere was clad in dimply, pink rubber and seemed to have a weed-whacker engine built into the side.

“Shinra built this baby for me,” Barret grinned, raising his gatling to be detached by Biggs with a turn that required his whole body before he slid the big, pink orb into the gatling’s place, locking it with another whole-body turn, “it was part of the deal that sent you to corneo.”

Biggs pulled a string on the side and the motor roared to life, expelling a sudden but brief cloud of black smoke. The smell of gasoline joined the smells of spilled liquor and sex as the engine roared to life. The vibration was so intense that it made the empty glasses on the table tremble and tip over.

Johnny, having blown his load early, was sitting at the far end of the bar—staring at a half-full glass of Southern Comfort, trying to summon the will to force down the sickly-sweet liquor.

“This device vibrates along eighteen wavelengths with the intensity of a jackhammer,” Barret told Tifa, looking into her eyes as he moved the giant orb between them, sliding it under her massive tit and moving it lower, slowly, “was this in your fantasy, slut? Maybe this will be your ((Heavy-Handed Title Reference Omitted))”

Finally, Barret was sliding the huge orb down below her naval, trying to touch the tip of his cock while the intense vibrations made the legs of the stool rattle against the floor.

“Holy fuck! It feels amazing on my cock,” Barret smiled, compounding the sudden increase in intensity with the good cop routine that she was clearly fishing for by confiding that she’d wanted this even in her right mind, “is it good for you, baby? My sweet little cock jockey…. Go on and cum as much as you want. Give Papa all that girl cum… maybe you’ll get a reward, baby.”

Barret was tracing the outline of his cockhead through the flesh of Tifa’s toned stomach, back and forth in an arch just below her naval.

“Sake is spent!” Biggs announced to a groan from the crowd.

“SoCo is half price until we run out or you puke!” Corneo announced, quickly shifting the mood as he poured some into 01’s waiting mouth while she rode her trick.
Bimbo Tifa was glad to hear Barret had thought about this too. His erotic words and golden grin set her ablaze. Had he really thought about fucking her every day working alongside her at the bar? Fuck, that was hot to think. So all the times she’d thought she’d felt his eyes on her they probably were. It was true her breasts jiggled at even the slightest of movements, even when contained in her sports bra, and the skirts she wore were tight and short, showing off the round swell of her ass and long legs. Tifa’s body was strong, firm, and bouncy all at once.

She’d always thought of Barret as a gentle giant. Sure, he had a temper, but he was so sweet with Marlene and kind to her. Tonight though, he was a different person. Just like she was.

Like Wedge, Barret was almost hatefucking her; the main difference was Barret had more power and stamina to put behind that anger. His gun arm pressed heavily into one thigh while his hand gripped the other so tight it would leave a mark. Her tits bounced wildly as she rode him.

Barret asked Biggs to bring over “the thing” and Tifa didn’t think much of it until Biggs protested, suggesting she’d maybe had enough. Had enough of what, Tifa wondered. Cock? Drugs? Sex?

“Just do as your—TOLD!” Barret ordered Biggs. To punctuate his point, he slammed his hips harder into Tifa, forcing the last couple inches inside her, ramming against her cervix.

“AHhh! Barret, ungh, you're hurting me!” Tifa screamed. She gripped his forearms tight.

Barret's cock pushed impossibly deep inside her. She could see it poking against her taut lower stomach, several inches below her belly. She screamed in pain at how deep and hard he was fucking her.

The sight was erotic to bimbo Tifa; she was too far gone to feel scared, and instead she found herself fascinated despite the pain.

His cock was far too big for a deep fucking like this, but she loved it. She moaned wantonly, leaned back slightly so her breasts would brush against his face on each thrust. Barret was leading the way now; his thrusting far outpacing hers. At this speed it was impossible to grind against him.

“Ahh~!” she squealed. It was like he was jamming a puzzle block into the right shaped hole, but not quite the right size, neither wide nor deep enough. “Fuck, that’s good!” Tifa wailed at the pleasure of pain. She gripped Barret’s shoulders tight, nails digging into his dark skin hard enough to leave marks on him just as red as the ones he’d left on her ass.

“...she was rude to me this morning, so don’t go easy on her.” Corneo insisted. Tifa whimpered in response to that in great anticipation of what was to come. She couldn’t quite remember the defiant protest she’d put on this morning -- it was pre-bimbo necklace -- but she was still about to suffer the consequences of it.

Biggs brought out a ridiculously large, round attachment for Barret’s prosthetic arm. Her eyes widened. Just what did he intend to do with that?! Bigig's attached it to Barret's prosthetic arm. Barret explained this vibrating attachment was a gift as part of the deal for sending her to Corneo. If Tifa had any wits about her she would question this, but Barret was already lowering the vibrating sphere against the bulge in her belly where his cock reached.

This vibrator attachment was big enough to reach from where Barret’s cock ended, down the length of it, all the way to her clit. Tifa couldn’t stop moaning in pleasure-pain at the insanely intense trifecta of sensations. Barret’s thick cock was so deep inside her, he was fucking her so viciously, and the vibrations from his vibrator-arm were too, too much.

“is it good for you, baby? My sweet little cock jockey… Go on and cum as much as you want. Give Papa all that girl cum… maybe you’ll get a reward, baby," Barret urged her.

The sensations were already so intense, made even more by her tender feelings for her friend, that it didn't take long until Tifa felt like she was going to explode. And she did, over and over again.

Tifa screamed and panted in response, "Yes! Oh, Barret, baby, I'm gonna cum all over your cock!!!"

Tifa started cumming, crying out in abandon as her body shook wildly against Barret’s. Her gigantic tits pressed into Barret’s collarbones and chest. Her pussy clenched and unclenched around him in a wild bout of pleasure as it squirted around him. Tifa's girl cum sprayed the vibrating sphere all the way up both their chests. She couldn't stop cumming.

"Ahhhh, ngh, Barret! Oh! Oh, fuck, it's too much! It's too much! Oh! Oh! Ahhhhhhhh~!!!" Tifa's screams turned into unintelligible wails as Barret kept bouncing her on his cock while holding the violently vibrating sex toy attachment for his gunarm against the bulge of his massive cock protruding against her abdomen.


Jessie was taken aback when Heidegger grasped her breast all of a sudden, but even more surprised when he grabbed her face roughly and pressed his thumb into her mouth. The ex-eco-terrorist yelped as Heidgegger pulled her down into his lap forcefully.

She braced herself against his strong expanse of chest, the buttons on his jacket dug into her back. He was an imposing man with dark hair, a thick beard, and rough, probing fingers. Her heart was beating so fast. Did he know who she was, and that was the reason he was being so rough? No, she must be paranoid. He was a Shinra top dog - they were known for treating people like trash and treating people from the slums even worse. Maybe he came down here from time to time to check up on the riffraff and get away with doing things that would be frowned upon a Public Security Officer up on the Plate.


His fingers started rubbing her clit over her leotard. This was happening awfully fast. She knew Madam M had suggested serving customers at the Honey Bee Inn in addition to her performing if she wanted to make up her debt faster, but damn! She hadn’t even had her first show yet!

Heidegger pulled her costume aside and slid two fingers inside her, meeting no resistance. In fact, her cunt was already so wet from the yellow jacket pill that his fingers slipped inside easily. Jessie let out a gasp that turned into a yelp when Heidgegger squeezed her nipple painfully.

"I could eat you up," he told her, cigar stained breath hot on her neck as he slid his tongue along her skin. She shivered in a mix of desire and revulsion.

This was the bad guy. Shinra's chief security officer! Her enemy.

But damn did that only make it even hotter!

As Jessie ground her hips against his fingers, she felt part of his bare thigh against her. When did that happen? Damn those Honeybee girls were quick. Did he expect to fuck her right here? Jessie panicked briefly.

"Ah ah ah! You're going to have to wait until aaafter the shoooow for that!” she gasped out between soft moans as he kept finger fucking her.

His roughness was a great contrast to Andrea's feather light, smooth touch earlier. Jessie wasn’t yet sure if she liked it. His cigar sure stunk, but fuck did he knew how to work those thick fingers.

Hmm maybe she could even get some information out of him after the show! Then again, if last night's infiltration mission was any indication of success, this plan too was doomed to end in Jessie getting her brains fucked out, and Heidegger would not be gentle.


The harder Sam fucked her, the louder Kyrie moaned. She reveled in his dirty talk and the derogatory names he called her. A brat like her needed a strong older man like Sam to put her in her place. She was seeing stars from his promises of fame… or maybe they were from the intensity of his thrusts.

“Ahhh yesss! I’m your whore idol! Yes! Yes!” Kyrie moaned. She started to climax just as Sam pulled his cock free and sprayed his cum all over her body, painting her tummy, tits, and face in thick strands of creamy white cum. Some landed in her open mouth and tainted her tongue. She swallowed eagerly, lost to orgasmic bliss.

“Mmm, that was amazing, cowboy,” Kyrie giggled in response to his comment. She grabbed the towel he tossed her and started to clean up, starting with her face.

When Sam told her he was taking her to Madam M’s to go shopping, Kyrie lit up. “You mean it? Thank you!” She beamed at him as he kissed her head and helped her to her feet.

He left her to get ready. Kyrie did so with a spring in her step. She splashed water on her face and wetted the towel to wipe herself down. Hopefully she wouldn’t smell too badly of spunk… Sam didn’t exactly have any fragrant soaps or perfume. Kyrie changed into one of the “starter outfits” Madam had given her. She hadn’t given her much, and what she had given her were all skimpy. Kyrie changed into a muted pink crop top and daisy dukes. Unfortunately, she was lacking in the shoe department. Kyrie put on her super high heels, one of 2 pairs of shoes she owned, the other being flat, plain sandals. Maybe Sam could set her up with some cowgirl boots to match her daisy dukes.

Her fate had certainly turned around! Kyrie could see it now: herself rocking it on stage, no one the wiser that she wasn’t actually singing. She wasn’t thinking much about the type of men she’d have to fuck after the performance was over. As long as she could get fucked by Sam again Kyrie would be happy.

When she met him outside, she found him tending to one of his chocobos.

“Hey there!” she said brightly, both to Sam and the chocobo. The chocobo seemed to be glaring. “Someone feelin’ feisty today?”

She took the Sylkis Greens Sam offered and extended her hand to the chocobo. He eyed her warily for a long moment. Kyrie wiggled her fingertips impatiently. “Come on now, you know you want ‘em.”
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Barret just laughed when Tifa complained that he was hurting her, utterly unconcerned with her comfort or safety. Her complaints didn’t last long as she began to cum, loudly and with an impressive volume of squirt. The high-velocity fluids splashed all over their sweating bodies and onto the floor.

“Yeah, that’s it, slut! Squirt me in half,” Barret continued to laugh as he raised his elbow up and bore down harder with his heavy, vibrating prosthetic, “cum like the cock-teasing little jizz locker you’ve always been meant to be!”

Barret’s boots made squeaking noises in the mess on the floor as he thrust himself upward from the seat of the barstool. He used his good hand to grasp and squeeze the outside edge of one of Tifa’s big, round tits and angle her nipple into his mouth where he bit down, harder than he probably ought to have.

“Yeah, go ahead,” Don Corneo nodded to another patron that Barret didn’t recognize, allowing him access to Tifa’s ass while Barret continued to rearrange her guts from within and without.

Corneo took the patron’s ticket as soon as his cock sank down into her clenching butthole. Compared to Barret, this patron wasn’t packing much below the waist, but the sudden intrusion from behind made everything feel suddenly tighter. The patron was artless but determined, thrusting for his own pleasure without concern for her—using her as a toy to jack himself off into. He smacked her ass, just to watch it jiggle.

The increase in tightness had Barret nearing his own climax, for which he prepared himself by grasping Tifa’s throat tightly in his good hand and meandering the vibrating orb down to her clit. He stroked back and forth with the vibrating device, feeling his balls begin to twitch and jerk.


Sam’s tall, yellow chocobo Champ tilted his head to one side as Kyrie spoke to him directly, offering up a taste of his favorite snack. Champ was still deciding about this newcomer in her tight, pink top and skimpy, tight cutoffs. He chomped his beak loudly one time in warning—being a rather jealous type for his master’s affection.

“Now, now, don’t be like that. She’s going to be my new pet, so make nice,” Sam told his bird in a warning tone, while grasping her teenaged ass through her tight jeans, “that’s right, big guy. Make nice.”

At Sam’s instruction and display of affection toward her, Champ gently took the greens from her outstretched hand and turned his head to gently nuzzle his beak into her palm, steering his face into her so that she could scratch under his jaw—a favorite form of affection.

“There you go. Glad to see you two getting along. Now, let’s us go pay Madam M a little visit,” Sam nodded, kicking his boot into the stirrup and swinging his muscular body up into the saddle, he reached his hand down for Kyrie, “up you come.”

As a second rider mounted, Champ looked back at Sam, his expression a mix of confusion, betrayal and rage.

“Oh, stop it you lazy mutt. She barely weighs anything, now hush,” a gentle tug on the reigns was all it took to get Champ moving toward their destination.

In spite of his compliance, Champ was picking up and stomping his strong legs harder than necessary to demonstrate his dissatisfaction at baring two riders at once.


“Get on with it then,” Heidegger snarled, reluctantly removing his thick, hairy digits from Jessie’s tight hole, “fucking whore, wasting my time…”

Heidegger loathed being denied, especially by terrorist scum like Jessie—but his deal with Andrea specified that he was not to disrupt her from performing, or harm her in any way that would stop or impair her performance—and he intended her harm.

To vent his rage while he waited for the performance to begin, Heidegger snatched one of the Honey Bees on his arm by the back of her neck and forcibly shoved her head into his lap, making a fist around her neatly coifed ponytail, using her face as a toy to keep himself hard and ready while he waited.

“Go on then, slut. Get to shaking it,” Heidegger demanded, landing a hard and firm slap to her nearly naked ass to send her on her way, “and it better be good, otherwise that Andrea Rhodea is going to have some hell to pay!”

Andy was waiting just outside of the luxury box, he hurried Jessie into the wings to find her mark.

“Don’t forget to shine out there,” Andrea whispered into her ear as the house lights went down…
It was almost violent how viciously Tifa came. Painful, even. Her fingernails dug into Barret's shoulders and her head thrashed as she reveled in the overwhelming sensations. Barret's dirty talk was almost lost to the sounds of Tifa’s wailing orgasm, but Tifa could hear him, and his degrading dirty talk was really enhancing her pleasure. Her pussy clenched sporadically around him as she covered Barret, the barstool, the counter, and the floor with warm girl cum.

“Ah! Mm, ah! Yesss!! Barret, it’s sooo good. Ah fuck me, yes! Fuck me!” Tifa screamed. The materia in her bimbo necklace seemed to glow as she just kept cumming around her friend’s gigantic cock and vibrating attachment. Barret seemed to lift her high into the air like a rocket taking off with each of his powerful thrusts.

Daddy gave permission to another customer to fuck her asshole, and soon Tifa was double stuffed again. The stranger gave her ass a firm, painful slap and her pussy squeezed around him. Barret was right - she was a fucking slut! Tifa didn’t know the man fucking has ass but she didn’t care - the addition of his cock added to his tightness and the intensity of the sensations.

Just when she’d thought she couldn’t possibly feel any more sensations without exploding into a million pieces, Barret lowered the vibrating attachment between them so it buzzed fiercely against her clit. He moved it back and forth against her clit, forcing intense pleasure upon her.

Tifa screamed as another powerful orgasm (had she actually ever stopped coming?) crested and her body squeezed around Barret and the random man’s cocks. As Tifa’s cunt attempted to milk the cum from their cocks, Barret grabbed her throat all of a sudden, putting an end to her screams but not to her pleasure. Tifa kept cumming but couldn’t breathe as well with the pressure on her neck. Her eyes rolled and bulged slightly as her tongue fell from her mouth. She gasped for breath. She felt Barret’s thrusts get more frantic, felt his balls slap her harder, and she thought he might be close. Bimbo Tifa hungered for it. She wanted to scream and moan louder, but as she could not speak all she could do was stare up at him with her increasing reddening face, tongue drooling, eyes half crossed as she exploded with the force of a firework around his cock again and again.


Kyrie jumped back a little and frowned when Champ nipped at her.

“Now, now, don’t be like that. She’s going to be my new pet, so make nice,” Chocobo Sam insisted.

Kyrie wasn’t sure she liked being compared to a pet, but she was not going to protest anything - still shocked into submission as she was by Madam M’s highly descriptive threats. Sam’s big hand squeezing her ass also helped soothe her usual bratty inclinations.

“Come on, that’s it!” Kyrie said as the chocobo finally accepted the greens from her outstretched hand. He chomped loudly as Sam got up into the saddle.

Kyrie had only ridden a chocobo a few times, but she took Sam’s outstretched hand with confidence then settled atop the bird.

Champ stomped grumpily but started heading in the proper direction.

“So let’s talk outfits,” Kyrie said as they set off for Madam M’s. “What do you think would look good on me?” She leaned in, purposely pressing her breasts against his back as she contemplated. Her hands gripped his chest tightly as she held onto him. One hand slipped beneath his vest and tried to slip beneath the collar of his shirt to play with his chest hair. “Not to brag but I think I would look fantastic in a honeybee costume...”


The anger in Heidegger’s voice was apparent when he called her a whore and told her to get on with the show. He pulled his thick, hairy fingers from her wet cunt roughly. Jessie hopped from his lap and rubbed her thighs together to dry the damp arousal that had leaked between them from his rough attention.

Though Jessie was spared most of Heidegger’s immediate wrath, he took his frustration out on the pair of Honeybees that flanked him instead. He grabbed a fistful of one’s hair and shoved her mouth far down onto his cock, using her mouth like a tool. The young honeybee sputtered but obediently began bobbing her head up and down his thick cock.

“Go on then, slut. Get to shaking it,” Heidegger demanded, landing a hard and firm slap to Jessie's nearly naked ass to send her on her way, “and it better be good, otherwise that Andrea Rhodea is going to have some hell to pay!”

Jessie yelped lightly and nodded. “I promise it’ll be a show to remember,” she vowed. She bowed forward low and shook her tits at him playfully. When she stood she flashed him a wink then skipped off to leave the box. Her heart was beating fast and her pussy was tensing every so often. Fuck, why was that Shinra creep turning her on so much?!

She found Andrea waiting for her outside the luxury box.

“Don’t forget to shine out there,” Andrea whispered into her ear as the house lights went down.

"I'll always shine, Andy," Jessie said with confidence as she headed backstage to take her place.

Even though she was new to the hive, Andy had seen the natural talent in her and given her a prominent place downstage left. It was the section of the stage facing and closest to the private section where Heidegger sat. She imagined him still flanked by his two bees, the girls taking turns getting face-fucked by the Chief of Public Security. Jessie gulped as she waited for the show to begin.

The music started rumbling and Jessie rubbed her thighs together as she stood back stage waiting for the curtain to open. She’d never been more nervous in her life. This was her grand debut. As the curtain rose, Jessie knelt down into position.

The dance began sensual. Her hand slowly worked up her leg to her thigh as the center stage dancers stole the spotlight first, strutting down the stage to a steady, sexy beat.

The music pulsed and the lights obscured her vision, but Jessie hit each one of her marks. She even lifted her male partner with ease - a new stunt Andy had added to “turn gender roles on their head” as he’d put it. The dance quickly grew to have a more sexual tone to it. Jessie practically leapt on her partner towards the middle of the sequence, her pussy aimed at his face as he spun her across the stage. Fuck, she was aroused. She hoped he wasn’t gay because he’d definitely be able to smell and see the dampness of her fishnet stockings holding her barely there thong in place.

When the music dropped the male dancers left the stage, leaving the honeybees alone. The song changed and the 7 remaining girls on stage rolled their bodies in time to the music, nailing each dance step Andy had taught them.

Jessie, with her clear athleticism, was selected as one of the dancers to climb up the velvet curtains of the exclusive box seats and tantalize their guests, and of course it just so happened Jessie’s assigned box held Heidgegger.

The two honeybees assigned to his box knew to buzz away just as Jessie hoisted herself with ease over the railing. She flew to Heidgegger, placed her hands around his neck and cradled the back of his thick, dark hair. She balanced in a squat over his hips as she began gyrating her hips over his. Jessie felt his bare cock brush against her damp center a few times and she nearly fell down onto him, but managed to stay upright. “Mmm, enjoying the show so far?” Jessie moaned, her breath tickling his ear.

If he tried to touch her, she swatted his hands away as she turned around in time to make her next dance cue. Her strong, bouncy ass facing him, Jessie knelt low then stood up effortlessly, bent forward, and started twerking her ass between Heidegger’s thighs. She ground her hips up and nearly impaled herself on his cock on one of her downward presses.

His cock pressed up, pushing her panties up into her vulva. “Mmph,” Jessie couldn’t help but moan… she wanted to tear her fishnet tights off and ride him, but knew she had to return to the dance. She couldn’t disappoint Andy.

Jessie shot upward, dragging her clothed pussy against Heidegger’s bearded face as she did so, flipping her legs up and over his head in a backflip. She landed on her feet. Then, she danced her way back to the curtain, sashaying her hips enticingly to the beat, teasing him.

Jessie felt the heat of his gaze like a predator. It almost felt to her like a race to get to the curtain before he pounced on her, having had enough of her teasing. Jessie vaulted over the box and grasped the curtain. As she climbed her way back to the stage, the audience was kept busy with a show of other honeybees fluttering about on stage. By way of theatrical flair, a few of the Honeybees on stage still had their breasts covered. As Jessie rushed backstage to prepare for the big finale, the transformation of the last of the honeybees began. The girls had their tops ripped off by other buzzing bees, revealing their large breasts with pointy, hard nipples to the crowd.

As the music at last set a slower beat, Jessie and a few other honeybees entered the stage again. Their sexually charged dance slowly turned sensual. Just Jessie and a few other bees with a special talent for ballet moved their bodies to the slow, steady beat. Their breasts were no longer bouncing wildly but swaying elegantly with their slow, flowy movements. For a moment, the Honeybee Inn showed off the class it was capable of…

The class didn’t last long. As the lights flashed neon pink, the rest of the dancers returned to the stage to take their bows and the music picked up again. Jessie spotted Heidegger above the cheering crowd.

He looked like he wanted to eat her up.
Heidegger was a roil of emotions and raw, primal urges as he watched the show unfold before him, gripping tightly the hair of the Honey Bee whose face he was using as a masturbation toy. As he became more and more engrossed by the performance, he lost focus on what he was doing to the poor girl, holding her head down on his shaft and blocking her throat with his huge cock.

As the performance progressed, Heidegger leaned forward, further sinking the struggling girl’s throat down his shaft. She was kicking her feet and slapping at his leg by now and the other girl was tapping his shoulder, trying to get his attention—but he was too engrossed by the performance to notice.

“Sir… Sir, please…” the Honey Bee on the other side was pleading as she became genuinely concerned for her friend.

Heidegger just stubbed out his cigar in the ashtray that she was holding, the other girl’s thrashing was slowing down. Lucky for the gagged girl, Jesse was soon climbing the curtain, enticing Heidegger to lean back in his seat again, releasing her to recover with a spell of coughing, gagging and gasping.

Both Honey Bees fled the box seat in a hurry, one helping the other as Jesse entered the balcony suite, Heidegger’s cock standing up tall. It was still wet with the girl’s saliva and throat-jelly as Jesse began to grind on him. The wetness from his cock blending with the wetness of her barely-there thong.

She asked if he was enjoying the show, even as she prevented him from touching her body as he wanted. His feelings were much too conflicted to express out loud, so instead he stated his intentions for after the show was over.

“I’m going to fuck you to pieces, whore,” Heidegger whispered in her ear just before she turned around and started twerking for him.

When she straddled his face, Heidegger didn’t hold back, wrapping his entire mouth around the damp outline of her pussy and sucking loud enough that the slurp could be heard even over the club’s sound system—only to be left with his tongue wiggling in the air as she flipped off of him.

Heidegger estimated that his cock was hard enough to cut glass by now and as she wiggled that round ass back to the edge of his box, he followed her. Just as he was about to grab her and fuck her—regardless of what it meant for the performance or his patronage at the Inn, she ducked over the rail and climbed back down the curtain to the stage.

Propping one leg up on the rail of his box, Heidegger began stroking his huge cock while he watched the dramatic conclusion to the performance. Whether he was stroking his cock as more of a promise or a threat to Jesse was unclear but it was very clear that he would not stand for much more time spent without it inside of her.


“Oh my fucking God! You’re squeezing me like a python!” Barret exclaimed as Tifa’s orgasming pussy locked his cock in place and the stranger ejaculated in her ass, “fuck, I can feel him coming, too!”

Barret knew that there wasn’t long before he was going to bust his nut as well, so he released Tifa’s throat in favor of one of her huge tits and began rubbing the head of his cock with the vibrating attachment through her athletic stomach. The intense vibrations moving back and forth in a crescent shape, just below her naval.

He was squeezing her breast like he wanted to destroy it as his massive cock jerked hard and vibrated with the force of the thick cum discharging direct into the deepest parts of her sperm-slicked pussy. Releasing he breast, Barret shoved his large middle and ring fingers past her lolling tongue to the back of her throat, pressing his thumb under her chin and holding her down on him by her mandible.

“Uggghhhh, take it all, slut!” Barret proclaimed, his thick semen quickly overflowing her clenching, ejaculating pussy to join the mess in the overflowing beer mug between her legs, “fuuuuuuuuckk…”

Barret’s cock seemed to cum for a full half-hour—though it was barely more than a minute, and his cum was thicker and hotter than most. When he was finally finished draining his balls into his former ally, he simply pushed her backward, letting her tumble onto the soaking, filthy ground.


“Honey Bees are Corneo’s thing. Not exactly copywritten, but we try not to step on one another’s toes—his least of all. No, for an idol we want to go with the old tried-and-true. Schoolgirl—that one’s obvious, cheerleader, nurse, Chinese dress, cowgirl, latex, leather, fishnets… maybe even bandage-bikini with an eyepatch. The market for ‘bandage girls’ is getting bigger. The point is, we want to appeal to as many as possible,” Sam was discussing outfit choices with Kyrie as Champ’s plodding footsteps approached Madame M’s traditional-styled massage parlor, “the main thing, though, is that you feel sexy in whatever we choose, so don’t be afraid to have an opinion.”

Sam doubted that would be hard for Kyrie.

“Just try not to embarrass me in there. My relationship with Madame M is… complicated,” Sam went on as he climbed out of the saddle and helped Kyrie down next with his broad hands on her petite hips.

True to his word, the complexity of their relationship was on full display from the minute Sam stepped into the massage parlor.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Madame M asked, her voice full of venom and contempt.

“Relax, I’m not here to dwell on the past,” Sam said in his reassuring baritone, ushering Kyrie in ahead of him, “I’ve got a gravure idol candidate who needs a wardrobe.”

“Well, well, little miss eager tongue. Glad to see you making friends,” Madame M’s tone changed dramatically as she saw Kyrie, “let me guess, you want a school uniform.”

“For starters.” Sam nodded.

“Hmm, it’s not going to be cheap. Your discount with me has long ago expired,” Madame M countered, the venom returning as she looked back to Sam, “how many looks are you thinking?”

“At least a half-dozen. We need to start getting photos circulating as soon as possible.”

“Hmm,” Madame M pondered, gently dipping her fingertips inside the collar of her yukata to gently stroke her collarbones, “I’m sure we can work something out. Given your little wannabe’s talents for tongue twisting. Come along, let’s get you out of those rags so I can get a proper measurement. You wait here. No boys allowed.”

“I’ll be outside,” Sam tipped his cap to the Madame and gave Kyrie a pat on her ass and a kiss on her cheek, “be good now.”

Sam retrieved a pack of smokes from the lining of his vest and tapped one out, extracting it with his lips as he ducked through the hanging curtains into the garden.

“Now, let’s see what we can get you into. Or what we can get into you,” Madame M purred into Kyrie’s ear, inching her top up her body.


In the AM hours, Tseng snuck out of his quarters, doubling back to the hallway that held the cells where Aerith was being kept. He knew that most of the security was done for the night and those that remained were taking full advantage of Heidegger being below the plate for the night by getting drunk and shooting dice.

As he knew the codes for the computer system, Tseng had set the security drones and cameras to shut down for scheduled updates at the same time. He’d bought them maybe fifteen minutes—but if he was careful, that might be enough.

Careful and quick.

The automated door hissed as he entered the room adjacent to Hojo’s lab where he presumed Aerith would be sleeping. He tossed a folded Shinra uniform at the foot of her bed, complete with a hair net to keep her long braid hidden under the helmet.

“Put this on. Leave your old clothes behind,” Tseng spoke in hushed tones, he was gesturing with his hands that she should move quickly, “we haven’t got much time and if I have to choose between you and me, I’m going to protect myself. So hurry!”


As the hours stretched on past 2 AM, even the drunkest and most amorous of the 7th Heaven patrons had spent their ardor and their budgets fucking and drinking the night away. The floor was a mess and the girls were worse—but all this was in the plan that Corneo had set out.

While Barret and Wedge chased out the last malingerers, Corneo rode the pinball machine down to wake Aerith 03, which he did gently, brushing her sperm-soaked bangs away from her face and kissing a clean spot on her cheek.

“Wakey, wakey, Honey Bee. It’s picture time. Come on, up we get,” Corneo cooed to the sleepy clone, helping her to get back to her feet, “Upsey daisy! Here we go.”

They both rode the pinball machine back up to the bar where Barret and Wedge were already getting the other girls in place. Tifa, Aerith 01 and Aerith 02 were all exceptionally pliable and barely conscious from how brutally and constantly they’d been fucked. Tifa was positioned at the center, with her legs spread wide and propped up above her head by the corner of the bar. Aerith 01 was placed on one side of her, Aerith 02 on the other. Once Aerith 03 was brought over and positioned between Tifa’s legs, the overflowing mugs of semen were distributed. Tifa’s was securely wedged between her over-stimulated tits, 01 and 02 wrapped their arms around Tifa’s legs to hold theirs and 03 was left to lap at the considerable quantity of semen dripping out of Tifa’s pussy and ass.

“Good, good…” Corneo was saying, observing the scene between fingers that were positioned like a rectangle to frame the shot, “straws! Give them some straws.”

Wedge placed straws in each of the three mugs and directed the bent ends to the girls’ mouths.

“Perfect, let’s begin,” Corneo smirked, grabbing his professional quality camera and signaling Wedge and Barret to angle the lights on the scene, “here we go ladies, look at me…”

Click, click, click… the lights that Corneo had the others holding flashed brighter each time the camera clicked. Corneo adjusted the focus slightly. Click, click, click.

“Alright, now everybody blow bubbles—bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!” click, click, click, click, click, “now drink! Drink lots! Lots and lots, don’t lose sight of my lens though—good girls!”

Click, click, click, click, click… The humiliating photo shoot continued on.

“Now, peace signs! Peeeeaaaace! Peace! Eyes crossed, tongues out—good girls make ahegao faces! Peeeeeeeeeaaaaace!” click, click, click, click, click, “now bubbles—lots of bubbles! Peace and bubbles! Ho ho hihihihihihi!”

The roll was nearing its end.

“One more thing… then we can go home,” Corneo promised, setting the camera back on the tripod and going over, “just one little—”

WHAM! Corneo used his soft-soled loafer to stomp Tifa’s overstuffed stomach, spraying 03’s face and hair with a massive glut of pent-up semen, and probably making TIfa cum yet again—sensitive as she was by now.

“Perfect! That’s what I’m looking for,” click, click, click, click—whirrrrrrrrrrr! “…and I’m spent!”

Corneo placed the camera back on the tripod and pocketed the film.

“You boys clean up the place, the demolition crew comes at dawn, I want the place spotless before they tear it all down—ho ho hi hi hi! Come on girls.”

Corneo used a bar towel to clean 03’s face and tossed other towels to his other girls, sufficient to clean up a little, but not enough to adequately disguise their nakedness.

“Back to Wall Market, girls. I’ve got the carriage waiting outside!”
Tifa gasped for breath when Barret released her throat in favor of grabbing one of her huge, bouncing tits. Sweat, spit, and tears covered her reddened face as she gazed up at one of her most trusted friends. Barret treated her like a filthy whore. He squeezed her breast painfully. He moved the vibrating attachment back to her stomach again, rubbing the head of his cock through her bulging belly with the massive vibrating orb.

When he started to cum, Tifa did too, screaming at the top of her lungs as her former ally pumped her full of his thick, warm cum. Her pussy clenched around him and the stranger in her ass again and again. Tifa wailed her pleasure, only to have her screams cut off by Barret’s huge, meaty fingers. He grabbed her jaw in his massive hand, choking her on his fingers.

Barret seemed to cum for minutes, filling her overflowing womb with his hot, sticky semen. Tifa’s body was in heaven as her mind was out to lunch. She spit all over Barret’s fingers as she rode out her intense orgasm. His cum leaked out from her overfilled cunt and into the mug resting between her legs. Even the mug was overflowing now.
Tifa landed on the ground hard when Barret released her. Her legs were jelly. Her breasts were so sore from Barret’s strong grip. Cum leaked from her cunt and raced down her inner thighs like rivlets. The ground was soaked with cum, a mix of 7th Heaven patrons and dear friends, and Tifa’s own sticky, clear girl cum from squirting over Barret’s cock again and again and again and again…


Jessie breathed heavily from exercition and arousal as she posed on stage, her eyes locked with Heidegger's. He was stroking his hard, throbbing cock, one foot up on the balcony box railing. The look he was giving her was not just one of desire, it was one of rage.

As the music ended Jessie left the stage with her fellow bees. Backstage, the air was heady with the bees honey from their sexually charged performance.

It was hard for Jessie to feel anything but desire as she reflected on her performance amidst the pheromones of herself and her fellow bees. Some were already kissing each other or grinding up on their male dance partners.

Oh god she wanted Heidegger to fuck her hard. She wanted him to brutalize her throat like he had that poor Honey Bee. Wanted him to eat her pussy like it was his last meal. Fuck… what was it about the brutal ones that made her go wild?

What was she supposed to do now? Wait backstage for Heidgegger to request her? Dash out to his box seats and bend over for him?

She thought of her performance with him, of his cock, slick with spit from her fellow honey bee’s poor, brutalized throat, grinding against her damp thong. Mm and the heat of his mouth eclipsing her clothed pussy. It was still tingling from that, the pressure of his tongue and hungry mouth.

She might have audibly moaned.

But he'd also threatened to tear her to pieces, and that, well frankly that did scare her a little bit.

In truth, Jessie was intimidated. Yeah she loved sex and could handle it rough, but Heidgegger looked angry, enraged even.

He looked like he would be violent.

"Jessie, are you okay?" Cindy asked, drawing her out of her thoughts.

The perky demolitions expert may have jumped. "Huh? Oh, yeah, course."

Cindy was not convinced. She cocked her head, placed her hands on her hips.

"Are you sure? Because that Shinra guy looked like he wanted to rip you in half with his cock back there."

Jessie laughed awkwardly. Her legs trembled. "I think he might, I don't know…"

Cindy seemed thoughtful for a moment. "You could make a lot of money from him. He's Shinra, and they'll pay loads to do nasty things to you."

As if on cue, the poor brutalized bee from earlier appeared with her friend’s arm wrapped around her shoulders. Her face makeup was absolutely destroyed. Streaks of tears ran down her cheeks. She sniffled. “Heidgegger wants a private show.”

Jessie’s stomach dropped even though she was expecting the request. “How does that work, exactly?”

“You won’t be fucking him in the balcony box, if that’s what your asking,” the honeybee whose makeup was still in act responded. “He paid Andi quite a sum for some private time with you… and if what he’s willing to do in public is so brutal…” The Honeybee looked at her friend, who was still coughing periodically. “Just, good luck. He’s waiting in the luxury suite.”

Jessie tried to act calm but her voice was a soft squeak when she thanked her fellow bees and went buzzing out of the backstage area to the entertainment rooms, towards the luxury sweet. She was so wet in anticipation; her panties were absolutely soiled. Why did it feel like she was being sent on a dangerous mission of some kind? To blow the most important reactor of all: Shrina’s Chief of Public Security. She just knew from his eyes he knew exactly who she was. No one could look at someone with such hateful lust otherwise. She felt similarly towards him. He was vile, but fuck did his dominant and comannding gaze set her aflame.


Kyrie listened to Sam’s costume ideas with interest. Who knew the rugged cowboy could be so creative! Must be fueled by his fetish for barely legal brats like Kyrie. She was just about to ask him what the heck a “bandage girl” was when they arrived at Madam M’s place and Sam’s description of his relationship with Madam M was far more intriguing than outfits.

Kyrie wondered if Sam’s “complex” relationship meant they’d fucked. She was pretty sure it meant they’d fucked. An image of being sandwiched between the unlikely couple in the throes of passion came unbidden to her mind. Damn she really was turning out to be quite the little whore.

Sam helped her down from the saddle, his big hands steadying her hips as she hopped to the ground. He ushered her ahead in front of him. They were met with a shriek from the raven haired woman along with a grand flourish of her fan.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Madame M demanded. Kyrie flinched at the familiar violence in the woman’s tone.

Sam managed to convince her to calm down, and her eyes softened when she spotted the teenage wannabe idol slut. Kyrie was relieved she was no longer a recipient of Madam M’s wrath after their initial rocky meeting. Her eyes flitted about the massage parlor as Sam explained the reason for their visit.

Madam M said his discount had run out, but perhaps she could work something out with Kyrie and her eager little tongue. A rush or heat swept through the young girl at the attention. Her tongue slid along her bottom lip subconsciously. Then Sam kissed her cheek and gave her a pat on the ass and she was alone with the alluringly terrifying Madam M.

The older woman wasted no time in pulling up Kyrie’s tiny top, revealing her perky tits. Kyrie grinned and voiced her opinion like Sam had told her, “You can put whatever you want into me.” She shimmied out of her tiny shorts so she stood in front of the Madam in just her teeny little thong. Like she had for Sam, she gave Madam M a little twirl to show off her petite but juicy body.

“I want to wear something sexy. I don’t want to look like a little kid,” she said. Sam had told her to voice her opinion and she was going to do just that. “I want to look mature like you,” Kyrie admitted. She spread her arms and stood tall, ready to be measured.


"Tseng…?" Aerith breathed, uncertain if she was still dreaming. It had been merely hours… or perhaps days? since Aerith and Cloud had been kidnapped by Shinra. Cloud was long gone, and Aerith ws left to face her uncertain future as a highly valued lab rat of Hojo’s. The last thing she remembered was being raped by his monstrous creation…

She was so weak and her whole body ached, her pussy most of all. The sweet flower girl had been brutalized by Hojo’s experiments. She felt vile. She wanted to go back to her dreams and forget she’d been raped by a monster, but Tseng’s earnest, urgent voice forced her to move.

Groggily, feebly, Aerith did as Tseng instructed. When she was finally dressed in the Shinra uniform things finally started to feel real. Was Tseng really going to break her out of here? Aerith’s heart started to beat rapidly. She was ready to follow his every instruction to the letter. This may be her only chance to escape!

Even violated as she’d been, Aerith was not one to give up hope. She raised her hand and pointed her finger for Tseng to see his thin strand of hair still wrapped around her finger. Perhaps it had been mere hours, but to Aerith it felt like a lifetime had passed. “I kept it. I-I haven’t forgotten.” she swallowed hard, crying a little, “I am still myself. Please get me out of here.”


7th Heaven had successfully completed its transformation into a bukkake gokkun whore house. The clones and Tifa were posed in front of the bar, completely naked. Daddy had awoken 03, who’d still been passed out downstairs, and now she was laying between Tifa’s legs using her thigh as a pillow instead. She slipped several times in the sticky cum from Tifa’s pussy, banging her head on the floor. In the end, she settled her head between Tifa’s pussy lips, lapping at Barret’s thick, hot cum that was leaking out of the bar’s former owner.

Each girl was given a mug of semen; Tifa’s was by far the biggest. Excess cum was overflowing the sides and leaking onto Tifa’s huge tits, dripping down onto her hard, pointed nipples.

Tifa’s clit was pulsing with pleasure, red and angry from all the stimulation. Her pussy was leaking her own and her customers’ juices on the floor, and yet still she was not done. Daddy wanted a photo op.

Even as she held her pose in their post-sex photo, Tifa’s legs were visibly twitching in the aftershocks of pleasure. Her pussy was finally empty, finally no longer being stimulated. It should be a relief, but Bimbo Tifa wanted more.

Tifa’s fingers lazily played with her clit as Don Daddy snapped their photos. She followed his every command like an obedient little whore wife.

Unlike most of Don’s bitches, Tifa and the Aerith clones’ sex drives did not rely on a pill. Instead, it was biological for the clones. They were created to crave sex and cum. For Tifa it was the powerful enchantments she was under. She was left in a brainwashed state of status effects, an increased libido and constant desire for cock being the most powerful.

In her haste to impress their Daddy, Tifa and the clones chugged the cock cream like it was milk, lapping it up like good little kittens. They would do anything to please Don Corneo. They blew cum bubbles in between big swallows of thick, viscous cum. They moaned as they slurped up the cum from their mugs. Even Aerith 03 did her best to blow bubbles and fill her belly with the cum leaking from Tifa’s holes.

The clones took note of Tifa’s frantically working fingers and began touching themselves as they slurped up the cum from their mugs. All 3 girls slurped through their straws loudly, greedily, after every last drop.

Tifa outdid the clones in that when the mug was empty she ditched the straw and licked her mug clean. She slithered her long, eager tongue deep into the glass and lapped up every last bit of creamy cum. She didn’t break eye contact with Daddy as she did so.

By the time she was done and the ahegao faces broke out, her stomach was bulging with the cum of 7th Heaven’s patrons. Tifa’s usually tight abs were pressed out, taut with all the cum she’d just swallowed. Tifa by far had had the fullest mug of cum to drink.One hand grasped the side of it in sheer awe at how full she’d become while the other flashed a peace side at the camera. Her reddish brown eyes crossed and her tongue fell out and wiggled as if it were natural… perhaps it truly was now.

Tifa could feel the cum coating her throat, as if she’d managed to swallow so much cum her stomach was overflowing with it, sending some of it surging up her throat. Her titts were still far bigger than her stomach, despite how much cum she’d swallowed. In fact Tifa’s tits looked even larger from her work as a cock tender, her breasts shining with sticky cum.

She looked to Daddy, expression begging for his approval.

He gave it, one way or another…

Don stepped on Tifa’s stuffed stomach, sending a surge of cum surging from her pussy and asshole, absolutely coating Aerith 03 in a potent, sticky mix of semen and Tifa’s juices. The sensation of hot, sticky cum gushing from her holes had Tifa crying out in pleasure yet again as her pussy clenched in a small orgasm.

“Mmm!” 03 exclaimed eagerly. She lapped up the cum as best she could, tongue even wiggling slightly into Tifa’s gaping asshole to gather more of the creamy, warm cum for her pleasure.

03 even let out a short hiccup when she finished lapping up as much cum as she could from Tifa’s holes, followed by her tongue lapping up the excess cum that had dripped down her chin. Her eyes rolled briefly in pleasure as she swallowed the last of the cum. Her hands held her stomach gingerly and she moaned, the sound akin to one finishing a satisfying meal.

Don Coreno instructed the others to clean up the place for the demolition crew that comes at dawn. Something about that made Tifa incredibly morose all of a sudden, but she couldn’t understand why, and she was too much of a brainwashed cum-slut to protest it. Instead, Tifa made her way to the limo with the clones, her stomach sloshing the heavy meal of salty cum she’d just swallowed, over-stimulated holes dripping sticky cum onto the pavement.
“Such a good girl,” Corneo cooed, genuinely charmed by 03’s blank eyed stare and cum-drunk hiccup—like a cartoon mouse who fell into a bottle of wine, “you’ve all done well. Tifa, you can remain as my slut wife—for now. Consider these three our daughters—who I fuck. The four of you will debut as the premiere attractions to the rejuvenated Seventh Heaven! A wonder to rival even Gold Saucer—Honeybee Heaven! You’ll drink the nectar of bliss every night! Sacred ambrosia! Get in!”

03 was escorted into the chocobo drawn carriage by her fingertips, like a princess going to the ball—02 was helped in by the hand, the way a valet might help a customer—01 was nearly thrown into the carriage by a grip on her upper arm—and Tifa was spanked, HARD! The already familiar rings branding her over again, forcing a momentary squirt of lingering jizz from both of her holes.

Corneo got in last, and the carriage tipped on its axel as his weight upset the balance just briefly, before settling back in the middle to be adored by his latest acquisitions.

“To the arena!” Corneo shouted to the front of the carriage, “drive on!”


Heidegger was beating the center of a wooden X with a cat of nine tails like he wanted to chop it down. He hadn’t been waiting long—but the BDSM Suite charged by the hour and it wasn’t cheap. He’d been teased more than enough; he wanted his prize.

Shinra could learn a thing or two from Corneo about upselling and leveraged upgrades—as each phase of the process had involved grandiose promises and lackluster follow-through. For exclusive access to the performer of his choice, he’d paid extra for balcony seats. To have alone time with her required a backstage “All-Access” pass. Use of their on-site dungeon required a “Mansion Pass” as well as steep hourly rates for use of the facilities. He’d booked three hours to start with.

Now the clock was ticking and he was waiting. The most expensive seconds of his entire life were ticking away and all he was getting was frustrated.

He whipped the wooden edifice again. Where was that whore?


“Oh, such a vision!” Madame M rapped her folded fan against her palm enthusiastically, “you look positively delectable! A magazine cover come to life. Yes, Sam was right about you. You’re much too cute not to be shared!”

Kyrie had been thoroughly measured by Madame M’s dexterous and curious fingers—which revealed that there was already something she had in her size. The overly flirtatious schoolgirl uniform was a ubiquitous piece of any aspiring idol’s wardrobe, and this one fit Kyrie’s teenaged body like it had been painted on. The cotton blouse was blended with elastic to make certain that once buttoned it would hug her curves like a second skin. The plaid tie dangled off the edge of her impressive bustline like an eager tongue. The miniskirt, in matching plaid pleats teased the hem of her white stockings while flowing along the rounded curves of her firm ass. Excess of the matching green-blue-white plaid was cut into ribbons that held her long, black hair into a pair of matching pigtails.

“Mmm, yes…” Madame M purred into Kyrie’s ear, her hands moving greedily along her body under the pretense of checking the fit, “it’s a shame to share you, looking as good as you are now. I wish I’d kept you for myself before that hick got his grubby, little, stable-stinking hands on you.”

Madame M’s hands slid over Kyrie’s hips and down her thighs, gently drawing up the front of her mini skirt, almost to the hem of her tight, white silk panties. She stopped just short to clip the frilly garter belts to her stockings. Her hands caressed their way around her thighs to clip them in at the back, hovering above her legs as they bridged the rounded shelf of her firm ass.

“Go on then, Kitten. Show your Papa how pretty you look,” Madame M sighed, deciding against starting a slum war over possession of the nubile teen, “but tell him that I expect perpetual VIP access to you and that eager little tongue of yours.”

A swat from a folded fan landed between the swells of Kyrie’s ass-cheeks as Madame M’s teeth nipped gently at her earlobe.


Tseng’s heart was racing and his skin was pinpricked with sweat. Was this what it felt like to be afraid? Tseng was a master tactician who prided himself on never engaging in a conflict unless he could account for all the variables and move the odds in his favor—either through strategy or subterfuge. But Shinra was no average opponent, they were a financial monolith with tens of thousands of employed guards, SOLDIERS and… others, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of non-combat employees who could expose them.

The variables were incalculable.

If word got out that he flipped on an employer, Tseng would be unemployable—forced back below the plate to serve as an enforcer for the lowest common denominator, making him the lowest of the low—at least as he saw it. Such a downfall and disgrace might be worse than death for Tseng.

And for what? Some doe-eyed slum rat descended from an all but extinct race—with vague connections to a likely fictional paradise of resources. Tseng never believed in any of that. He believed in things he could see, touch and quantify—with one large exception.

Tseng believed in honor.

It was as out of place in the martial artist’s pantheon of deities as Aerith was in the slums of Midgar—but also equivalent in relative value. Though Tseng didn’t want to rescue Aerith—and though he was risking everything else he held dear, his honor demanded this of him. There was no way out now, except forward.

“Stay close,” Tseng hissed as their regimental boots clapped loudly across the wide marble floors of the executive lounge—still hundreds of stories above the ground, “and tuck your hair up into that helmet—your ponytail is hanging out!”

When they reached a corner, Tseng slowed his pace to slip behind Aerith and hurriedly roll her long braid up into the elastic cap under her helmet that obscured most of her face.

“We’ll never make it to the bottom in time, I forged us some requisition papers to use one of the choppers—but that means we’ll have to deal with Rufus. Let me do the talking and follow my lead. With any luck we should be able to avoid violence.”

Tseng affected the regimental march of a seasoned soldier, glancing back to imply that Aerith should attempt to mimic his posture.

“What the hell is it now?” Rufus already seemed impatient as the two apparent guards marched into his office. He wasn’t used to dealing with peons, “you morons already crashed the system—and my security chief is out at a titty bar!”

“The system is down for scheduled maintenance, Sir,” Tseng barked, clicking his boots as he began a rigid salute, “we’re here to requisition a non-con bird for retrieval of Mister Heidegger.”

Tseng handed the forged papers across Rufus’ desk.

“That old fuck can’t even stumble his way to the train? Now he needs a fucking chopper to be his personal chauffeur? Disgraceful!” Rufus glanced over the forged paperwork impatiently, “of course I can’t run these requisition numbers through the proper channels because the fucking system is down!”

“The system is down for—”

“Yeah, yeah, scheduled maintenance. I heard you. My burden is genius, not deafness. Fine.”

Rufus stamped the forged paper and tossed a set of keys across the desk to Tseng.

“Dock eight,” Rufus sighed, sinking back in his chair and kicking his feet back onto his desk, “and be quick about it. I need all my birdies in their nest before the early shift comes in.”


03 had been given the honor of sucking Corneo’s cock for the duration of the short ride from Sector 7 back to Sector 6 Wall Market. The others were forced to watch. By now, most of the cum that had showered her body and hair was dry—and Corneo wasn’t shy about that sort of thing. His hand rested on the back of her head while he grinned at the other three, taunting them with the proximity of his huge cock, but not allowing them access.

“You all did well, but Zero-Three here did the best—I guess I should give you girls proper names. You can be Honey, because you’re the sweetest—ho-ho-hi-hi!” Corneo gently tapped 03—ne: Honey on the back of her head before moving down the line, “Two, you can be… Tulip! And One, you’ll be Daisy—why not? Oh, ho-ho-hi-hi, we’re here!”

Attendants rushed to curbside for the ostentatious carriage known to belong to the Don of the Slums, waiting with luxurious, crushed velvet robes for the girls—as the Don often arrived with companions in various stages of undress. Unlike Corneo’s assistance into the carriage, each girl was shown the same courtesy and generosity from the attendants as they were cloaked in the soft robes and ushered inside.

“Let them use my executive showers. The Flower Girls can wear their robes—but put my whore wife in her fighting gear. She’s going to strap the gloves on tonight!” Corneo proclaimed to his employees as he followed the four naked women out of the carriage. He still referred to it as “tonight” in spite of the blue and orange hues on the horizon that indicated the dawn of a new day, “and bring the good Scotch to my box! I’ll meet the Flower Girls up there.”


Some time later, after Tifa was escorted down to the arena floor, flanked by attendants who had made certain she was dressed in her trademark outfit. She smelled like flowers, even if there were dark circles under her eyes and she was showing early signs of Yellow Jacket Sting—the term coined to describe the withdrawal symptoms common to use of this particular drug.

Even through her undressing, showering and redressing, her collar had been left on, as Corneo possessed the sole key to unlock it. She was led into the dressing room where Corneo was waiting with what looked like an entire Adult Store worth of vibrators, rotors and plugs.

Corneo was working to secure the back panel of a large remote control. When Tifa was shown into the dressing room, Corneo opened his arms wide, showing her more affection that he had since before the debaucherous events at 7th heaven.

“Hello, my sweet wife,” Corneo cooed, giving her a deep, sloppy kiss while squeezing her ass in one hand and her tits in the other, “lie back on that table. Daddy’s got some new presents for you!”

In the end, Tifa was stuffed full of as many vibrating pills, orb rotors, hypersonic plugs and high-intensity massagers, all digitally linked to the remote that he held. The tips of dozens of wired antennae grouped together like a pair of bouquets at the pucker of her ass and the pouty lips of her pussy.

“See you soon, dear,” Corneo smirked, replacing her panties and then clasping a rather intense looking chastity belt over the entire array, “next time I see you, I’ll be talking to you on that TV.”

Corneo pointed at the wall-mounted plasma in the far corner of the room, just below a security camera and kissed her forehead before moving over to the waiting attendant.

“When you take the collar off, get out quick. She’s likely to be more than a little pissed off when she comes to. I’ll try to get her attention on the TV, but wait for my word before you do it.”

Corneo left the key to Tifa’s collar with the attendant and rushed off to his executive elevator to his private box suite.

Some moments later, the TV sparked to life and Corneo was teleconferencing with Tifa direct from his box suites. Honey was sitting in his lap, Tulip was rubbing his shoulders and Daisy was massaging his feet.

“Go ahead,” Corneo nodded, signaling the attendant to unlock and remove her modification collar, “now go! Run, run, run! Ho-hi-hi! Look at him go! Good morning, whore wife. Ready for a nice workout?”

Corneo teased her, after making certain that the attendant escaped her wrath.

“Don’t be naughty, now. I’ve brought you here to give you an opportunity! A chance to escape this place and regain complete control of your bar—ho-ho-hi-hi!” Corneo was tickled with himself, squeezing Honey’s butt lewdly in front of the camera, “if you can win five straight matches, fighting in my arena—I’ll release you altogether! I have no need for a sullen, obstinate whore in my stable—and this one here is plenty of braindead bimbo for me. If you win, you can go back to some semblance of your old life—though Barret might look at you differently—ho-hi-hi-hi!

“But if you lose, not only will you play a punishment game—live, in the arena—but you’ll agree to become my slut wife willingly and attempt all the duties theretofore pertaining to the best of your abilities. Or, you could go back to being a mindless fuck doll again until I get bored of it… your choice.

“What do you say, Tifa Lockheart? Will you fight for your old life, even at the risk of losing yourself for good?”