Farewell for now ...

Dietrich K.

Literotica Guru
Sep 28, 2002
Since I'm veering off into a different train of thought, I'll start a new thread to respond to this :

Cheyenne said:
So, the woman you had the crush on from the bb returned your feelings? Did I miss the announcement of who she is? I must have.

No ... I never said. Although I did tell the lady in question. I'll let her reveal herself if she so chooses. That was lust. The lady I spent the weekend with I am in true and total love with. Happily, those feelings are returned.

So, for the time being, in order to concentrate on that a bit more and other things that are happening in our lives, I'm going to leave Lit for a while. It's been a nice visit and I've made some good friends here and had a fun time. I may be back later; I'm just not sure. Things are proceeding, as they say, apace.

If anyone wants to keep in touch, my e-mail address is Eutychus55@att.net

Be at peace, everyone.
Take care mate and see ya when you journey back this way.

At least stop by and say hi occasionally.
Dietrich K. said:

So, for the time being, in order to concentrate on that a bit more and other things that are happening in our lives, I'm going to leave Lit for a while. It's been a nice visit and I've made some good friends here and had a fun time. I may be back later; I'm just not sure. Things are proceeding, as they say, apace.

I hope you can keep Lit in your life even if your real life is heating up. :) If not, see you when you return.
OMG I am going to miss you, pal! Good luck with the lady and all the other things that bring you joy. Thanks for some really great talks, DK!

I am sad, but I know wonderful things are in store for you, sweets!

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Another glorious literotica "farewell" thread

good luck and may you find true happiness

I think that echoes all our sentiments. It's so great to see joy in action.


the D
Good luck Dietrich. Wishing you the best, and much happiness with your love.