Evolution of sex


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2003
Back in the caveman days, the method for choosing a sex partner was relatively straighforward. For men, it was anything that moved (to spread their genetic material, among other reasons ;) ) and for women, on major reason was to try and attract and keep the strongest and best warrior/hunters to take care of them and their children. I'm talking basic survival here, when you hunted your food and ate it, before it ate you. I don't mean to get into a man vs. woman, or who needs to be taken care of thread.

I think that's one of the reasons muscles are so prized in our society, even today - a throwback reaction to muscles - "he's strong - he will protect me". Same thing as curves on a woman - "she will be fertile".

Today, we don't need to pick our mates based on their spear-throwing ability, or how well she can bear children. But, do you think these decisions ingrained in us from the begining of human existance still play a part?

It's been my experience that most women prefer a manly man to a blow-dried pretty boy anytime. Not muscles per se but just an assurance that if the situation were to arise, he could step up and protect his woman.
medjay said:
It's been my experience that most women prefer a manly man to a blow-dried pretty boy anytime. Not muscles per se but just an assurance that if the situation were to arise, he could step up and protect his woman.

Thanks medjay - I'd tend to agree with you. I also want a man who can use his mind just as well as his fists. But I guess that comes from lessons learned in the past too.
Minkey Boodle said:
I only date guys that know how to gouge another guy's eyes out.

I've gouged a few eyes in my time. When should I come by to pick you up?
Minkey Boodle said:
I only date guys that know how to gouge another guy's eyes out.

Thanks Minkey - I'll put a check in the "ingrained from the beginning of human existance" column for you!
Minkey Boodle said:
I only date guys that know how to gouge another guy's eyes out.

To be fair, though, as I understand it, it's not all that difficult to actually gouge out eyes. But, very effective, and permanently damaging.

Edited to add:

Thanks to my favorite form of self-defense - Krav Maga.
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Yes, those traits are definitely still valid criteria. It's a jungle out there.
Keirena said:
Minkey Boodle, you're my new hero! LMAO!!!!!

Oh sure...yesterday I was your hero. I see how fickle you are now!!

Hey Cleo, as a sidebar, check out the work of a sociobiologist by the name of Devendra Singh. I can't stand the man or his work, but you might find it interesting reading.
phrodeau said:
Yes, those traits are definitely still valid criteria. It's a jungle out there.

I see that in sports etc., we still value strength, speed, agility etc. But really, do you need speed in this world unless you're running after a bus?

Answering my own question here - it comes in handy running away from a mugger...
Minkey Boodle said:
Are you free tonight?

I'll be free right after they finish judging for the beard and chest hair growing competition. I already won the manly man beer swigging contest.
Nora said:
Oh sure...yesterday I was your hero. I see how fickle you are now!!

Hey Cleo, as a sidebar, check out the work of a sociobiologist by the name of Devendra Singh. I can't stand the man or his work, but you might find it interesting reading.

Thank you Nora.

And you're always my hero...*grin*
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
This makes one wonder why most male movie stars are smallish slightly built sub 200 pound girly men.

I recently saw something on TLC about how men and women are judged as attractive, and many women found men with more feminine features (i.e. Leonardo DiCaprio) as very attractive because they didn't see them as "threatening".

Personally, I think he looks too much like a girl and therefor loses any attractiveness to me.
Minkey Boodle said:
ooooo!!! Can you drag your knuckles, too?

Yep. And my buddies and I like to pass time by throwing heavy rocks at each other's heads like in Braveheart.
Thank you, Cleo!! It's nice to be appreciated around here *harrumph*

Dev Singh's main focus of work is in evolutionary influences on attraction. Some of it's neat. Some will make you wanna throw a book through a wall, though.
I still find it strange.....

To see a couple where the female's shoulders are wider than her male partner's. Wide shoulders are a dominance trait in the real world.
And yes, I liked "Hans & Franz" on SNL.
Nora said:

Dev Singh's main focus of work is in evolutionary influences on attraction. Some of it's neat. Some will make you wanna throw a book through a wall, though.

So, basically, like any other sociobiologist. ;)

Scientists! Will we ever agree on anything??
Cleo32 said:
I recently saw something on TLC about how men and women are judged as attractive, and many women found men with more feminine features (i.e. Leonardo DiCaprio) as very attractive because they didn't see them as "threatening".

Personally, I think he looks too much like a girl and therefor loses any attractiveness to me.

At least he isn't terminally short like Tom Cruise.
Re: I still find it strange.....

Lost Cause said:
To see a couple where the female's shoulders are wider than her male partner's. Wide shoulders are a dominance trait in the real world.
And yes, I liked "Hans & Franz" on SNL.

I guess this explains the whole "shoulder pads" fashion trend in the 80's, that coincided with women kicking through the glass ceilings?

Thanks Lost Cause.
Cleo32 said:
So, basically, like any other sociobiologist. ;)

Scientists! Will we ever agree on anything??

LMAO! Exactly!! Dr Singh taught my intro class. I had to walk out a couple of times. *grins* That's nothing compared to the stir David Buss caused when he published his paper "Rape as a Reproductive Strategy". Catchy title, eh? I really have a problem with a great deal of sociobiology. They like to discount entirely the notion of free will.
originally posted by cuckolded_Blk-Male
This makes one wonder why most male movie stars are smallish slightly built sub 200 pound girly men.

two words: Vin Diesel.

of course, Bruce Willis is also one of my favs, so maybe it's just me going for the nice shaved head somewhat deep voiced actors.