Ever have one of those days where water tastes absolutely delicious?

yes. the day after you've drunk a fifth of Jack by yourself, water will indeed taste incredibly appealing.
peachykeen said:
yes. the day after you've drunk a fifth of Jack by yourself, water will indeed taste incredibly appealing.

Please see my earlier post about breaking rules and blondes. :D
whenever you say discuss, I picture mike meyers in SNL drag.
Oh sorry.

Yeah...I dig water.

I just like calling someone a drunkie.

I'm heading for the scotch. The good stuff.
I dont drink water, fish fuck in it.
if its not caffinated or alchohol filled it doesnt even get poured in the glass... well if I used a glass. but that would require class, and im crass, so im just gonna go off and scratch my ass. understand me wee lass?
Re: Re: Ever have one of those days where water tastes absolutely delicious?

Rambling Rose said:
It's the wasabi. I warned you!

No, no. I've been like this all day.
Re: Re: Re: Ever have one of those days where water tastes absolutely delicious?

islandman said:

No, no. I've been like this all day.

ahem...wonder why ;)
Love drinking water especially with lots and lots of ice.
I have a thing for the ice.:)
when i moved to university into student accomodation a few years back i had a glass of water from the taps and felt very ill and quezzy. this was due to the fact that water in london is hard wheras the water i drank in cardiff s.wales was soft .

i didnt drink water for the whole semester i stuck to juice or milk. when i went home that christmas and had a glass of water it was one of the most refreshing things i had ever drunk. it felt like i had REALLY been missing something
but i do drink milk like water these days. 4-6 pints a day