Erotic Submissiveness


Loving My Soulmate Scott
May 21, 2002
Some of the following are excerpts from a book I am reading called "The Sharp Edge of Love-by Galen:

Entering the world of Dominance and submission is a journey.
Erotic submissives are Not weak or inferior men or women.
In my experience I have found them to be quite strong,intelligent,
noble,spiritual andvery clear about who they are sexually.
They come from all cultures and spectrums of society.

They are willing and desire most of all to give themselves,
totally to their Dominant counterpart-body,mind and soul.
It is in their blood,their genres and their souls to do so.

*How a Dominant/submissive (D/s) relationship is manifest
is defined" By The Individuals Involved"<<<<<<very important point!!

Some submissives reserve this aspect of themselves entirely for the
bedroom,and their monogamous marriage partner.Some ,go so far as becoming a slave and consider themselves the property of their owner,
willing to be used any way their Master sees fit.

Most submissives enjoy erotic punishment from mild to extreme,and the feeling of giving up control,or being told what to do.There is a broad range of fantasy role-play,real life issues involved,the blending of myth and ritual.
The realm of D/s is an exotic and rich culture,expressed in endless creative combinations.**There is no *ONE WAY*,in my experience ,He says ,that a D/s realtionship is defined** here!! here!!(Dream agrees)

**What kinds of erotic punishment do you enjoy (subs) ,What kind do
You like to give?(Dom/mes?
*How would you,(in your own words)describe your own personal relationship
dream, i have not posted to this thread as of yet, because i have never had "erotic punishment" or any other kind of punishment as of yet.....

also, as i am out of my past D/s relationship, i cannot speak on that either.. sorry :(

very sorry to hear that Sis , hope things get better for you real soon

on a lighter note: love the avy and mmm I wish I could get THAT done to ME!!
Thanks dream... it's ok.... was my decision to end it...

and, about the AV... of course, it's not me in the pic... but, i love nipple clamps, and we all know that i favor breast AV's... :D
I, for one, would be extremely interested in seeing some more discussion on this.

Has anyone else read the book that Dream quoted?

And, Dream, good quotes btw.
I have not read the bood that Dream quoted from but i would like to thank her for sharing that and giving me a book to look into reading. It reallly sound interesting and like something that i would enjoy reading.

Ghost's amaris
it's a really good book ..

and it helped me to 'open up' and discover some new hidden things about myself :rose:
Artful's dream said:
**What kinds of erotic punishment do you enjoy (subs) ,What kind do
You like to give?(Dom/mes?
*How would you,(in your own words)describe your own personal relationship

Great thread Dream.

I think my favorite 'punishment' is the mirror exercise. My dom and I are working through my embarrassment at random nudity (walking about nude, i can adjust, having one breast bared just because he asked makes me blush). If I flince or drop my eyes when told not to I'm marched into the bathroom or bedroom, right up to the mirror and made to strip, all the while able to see him in the mirror. The idea is that I can watch what my body does to his. Yes its embarrassing, and I end up beet red by the end of the exercise after a few "slower, slide the fabric off" type comments...but I also know I'm having an effect..and that what I'm doing is pleasurable to him. Definately satisfying.

I could honestly say that most of my 'punishment' is a result of being embarrassed or feeling self-conscious. I'm being >forced< to enjoy myself and see myself as sexual...which is one of the most wonderful feelings i've yet to have.

Re: Re: Erotic Submissiveness

Bijoux said:

I could honestly say that most of my 'punishment' is a result of being embarrassed or feeling self-conscious. I'm being >forced< to enjoy myself and see myself as sexual...which is one of the most wonderful feelings i've yet to have.

That's pretty cool, Bijoux! I bet that if your partner continues in a slow and gradual way, you will someday really enjoy being showed off sexually in front of others or even doing public exhibitionism outside.

Does the embarssment feel sexy to you? It does for some people, me among them. But for others, embarassment is not fun and they like it better when the feel comfortable and proud of exhibiting their bodies sexually. I don't feel bad about my body, at least not anymore than any woman does (heh!) but I love feeling humiliated because I am naked and nobody else is.


Completely unrelated picture. I like the look in the tops eyes:
~Standing in the corner until I orgasm has been one of the erotic punishments doled my way. I wasn't allowed to touch myself while doing so.

~Standing in front of a mirror, touching my body slowly was an erotic punishment that was given me for making self deprecating comments about my appearance. While doing so, he kept telling me how beautful I am and asking, "do you see it yet?" I know it doesnt' sound like punishment, but at that point, it felt like it. I was near tears and trembling.

This occured at a time in my life when my self image was about zero. :) It was however, a very important lesson for me.
Yay for you, Bijoux! I was a bit self-conscious at being completely naked around Sir. Now I've settled into it and feel that the vulnerability of the body leads to vulnerability of the mind. It's harder to hide from Him when I'm running around naked and exposed.

UCE - the embarassment does indeed feel very erotic to me. And it's like a drug that you build a tolerance to. Now that I'm comfortable with my nakedness I need more. Sir has started putting me in ankle and wrist restraints which is fine when it's just the two of us. But having His roommate there is a still a little strange. Then again, she's an experienced subbie and hasn't even raised an eyebrow. I think it's almost time for something more.

Dream, to answer your questions... I assume the erotic punishment referred to in your post is more like play time than a real punishment for disobedience. I'm discovering, quite to my surprise, that I love a single tail being applied to my ass. Sir is quite skilled with a whip and when He practices it's like watching a dance. I love it when He includes me in that dance and kisses me with the cracker.

Again, much to my surprise, I'm finding myself developing a Master/ slave relationship. lol... and I was just telling MsWorthy I'd never be able to give that much of myself. But the more I give up, the more I get in return. It's a beautiful thing.

Red Menace said:

Dream, to answer your questions... I assume the erotic punishment referred to in your post is more like play time than a real punishment for disobedience. I'm discovering, quite to my surprise, that I love a single tail being applied to my ass. Sir is quite skilled with a whip and when He practices it's like watching a dance. I love it when He includes me in that dance and kisses me with the cracker.

Again, much to my surprise, I'm finding myself developing a Master/ slave relationship. lol... and I was just telling MsWorthy I'd never be able to give that much of myself. But the more I give up, the more I get in return. It's a beautiful thing.
THAT'S WONDEFUL Red ,I am soo happy for you and thats something that I am just discovering for myself,in the Master /slave relationship it is not all about the slave getting Her needs met at all,its all about Me meeting the Needs of my Master,and TRUSTING Him enough to take care of my needs as a "NATURAL' consequence of caring for Him .. HE knows what's BEST for me,period...what's BEST for ME is Him..and it is Definately TRUTH,the more you give up ,the MORE you get back till it starts feelin like you are not really "giving up anything at all ,you are actually beginning instead to ENJOY .. TRUE happiness..:) :rose: thank you for Your post Red
Em-bare-assed, who me?

Uce -

yeah the embarrassment is definately a turn on. I never realized how hot I could get by being blatently stared at. In all my previous relationships if I was feeling shy I'd bury my face in a pillow or stop the whatever it if I try to do something like that, the humiliation gets I end up in a brightly lit room, strapped down naked on all fours, with him sitting on the couch just looking; and my not being able to do anything about it, or being undressed in front of a window (at 3 real threat but I'm still blushing furiously anyway)

I've waited a long time to finally find someone who knows what I need to enjoy myself...thank gods I didn't have to wait any longer :)

Re: Em-bare-assed, who me?

Bijoux said:
Uce -

yeah the embarrassment is definately a turn on. I never realized how hot I could get by being blatently stared at. In all my previous relationships if I was feeling shy I'd bury my face in a pillow or stop the whatever it if I try to do something like that, the humiliation gets I end up in a brightly lit room, strapped down naked on all fours, with him sitting on the couch just looking; and my not being able to do anything about it, or being undressed in front of a window (at 3 real threat but I'm still blushing furiously anyway)

I've waited a long time to finally find someone who knows what I need to enjoy myself...thank gods I didn't have to wait any longer :)



"like I end up in a brightly lit room, strapped down naked on all fours, with him sitting on the couch just looking; and my not being able to do anything about it"--now THAT sounds like MY idea of Heaven Bijoux!!! yessss:D