Elvis in Blackface

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
I saw a bit of a KCET (PBS) special last night about a black artist who, among other works, painted a portrait of an iconic Elvis in blackface. He wasn't saying that Elvis was "Amos and Andying" it up in his career, but that Elvis, a white boy who could sing black (as the mythology goes) was an extension of the first truly great pop cultural phenomenon in America -- the Minstrel Show (which went on to to give birth to Vaudeville, then Burlesque, then sit-coms, and now "Fear Factor").

Minstrel shows were a lot like the old European circuses, where the "clowns" (like Harlequinn) were archetypes of real people (the "lover", the "grotesque", the "old man", etc.). The Mistrel Shows created a fantasy version of what Negros actually were, in white minds -- shifty, lazy, funny, over-sexed, etc. Sterotypes that I still see today, particularly in (some) Hip Hop culture projects.

I found this artist's rendering of Elvis in blackface really prescient, not only about where we were, but about where we're doomed to go, and it's fascinating to me that America's first pop culture phenomenon is still influencing pop culture today.
Bob_Bytchin said:
DCL, please explain Eminem to us.

Well, Bob...remember the Fall of the Roman Empire? It's sorta like that, only different.
I still think the next Superman should be black -- or Asian -- or Hispanic.

I mean, why fucking not? No darkies in outer space?
Batman is supposed to be asian*, but he's always been played by whites.

*At least semi-asian. That's why he knows japaneese and has the martial arts training.
I seriously doubt if Superman is the kid of Marlon Brando...nothing really super about that.
Well, that stuff came in long after the comic was created. Batman is white. Superman is white. It would be interesting to see these iconic American figures re-imagined as black, Italian, Spanish -- whatever. Not replaced, but re-imagined, a new entry for the canon.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I still think the next Superman should be black -- or Asian -- or Hispanic.

I mean, why fucking not? No darkies in outer space?

Everyone knows that red suns don't alther skin pigment enough to cause that kind of coloration, Dixie. Now don't you feel silly?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Well, that stuff came in long after the comic was created. Batman is white. Superman is white. It would be interesting to see these iconic American figures re-imagined as black, Italian, Spanish -- whatever. Not replaced, but re-imagined, a new entry for the canon.

Superman is being rethought...Jimmy Olson is gay, and Lex Luthor is the head of some corporation.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
I found this artist's rendering of Elvis in blackface really prescient, not only about where we were, but about where we're doomed to go, and it's fascinating to me that America's first pop culture phenomenon is still influencing pop culture today.

In thinking about where the painting took you, I got to thinking that Elvis, along with Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley, Buddy Holly and the whole travelling rock n roll show phenom of the 50's has obvious parallels to Minstrel shows.

Storytelling and other oral traditions had influenced the beginnings of the minstrel movement before that, I'd think.

And I'd think that television commercials are the best example of propogating au courant culture to the widest audiences today.

Given the demographics of those influenced by Elvis, I'd suggest his influence will soon show measured waning. He was more than a blip and the biggest of those minstrels but he isn't really an influence at this point so much as a reference, I suggest.

What I don't understand is how you think we are "doomed" by Elvis and his shtick/influence...unless you mean he's becoming measurably bigger and is prepared to take over the music business, Hanns down.

"Doomed" to deal with the cultural, political and sociological fallout from a certain Peculiar Institution for a long, long time.