
cowgirl heaven

Literotica Guru
Nov 7, 2002
mmmm....listening to Alan Jackson's song Drive. He could drive with me anytime. But it also brings back precious memories to me when I first learned to drive.

We had an old 68 international truck with a steering wheel bigger than me with floor stick shift. I was about 7 or 8 Dad sat behind me while I steered and shifted. Once I got the hang of it I would drive and dad would load hay bales in the back. Made me feel like the biggest kid in the whole wide world ;) Memories

So how old were you when you learned to drive and what was it in?
cowgirl heaven said:
mmmm....listening to Alan Jackson's song Drive. He could drive with me anytime. But it also brings back precious memories to me when I first learned to drive.

We had an old 68 international truck with a steering wheel bigger than me with floor stick shift. I was about 7 or 8 Dad sat behind me while I steered and shifted. Once I got the hang of it I would drive and dad would load hay bales in the back. Made me feel like the biggest kid in the whole wide world ;) Memories

So how old were you when you learned to drive and what was it in?
I can't remember the exact vehicle but it was some old Chrysler boat of a vehicle. You know the kind. The one's where the steering wheel needs to be kept in constant motion to keep it going in straight line.
All I recall is lots of yelling from my father. Don't go so fast! Not so sharp on turns!

i should have run him over
I still get all nostalgic every time I get behind the dashboard of a 70's or 80' Chrysler.
laughing..... Why don't they make cars like that anymore???

oh yeah- no power steering. Where you would turn the wheel half way to hell before the wheels actually turned :)

Then when you got done driving your arms felt like they were going to fall off.
I learned when I was 14 in my Dads new Monty Carlo (sp?). Yep, he was brave!
illmatic_Kyle said:
All I recall is lots of yelling from my father. Don't go so fast! Not so sharp on turns!

i should have run him over


Did he have the death grip on the door handle too?
1976 Ford pickup truck. Automatic of course. :)

When we were dating my ex husband would have me drive the back roads around here. Which it all went well until I met another vehicle and had to dim the lights. I wasn't aware they were on the floorboard and so I accidently turned them off instead. lol
cowgirl heaven said:

Did he have the death grip on the door handle too?

He'd put his hands on the dash as if he had to stop himself from flying through the windshield. So dramatic. Now every time I visit home I make sure I drive him somewhere. And I speed.
k¡tty said:
1976 Ford pickup truck. Automatic of course. :)

When we were dating my ex husband would have me drive the back roads around here. Which it all went well until I met another vehicle and had to dim the lights. I wasn't aware they were on the floorboard and so I accidently turned them off instead. lol

Was he teaching you to drive a stick shift or were you just driving back roads for fun??

Stick shifts were my favorite in high school.....easy transition from stick shift to leg;)
illmatic_Kyle said:
He'd put his hands on the dash as if he had to stop himself from flying through the windshield. So dramatic. Now every time I visit home I make sure I drive him somewhere. And I speed. are hell on parents and it doesn't stop once we move out of the house. Keep him on his toes;)
Hmm, i'm not sure because all of us kids started learning to drive sitting in our parents lap long before our feet could touch the pedals.

I had a grandnephew who got in trouble at the age of six for taking his girlfriend for a ride in his grandpaw's truck.

I recieved my first car when i was thirteen.
cowgirl heaven said:
Was he teaching you to drive a stick shift or were you just driving back roads for fun??

Stick shifts were my favorite in high school.....easy transition from stick shift to leg;)

Just for fun.. the only way that I could drive and not worry about getting caught. This will be a story that I'll never share with my son, he doesn't need to get any ideas. :D
The first thing I can remember driving was a farm tractor. My Uncle would put it in low gear so they could catch up with it if they had to. I was probably 4-5. Next came sitting on my Grandfathers lap steering a 50's Pontiac Chief. I can still see the lighted head dress on the hood orniment.
I was 17, and the car was a Chevy 3/4-ton passenger van.

I used to drive to and from school every day with a vanload of brothers and sisters and my Mom. I never drove with my Dad, and still don't. He is a horrible passenger, just like I am. :)
They used to have this thing called drive-in-movies. I would drive dads 1960 Rambler Ambassador... the big perk was that the front seat laid back down even with the back seat :D

I loved drive-in-movies.
nimbus9 said:
They used to have this thing called drive-in-movies. I would drive dads 1960 Rambler Ambassador... the big perk was that the front seat laid back down even with the back seat :D

I loved drive-in-movies.

Hell yes, those are some good memories!!
Foggin' up the windows, rambling on to the folks how the movie was sooo good. Stupid teenagers thinkin the parents didn't know any better.
Still have a drive in here- summer only though;)
EE- I should have looked you up when I posted. I don't think many have actually heard this song. So I wasn't really sure folks could relate.......

Where do you get all these songs and lyrics? I have them on the covers but no time to type it all in.

Thanks EE! You're sweet. :kiss:

mmmmm.....what a man:kiss:
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