Dr. Freud is in the House


Really Experienced
Jul 17, 2002
Is is it just me or does this sound familiar to any of you? Subs = Id,
Doms = Ego or SuperEgo.

As the baby emerges from the womb into the reality of life, he wants only to eat, drink, urinate, defecate, be warm, and gain sexual pleasure. These urges are the demands of the id, the most primitive motivational force. In pursuit of these ends, the id demands immediate gratification: it is ruled by the pleasure principle, demanding satisfaction now, regardless of circumstances and possible undesirable effects. If a young child was ruled entirely by his id, he would steal and eat a piece of chocolate from a store regardless of the menacing owner watching above him or even his parents scolding beside him.

The id will not stand for a delay in gratification. For some urges, such as urination, this is easily satisfied. However, if the urge is not immediately discharaged, the id will form a memory of the end of the motivation: the thirsty infant will form an image of the mother's breast. This act of wish-fulfillment satisfies the id's desire for the moment, though obviously it does not reduce the tension of the unfulfilled urge.

The eventual understanding that immediate gratification is usually impossible (and often unwise) comes with the formation of the ego, which is ruled by the reality principle. The ego acts as a go-between in the id's relations with reality, often supressing the id's urges until an appropriate situation arises. This repression of inappropriate desires and urges represents the greatest strain on, and the most important function of, the mind. The ego often utilizes defense mechanisms to achieve and aid this repression. Where the id may have an urge and form a picture which satisfies this urge, the ego engages in a strategy to actually fulfill the urge. The thirsty five-year-old now not only identifies water as the satisfaction of his urge, but forms a plan to obtain water, perhaps by finding a drinking fountain. While the ego is still in the service of the id, it borrows some of its psychic energy in an effort to control the urge until it is feasibly satisfied. The ego's efforts at pragmatic satisfaction of urges eventually builds a great number of skills and memories and becomes aware of itself as an entity. With the formation of the ego, the individual becomes a self, instead of an amalgamation of urges and needs.
While the ego may temporarily repress certain urges of the id in fear of punishment, eventually these external sources of punishment are internalized, and the child will not steal the chocolate, even unwatched, because he has taken punishment, right, and wrong into himself. The superego uses guilt and self-reproach as its primary means of enforcement for these rules. But if a person does something which is acceptable to the superego, he experiences pride and self-satisfaction.

The superego is sub-dividable into two parts: conscience and ego ideal. Conscience tells what is right and wrong, and forces the ego to inhibit the id in pursuit of morally acceptable, not pleasurable or even realistic, goals. The ego ideal aims the individual's path of life toward the ideal, perfect goals instilled by society. In the pursuit, the mind attempts to make up for the loss of the perfect life experienced as a baby.
Mmmm.. I'd have to think on this a bit.... but I think it's a stretch. I kinda liked how Never put it... simply so brief and to the point. :)

The roles of Dom/me and subs are so much more broad than just Id and Super/ego.

I will think some more on this.. but right off the bat... I would disagree.

Definitely an interesting topic Playdoe... I wonder what others will say.

How intriguing! I never thought of it like this before.

I can see how this could be so, although I believe it involves more of a conscious decision than the mind's Id/Ego/Superego gets.

For example, a single word from T, a single look, can reduce me to that unthinking need. It may have lain dormant within me until he chose to call it forth, but oh yes, I can be total Id. However, my need is more complex than peeing or a similar "basic" drive. It's a combination craving: my sensation and his satisfaction, simultaneously if possible.

Likewise, he can choose to moderate my need, even to the point of denial. He could let it run rampant and enjoy the benefits from that, or he could choose to make me wait and perhaps prolong the pleasure when he finally lets me succumb to that urge. This is more Ego than Superego, and I don't think there is much debate that this certainly is a role Dom/mes must play.

I don't think that Superego is necessary, although it probably does appear in many relationships. Mine, for example. Any humiliation play is highly-developed Superego--what kind of person would enjoy this? Don't you feel like a slut? I can't believe you're begging me to do this to you! And so forth. In the more loving D/s relationships, Superego is probably not much of a force; we've done a lot of "sexuality is not bad, it's part of who you are" and so many of us here live by that. Superego unwanted.

An interesting point to bring up here is that he ultimately is responsible for BOTH of our manifestations as Id/Super/ego. He makes me one, and he makes himself the other. So all rational decision involved comes from him. I simply react, in this case.

Again, fascinating perspective! Thank you for bringing it up.
The more I thought about this... the more I think it does play some small part... but it's not the end all be all. But you are right Quint... very interesting way to look at things.

A model of relationships that puts one party as Id and the other as Ego/Superego is simplistic, in my view, regardless of any D/s relevancies.

Comparing D/s to Ego/Id might be workable is some cases, but I'd suggest that's only because D/s literature and "labels" are also far simpler than any IRL Relationship with any depth.

A cursory look through the posts of married D's or s's here in a 24/7 TPE with their spouse illustrates quite quickly how much more depth there is to a marriage than D/s can address.

That being said, Ego/Id plays a role in pairings, as does Birth Order, Culture, Religion, Education....a raft of connectors from varying depths of each party's persona/psyche.

An interesting Lit Parlour Game though for a Thursday night, doncha think?


I am just not seeing this, pal. Of course, nowhere in your opening of this thread do you profess to own this theory. It's just one that you are tossing out for discussion.

I agree, there are some elements that work within the text you set before us, but I have to agree with Lance on this. There are so many other factors that are involved and those factors are the catalyst for our evolving into what we become sexually.

Lance mentioned both of these examples, among others:

It would be interesting, for instance to have the information regarding how many Doms are first born or first born males, within the family unit. I would venture to bet, most are.

There are ethinic and cultural backgrounds that place great emphasis on the Domliness of men and reward men for exhibiting such.

I will end this by admitting that I am likely the least experienced in the ways of D/s of all women posting at this forum. Lance has a more concise manner of posting and I have basically parroted his post, and gotten more prosey than he would be. But I do agree that the theory is really far too simplistic and does not do justice to the ture complexities that must occur in a real D/s relationship.

Your Pal,
PlayDoe said:
Is is it just me or does this sound familiar to any of you? Subs = Id,
Doms = Ego or SuperEgo.

I guess it's just that time of the month for me,...cuz I am gonna post my IGNORANCE for ALL to see.

What I feel actually happens, is my MIND is so busy figuring out how to pleasure my subs ID/EGO, in ways that I also experience pleasure, it don't have no time to recognise higher semantics.

(JMHO), but it's mine,...(and it could be changed)

P.S.~Fooled y'all didn't I?:rose: