Love Notes


Literotica Guru
Jul 26, 2024
I'm curious if anybody else still has a habit of writing "love notes" or am I just an archaic dinosaur?
Having to work a 28on/14off rotation, I like my Domme to have love notes to wake up to, to know I'm thinking about her...
I'll share this morning's....
They're "poorly written"... more just a "stream of consciousness" type of note.

Good morning Baby!
I sure wish I was home, starting our Naked Sunday with your coffee on the nightstand, me, starting at your sexy feet, giving you a full body rub.... working on your feet as I'm watching your flower wake and start opening, your sexy clit swelling, protruding, glistening... working my way up your sexy, hard, muscled calves... all while telling you, describing to you how PERFECT your lovely body is, your divine, female form, your sexy thighs that lead into the beautiful hourglass figure that keeps my balls aching, keeps me leaking precum all the time, thinking about how you squeeze my head with those thighs, grabbing my hair and pulling my face so tightly into you as you flood my mouth.... basking in knowing how I love filling you up and enjoying a fresh, hot creampie for my Sunday breakfast!

I love the thoughts you fill my head with Goddess, as I massage your sexy, heart-shaped ass and beautiful hips... knowing the way, that even when you think you're completely satisfied and "spent" I will ALWAYS take the time to enjoy eating your sexy, delicious asshole until you cum again... time stands still when I'm with you, it ceases to matter, ALL that matters is pleasuring YOU, Goddess!
Rubbing your sexy back and shoulders with my hands and the full length of my forearms, as I kiss, lick, suck and breathe your seductive pheromones that have collected at the small of your back into me, you, basking in the knowledge that your sub can cum, simply from enjoying and appreciating your precious body like this... but I'm not going to cum yet this morning... I'm going to stay full, aching with the pleasurable pain of desire that you fill me with, the state of passion and desire that I stay in...
Turning you over, seeing your hard, beautiful nipples, as I continue massaging you... looking into your beautiful eyes, your beautiful face, seeing your look of satisfaction, love, pleasure, confidence, power... totally secure in knowing what we mean to each other... knowing that the ONLY WAY I derive pleasure, is by pleasuring YOU, my Domme Goddess... as I ease down, kissing your beautiful flower, opening you with my tongue, curling it around your eager, swollen clit, sucking it deeply into my mouth while tweaking, pinching and twisting your nipples until you turn loose of your precious nectar, flooding my mouth, filling my soul with your precious juices, the life giving forces they contain that sustain me, Goddess!
Good morning, Baby!... I'll get you another cup of coffee and I'll be waiting for you on the carport, spreader bar on my feet, hands suspended above my head, your paddles, whips, and dragon tails, laid out on the table, patiently, yet eagerly awaiting you... waiting for you to come enjoy marking my flesh so brutally, lovingly... placing your marks of OWNERSHIP, deeply into my needy flesh!
I truly thank you, Goddess, for a beautiful morning!
Back in the day when we were long distance - first in different cities, then in different countries - I would often hide little notes in his pockets and other places when we met, so that he would find them later on.

When I visited him the last time before moving to another country, I made lots of little notes with random things on them and hid them all over his apartment. Some he found just days after I left, some much, much later on.

He has kept most, if not all, of the notes. ☺️
Back in the day when we were long distance - first in different cities, then in different countries - I would often hide little notes in his pockets and other places when we met, so that he would find them later on.

When I visited him the last time before moving to another country, I made lots of little notes with random things on them and hid them all over his apartment. Some he found just days after I left, some much, much later on.

He has kept most, if not all, of the notes. ☺️
Awesome story, thanks for sharing!
My ex would dominate me long distance. I’d have to sit on a butt plug and write “I’m a dirty panty sniffer.” Id write it a hundred times and send her a picture. Then id be permitted to jack off.
I used to write love letters to my late husband. I feel I can truly express myself fully and without reservations when I can just sit down and write. I used to write my erotic fantasies in those letters. He loved it.
Last Christmas, my Master specifically said there was no need for me get him anything, so I wrote him a poem expressing how much he means to me and how much he has changed my life. He was speechless.
I used to write love letters to my late husband. I feel I can truly express myself fully and without reservations when I can just sit down and write. I used to write my erotic fantasies in those letters. He loved it.
Last Christmas, my Master specifically said there was no need for me get him anything, so I wrote him a poem expressing how much he means to me and how much he has changed my life. He was speechless.
That's beautiful!
Major Kudos and a hat tip to you!
My wife writes me dirty notes for when I travel on business. Sometimes she even will send me off with a pair of panties or something like that.

Some of them are really dirty, and some are just loving!!

I like it!!

I sometimes wrote her dirty or loving notes where she’ll find them too.
My wife writes me dirty notes for when I travel on business. Sometimes she even will send me off with a pair of panties or something like that.

Some of them are really dirty, and some are just loving!!

I like it!!

I sometimes wrote her dirty or loving notes where she’ll find them too.
That's awesome!
My Domme sends her panties to the boat with me occasionally. I love it, especially when they're still wet!
I used to write love letters to my late husband. I feel I can truly express myself fully and without reservations when I can just sit down and write. I used to write my erotic fantasies in those letters. He loved it.
Last Christmas, my Master specifically said there was no need for me get him anything, so I wrote him a poem expressing how much he means to me and how much he has changed my life. He was speechless.
That is really beautiful.

I wrote poems to/about my wife occasionally too.

I often leave notes for my wife telling her how much fun I have with her and expressing my gratitude for her being an amazing dominant wife and Goddess to me. Whenever we have a fun and intense night or weekend of her dominating me and me serving her, I always feel compelled to write her a note to thank her and let her know how much I enjoyed it and how it makes me want to serve her even more.
I'm curious if anybody else still has a habit of writing "love notes" or am I just an archaic dinosaur?
Having to work a 28on/14off rotation, I like my Domme to have love notes to wake up to, to know I'm thinking about her...
I'll share this morning's....
They're "poorly written"... more just a "stream of consciousness" type of note.

Good morning Baby!
I sure wish I was home, starting our Naked Sunday with your coffee on the nightstand, me, starting at your sexy feet, giving you a full body rub.... working on your feet as I'm watching your flower wake and start opening, your sexy clit swelling, protruding, glistening... working my way up your sexy, hard, muscled calves... all while telling you, describing to you how PERFECT your lovely body is, your divine, female form, your sexy thighs that lead into the beautiful hourglass figure that keeps my balls aching, keeps me leaking precum all the time, thinking about how you squeeze my head with those thighs, grabbing my hair and pulling my face so tightly into you as you flood my mouth.... basking in knowing how I love filling you up and enjoying a fresh, hot creampie for my Sunday breakfast!

I love the thoughts you fill my head with Goddess, as I massage your sexy, heart-shaped ass and beautiful hips... knowing the way, that even when you think you're completely satisfied and "spent" I will ALWAYS take the time to enjoy eating your sexy, delicious asshole until you cum again... time stands still when I'm with you, it ceases to matter, ALL that matters is pleasuring YOU, Goddess!
Rubbing your sexy back and shoulders with my hands and the full length of my forearms, as I kiss, lick, suck and breathe your seductive pheromones that have collected at the small of your back into me, you, basking in the knowledge that your sub can cum, simply from enjoying and appreciating your precious body like this... but I'm not going to cum yet this morning... I'm going to stay full, aching with the pleasurable pain of desire that you fill me with, the state of passion and desire that I stay in...
Turning you over, seeing your hard, beautiful nipples, as I continue massaging you... looking into your beautiful eyes, your beautiful face, seeing your look of satisfaction, love, pleasure, confidence, power... totally secure in knowing what we mean to each other... knowing that the ONLY WAY I derive pleasure, is by pleasuring YOU, my Domme Goddess... as I ease down, kissing your beautiful flower, opening you with my tongue, curling it around your eager, swollen clit, sucking it deeply into my mouth while tweaking, pinching and twisting your nipples until you turn loose of your precious nectar, flooding my mouth, filling my soul with your precious juices, the life giving forces they contain that sustain me, Goddess!
Good morning, Baby!... I'll get you another cup of coffee and I'll be waiting for you on the carport, spreader bar on my feet, hands suspended above my head, your paddles, whips, and dragon tails, laid out on the table, patiently, yet eagerly awaiting you... waiting for you to come enjoy marking my flesh so brutally, lovingly... placing your marks of OWNERSHIP, deeply into my needy flesh!
I truly thank you, Goddess, for a beautiful morning!
A previous DD used to leave me good morning videos every morning for me.( he was 3hrs ahead of me) they had instructions at the end but the beginnings were always
,"This is your Daddy", and praise for my previous goodnight video Etc. I loved them
A previous DD used to leave me good morning videos every morning for me.( he was 3hrs ahead of me) they had instructions at the end but the beginnings were always
,"This is your Daddy", and praise for my previous goodnight video Etc. I loved them
That is awesome!!!
I kind of write and receive love texts since my handwriting is bad, and I didn't really get into the habit of writing love notes.
Mine are via text as well, when we're separated by 600 of land and 100 or more miles of sea.
Oh my goodness, that's far.

Though what I meant is I almost never wrote physical notes since even I can't read them sometimes. Even when I loved someone or was with them for some weekends.

That might change.
I do not write love notes. However, I'm big into pen paling and such. So, I sent out approximately twenty pieces of mail each week. The local postal clerks all know me by name.
I think this is an incredibly normal thing for all couples who love each other, kinky or not, to do, right? It’s one of the oldest tropes in the history of the written word. Whether it’s physical letters, cards, emails, or long texts, it’s just nice to be appreciated.