does your pet snore?



....and is it dangerous to their health?

Is there such a thing as pet sleep apnea?

Is it fair to poke them to SHUT UP the snoring?

GP (sleep deprived)
Yes, they snore sometimes. Even drool.
I do whatever it takes to make them stop.
What's the worst is when they're grooming on the bed while you're trying to sleep. And they won't stop.
April said:
Yes, they snore sometimes. Even drool.
I do whatever it takes to make them stop.
What's the worst is when they're grooming on the bed while you're trying to sleep. And they won't stop.

I trust you are talking about pets.....not men! :D
One of my kitties sorta makes this weird wheezy/snore when he's deeply asleep. I had the vet check him out because I was afraid there was an airway blockage, but the vet said that they were just like people...they start to snore as they get older.

Personally, I think poking them is fair game. ;)
:confused: I thought the topic was pets snoring. Did I post in the wrong thread?
guilty pleasure said:
No, just teasing you, sorry. :)

I thought maybe I had finally lost my mind. LOL

But I poke the husband when he snores too. :p
Yes! My prissy cat, Miss Tickle Kitty snores like an old man! It's so cute! :rose:
My late Matilda used to was adorable. But in the middle of the night I used to tickle her belly to make her roll over so she would stop...or poke her til she woke up...she would always look startled and be like Jeeeeeeeez what did ya do that for!

And god that grooming thing is annoying as hell.
I dont know if they snore...the pups and thier mama sleep outside.

But they sure as hell can bark at 2am...SHEESH!
My dog does any combination of the following, including all at the same time.

1. Snore
2. Growl
3. Wag tail (thump it against floor)
4. Twitch all four feet (4 wheel drive)
5. Yelp

Thankfully he doesn't like to sleep on the bed and usually if I just say his name he will stop (he's a light sleeper.)

The thing that he does while he's awake that really pisses me off is foot licking (his, not mine). I think he's got OCD about it.
Yes, both of my cats snore.
Katy, cute wheezy sound
and Max, big healthy snore.

and I have been known to kick them off the bed.
Birds Snore.

My birds brush their teeth before bed, but they don't snore.