Does this seem a little less than truthful to you?

Vlad da Inhaler

Dec 5, 2002
Taken from busybody's signature:

I believe AMERICA is the world's guiding light! Doesnt mean we are always right, does mean our hearts are always in the right place.

I believe that the US Armed Forces are the protectors of the world's freedom!

I believe that those that wage war against America and allies should be treated with extreme prejudice.

I believe that it is impossible to negotiate and accomodate fanatics. Those that believe otherwise, are foolish!

AMERICA, love it, or get the FUCK out! Or, you can change the system via the democratic process.

And if you dont like how you are treated here, Go somewhere ELSE! We wont miss you!
Besides it's been done before. Hire a writer to make you up a new shtick - you're boring already and you just started here.
Oh god, please, please, please tell me you're English or European - anything but Canadian.
Don't waste your time Freya. Soon he'll realize he's wasting his, and either fade away, or change screen names.
Freya2 said:
Oh god, please, please, please tell me you're English or European - anything but Canadian.

C'mon Freya, you know all the cool rapist kids are English, don't you?
Problem Child said:
C'mon Freya, you know all the cool rapist kids are English, don't you?

Oh I hope so. If he's Canadian, I'm buying a gun and becoming American.
Freya2 said:
Oh god, please, please, please tell me you're English or European - anything but Canadian.

Here lets put it this way

My country has:

A lower crime rate
Less pollution
0 terrorist attacks
Moderate and Intelligent laws (for the most part)
A relatively blemish free history
good beer
and above all else
a 1-0 record against the USA in war
Vlad da Inhaler said:
Here lets put it this way

My country has:

A lower crime rate
Less pollution
0 terrorist attacks
Moderate and Intelligent laws (for the most part)
A relatively blemish free history
good beer
and above all else
a 1-0 record against the USA in war

You're pretty ignorant sounding for a Vietnamese.
Vlad da Inhaler said:
Here lets put it this way

My country has:

A lower crime rate
Less pollution
0 terrorist attacks
Moderate and Intelligent laws (for the most part)
A relatively blemish free history
good beer
and above all else
a 1-0 record against the USA in war

Oh crap.

PC can I move in with you for a while?
I am only new to the world of BBs and forums, but I can see how it might be hard to troll a troll.

2 out of ten for style. Keep it up though... your target is very worthwhile and is just screaming out to be called an idiot.
Freya2 said:
Oh crap.

PC can I move in with you for a while?

Wait, let me look at your avatar.

Yes. We'll clear it with the g/f later. Of course, she'll probably want to get to know you first.
Vlad da Inhaler said:
well that country fits one of the things i listed.. clever!

Did you check your own list, freak? Or are you so stuck on North American politics and history that you know nothing about the rest of the world? There is more, you know... over that big body of water... believe it or not, the world is round.
Darkthought said:
Did you check your own list, freak? Or are you so stuck on North American politics and history that you know nothing about the rest of the world? There is more, you know... over that big body of water... believe it or not, the world is round.

I like that.. you managed to sound intelligent without mentioning any real information at all.

If i met you on one of my streets i would intimidate you and get you to say embarrassing things about yourself
Darkthought said:
Did you check your own list, freak? Or are you so stuck on North American politics and history that you know nothing about the rest of the world? There is more, you know... over that big body of water... believe it or not, the world is round.

He's not across the water, damnit. The good beer comment gave it away.

PC I'll be there next Tuesday - prepare my room!
Vlad da Inhaler said:
you should walk there.. work off a little of that gut of yours

You're almost cute in your stupidity.

I'm just embarrassed to know that you come from the same country as me - it'll put a kink in all of our arguments about Canadians being more intelligent than the rest.
Hey, PC!

Vlad da Inhaler said:
I believe that it is impossible to negotiate and accomodate fanatics. Those that believe otherwise, are foolish!
Falling down on the Spelling Buddy duties?