Does Sex die after marriage?


Really Experienced
Dec 15, 2002
After 8-9 years of marriage, does the sex drive die, or does it just become neglected?

My marriage didn't last that long, but perosnally I think it's a matter of the effort you put forth into it. If you fall into a routine, as with anythihng else, it becomes rather dull. GOtta shake it up every now and again to keep it alive.
A qoute I once read & have come to find is true:

"Marriage kills passion, all of a sudden you're in bed with a relative"
Like all things in life, be it your job your hobbies or your relationships , you get what you give.
bored1 said:
Like all things in life, be it your job your hobbies or your relationships , you get what you give.

That is absolutely true. Sex does not have to become passionless or boring with a spouse, mine never was. But it DOES take two to keep it alive and lively.
bored1 said:
Like all things in life, be it your job your hobbies or your relationships , you get what you give.

Only works if your partner is willing to give also. Can't keep giving forever without receiving what you need in return.
I think you're right. What kinds of things do you recommend?
Jellybeangirl said:
Only works if your partner is willing to give also. Can't keep giving forever without receiving what you need in return.
You are correct, it takes two people to make a relationship successful and two to make it fail. It is recognizing the signs of failure while corrective measures can still be taken.
Yes, for many of us sex was great for the first 6 months or year of marriage.
It takes two and although bopping my schlong does relieve some stress I
would prefer having sex with my wife. We occasionally have sex perhaps
two or three times per month which fits no definition of sexually active that
I know of. Although we are happy together in every other regard the lack
of sex is a problem I have to deal with. Although I know of no scientific
study I am willing to bet that far more men than women are in the same
boat as I am. The fact of the matter is women have the pussy and they
have the control over what does or does not happen in the bedroom.
For me all I want again this Christmas is some sex.
I suddenly realized there was something wrong with the sex life when, after 12 years, all of a sudden she would run to the bathroom to spit out after blowing me....rinse, gargle and the entire cleanliness thing....that was my tell-tale sign of impending doom....
Jellybeangirl said:
Only works if your partner is willing to give also. Can't keep giving forever without receiving what you need in return.

That's truth for any type of relationship. It has to be fed to grow and survive. After a while your own supply is completely depleted and then the whole fucking thing comes crashing down.

Just my opinion, of course.:D
Ransom said:
Yes, for many of us sex was great for the first 6 months or year of marriage.
It takes two and although bopping my schlong does relieve some stress I
would prefer having sex with my wife. We occasionally have sex perhaps
two or three times per month which fits no definition of sexually active that
I know of. Although we are happy together in every other regard the lack
of sex is a problem I have to deal with. Although I know of no scientific
study I am willing to bet that far more men than women are in the same
boat as I am. The fact of the matter is women have the pussy and they
have the control over what does or does not happen in the bedroom.
For me all I want again this Christmas is some sex.

Well, I have heard it said that the only food known to kill the woman's sex drive is wedding cake!!!!
Touch1 said:
Well, I have heard it said that the only food known to kill the woman's sex drive is wedding cake!!!!

You know how to cure a nymphomaniac, don't you, Touch?

Marry her.
Touch1 said:
After 8-9 years of marriage, does the sex drive die, or does it just become neglected?

Wow. Depressing stuff.

15 Years of Marriage here. He's a great guy - we were friends before we started dating. We actually TALK to each other about everything, including sex.

Unless your sex drives are incredibly different, there is usually a specific reason the lady doesn't want sex. They may be too tired (do you help around the house? many wives do all housework, childcare, and work an outside job as well) they may be at that time right before the "monthly" when they feel all cramped and achy and totally unsexy, they may be worrying about money, they may be upset because the in-laws are coming to visit - who the hell knows? But if YOU don't know, that's a problem!

Besides, if you don't talk to each other, how can you know how to sexually satisfy her? Or are you?? That could be a reason she doesn't want sex as often!

Sorry for the negativity of the post, but I hate to hear marriage bashing just because someone isn't getting laid as often as they wish. Marriage is a legal contract - if both parties are not fulfilling the requirements - DO something!!! Would you tolerate this in business? Of course not. Why do you give more time and energy to your career than to your marriage?
Well I can't speak from expirience yet (only been married over a year) but my parents have been married for over three decades and (ICK) they still have sex. I know this because they tell "funny" stories about finally having the house to themselves and not having to lock the door anymore.

My oldest brother has been married for 13 years and they are pretty active.

It doesn't have to die.
My parents have been maried more than three years now, and they have yet to miss a night except when Mom's hip trouble prevents it.
sunstruck said:
Well I can't speak from expirience yet (only been married over a year) but my parents have been married for over three decades and (ICK) they still have sex. I know this because they tell "funny" stories about finally having the house to themselves and not having to lock the door anymore.

My oldest brother has been married for 13 years and they are pretty active.

It doesn't have to die.

I've been married for over three decades too, and (yippee) we still have sex. Our kids think we're perverts.

Things have only gotten better over the years, and especially so since the last kid moved out. It's fun figuring out what you can do with all that privacy.