I'm certain this has been asked before, but I can't quite find the answer in older threads.
Do you prefer stories that focus on the buildup dynamics that lead to the sex scene or on the explicit sex scenes? Perhaps both? I'd like answers from different points of view :
POV 1: As an author.
POV 2: As a reader.
POV 3: In your experience, what seems to be the general preference of the lit community
I've got a few unfinished stories drafted, any help would be great. I always wonder how detailed I should be in the sex scenes themselves.
Do you prefer stories that focus on the buildup dynamics that lead to the sex scene or on the explicit sex scenes? Perhaps both? I'd like answers from different points of view :
POV 1: As an author.
POV 2: As a reader.
POV 3: In your experience, what seems to be the general preference of the lit community
I've got a few unfinished stories drafted, any help would be great. I always wonder how detailed I should be in the sex scenes themselves.