Do you favour sex scenes or sensual buildup ?


Nov 9, 2021
I'm certain this has been asked before, but I can't quite find the answer in older threads.

Do you prefer stories that focus on the buildup dynamics that lead to the sex scene or on the explicit sex scenes? Perhaps both? I'd like answers from different points of view :

POV 1: As an author.
POV 2: As a reader.
POV 3: In your experience, what seems to be the general preference of the lit community

I've got a few unfinished stories drafted, any help would be great. I always wonder how detailed I should be in the sex scenes themselves.
I'm certain this has been asked before, but I can't quite find the answer in older threads.

Do you prefer stories that focus on the buildup dynamics that lead to the sex scene or on the explicit sex scenes? Perhaps both? I'd like answers from different points of view :

POV 1: As an author.
POV 2: As a reader.
POV 3: In your experience, what seems to be the general preference of the lit community

I've got a few unfinished stories drafted, any help would be great. I always wonder how detailed I should be in the sex scenes themselves.
To me sex in a story is better later. But then I try and drop a bit of nudity, a flash or something earlier on to at least let people know I am not writing as a prude?

But then I don't write stroke fiction.

Some will like the double D's bouncing as the equally large buttocks wobble and bounce as they rhythmically glide up and down on a humungous glistening shaft in the second paragraph. Otherwise, the readers move on.

I am lucky if my protagonist has opened the front door by paragraph two. I am too busy describing the granite chippings on gravel driveway.

Does your reader want to know the characters or just their sexual exploits?

Different things float different boats. My latest story had no sex or nudity at all. Plenty of build-up mind you. Might explain why its tanking in the Halloween challenge!

I have always been told. Write for yourself on the hope that someone else enjoys? We are doing this for free?

I'm certain this has been asked before, but I can't quite find the answer in older threads.

Do you prefer stories that focus on the buildup dynamics that lead to the sex scene or on the explicit sex scenes? Perhaps both? I'd like answers from different points of view :

POV 1: As an author.
POV 2: As a reader.
POV 3: In your experience, what seems to be the general preference of the lit community

I've got a few unfinished stories drafted, any help would be great. I always wonder how detailed I should be in the sex scenes themselves.
As an author, it depends on what works best for the particular story. In many of my longer stories, the build-up is usually a critical part of the characters' dynamic. Several of my most popular stories here do not contain any graphic sex scenes, relying on the build-up to paint an implied event.

As a reader, I find myself often skipping over sex scenes that don't seem to fit the action or mood of the characters. The sex scenes have to make sense.

In my own experience, and as I'm sure you'll hear from others, it depends upon the genre or category that the story is posted in. My stories containing little or no sex do very well in Novels and Novellas, and my loyal readers from that category barely tolerate my stories in other categories that have more sex scenes. However, readers who like those other categories seem to appreciate what I offer them in my stories posted in those.
POV 1: It depends on the characters and their situation. I've written both sex first/relationship second and relationship first/sex second. Once it's written, then I have have to figure out which community is more likely to enjoy the result.

POV 2: Irrelevant. See POV 3.

POV 3: There is no general preference for the Lit community, and individual opinions are likely to be misleading. Readers' tastes are incredibly variable. It's hard to generalized even about readers in a single category. I do have more buildup before sex in stories I post to Romance, and I find different categories for other stories.
My reader and writer tastes are the same. I was an avid online reader of erotica for years before I wrote anything, so my reading tastes have shaped what I like to write.

I like both the buildup and the sex, but over time I've gravitated somewhat more toward the buildup. I definitely find it the more fun part to write, because there's more opportunity for variety and creativity.

Literotica has readers of every type. Some like quick stroke stories. But the stories that get the highest scores tend to have some character development and buildup toward the sex.
Both have their place. When I started I was more towards the act itself, but now I guess I focus in on the build up just as much. I like to feel the emotion (as a reader) and hope that I can portray some of the same (as a writer). I will be cautious if a story is not going to reach the inevitable, and will call this out to avoid disappointment, but the ideal form me is that the build up does come to a happy ending, and if that happy ending provides an insight into the MCs own feelings then all the better.
As a writer and a reader, I like porn, but I want a story around it. I like a slow buildup leading to a great sex scene.

since I write porn I like the sex scene to be the climax, conclusion of my story. The rest of the story is to build characters and scene to suck you in so you feel like this might be realistic given the circumstances.
since I write porn I like the sex scene to be the climax, conclusion of my story. The rest of the story is to build characters and scene to suck you in so you feel like this might be realistic given the circumstances.
I think you've got it the wrong way around. I think you're describing erotica, not porn.

And even in erotica, I don't get this saving sex to the end thing. There doesn't need to be a single sex scene in a story, and often starting off with a sex scene can set up the dilemma of the story--even an erotica story.
I think you've got it the wrong way around. I think you're describing erotica, not porn.

And even in erotica, I don't get this saving sex to the end thing. There doesn't need to be a single sex scene in a story, and often starting off with a sex scene can set up the dilemma of the story--even an erotica story.
you’re right. I was only thinking the big payoff scene. sometimes I have a small sex scene towards the beginning. In my Halloween story there was a scene of fingering while driving. But I save the big payoff for the end.

erotica vs porn. Interesting. I never thought of my stories as erotica I always pictured erotica had softer sex scenes. Mine are pretty hard core. Like cinimax vs XXX.

but, at least 2/3rds of my stories are buildup with many having a lot more.

I actually find the sex scenes hard to write. I have it in my head from the beginning of the story and by the time I get to it, I’ve somehow had enough of it and find it work to write.
erotica vs porn. Interesting. I never thought of my stories as erotica I always pictured erotica had softer sex scenes. Mine are pretty hard core. Like cinimax vs XXX.
I've heard erotica described as being like the romance stories of writers such as Sandra Brown or the bodice ripper stories of writers such as Lara Temple, while pornography has been described as similar to the Penthouse Forum stories. The terms "soft-core" and "hard-core" are sometimes used to distinguish between the two styles.

While there can, and often is sex within erotic stories, it is typically more implied and has far fewer graphic details.

I can, and do write both, but find erotica and non-sexual adventure more challenging and enjoyable to tackle.
For myself, I think I'd like to be considered a storyteller. That being said, I find the overall nature of the tale and the characters thoughts are what grabs my attention.

I will say that the sex accounts can occur at any time, so long as they make sense.
It all depends on the story, the characters, the setting and the writer. There's no one, two, or three ways around it. Hopefully I hit the right combination on occasion.
For me as a reader and writer both, sex scene without proper buildup is almost pointless. You need to build up the tension, introduce the characters, at least a bit, and then deliver the sex scene. The sex scene should of course be at least decently well written and should exploit the buildup and character specifics introduced during the buildup, so you don't, for example, create a shy romantic character, who suddenly becomes a lewd monster out of nowhere. Character consistency matters to me very much.
As for the other part of the question, I believe that instant bum bum sex stories are far more popular and appreciated among the majority of the readers. Most are looking for a quick fix, and that is why you have so many short stories that are sex-only, no buildup, no character development, that get highly rated and get astounding number of views. As with everything else, much smaller number of readers appreciate subtler sex scenes with far more buildup. On top of that, not many readers are willing to invest the time needed to read a slower building story, to connect with characters properly and only then enjoy the sex scene in a more profound way.
Wow, thanks for all the answers. This is helpful as I learn and try to improve.

I have another spin on my original question.

How in-depth would you recommend the sex scenes to be? I have mixed feelings when my writing describes the actual sex scenes as a sequence of events.

First, she sucks the massive cock, then he spins her around and does her doggy; she cums, he cums. Woohoo. It all feels so mechanical and repetitive, even when I try to add thoughts, emotions, apprehensions, and anticipations.

As a (very) amateur writer, this has proven to be my biggest struggle.
Wow, thanks for all the answers. This is helpful as I learn and try to improve.

I have another spin on my original question.

How in-depth would you recommend the sex scenes to be? I have mixed feelings when my writing describes the actual sex scenes as a sequence of events.

First, she sucks the massive cock, then he spins her around and does her doggy; she cums, he cums. Woohoo. It all feels so mechanical and repetitive, even when I try to add thoughts, emotions, apprehensions, and anticipations.

As a (very) amateur writer, this has proven to be my biggest struggle.
everyone is different . I prefer very graphic slutty sex. my audience does the same, so it works.
I would advise that you write the sex in a way you would like to read it yourself. You will never satisfy everybody. For example, I have once been criticized by a reader (and punished with low rating) because in a slower, expressive sex scene, I haven't taken the time to properly describe the vagina of one of the female characters 😁
Everyone has their own kinks and preferences. Some like it fast and action oriented, some like the descriptive and immersive, and so on. Writing it the way you would like to read it yourself would make you most satisfied in my experience.
Wow, thanks for all the answers. This is helpful as I learn and try to improve.

I have another spin on my original question.

How in-depth would you recommend the sex scenes to be? I have mixed feelings when my writing describes the actual sex scenes as a sequence of events.

First, she sucks the massive cock, then he spins her around and does her doggy; she cums, he cums. Woohoo. It all feels so mechanical and repetitive, even when I try to add thoughts, emotions, apprehensions, and anticipations.

As a (very) amateur writer, this has proven to be my biggest struggle.
You’re neither wrong nor alone in that. Essentially, there are only so many ways to express ‘Insert Tab A into Slot B’. The trick is, IMHO, to draw it out, work on the sensations and emotions as opposed to just describing the (inevitably repetative) actions. What does her vagina feel like to him as she is sliding over his (hopefully not ‘massive’) cock? What does having him inside her feel like to her? And (yes, the sound of one hand clapping), what colour is an orgasm?

Consider writing in as many sensations as possible. What does he smell like? (The answer needs to be more than ‘Old Spice’.) What does her skin taste like when his tongue runs along her back? Can she hear her own pulse? What does her hip feel like under his fingertips?

Consider doing some research on sex, real stuff by the Kinsey crowd. What actually happens to a woman’s clitoris throughout the various stages of sex? How big is the average erect penis and does that ever change? Many women get orgasmic rashes - do men? YMMV, but I think it’s useful to get your basics straight; it’ll make whatever you write more credible.

Another help is to develop your own sexual thesaurus. How many different synonyms are there, for example, for ‘breast’? Equally important, are some of those best reserved for different times? (“I was just admiring your figure.” vs “You’ve got such great tits!” Both are suitable at times, utterly unsuitable at others.

A final thought - what make the scene you are describing unusual or exceptional? It should be, you know. If people want average, normal, Thursday night duty sex, they can put a mirror by their bed. Think of something distinctive about your couple’s coupling.

Above all, have fun writing it!
Wow, thanks for all the answers. This is helpful as I learn and try to improve.

I have another spin on my original question.
Write it the way you enjoy writing it.

For my stories, tab a into slot b gets early attention and I have to remind myself not to forget about how it feels. I tend to have more detailed description in early acts, and more emotional descriptions in later acts. I even have one story (in I/T even) where the final bedroom scene is purely emotional. For the most part, the readers ate it up.
You’re neither wrong nor alone in that. Essentially, there are only so many ways to express ‘Insert Tab A into Slot B’. The trick is, IMHO, to draw it out, work on the sensations and emotions as opposed to just describing the (inevitably repetative) actions. What does her vagina feel like to him as she is sliding over his (hopefully not ‘massive’) cock? What does having him inside her feel like to her? And (yes, the sound of one hand clapping), what colour is an orgasm?

Consider writing in as many sensations as possible. What does he smell like? (The answer needs to be more than ‘Old Spice’.) What does her skin taste like when his tongue runs along her back? Can she hear her own pulse? What does her hip feel like under his fingertips?

Consider doing some research on sex, real stuff by the Kinsey crowd. What actually happens to a woman’s clitoris throughout the various stages of sex? How big is the average erect penis and does that ever change? Many women get orgasmic rashes - do men? YMMV, but I think it’s useful to get your basics straight; it’ll make whatever you write more credible.

Another help is to develop your own sexual thesaurus. How many different synonyms are there, for example, for ‘breast’? Equally important, are some of those best reserved for different times? (“I was just admiring your figure.” vs “You’ve got such great tits!” Both are suitable at times, utterly unsuitable at others.

A final thought - what make the scene you are describing unusual or exceptional? It should be, you know. If people want average, normal, Thursday night duty sex, they can put a mirror by their bed. Think of something distinctive about your couple’s coupling.

Above all, have fun writing it!
This is so insightful and helpful. Thanks :)
Of the sparse feedback I get, some readers prefer a lot of build-up and tension and some prefer a bit of the old in-out, in-out and complain about a chapter that doesn't have enough. For me, it depends on where my mind goes l on a given morning about the empty Word document staring me in the face.
Wow, thanks for all the answers. This is helpful as I learn and try to improve.

I have another spin on my original question.

How in-depth would you recommend the sex scenes to be? I have mixed feelings when my writing describes the actual sex scenes as a sequence of events.

First, she sucks the massive cock, then he spins her around and does her doggy; she cums, he cums. Woohoo. It all feels so mechanical and repetitive, even when I try to add thoughts, emotions, apprehensions, and anticipations.

As a (very) amateur writer, this has proven to be my biggest struggle.
Write your sex as you'd want your sex.

Sometimes it might be quick and hard, other times soft and slow. It all depends on mood and the degree of intimacy with your partner(s). Writing porn or erotica is no different.

And don't bother trying to figure out what "Lit readers" want. There is no typical reader, they all want different things (even if, in some categories, it might always be the same thing).
In one of my favourite stories “The Play” by TryAnything we wait 3 pages before we get to full sex, the build-up is extraordinary.

In SpectorDugan’s “Love is like a Blue Shell” there’s only a blow-job in part one.

In my own “All the Devils are here” (sequel to Spector’s “Like the Devil with a deal”) there’s only a blow-job and three dream sequences throughout.

For me, character is sexy. If you like a character and you become invested the sex becomes amazing, but it needn’t even be a big intro.

I remember when I introduced Mary, Joseph and Chester early on in part 2 of ATDAH and they were brought in as a quick aside, but as the story developed their seduction became a MASSIVE turn-on as they played a game with 4 experienced swingers (getting turned-on just thinking about it. 🥵🥵🥵)

Anyway, my point is good characters make better sex.