Seeking different perspectives for a moral dilemma on certain characterisation.


Mythverse Chronicler
Dec 1, 2014
Hi, all.

I had an idea for a story featuring one of my pre-established characters that I was interested in exploring further in the future.

The long and short of the story is how this particular character lost her virginity. The character is a young woman who is 18 years old at the time the story is set (and that will be made explicit in the story itself as well).
The character is best described as a happy-go-lucky ditz often away with the fairies in the stories that have featured her thus far. It has been established that she is fond of and keeps a collection of stuffed animals even in her adult life.
The story opens with the character alone in the woods picking flowers. She has brought with her a teddy bear that she interacts and speaks with like it's a living creature as a method to convey her eccentric, air-headed and innocent personality in the lead up to the inciting event that the story is the focus of, after which the teddy would scarcely be getting a mention and not even be present during the actual erotic scenes. While I have came up with some interactions that I thought were amusing, I also though that perhaps it might be a step too far in making her seem too immature and I'm considering dropping the teddy bear's inclusion entirety and reworking the lead-up, but I am also worried that is going to be leading to a less interesting story in the end, so I feel at a bit of a loss on what I want to do. While I have wrote this character in a similar way in the past when I was younger and more foolish, I now have more misgivings about her being portrayed in that specific way.

Essentially, I am seeking out other people's points of view and input on such an idea to help me make a more definitive decision by the time I do write this story.
I think you've given us your own answer.

While I have wrote this character in a similar way in the past when I was younger and more foolish, I now have more misgivings about her being portrayed in that specific way.

I think you should listen to yourself. You know this character best. You yourself think you're at risk not just of breaking the Lit rules, but of portraying your own character inauthenically. I think most us here probably look at the latter as the bigger of the two sins.

I believe you'd be happier if you wrote the story with a different character.
I think you've given us your own answer.

I think you should listen to yourself. You know this character best. You yourself think you're at risk not just of breaking the Lit rules, but of portraying your own character inauthenically. I think most us here probably look at the latter as the bigger of the two sins.

I believe you'd be happier if you wrote the story with a different character.
Yes, this. If the OP expresses a doubt in the question, there's the answer.

Seems to me, from the description given, the portrayal would be "written young", which is going to push up against the under-age policy (depending what else is going on).
Hi, all.

I had an idea for a story featuring one of my pre-established characters that I was interested in exploring further in the future.

The long and short of the story is how this particular character lost her virginity. The character is a young woman who is 18 years old at the time the story is set (and that will be made explicit in the story itself as well).
The character is best described as a happy-go-lucky ditz often away with the fairies in the stories that have featured her thus far. It has been established that she is fond of and keeps a collection of stuffed animals even in her adult life.
The story opens with the character alone in the woods picking flowers. She has brought with her a teddy bear that she interacts and speaks with like it's a living creature as a method to convey her eccentric, air-headed and innocent personality in the lead up to the inciting event that the story is the focus of, after which the teddy would scarcely be getting a mention and not even be present during the actual erotic scenes.
I think your problem is using the teddy bear as the outlet for the 'fairy-like' innocence. Definitely drop that and the links to childhood. However, if you want the imaginary friend concept, make them an invisible friend? Mother Nature herself? Gaia? Or have her talk to a tree (Pocahontas?) or other 'nature' object that has age to it. I have a story where my fairy like woman talks to a Tuntre - an ancient tree in Norway that has a direct connection to the nature spirits that live nearby.
I've known a lot of 18-year old girls, and I don't think I've known any that were that ditzy. They tend to be responsible and oriented to the future. To me it sounds like you're writing about a child and claiming that she's 18.

If that's what you want to do, then you can do it and the site isn't likely to complain, but it doesn't sound like it's what you want to do. Go with your gut.
Hi, all.

I had an idea for a story featuring one of my pre-established characters that I was interested in exploring further in the future.

The long and short of the story is how this particular character lost her virginity. The character is a young woman who is 18 years old at the time the story is set (and that will be made explicit in the story itself as well).
The character is best described as a happy-go-lucky ditz often away with the fairies in the stories that have featured her thus far. It has been established that she is fond of and keeps a collection of stuffed animals even in her adult life.
The story opens with the character alone in the woods picking flowers. She has brought with her a teddy bear that she interacts and speaks with like it's a living creature as a method to convey her eccentric, air-headed and innocent personality in the lead up to the inciting event that the story is the focus of, after which the teddy would scarcely be getting a mention and not even be present during the actual erotic scenes. While I have came up with some interactions that I thought were amusing, I also though that perhaps it might be a step too far in making her seem too immature and I'm considering dropping the teddy bear's inclusion entirety and reworking the lead-up, but I am also worried that is going to be leading to a less interesting story in the end, so I feel at a bit of a loss on what I want to do. While I have wrote this character in a similar way in the past when I was younger and more foolish, I now have more misgivings about her being portrayed in that specific way.

Essentially, I am seeking out other people's points of view and input on such an idea to help me make a more definitive decision by the time I do write this story.

Are you writing your character as an 18 year old talking to a bear or a 12 year old talking to a bear?
I would like to thank everybody who took the time to comment on such an inane topic for a thread and speak some sense into me.

I did also discuss this matter directly with a couple of friends who are more closely familiar with this particular character who do see where I am coming from with the concept that's the topic of this thread and recommended that I write I want with caution to the reaction I might receive, but after a bit of reflection and some sleep, I have decided I am going to drop the idea when the time comes to write this story.

While I do not think the story would be outright rejected with the initial idea I had, it was the response from readers that would be my concern the most. But if I am having doubts about going through with what I have explained in the original post in the first place, I have concluded that it is best that I do not go through with it, and really should not have been something I was debating in the first place. It is not like the teddy bear's inclusion was vital to the story to begin with anyway.

While I am still intending on writing this story with the same character and still want her to be portrayed as innocent and air-headed, I will attempt to approach this from a different angle that I will feel more comfortable with.

I have probably already wrecked my reputation even making this thread about my thoughts in the first place, but at least I was not too terribly popular to begin with.
Just for the record, I know more than one mature (considerably over 18, ie) woman with teddy bears or such. At least one takes her rabbit with her whenever she travels solo, just for something to cuddle at night. In other words, the presence of a stuffed animal is hardly an automatic show-stopper.

If the MFC is presented as having the mind of a child, then, yes, there might be a problem. If it’s just a case of her being innocent and still having a stuffed best friend, then I can certainly see it flying (all that time with fairies might mean she has few human friends). It would all be in how she is written.

Good luck, either way. I think it has a lot of (quirky) potential.
I would like to thank everybody who took the time to comment on such an inane topic for a thread and speak some sense into me.

I did also discuss this matter directly with a couple of friends who are more closely familiar with this particular character who do see where I am coming from with the concept that's the topic of this thread and recommended that I write I want with caution to the reaction I might receive, but after a bit of reflection and some sleep, I have decided I am going to drop the idea when the time comes to write this story.

While I do not think the story would be outright rejected with the initial idea I had, it was the response from readers that would be my concern the most. But if I am having doubts about going through with what I have explained in the original post in the first place, I have concluded that it is best that I do not go through with it, and really should not have been something I was debating in the first place. It is not like the teddy bear's inclusion was vital to the story to begin with anyway.

While I am still intending on writing this story with the same character and still want her to be portrayed as innocent and air-headed, I will attempt to approach this from a different angle that I will feel more comfortable with.

I have probably already wrecked my reputation even making this thread about my thoughts in the first place, but at least I was not too terribly popular to begin with.
Your reputation ain't wrecked! The AH is designed for this sort of discourse. Glad you've made your sounds like the right one. 👍
I keep the teddy bear but am confident that she is an 18-year-old, naive about sex, curious, and a bit fearful. The Teddy bear is a coping mechanism, nothing more. If she's a ditz as a more mature woman, she'd have been much more so at 18. If you don't present her as a child but a young woman who still clings to childish ways, that isn't a violation of the rules. Or I don't think it is.
If you have story reasons for writing an over-age character who has childish traits, one option is to also develop their grown-up traits (by which I don't mean "big tits").

"lol I'm Jane I love my teddy and my princess dress!" comes across very differently to "after a hectic week at work getting the annual report finalised, Jane desperately needed to close her spreadsheet and skip into the woods with her teddy bear and a princess dress".
You could have her be more mature but still fanciful.

She could be out in the forest, daydreaming, listening to music with earbuds, unaware of her surroundings as she picks a crown of wildflowers.
I keep the teddy bear but am confident that she is an 18-year-old, naive about sex, curious, and a bit fearful. The Teddy bear is a coping mechanism, nothing more. If she's a ditz as a more mature woman, she'd have been much more so at 18. If you don't present her as a child but a young woman who still clings to childish ways, that isn't a violation of the rules. Or I don't think it is.
Hi, all.

I had an idea for a story featuring one of my pre-established characters that I was interested in exploring further in the future.

The long and short of the story is how this particular character lost her virginity. The character is a young woman who is 18 years old at the time the story is set (and that will be made explicit in the story itself as well).
The character is best described as a happy-go-lucky ditz often away with the fairies in the stories that have featured her thus far. It has been established that she is fond of and keeps a collection of stuffed animals even in her adult life.
The story opens with the character alone in the woods picking flowers. She has brought with her a teddy bear that she interacts and speaks with like it's a living creature as a method to convey her eccentric, air-headed and innocent personality in the lead up to the inciting event that the story is the focus of, after which the teddy would scarcely be getting a mention and not even be present during the actual erotic scenes. While I have came up with some interactions that I thought were amusing, I also though that perhaps it might be a step too far in making her seem too immature and I'm considering dropping the teddy bear's inclusion entirety and reworking the lead-up, but I am also worried that is going to be leading to a less interesting story in the end, so I feel at a bit of a loss on what I want to do. While I have wrote this character in a similar way in the past when I was younger and more foolish, I now have more misgivings about her being portrayed in that specific way.

Essentially, I am seeking out other people's points of view and input on such an idea to help me make a more definitive decision by the time I do write this story.
Why is an 18-year-old girl walking around the woods with a teddy bear? Doesn't make sense... Plus I immediately envision the opening scene from Frankenstein with a little girl in the teddy bear :)
There are wildly varying concepts of what the content rules at this site entail, and their importance.

Some see them as intended to be impenetrable 20 foot high barbed-wired, electrified fences, and if anything gets past them a Serious Problem has occurred, the alarm must be sounded, and no expense must be spared to raise them, wire them, and electrify them against any possible intruder, no matter how small.

I view them more in the manner of how Captain Barbossa from Pirates of Caribbean saw the "rules" of parley: "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." As long as they keep things more or less on track with what the site wants, they've done their job, deviations along the way be damned.
I view them more in the manner of how Captain Barbossa from Pirates of Caribbean saw the "rules" of parley: "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules." As long as they keep things more or less on track with what the site wants, they've done their job, deviations along the way be damned.
Agree. And Laurel didn't come down in the last shower, and can spot from a million miles away when someone knowingly pushes up against the line.

And let's face it, the majority of the, "Is this okay?" questions are from folk wanting to push the line who already know the answer, and the occasional genuine query where someone isn't sure. This one sounds like the latter, but they already know the answer.
I had a girlfriend with "little girl" tendencies into her mid-20s. Made me feel like an utter creep. Not sexy at all.
She's 18, but still a little kid.

It clearly violates the spirit of the over 18 rule, if not the letter of it. Guess which one Laurel will judge your submission on? Both.

Interestingly, there was a Law & Order episode about this. A girl in her twenties with a medical condition that prevented her from fully sexually maturing. Her boyfriend was arrested as a pedo, and even after she was proven to be of age, the prosecution went forward.