Do you ever regret giving anyone your IM handles?

i was getting weird pop up's through MSN message thing so i had to disable it totally ... i haven't got any chat at the moment :(

Nice ass, chica.

I'm on tonight, by the way.

Y'know, if ya wanna chat on IM.

Cool, Draah. I'm on for a little while longer, but may be heading for bed soon.
lilminx said:
Well, do you?

Not only that, though its pretty easy to fix, but I regret ever even bothering to talk to some people in PM's and elsewhere, too. Makes me wonder what the heck I was thinking.

I probably shouldn't address the IM thing cause usually I have about 10 offlines a day because I rarely use it.:rolleyes: Most of them, I don't even know who they are.
A couple. Not many though. Never regretted giving out my phone number yet though. Guess I'm a bit more safe with that.
Sometimes, but I find if I'm rude enough or blunt enough they get the hint eventually.

There are probably far more people I regret NOT having contact with rather than ones I regret giving my IM info to.