Do you ever feel shame, regret or guilt from your fantasies? I do...

I do allot and I feel bad about it but I'm very inexperienced and extremely shy as a person so that hurts me I guess :(
Your young, not an insult and your feelings will level off so you can sort them out and not feel guilty over a fantasy which is our minds way of letting us do something free and safe.

Its only when you act on these fantasies and harm is caused that guilt should apply.
Have fun here, play and don't feel guilty , :heart:
I come from a very strict Catholic background - my mother dreamed I'd become a nun. Then I was conned into bed, told my priest to fuck off when he condemned me for using the morning after pill and became a bed hopping wild child.

I'm in several erotic fiction threads on here and enjoy the fantasy. Since meeting my Mr Right I still fantasise because as serving soldiers we spend so much time apart. He knows and we're even writing a thread together.

Roll on March. I'll have 5 days when I won't need to fantasise :devil:
You I just feel in love with and envy that lucky leather neck that has you! :heart: :devil:
I do allot and I feel bad about it but I'm very inexperienced and extremely shy as a person so that hurts me I guess :(

In my role in the army I advise many neo innocents like you. If you ever need a woman to woman confidential chat PM me

You I just feel in love with and envy that lucky leather neck that has you! :heart: :devil:

O I'm lucky to have him in my life. He is the only man who has ever conquered me!
I used to, then once I accepted to myself that fantasy is just that and doesn't mean I have to act on them I got over it
I did not because of the fantasies, but when I finally acted on it.
My feelings have changed, though, and now I'm comfortable doing what I like to do
In my role in the army I advise many neo innocents like you. If you ever need a woman to woman confidential chat PM me

O I'm lucky to have him in my life. He is the only man who has ever conquered me!
That's a powerful statement !
Had you said that with that accent and powerful tone I'd have melted at your feet you beauty.

As a nurse you must have fellas falling in love and lust with daily, well done! :heart: :rose:
I feel similar and have a lot of the same fantasies, as we have both commented on a lot of the same threads. With the Ex, just before she left, we started talking about things and were just about to play out some fantasies.

After that, I spent way more time on Lit and in chat rooms than Im sure a lot do, most of the time feeling the same guilt. Now with a new GF that isnt as open as the Ex was, I find myself coming back to Lit and chat rooms again and getting off better/harder with those same fantasies.
the only regret I feel is not being able to see some of the people I wish to see. People who live far away. Otherwise I do not do anything in my phantasies to be ashamed of. I guess if I phantasies about murdering and doing bad things I would feel bad.
Shame, regret, or guilt ....


Maybe a bit odd, in respect to my fetishes, like I'm coloring too outside the lines .... but never in a way that is truly negative .... like I'm doing something wrong or that I should be ashamed of my perverted needs or to the far reaches my fantasies sometimes take me.

I think a better word for what I often feel is .... overwhelmed. By how strong and how powerful my fantasies are, where they lead my mind and my heady reactions to them .... in an Oh, fuck! That's just too damn good! sort of way .... when they feel or get to the point of being a bit much.
Me too

My biggest regret is not what I do....but all the time I waste, I could have cured cancer or solved world hunger in the time I've wasted looking for sex/porn....

I am quite the same. I used to have the guilt/shame about what i was doing behind my wifes back. I accepted the fact that i could never share this side of myself with her. What has developed is a feeling of guilt over the amount of time i spend online, on Lit and elsewhere. It sometimes prevents me from being outside or interacting with people in real life. I few quick minutes easily becomes a couple of hours. Then plans are changed because of an interesting chat. That is my only regret now. Living online more than in the real world.
The dirtier the fantasy, the more guilty I feel. But I forget about it soon after and return to being horny 😁
I did at one point in my life but not so much anymore. I believe that some of my sexual fantasys were a result of not having a fulfilling sexual life. Once again, on my own, this is something I hope to correct because while I enjoy the people here on Lit, there is no substitution for the touch of another.

Dinner, a little wine, get my drift.
Doomed to Hell

very guilty feelings - maybe if I came here just to read or to watch porn it would be o.k. (hub doesn't have an issue with those) - it's when i start having conversations/cybersex that I'm sure hub wouldn't care for (if he knew).

I try to stay away - I have deleted accounts on other sites to help but I keep cumming back.

Yes, I am a Christian & God created sex - so that's not the's cause I'm married & not being "loyal" to just my husband.

So you can call me all those nasty names....really, call me all those nasty names ;)
very guilty feelings - maybe if I came here just to read or to watch porn it would be o.k. (hub doesn't have an issue with those) - it's when i start having conversations/cybersex that I'm sure hub wouldn't care for (if he knew).

I try to stay away - I have deleted accounts on other sites to help but I keep cumming back.

Yes, I am a Christian & God created sex - so that's not the's cause I'm married & not being "loyal" to just my husband.

So you can call me all those nasty names....really, call me all those nasty names ;)

Hey don't be hard on yourself. I used to have those guilt feelings after I lost my virginity and after taking the morning after pill I was virtually kicked out the church. But it gave me power over my own needs.
The dirtier the fantasy, the more guilty I feel. But I forget about it soon after and return to being horny 😁

Good spirit! I get a twinge of guilt for anything really out there, but otherwise, I just keep going and stroking ;)
Guilty pleasures

This is an interesting topic and one to which I've given some thought recently. I'm fairly new to Lit, and have found it to be an excellent vehicle for exploring my own fantasies in a safe way. If there's one thing I've learned from this self-exploration, it's that people (and I include myself) spend way too much time worrying about what other people think they should want. It strikes me that feelings of shame come from the idea of having one's fantasies become public knowledge, and subject to the scrutiny of others. No matter how deviant you believe your fantasies are, I'd bet my life savings that a LOT of other people get off on the same thoughts, whether they would admit it or not.

To quote the always incisive Dan Savage, "you're having an orgasm, not being deposed."

That is to say that fantasy is just that. Fantasizing about something does not imply that you would ever engage in it in real life. Lots of men fantasize about raping women, or having sex with their sisters, but would never actually do it. No person is under any obligation to confess his or her sexual fantasies or justify them to anyone else (not even a sexual partner).

It's good to treat people with respect, dignity and kindness, and we should be as kind to ourselves. x
This is an interesting topic and one to which I've given some thought recently. I'm fairly new to Lit, and have found it to be an excellent vehicle for exploring my own fantasies in a safe way. If there's one thing I've learned from this self-exploration, it's that people (and I include myself) spend way too much time worrying about what other people think they should want. It strikes me that feelings of shame come from the idea of having one's fantasies become public knowledge, and subject to the scrutiny of others. No matter how deviant you believe your fantasies are, I'd bet my life savings that a LOT of other people get off on the same thoughts, whether they would admit it or not.

To quote the always incisive Dan Savage, "you're having an orgasm, not being deposed."

That is to say that fantasy is just that. Fantasizing about something does not imply that you would ever engage in it in real life. Lots of men fantasize about raping women, or having sex with their sisters, but would never actually do it. No person is under any obligation to confess his or her sexual fantasies or justify them to anyone else (not even a sexual partner).

It's good to treat people with respect, dignity and kindness, and we should be as kind to ourselves. x

An excellent observation here.

It took me a long time to realize that my fantasies are, for the most part, very tame.
The fantasies I have been fortunate enough to fulfill have been more fun than my imagination ever was. I still have fantasies that will remain just that.
My only regrets are that I held back for fear of being looked down upon. I don't regret what I've done. I regret what I haven't done.
I think a better word for what I often feel is .... overwhelmed. By how strong and how powerful my fantasies are, where they lead my mind and my heady reactions to them .... in an Oh, fuck! That's just too damn good! sort of way .... when they feel or get to the point of being a bit much.

It's like this for me, too.

I never felt any shame or guilt over my fantasies and they can get super intense -- but many do feel bad, especially over some fantasies that are viewed as dirty & inappropriate by the society.

A lot comes from the way we're raised, our families and environment -- I come from a strict Catholic family & even do I always loved my fantasies, I was taught to keep them for myself and never to act on any of them... it can definitely be hard to move past that. It took me a while to act on some of those fantasies and I only regret I didn't do it sooner!
That's a powerful statement !
Had you said that with that accent and powerful tone I'd have melted at your feet you beauty.

As a nurse you must have fellas falling in love and lust with daily, well done! :heart: :rose:

I lost my virginity quite early - it wasn't rape but I didn't want to do it. After that I went wild bedding any free guy I fancied - I was in charge!

But since I met my US Marine I surrendered, I'm HIS woman. Men still try it on but I only have eyes for one man.
It's like this for me, too.

I never felt any shame or guilt over my fantasies and they can get super intense -- but many do feel bad, especially over some fantasies that are viewed as dirty & inappropriate by the society.

A lot comes from the way we're raised, our families and environment -- I come from a strict Catholic family & even do I always loved my fantasies, I was taught to keep them for myself and never to act on any of them... it can definitely be hard to move past that. It took me a while to act on some of those fantasies and I only regret I didn't do it sooner!

I suspect a lot of this is common to us and confronting those constraints is what makes the fantasy special ...