Do you ever feel shame, regret or guilt from your fantasies? I do...

I did at one time maybe feel a bit ashamed etc but the thing is I'd never act on my fantasies and im ok with that, so if its what gets me off when sex with the wife isn't on, thats cool with me now :)
My wife does not know about my account here. So is that guilt?

She does know I read stories. She has asked what I read that day. I tell her to read more. I do feel the more you read the more you think about sex. Not that our sex life is bad(about 2-4 times a week). I want her to see others open up and maybe she will become more comfortable expressing what she likes.

My wife knows about my account here and I share what I have posted here, with her.
Well, well.

In my life I'm rather a vanilla guy (currently single for a while). I might have had some interesting experiences, but even those are rather mindfuck than interesting body combinations or out of standard behaviour.

I do have private morality that some might find to be on tangential scale or rather relaxed, and no obvious religious inhibitors except what minimum I myself would expect from a decent human being, and in the light of the first part of this overly long sentence it says as good as nothing.

Fantasies and porn is a different matter altogether.

I have powerful and twisted imagination, and see eroticism in strange things sometimes. Ever jacked off to a topographic map, imagining voyerism options it presents? Or a floor plan? Rare things are hotter than a fictional floor plan in combination with a set of weird rules and a schedule. Yes, that's a meta porn.

I have dragons to tame and demons to deny. Yes I have fantasies of things nobody ever should do, I have made drawings and designs I know I will destroy upon completion (and climax).

Mostly I keep the line between the fantasy and reality sharp, and there no regrets. But headaches happen, and after a night spent jacking off to, say, institutionalised canibalism, there is no way to escape a little shade of guilt, about ever exploring such ideas. However, those are just that, absurd ideas and daydreams that can be a special kind of nightmares sometimes, but also extremely stimulating.

There is something that makes that idea about planting an axe in my beloved dog's head so alluring, and no way to escape a pang of guilt upon fixing that terrifying thought. I wonder does normal people really never have such ideas or they just never watch their own minds carefully enough and not even notice how those are rejected as fast as they surface, automatically? Because the moment I take knife out of the drawer, I see many more possible futures than just buttering bread. Sure, I choose to butter bread, and to me, that is what counts.

I have strong and resilient self censor, perhaps sometimes even too harsh, I may have missed opportunities for it, but one have to err on the side of caution or else chaos can escape into the world. And to those that says they have nothing of that, I won't believe, you just don't know -- and it may be better that way, who knows. But to feel shame or repent just for being conscious of my darker side, I don't see why, I'm never going to act on it anyway, and can say that with confidence only because I do know and keep a check on it.
So my question to you is how do you deal with those feelings and thoughts (if you feel them). I recently took a long break from online porn and literotica. It helped a lot. I found myself not thinking the dirty thoughts on a day to day basis. Then recently I got back on and the thoughts come rushing back. The orgasms are so amazing. But I'm left wondering whether it's healthy or not.

Anyhow just wondering how you guys dealing with it.


Very interesting and I believe important topic.

I've been dealing with this for many years as far as my fetish for wanting to suck cock.

My stories outline my initial Journey and how it evolved into Desiring to suck big black cock so I won't go into any details about that aspect here.

Over the years I've struggled with it as far as trying to balance my private desires against my relationships and the desire to be honest and open. For me the desire to have female companionship has far outweighed my fetishistic urges but that said they never go away.

The difference between myself and your situation is that I have pursued my fetish for a long time and when I first acted on it I had a partner that quite quickly was supportive and became involved watching me pursue it.

That said it still caused me quite a bit of psychological stress at that time wondering what it meant and where it would all go. There is that old programming in the male psyche that you are either straight or gay and I didn't relate with either side of that coin completely which caused confusion.

I have tried to put my fetishistic urges in the closet after my first few cocksucking experiences only to have the urges resurface at some point.

Because of this I have always at some point tried to be as honest as I felt safe to be with my partner about my fetishistic side. That said I never felt comfortable being completely open about the details and how being a submissive cocksucker for big black dick.

I did find myself a few years back in an open relationship relationship where I was completely able and encouraged to pursue my cocksucking desires.

Interestingly I found through my experiences at this time that the reality of doing it was not as exciting as the fantasy and the build-up and pursuit of it was amazing but the actual event was usually a bit of a letdown.

The other interesting aspect was that I was also unable to completely share my desires with my supportive partner as I feared she would see me as less of a man and not be as attracted to me.

In my relationships with women I am completely into being an aggressive dominant male, and to expose my submissive side made me feel way too vulnerable be able to do it.

For me this was a challenging psychological aspect to my sexuality, I have fucked hundreds of women in my life and only sucked maybe 10 dicks. That said the desire to suck black dick never went away and this constant dichotomy confused me.

At one point I was open to the idea of maybe having a relationship with a guy only but quickly realised that wasn't a real possibility. I also have no desire to be fucked or fuck a guy , it was really only about playing with big black dick.

I realized as I would pursue and meet guys that even the sucking dick part became less enjoyable and I really just preferred jerking them instead. That said the fantasy of sucking didn't wane at all and was just as strong.

This all led me to my current relationship in which I told her I had a curiosity that I had acted on previously but was currently not active. She seemed pretty cool with it and Desiring a monogamous relationship hoped that I would not act on it again.

This made me a bit unsure and confused about it as the desires were still there I just wasn't acting on them recently. To think that I could never act on them again made me want to pursue them to see if I could resist acting on it and make sure that I could be monogamous for her. Otherwise I really didn't want to waste her time and I certainly didn't want to be dishonest.

being a very intuitive woman she sensed something was perhaps up with me and when an opportunity arose she did an investigative study through my computer. she found all my recent verbal interaction with guys, as I had put a message on Craigslist.

I was completely exposed in a way I could never have willingly been. it obviously caused some extreme contrast and after initially breaking up we continue communicating and were able to move past it.

I also realized amazing relationship I had with her is far more important than few anonymous Dick's I might find along the way. I also found my forced openness was very therapeutic.

These fetishistic desires that many of us have are a state in the brain that is very powerful and euphoric, likely more so than any drug. Although acting on it seems like the desired outcome I think really dealing with it in a healthy and sensible way to make your life more enjoyable should be the desired outcome

I bought a very realistic huge black dildo and now my girlfriend orders me to suck it sometimes while I fuck her and calls me faggot and a cocksucker. I also now feel completely comfortable looking at any kind of cocksucking porn I desire to peruse in front of her. We compare cocks we find hot and she gets extremely turned on by watching me jerk off to guys sucking black cock.

She's completely surprised that she's as okay with it as she is and I have no desire for anything more right now.

I hope sharing some of my journey may be helpful to others out there.
Have Many Fantasies

I have some strange fantasies. Peeing in public, sucking a cock and getting my ass rimming are just a few. I don't feel any shame at all. I haven't done these things yet but the urge is getting stronger.
No because I have learned for the most part to keep my fantasies in my mind. They arouse me but I don't have to act them out.

I did act out two fantasies and they went very, very wrong. I did mention them before. One involved chocolate. My gay guy friend said he loved to lick chocolate off of his BF's cock.

I mentioned this to my then BF. The only chocolate that we had was a Jell-O pudding cup and it was in the fridge. He opened it, dipped his cock in then screamed. For one, the cold pudding caused him to lost his erection. And the sight of it wasn't very pleasant. He grossed himself out, had to take a shower and we didn't have sex.

Same BF. I got some new lingerie. Black and red, see through, complete with garters and stockings. I put it on, a pair of black high heeled pumps and put a trench coat over it. Drove to his place. He always ordered pizza. As I entered, he called in the pizza order.

I then opened the trench coat and he screamed! Thought I was indecent. I suspected this might happen so I did bring other clothes with me but I was really turned on and didn't want to put on more clothes. My idea was to be draped over the couch when the pizza guy arrived. And he arrived quickly.

BF freaked. Wouldn't answer the door. Instead, he tried to stuff me in the bathroom and shut me in. Bathroom was near the front door and I refused to stay in there. Pizza guy couldn't figure out why he was taking so long to answer the door. He finally opened the door just a enough for him to slip out of it. He paid for the pizza in the hall (was an apartment). He didn't know it but the pizza guy did see me and chuckled.

Once the pizza was inside, he said he would play with me. HE would be the pizza guy. Now here's where it gets weird. He took off his clothes, put on a bathrobe but he had no belt. So he put a regular belt around his middle, then took the pizza out to the hall, rang the bell and kept saying, "Pizza guy!" with a weird accent. Meanwhile, I was standing at the other side of the locked door, laughing my head off. Some people walked by and he freaked. Once again, no sex.

The plus side of this was that he began ordering far less pizza and either took me out for dinner or let me cook. I don't really like pizza. Hehehe.
If it’s really really taboo yes I feel remorse not really regret after I have a good cummie
Yes, playing online as a married man supplies me with a pretty large dose of guilt. The women on lit can take you to a few taboo boundaries - which can throw you for a loop when the high has worn off. So yes, regret and shame are part of the gig.
I never feel guilt because they are only fantasies. If I acted on them I might feel guilty, depending on the level of perversion, but as fantasies I enjoy them and the orgasms induced by them to the hilt, with no guilt or regret.
Yes, particularly when I am led by her to cum at the fantasy of other men or trans girls. The fantasies always make me cum hard. It sometimes makes me feel dirty and ashamed.
Not really from fantasies but sometimes from a porn clip I’ve just enjoyed I do get one or more of those feelings.
As a Christian, I have an ongoing struggle with my faith vs my sexual appetite. I really do love my wife but our sex drives are VERY different. My fantasies have gotten more and time goes on...

There is no way I can JUSTIFY my behavior but I can certainly RATIONALIZE it...
I feel shame and guilt, always beating off to porn and fantasies of being cuckolded. But a specially when a fantasy involves like my niece. Because of the disrespecting my sister and late brother-n-law. Also my sons wife when I think of her in a sex act with me, or her cuckolding my son with someone else. I can't help it, and I ask the Lord for forgivingness all the time. Not sure if he forgives me when I keep doing it. I know that he knows we will sin, but does he keep forgiving us.
I feel shame and guilt, always beating off to porn and fantasies of being cuckolded. But a specially when a fantasy involves like my niece. Because of the disrespecting my sister and late brother-n-law. Also my sons wife when I think of her in a sex act with me, or her cuckolding my son with someone else. I can't help it, and I ask the Lord for forgivingness all the time. Not sure if he forgives me when I keep doing it. I know that he knows we will sin, but does he keep forgiving us.

I feel the same way, I watch way to much porn, ad when chatting with men I love talking about family members. I enjoy revealing real info about myself , my life. and it is dangerous, scary. but I find that it is so arousing. it feels like I am daring someone to expose me, search online for me.
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No because I have learned for the most part to keep my fantasies in my mind. They arouse me but I don't have to act them out.

I did act out two fantasies and they went very, very wrong. I did mention them before. One involved chocolate. My gay guy friend said he loved to lick chocolate off of his BF's cock.

I mentioned this to my then BF. The only chocolate that we had was a Jell-O pudding cup and it was in the fridge. He opened it, dipped his cock in then screamed. For one, the cold pudding caused him to lost his erection. And the sight of it wasn't very pleasant. He grossed himself out, had to take a shower and we didn't have sex.

Same BF. I got some new lingerie. Black and red, see through, complete with garters and stockings. I put it on, a pair of black high heeled pumps and put a trench coat over it. Drove to his place. He always ordered pizza. As I entered, he called in the pizza order.

I then opened the trench coat and he screamed! Thought I was indecent. I suspected this might happen so I did bring other clothes with me but I was really turned on and didn't want to put on more clothes. My idea was to be draped over the couch when the pizza guy arrived. And he arrived quickly.

BF freaked. Wouldn't answer the door. Instead, he tried to stuff me in the bathroom and shut me in. Bathroom was near the front door and I refused to stay in there. Pizza guy couldn't figure out why he was taking so long to answer the door. He finally opened the door just a enough for him to slip out of it. He paid for the pizza in the hall (was an apartment). He didn't know it but the pizza guy did see me and chuckled.

Once the pizza was inside, he said he would play with me. HE would be the pizza guy. Now here's where it gets weird. He took off his clothes, put on a bathrobe but he had no belt. So he put a regular belt around his middle, then took the pizza out to the hall, rang the bell and kept saying, "Pizza guy!" with a weird accent. Meanwhile, I was standing at the other side of the locked door, laughing my head off. Some people walked by and he freaked. Once again, no sex.

The plus side of this was that he began ordering far less pizza and either took me out for dinner or let me cook. I don't really like pizza. Hehehe.

WOW! What a mixed bundle you had here.

For me, I don't feel shame or regret about my fantasies. My first wife thought my fantasies were perverted so I shut down for a while. I didn't share with anyone. I have since learned that my fantasies are fairly tame and some what common, thanks to my time here with Literotica.
I married a wonderful woman who likes to discuss my fantasies and has even helped make a few of them come true. No regrets at all. What we have shared and experienced have been better than I could have hoped for.
We are working to make more of them a reality as time and opportunity permits.
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This isn't a fantasy because it would be really gross and disgusting in real life, but I read a story recently about a girl who lets her dog have sex with her. I didn't know that was going to be part of the story, but the way it was written was very erotic and I found myself getting turned on reading it rather than turning away in disgust.
This isn't a fantasy because it would be really gross and disgusting in real life, but I read a story recently about a girl who lets her dog have sex with her. I didn't know that was going to be part of the story, but the way it was written was very erotic and I found myself getting turned on reading it rather than turning away in disgust.

I must admit that I didn’t see this post coming.
Yes I admit I feel all 3,,fantasies should be fun and exciting but also I feel shame and guilt ,regret only a little
This isn't a fantasy because it would be really gross and disgusting in real life, but I read a story recently about a girl who lets her dog have sex with her. I didn't know that was going to be part of the story, but the way it was written was very erotic and I found myself getting turned on reading it rather than turning away in disgust.

I have been surprised you the same thing. I was actually have phone sex with a gIRL once and her dog Egan to lick her as she masterbated. In the moment I was surprised at how ertoptic is was.

Yes I admit I feel all 3,,fantasies should be fun and exciting but also I feel shame and guilt ,regret only a little

I was sorry to read that you feel Shame & guilt for your fantasies. They are simply sexyalthoughts and dreams, not necessarily something we would ever act on. I know mine getting crazy sometime. I’m curious what fantasy currently turns you on the most?
Some don't agree with cheating but my wife snuck on here and also has been boring for 10 years so I have to
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