Do Women Possess a Greater Capacity to Love than Men?

I don't think they have a greater capacity for love or tolerance. I think they are better at cooperating though.
Sillyman said:
I don't think they have a greater capacity for love or tolerance. I think they are better at cooperating though.

Morning, S :)

I hadn't thought about cooperation.
Freya2 said:
Not a bigger capacity, just maybe more expressive?

I wouldn't say that was far off. Men have this whole hang up about actually having emotions besides horny and sulking.

I don't think women possess greater capacity to love. I think women can be more emotional and show our feelings more.
Tantanah said:

I don't think women possess greater capacity to love. I think women can be more emotional and show our feelings more.

Morning, T :kiss:

I think that's what Freya was getting at too. I think love surprises men at times. When they realise they have it, they don't know what to do with it or how to act on it. Sillyman expressed it well in his post


I have a very hard time with what I call "deep" things.

Emotions are way too deep for me.

Love is just too much sometimes.
juicylips said:
Do women seem more forgiving? Tolerate? Less judgemental?

Tell me.

I think women are more forgiving than men...and I agree with sillyman about men showing their emotions
Good morning JL:)
I don't believe that women are more foregiving or tolerant, less judgmental, or have a greater capacity for love than men.

I do believe that linkage between love and sex is usually closer with women than men, though as Coolville said, we are all individuals and different.
lovetoread said:

I have a very hard time with what I call "deep" things.

Emotions are way too deep for me.

Love is just too much sometimes.

You took the words right off my keyboard.:heart:

You express me very well, ltr.
It's probably been my choices in bed-thrashers..

Define love, it's different for everyone. To some, love is possession, and dominance. To another, love is a calm thing, sharing life a little, supporting the other person to achieve all they can. I have seen a greater number of females with a dominance attempt in the relationship. It starts as comments about what you wear, to how your place looks. After awhile, she starts picking your friends and activities apart. Lastly comes the sly comments about your family, that usually ends it with me.
In a selfish way, yes, women are more capable to love...things they possess! If they have no attachment to something or someone, they wouldn't miss it. Males are more binary, either something works, or not! They either love something or not. If they loved something a female will not do anymore, they look for others to do it.
It's only been in the last 15 or so years, that the feminization of males have been active, and it shows! A buncha Oprahs with testes, Jeebus!

*Yeah, I have an attitude, and no, I won't "share" the "issue" with you! :D
I think it's not so much a problem of dominance as changing someone into someone you want to love, which is a habit women will get into. It's not always a bad thing. After all it's stupid to throw away a perfectly good relationship just because the person does one or two annoying things. Still, sometimes women just don't know when to dump a loser. I've seen men do the same things with cars. It's sad. :D
Sillyman said:
I think it's not so much a problem of dominance as changing someone into someone you want to love, which is a habit women will get into.

That particular trait is not owned by women.

Men do that too.

Thank you.
takingchances42 said:
I don't believe that women are more foregiving or tolerant, less judgmental, or have a greater capacity for love than men.

I do believe that linkage between love and sex is usually closer with women than men, though as Coolville said, we are all individuals and different.

You mean most women still think if you fuck them, then you love them?


If they let you fuck them, then that means they share some kind of emotion with you?

Re: It's probably been my choices in bed-thrashers..

Lost Cause said:
Define love, it's different for everyone.

I knew this would come up in the thread.'re right it's different for everyone. How we express it depends on how we interpret love. sound rather bitter. This is just an official JL hunch.:D

lovetoread said:

That particular trait is not owned by women.

Men do that too.

Thank you.

Actually I find men are more likely to just sit on it until it explodes. But you are right, it's not an exclusively feminine trait.
juicylips said:

You mean most women still think if you fuck them, then you love them?


If they let you fuck them, then that means they share some kind of emotion with you?


I meant it terms of relationships, not just fucking. I can think of several woman friends who have told me they have loved every man that they have been in an ongoing relationship with. I'm having trouble thinking of any male friend who has told me that.

So yes, the latter of your two options -- with an exception for one night stands... ;)
Women Love Men Fuck

a freind asks how do I look
Women: Oh I just love the way you look in that dress
Men: Who gives a fuck let's go

asking a partner for sex
Women: let's make love
Men: Wanna fuck

the new puppy
Women: Don't you just love him?
Men: Get the fuck off my chair

favorit phrases
Women: Love makes the world go round
Men: Fuck the world and fuck you too.
Sillyman said:

I wouldn't say that was far off. Men have this whole hang up about actually having emotions besides horny and sulking.

Amen Brother!