Do men really worry about things like this??

no I would be more worried about someone that would KEEP that pm, lol.

anyone have an asprin, that thing gave me a headache.
brokenbrainwave said:
no I would be more worried about someone that would KEEP that pm, lol.

anyone have an asprin, that thing gave me a headache.

Here ......... take 2 and call me in the morning.
*cringes from the bad grammer*

no, i DIDNT worry about that all that much.. but I trust Trish :) hehehehe
LOL. no I don't worry about things like that. I don't know what kind of (wimen) he dates, but it does sound like he needs to worry.LMAO
PepperminTrish said:
Here ......... take 2 and call me in the morning.

Take two what, testicles! Ack! They are all vicious man devouring beasts!

As for this man, I would never worry about stuff like that mainly because I don't go putting my testicles into any woman’s mouth I might think would want to do a hanable Lecter impersonation on it.

*bratcat* said:
Yes...I am posting a PM from someone...but it is someone who hasn't posted since July....and it made me men really worry about this???

Well I hadn't worried about it till NOW

*geez, she deletes my PM's within the first two minutes *
Brat, I can promise you that if that person every got his testicles near my mouth, the circumstances bringing us to that point would pretty much necessitate me biting his damned balls off.
cat you have a PM about posting PMs.

I'm going to start a thread titled...
the reasons why bratgurl should not post PMs, and whenever you get the urge, you can read it.
I don't think of that, but, my testcles are tremendously small. So, a woman wouldn't want to put them in her mouth.
Are you serious Brat? C'mon you're just trying ot make us laugh aren't you. Do you really want an answer?
*bratcat* said:
please not that I did not edit the spelling or grammar.

how about your spelling Brat?

And come on, whether they haven't posted for a while or not, you repeatedly post PMs, knowing you're not supposed to. :confused:
The only time I might worry about it would be if you had my testicle in your mouth. You really got me wondering now - why don't you come down this weekend and we will give it a try. :D :p
sigh it doesn't matter what it says, bratty.

if it's a PM don't post it.

just don't post it.

Aren't you supposed to go through estevie before you quote something?
*shaking my head*

you discourage me

even monkeys would know not to post PMs at this point.