Distance Domination-Support Thread

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Oh enlightened domly one. :kiss:

I guess it wouldn't help anything to have two emotional ones in a relationship.

As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I'm trying to fight it this year, I really do need Jounar to be practical. Else I'd be visiting him every couple of weeks but starving while I'm stateside. :eek:

This is another reason why we're practical.
To an extent, that is the same thing as what I was talking about. I do my level best to not get upset about such things either, or at least to not appear upset. That sort of emotional practicality, or at least the attempt at same, is a stereotypical male trait, especially amongst domly males.

I'm not arguing with you at all, ES. Just trying to offer a possible peek behind the curtain. And I'm not saying he is this way, just that it is a pretty common trait amongst men like that.

In my own case, I know how negatively my disappointment affects my girls. So I tend to be sparing with it when they are not at fault. Likewise, I know that fretting over something like that overlong does me no good. Better to move on and focus on the next chance. I'm not always so good at that part, but I try to keep the fretting to my time, not ours.

The bolded part? Well I was going to say the same thing but didn't want to be accused of generalizing too much :)

But, yeah. I agree. He said something yesterday that illustrated that point perfectly.

Now I just have to summon the courage to talk when we see each other. I feel like I'm in high school and I have to tell my father I dented/smashed the car...again. I had enough practice with that it should have trained me for this. LOL
Do any of the other pyls here find that they are practical in every other area except when it comes to their PYLs?

I mean seriously. When it comes to drinking or money or any other part of my life I make lists, I consider consiquences, and I think out options to the full extent of my abilities. But when it comes to Jounar, I'm totally irrational.
Do any of the other pyls here find that they are practical in every other area except when it comes to their PYLs?

I mean seriously. When it comes to drinking or money or any other part of my life I make lists, I consider consiquences, and I think out options to the full extent of my abilities. But when it comes to Jounar, I'm totally irrational.

I don't make lists ever. But I am extremely practical and logical. I'm even practical normally when it comes to Daddy. My main problem is i try my hardest to make everyone happy all the time. Including myself. I do seem to be able to balance it all out. This applies to all things in my life.

If there are two things that are at the same time that we want to do, or some other scheduling conflict or one child wants one thing and the other wants another I can always figure out a way to make everyone happy.

I am a problem solver and multi-tasking expert. It when I am unable to do this that causes me the most distress.
I don't make lists ever. But I am extremely practical and logical. I'm even practical normally when it comes to Daddy. My main problem is i try my hardest to make everyone happy all the time. Including myself. I do seem to be able to balance it all out. This applies to all things in my life.

If there are two things that are at the same time that we want to do, or some other scheduling conflict or one child wants one thing and the other wants another I can always figure out a way to make everyone happy.

I am a problem solver and multi-tasking expert. It when I am unable to do this that causes me the most distress.

See, now under normal circumstances this is me as well, but when it comes to Jounar all rational goes out the window.

If it were up to me, i'd be on the next flight over and we'd figure out how to keep me there later. It was when he mentioned the practical things, like me being able to work, that I started looking into things and realized that it wouldn't work. So it's my since of duty that keeps me here.
See, now under normal circumstances this is me as well, but when it comes to Jounar all rational goes out the window.

If it were up to me, i'd be on the next flight over and we'd figure out how to keep me there later. It was when he mentioned the practical things, like me being able to work, that I started looking into things and realized that it wouldn't work. So it's my since of duty that keeps me here.

Thirded. I'm still in college, have no experience yet in working in the field I'm majoring in, and with where she lives, there'd be both almost no chance to work. She's also not finished with college, has two bad work experiences (was rarely scheduled to work followed by discrimination), and isn't ready to abandon her friends and family yet.

If I ever see Snuggle_Bunz again, I'm gonna see about talking to her on this subject. She had to wait for a couple years, if not more, for her husband to be able to get to her. x_x
Likewise..I am the organiser in my household. But when it comes to Daddy I would happily let it all go to hell if it meant being with him. I have looked into jobs ect over there in the field I work in but its a dead mans shoes job over there.

The cost of living over in Dublin is bloody idiotic, there is NO way I can afford to just go as much as I would love to. Plus I have my other life here too and I cant just walk away from it.

It what Daddy affectionately calls thinking with my head not my cunt.:D
The cost of living over in Dublin is bloody idiotic, there is NO way I can afford to just go as much as I would love to. Plus I have my other life here too and I cant just walk away from it.

I know! On a whim I desided to look into what the cost of apts are on a monthly basis, as I found a few who let on a daily basis I wanted to compair.

What I found started at 1100 euro a month for a one bedroom smaller than my current one and on the outskirts of town! I currently pay $525, so that's more than double what I pay now (not even factoring in the currence change), for a place smaller than mine. Oh and that doesn't include utilities.

Once I saw that, it kind of put things in perspective why he's not as gunhoe as I am to have me just up and hop the pond. There's no way we'd make it with out two incomes, and it's not likely I can get permission to be a teperary resident let alone get a work permit, especially now with their unemployment so high. *sigh*

One of those things where if I'm forced to sit down and see things his way I can see that he's right, but I still don't like it. :(
I feel this way too. It's been nearly a year since I had the pleasure to visit. The longest I've gone yet :( I know I will feel nervous when I am able to go. I get this weird nervous butterfly feeling in my stomach when I think about the next time I will be able to serve him in person.

Will be a year and three months since we last held each other until our now planned meeting end of next month. Butterflies are already forming huge mobs in my stomach.

You're right. Come to think of it, I get that feeling every morning I wake up next to him when I am there. I'm quite pathetic too because when I'm with him, I can't take my eyes off him. I love to look at him. I long to be with him and can't wait till I can.

Giggles..I am the same way. Just sit and take in the sight of Him. Every inch committed to memory to be pulled out like photographs when He is not there.
I mean seriously. When it comes to drinking or money or any other part of my life I make lists, I consider consiquences, and I think out options to the full extent of my abilities. But when it comes to Jounar, I'm totally irrational.

Well, I know you weren't talking to me, but I hope you don't mind my commenting on this...

I may be new to this lifestyle, but one of the things that I've noticed in the 6 months since we met is that I am very much that way with my Master. Every other aspect of life, I am practical, I think ahead, and I'm even rather controlling.

With him...I'm irrational, I throw caution to the wind, and I want to be controlled. I suppose it's one of the reasons that despite the distance between us, he has ruled my world since almost the first night we met. I suppose some would say this is not a healthy relationship because of that, but I really don't give a rat's ass, LOL... :eek:

Anyhow, sorry to butt in, just my 2 cents.

(And as I finished typing this post, he came online...all is right with the world again, LOL...)
Well, I know you weren't talking to me, but I hope you don't mind my commenting on this...

I may be new to this lifestyle, but one of the things that I've noticed in the 6 months since we met is that I am very much that way with my Master. Every other aspect of life, I am practical, I think ahead, and I'm even rather controlling.

With him...I'm irrational, I throw caution to the wind, and I want to be controlled. I suppose it's one of the reasons that despite the distance between us, he has ruled my world since almost the first night we met. I suppose some would say this is not a healthy relationship because of that, but I really don't give a rat's ass, LOL... :eek:

Anyhow, sorry to butt in, just my 2 cents.

(And as I finished typing this post, he came online...all is right with the world again, LOL...)

Please feel free to comment on any post, even if it's not directed at you. :)

This is how we get different points of view, or even simular ones are helpful at times.

It's good to know I'm not alone. :eek:
Oh no wenchie...we are not alone...just too far from our Sirs...

Absolutely never alone. Sometimes, even though I dont post, reading the posts comforts me and reminds me that there are are a lot of us feeling exactly the same way.
Absolutely never alone. Sometimes, even though I dont post, reading the posts comforts me and reminds me that there are are a lot of us feeling exactly the same way.


This thread has helped me through a lot. Knowing there are others that feel as I do and are having the same trials and rewards.
I will be with Daddy in about 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to talk about anything serious. I just want to be with him. But since when are our meetings about what I want. :) (and that's what I really need the most, to surrender and have it be all about him)
I will be with Daddy in about 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't want to talk about anything serious. I just want to be with him. But since when are our meetings about what I want. :) (and that's what I really need the most, to surrender and have it be all about him)

:rose: Enjoy your sweet surrender.
I agree. Reading these comforts me a bit. Not sure why, but I always feel hesitant to post. I don't feel right expressing my sadness or happiness, so I don't post often at all. I do come and read because there is always someone else posting about how I feel. :rose:

I'm trying to go down and see Captain. I want to make sure I don't step on anyones toes in my world first. I'm hoping to go Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I need the trip. It's been almost a year since I last served Him in person. I've been lost.
Daddy did the most perfect thing today. Hes over here, about 4 hrs away and we are unable to get together due to the fact that I am not the one married to him and the one is he married to is with him :mad:. He couldnt bring his cell phone with him either :(

So he snuck out and found a public phone and phoned me. It was only about 2 minutes, the line was bloody awful but it was the perfect 2 minutes.

Thank you Daddy :kiss:
Oh no wenchie...we are not alone...just too far from our Sirs...

QFT--I wish October would get here. Then I'll be wishing that October would never end. *sigh* At least I can talk to Him every day. That helps. Gonna see about getting a web cam so we can see each other too. God I want to be with Him. Waiting is hell.:(
It's 2am. Daddy just left. Instead of 6 hrs I got 12. :) Not as much as our usual 48 per visit but not bad for a last minute visit. I am very content. (and tired and sore, but in a good way)

And no...I didn't bring up what I was going to...There will be a better time for that discussion.
It's 2am. Daddy just left. Instead of 6 hrs I got 12. :) Not as much as our usual 48 per visit but not bad for a last minute visit. I am very content. (and tired and sore, but in a good way)

And no...I didn't bring up what I was going to...There will be a better time for that discussion.

You should have seen me fumbling around with our "big talk" topic last October. I didn't want to bring it up the first night because that was so special and I was enjoying the fact that I was even there. And I didn't want to bring it up the next day because everything was still so new. And the next day I was just too nervous about what he'd say. :eek: And some days I just plum forgot about what it was I was so nervous about! In the end, I didn't push the topic as much as I had originally wanted to, but it got out there.

I'm glad you got even more time than you expected. :kiss:
I leave tomorrow night to see Captain. I feel nervous because it's been about a year since we last saw each other, yet very excited about four days with him :heart:
B is planning a very romantic four days at the end of the month. He told me yesterday he can't wait that long and will be down this weekend for a "quicky" 24 hour visit. It has been way too long...one year, two months and two days so far...I am so nervous and excited. This will be the first time we will be together as M/s, and I am getting collared. :cattail:
I remember being collared, I didnt know whether to laugh, cry, pass out, pee myself, or throw up I was SO excited. It was the most wonderful feeling. I wear a silver chain around my neck and down my back permanantly. I feel lost if I ever have to take it off. Isn't it funny how things make you feel secure.

Enjoy and congrats on your collaring.
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