Distance Domination-Support Thread

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I've been noticing a lot of the reconnecting lately. Very encouraging.

I, myself, am also included in the surge of reunification. It will be something new however as my personal challange will be to avoid marking her in any way.
Well......on the outside atleast.

Anyone with delightfully tasty, mind-fuckable suggestions I might add to my already sizeable list?
Anyone with delightfully tasty, mind-fuckable suggestions I might add to my already sizeable list?

Not necessarily a mind fuck but i have been belted on the palms and soles of the feet in order not to leave marks.

You can also do some pretty crazy stuff to a pussy without leaving a lot of visible evidence and the fact that it continues to hurt for a few days is well......... a very good mind fuck.
Just a check in to say that I am alive and doing well.

I have just been busy as hell, as I now cover the Raiders for two websites, and the NFL as a whole for another.

Still alive...

Things going well.

I'm new to the idea of Distant Domination it sounds intriguing. I'm new to the whole master and slave scene. I find myself wavering between being a dominant and being submissive. But I lean more to the submissive side. My last boyfriend wasn't even willing to try and we didn't last past five months. I find myself craving the control and domination. Sometimes it feels like I will never find someone willing to play the role.
so happy for you!! i know that feeling well... just remember to breathe :)

i just have to get through the day. im glad my classes are done so the heavy thinking is over. im trying to concentrate on working on projects, but its not going so well. excitedexcitedexcited!!!!
it seems that the only real domination i will be doing will be long distance online thing. IF i can get it started. i can see frustrations happening because of not actually being with the person.
photos of her dressing or doing things you want? a lot of trust will have to be gained for that.
long distance online domination will, i can see, be only mental with masturbation involved. but i can see that one getting frustrating too.
oh well, the things ya gotta do to try to be happy.
it seems that the only real domination i will be doing will be long distance online thing. IF i can get it started. i can see frustrations happening because of not actually being with the person.
photos of her dressing or doing things you want? a lot of trust will have to be gained for that.
long distance online domination will, i can see, be only mental with masturbation involved. but i can see that one getting frustrating too.
oh well, the things ya gotta do to try to be happy.

This is a positive happy zone only, please dump negitivity else where.

Thank you. :)
Amen Wenchie!!!


I just feel like just because some one else feels like they are "settling for online only" doesn't mean they should assume the rest of us are. Some are happy that way, and some are moving online relationships into face to face encounters.

So don't cancle the paraid do to rain before looking for storm clouds. :)

I just feel like just because some one else feels like they are "settling for online only" doesn't mean they should assume the rest of us are. Some are happy that way, and some are moving online relationships into face to face encounters.

So don't cancle the paraid do to rain before looking for storm clouds. :)

Amen my friend..Exactly! Couldn't say it better!
it seems that the only real domination i will be doing will be long distance online thing. IF i can get it started. i can see frustrations happening because of not actually being with the person.
photos of her dressing or doing things you want? a lot of trust will have to be gained for that.
long distance online domination will, i can see, be only mental with masturbation involved. but i can see that one getting frustrating too.
oh well, the things ya gotta do to try to be happy.

As one who has done the LDR/online thing with the aim of making it to face to face, I have to say it does get frustrating for some, and did for us which is why we moved up the schedule for being together everyday in the flesh. There was so much sweet anguish and longing we could take and it just seemed pointless to drag it on when there were options, albeit without the careful planning and transition we had anticipated previously by taking the time originally planned. For me I always think if it is something you really want in your soul, it is possible to make the transition...no, it might not be easy, and no, it might not be practical, but if you want it bad enough and feel it is necessary for long term happiness, you just do it and make it happen.

captain's wench, it wasn't written in a negative attitude. slightly smirky if you will.

Please forgive me if I miss read your intentions. I got the smirkiness, and sarcassm, but it just seemed to have undertones of belittlement in there.

Most of us here focas more on the relationship than the fact that we are not having sex as often as we would like. We're looking for relationships and connections, not our next BDSM fix, if you will.

Again, I apologize if you did not intend to be insulting, and will wish you luck on your search. However I will say this, if you are truely searching for a connection, don't be so down on it if it's not found next door. Like cat said, things have a way of working out if you make them.
no problem CW.
although i can say that if i meet someone online, the torture could be very sweet to the soul. wanting to give what she wants, and knowing she wants it.

I am officially counting down the days on my fingers! It is so close to my boy coming home. After five months apart (well, there was a brief visit in there but I do not count it) it feels almost unreal. He should be home for about a month :cattail: I am, understandably, ecstatic.

I have many surprises in store for my boy, my love. Everything from a new collar to a book on Iron Man. Plans for taking his submission farther than ever before and trips to the dog park with our Corgi. So much to look forward to... assuming we ever get dressed and leave the bedroom ;)

I am officially counting down the days on my fingers! It is so close to my boy coming home. After five months apart (well, there was a brief visit in there but I do not count it) it feels almost unreal. He should be home for about a month :cattail: I am, understandably, ecstatic.

I have many surprises in store for my boy, my love. Everything from a new collar to a book on Iron Man. Plans for taking his submission farther than ever before and trips to the dog park with our Corgi. So much to look forward to... assuming we ever get dressed and leave the bedroom ;)

Personally, this is the key statement in this post. Anyone can plan crazy BDSM sex-marathons. You know you miss that person down to your soul when you pine for simple things like walking in the park with that special someone.

I'm glad to see that he's coming home soon, KA. And I know the feeling on that last line too. Since I got here for our long weekend, we've left to room for food, and one trip to get supplies. I'm thinking today we'll manage to go do something mundane involving the outdoors and clothing, that isn't directed towards getting supplies to bring back to the room :cool:
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