Distance Domination-Support Thread

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Don't really get where this comment came from. i couldn't find one thing that indicated she sets the scene or tone. Just merely stated how her PYL does exactly that from her POV :confused:

I think he just ment he didn't mean to exclude anyone with his question directed towards PYLs, but that he was looking for a certian point of view. :)
Just sharing with my lit friends, KayKat is now training to be my slave.

It has been a hellaceous whirlwind, but it really feels like there is something quite special here.

It has been a hellacious whirlwind but as we have talked it has been wonderful and feels right..I look forward to the journey as your slave...And I look forward to that day that I am before you on my knees serving as your slave! :kiss:

congrats you two. I wish you much happiness
I posted something in the "What made you smile" thread that got me thinking. On the stairs down to my garage/basement/office, there are shoes. I have a standing rule that says no bare feet in the garage. The floor is neither clean nor safe, though I do try to keep it swept. Glasses have been broken down there, metal shavings, etc. So I want my gals and the kids to wear shoes when they come down.

When MIS visited the first time, she put a pair of flip-flops there. Reed soles, blue tropical print cloth on the edges and straps, they're cheap little things, but they were the only pair she had at that moment. she went out and bought another pair of course. Still, they are there, and they remain there because she knows it really made me happy to have them there.

They continue to make me happy because every time I walk up or down those stairs I see those flip-flops and remember that she will be back to fill them at some point. Regardless of how far away she might be, those shoes are ready for her to walk down the stairs and be in my arms.

Sometimes it's tough. Sometimes I see them and I feel bad because I know it's going to be a long time until I see her down here. Most times though, it's such a great positive reminder.

Not really sure of the point to this. I just wanted to ramble on a bit about one of those little reminders. It's like I told a friend of mine, set up memory tags that will remind the other person of you, make you think of them. Songs, smells, sights, phrases, items left where they'll see them, etc are all little ways to put yourself into their day.

She's in my day, all because of a pair of shoes left waiting for her on the stairs.

I posted something in the "What made you smile" thread that got me thinking. On the stairs down to my garage/basement/office, there are shoes. I have a standing rule that says no bare feet in the garage. The floor is neither clean nor safe, though I do try to keep it swept. Glasses have been broken down there, metal shavings, etc. So I want my gals and the kids to wear shoes when they come down.

When MIS visited the first time, she put a pair of flip-flops there. Reed soles, blue tropical print cloth on the edges and straps, they're cheap little things, but they were the only pair she had at that moment. she went out and bought another pair of course. Still, they are there, and they remain there because she knows it really made me happy to have them there.

They continue to make me happy because every time I walk up or down those stairs I see those flip-flops and remember that she will be back to fill them at some point. Regardless of how far away she might be, those shoes are ready for her to walk down the stairs and be in my arms.

Sometimes it's tough. Sometimes I see them and I feel bad because I know it's going to be a long time until I see her down here. Most times though, it's such a great positive reminder.

Not really sure of the point to this. I just wanted to ramble on a bit about one of those little reminders. It's like I told a friend of mine, set up memory tags that will remind the other person of you, make you think of them. Songs, smells, sights, phrases, items left where they'll see them, etc are all little ways to put yourself into their day.

She's in my day, all because of a pair of shoes left waiting for her on the stairs.


Awww thats so sweet Homburg I just love that. It is those little things that keep them in our days.

So many things remind me of Him all day, and it helps me greatly. We are both big Elton John and Beatles fans and anytime I hear one of their songs I cant help but think of Him.
Awww thats so sweet Homburg I just love that. It is those little things that keep them in our days.

So many things remind me of Him all day, and it helps me greatly. We are both big Elton John and Beatles fans and anytime I hear one of their songs I cant help but think of Him.

i think thats exactly what he means.

for me its the shirt of his i have wrapped around a pillow.the writing on my hairbrush he put there in purple sharpie, my favorite, reading "kitten's brush" "if found return to VA" and "para mi esclava". its the stuffed animals and the songs, and of course the marks on me that remind me that he is there a hundred times a day.
It is what I mean, aye. I want to be in her life constantly, and have her in mine the same way. It is how I survive seperation.
I posted something in the "What made you smile" thread that got me thinking. On the stairs down to my garage/basement/office, there are shoes. I have a standing rule that says no bare feet in the garage. The floor is neither clean nor safe, though I do try to keep it swept. Glasses have been broken down there, metal shavings, etc. So I want my gals and the kids to wear shoes when they come down.

When MIS visited the first time, she put a pair of flip-flops there. Reed soles, blue tropical print cloth on the edges and straps, they're cheap little things, but they were the only pair she had at that moment. she went out and bought another pair of course. Still, they are there, and they remain there because she knows it really made me happy to have them there.

They continue to make me happy because every time I walk up or down those stairs I see those flip-flops and remember that she will be back to fill them at some point. Regardless of how far away she might be, those shoes are ready for her to walk down the stairs and be in my arms.

Sometimes it's tough. Sometimes I see them and I feel bad because I know it's going to be a long time until I see her down here. Most times though, it's such a great positive reminder.

Not really sure of the point to this. I just wanted to ramble on a bit about one of those little reminders. It's like I told a friend of mine, set up memory tags that will remind the other person of you, make you think of them. Songs, smells, sights, phrases, items left where they'll see them, etc are all little ways to put yourself into their day.

She's in my day, all because of a pair of shoes left waiting for her on the stairs.


I like to send him stuff.

Some times it's a letter that tells about something going on, or how I'm missing him, or something like that. I think these hand written notes are as important as any email or IM because he can see my hand writing. You can tell a lot in some one's hand writing, if they were angry the print is usually darker, if they're crying there may be a tear stain or two. And with me you can always tell how happy I am by how many stickers or drawing I have on it. :eek: *giggles* Guess I haven't grown out of that yet.

I'll often send him a "thinking of you" card. I like to collect cards so that if a birthday or what ever comes up, I'm prepared. So while I'm looking for some to add to my collection, I will also see if any jump out at me for him. Just a way to let him know I was thinking about him while I was doing my grocery shopping.

But the kicker, and prolly what we both apreciate most and what gets sent most are happy meal toys. They don't get cool toys over there like we do, so he goes totally mental when I send him some. But I don't send just every toy we get, I wait, and when the toy yells "Jounar" to me, that's when he gets them. I love the giggle in his voice as he talks about them. The happy meal toys are great because he knows that I was thinking about him at work, and every day we have those toys I think about him the whole shift. It's almost like him being there with me. And since the toys are from my job, every time he looks at them he'll think about me, and how I'm probably working at that moment. It was something silly I started with the POTC collection the first time we had those toys because we're both such big fans. And it's just kept on.
i think thats exactly what he means.

for me its the shirt of his i have wrapped around a pillow.the writing on my hairbrush he put there in purple sharpie, my favorite, reading "kitten's brush" "if found return to VA" and "para mi esclava". its the stuffed animals and the songs, and of course the marks on me that remind me that he is there a hundred times a day.

I can't wait to see him and for him to read the tag on my collar "If found please return to Ireland" right after I get off the plane. :D Man is that going to raise the value of that tag!
I'll often send him a "thinking of you" card. I like to collect cards so that if a birthday or what ever comes up, I'm prepared. So while I'm looking for some to add to my collection, I will also see if any jump out at me for him. Just a way to let him know I was thinking about him while I was doing my grocery shopping.

But the kicker, and prolly what we both apreciate most and what gets sent most are happy meal toys. They don't get cool toys over there like we do, so he goes totally mental when I send him some. But I don't send just every toy we get, I wait, and when the toy yells "Jounar" to me, that's when he gets them. I love the giggle in his voice as he talks about them. The happy meal toys are great because he knows that I was thinking about him at work, and every day we have those toys I think about him the whole shift. It's almost like him being there with me. And since the toys are from my job, every time he looks at them he'll think about me, and how I'm probably working at that moment. It was something silly I started with the POTC collection the first time we had those toys because we're both such big fans. And it's just kept on.

That is really cool, and does show that whole "I'm thinking about you as I work" thing. That is the sort of touch that makes LDR possible.
Just sharing with my lit friends, KayKat is now training to be my slave.

It has been a hellaceous whirlwind, but it really feels like there is something quite special here.

It has been a hellacious whirlwind but as we have talked it has been wonderful and feels right..I look forward to the journey as your slave...And I look forward to that day that I am before you on my knees serving as your slave! :kiss:

You both know my feelings already. Its good to see you both so happy and I wish you a truly wonderful future :rose:
Just sharing with my lit friends, KayKat is now training to be my slave.

It has been a hellaceous whirlwind, but it really feels like there is something quite special here.

It has been a hellacious whirlwind but as we have talked it has been wonderful and feels right..I look forward to the journey as your slave...And I look forward to that day that I am before you on my knees serving as your slave! :kiss:

Congratulations to the two of you!
Just sharing with my lit friends, KayKat is now training to be my slave.

It has been a hellaceous whirlwind, but it really feels like there is something quite special here.

As you know already know MP, I am estatic for you two. I wish you many years of happiness you both deserve it.. ;)

It has been a hellacious whirlwind but as we have talked it has been wonderful and feels right..I look forward to the journey as your slave...And I look forward to that day that I am before you on my knees serving as your slave! :kiss:

KK- YOU know my personal feelings already... but I am so happy for you both.. I am always here for you both!!!
As you know already know MP, I am estatic for you two. I wish you many years of happiness you both deserve it.. ;)

KK- YOU know my personal feelings already... but I am so happy for you both.. I am always here for you both!!!

Thank you so much SKL..means the world to us! :rose::kiss:
felt the distance yesturday.

less then a year and this LDR thing will be over. having that ending instead of just "eventually" has been whats getting us through it i think.
I felt the distance the last week.. we were both gone for work and family reasons and hopefully if all goes right Ill see him tonight.. Im keeping my fingers crossed

felt the distance yesturday.

less then a year and this LDR thing will be over. having that ending instead of just "eventually" has been whats getting us through it i think.


Me and my little girl have set a date of next summer to finally meet and it's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

It's so nice to have something concrete to plan for, look forward to, etc. instead of just "eventually".

It just makes things more bearable to see that finish line in the distance.
I have a major family event this weekend, my Daddy has a major family event this weekend. His entire house is swarming with grandkids, nieces, nephews etc, etc . I've had to work alot this past weekend and then I will be swarming with family members for about a week.

So with all that we haven't talked in over 5 days. Which is a long time for us to go without at least exchanging off-line messages. We have at least 10 more days to go. :(

Sometimes it is so hard being adult and just sucking it up and dealing with it. I am glad he is giving 100% to his extended family...

...it just that I miss him.
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