Distance Domination-Support Thread

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Can I just say that sometimes, there just isn't enough time? Especially when you have to bow out of his time in order to ensure he sleeps or can get his work done and all the other responsible things to do.

So you are limited to maybe a few minutes to text, maybe to hear his voice.

I know this all too well.. we have rules and schedules and sometimes it is a text or Im or a quick phone call.. but I do not complain I am blessed.. ;)
Can I just say that sometimes, there just isn't enough time? Especially when you have to bow out of his time in order to ensure he sleeps or can get his work done and all the other responsible things to do.

So you are limited to maybe a few minutes to text, maybe to hear his voice.

I can emphasize with this *hugs* It is so hard when there is not enough time. Harder still when you have to recognize life responsibilities and accept even less time.

I hate being on the phone (talking or text) with my bunny and knowing it is getting late and that he must get up at 3am and having to send him to bed. It hurts but I want to make sure he sleeps too.
Finally almost a week later we were able t mesh our schedules... between both of our works... it was amazing... Im sure I need to write about it as it was a fantasy of mine to do what we did... HOT HOT HOT.. but I am on cloud 9 we now live 3.6 miles apart.. from 2442 miles to that.. now we just have to make our travel schedule meet.. ;)

Just 3.6 miles? That is such great news. That is practically next door :) I am very happy for you.
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

for me it's not a matter of choice so much as all the bloody work it takes. But I'm hopping the pond, that just flat out takes time, not to mention meeting imigration requirements, and trying to find a job. And he's not in the best of situations either, so it's not as simple as "Hey why don't I move there".

I have been studying and trying to figure out the best way to go about it for the better part of 2 years. I'm closer now that we ever have been, but still sooo far away. *sigh*
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

Well, my husband for one. Family and job for others. He's in the UK, I'm in the US. Just a few things that keep us separated. It's complicated but after having seen him, it makes it just a bit worse to hear him say put it in an email, I can't talk. Or you are grasping just those few moments on the phone.

Also he has a mostly vanilla girlfriend growing relationship. I'm happy he has someone, as I have someone. But it less and less but hopefully for the best.
Well, my husband for one. Family and job for others. He's in the UK, I'm in the US. Just a few things that keep us separated. It's complicated but after having seen him, it makes it just a bit worse to hear him say put it in an email, I can't talk. Or you are grasping just those few moments on the phone.

Also he has a mostly vanilla girlfriend growing relationship. I'm happy he has someone, as I have someone. But it less and less but hopefully for the best.

Do you find it hard to be married in your situation? Do you ever wish you could just be with your D/s?
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

Mine is in the military -- just joined. Soon he will be sent to his first duty station where we will have the option of living together once we are married. And we are in the process of getting things done so we can get married (that is a nice way of saying I am waiting for my divorce to be finalized). I suppose, technically, I could try to move to where he is now in the hopes of weekends together but... it is just impractical. So we will wait, and be apart, for now. It is "only" 6 months, hopefully. Plus a visit in September :cattail:
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

I did relocate :) BUT it took circumstances being right for me to be able to.

1) I was unemployed.

2) My elderly parents had moved to be near my brother and also closer to medical care (they lived in the country near me before that). If they had not done so then I would have had to stay near them because they could not drive - dad because of seizures and mum because she never learned. My father has since passed away and I have not seen my mother since his funeral over 3 years ago, but it is difficult to arrange a visit back to NZ due to Sir's health problems - one day!

3) My children. My son was grown and working. My daughter was almost 16 then and living with my ex. I hated leaving her but she was old enough to travel alone if she wanted to see me and we have been in contact ever since with phone calls, texts and now email (my ex doesn't have internet and she can only email now she's at university). They have both been over for visits - one was to Sir's and my wedding :)

4) Friends...yes I had a couple who I was sad to leave, but I have made some very nice new friends here in Sydney :)

So you can see by that time there really was nothing holding me to a place where I had lived most of my life - a shame, but things change and I now have a happy relationship in which I am very much loved and cherished :)
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

I have a husband (who knows about my PYL) and children. We will be relocating a bit closer to where he lives but it still will be at least a 6 hr train ride. I have thought about moving closer to him, but it just won't work for my family. Long distance isn't perfect but it works well enough for us.
What keeps you from your other? How come you choose not to relocate?

Well in the begining we lived 3 hours away from each other then I moved to the other coast and now I am back.. so I moved to be closer to him so we shall see how things progress..

So nothing at this moment keeps me from being without him..
Why does it seem like the closer October gets, the harder it is to go a day with out speaking to him?

Seems like I miss him more now than I did before I bought my ticket. :(
Why does it seem like the closer October gets, the harder it is to go a day with out speaking to him?

Seems like I miss him more now than I did before I bought my ticket. :(

I know that feeling and wish I had an answer for you. Seems the closer I get to a visit, the more desperate I am for his voice, the more sensitive I am, the harder it is to wait
I know that feeling and wish I had an answer for you. Seems the closer I get to a visit, the more desperate I am for his voice, the more sensitive I am, the harder it is to wait

That's exactly it. I miss his voice so bad, I've been ringing him every other day, where I usually only ring once a week max. Been watching movies with Irish actors or ones from Ireland that he sent me which is just making it worse, but it just seems like the hour we get here and there just isn't enough. :(
Do you find it hard to be married in your situation? Do you ever wish you could just be with your D/s?

I just wish I had a better D/s relationship. Something more permanent. Sir won't collar me as it would limit my play and learning. He is also looking for something more local there and I can maybe see him once a year.

It is very hard to balance a marriage and a D/s relationship. My husband encouraged my exploration. He loves me enough to let me be free enough to grow. Not totally free, since we do still love each other more even after over 20 years of marriage.

Right now am feeling a bit lost, trying to not be demanding of Sir, letting him find time for me. Am talking with someone else, a little more local (half a country away instead of transatlantic). While nice, it won't be what I need. So I have to keep looking, keep wandering to find what works best but damn, it is hard.
That's exactly it. I miss his voice so bad, I've been ringing him every other day, where I usually only ring once a week max. Been watching movies with Irish actors or ones from Ireland that he sent me which is just making it worse, but it just seems like the hour we get here and there just isn't enough. :(

I am such a fucking girl about 3 days a month :rolleyes:
The night before last I sprayed his cologne on my pillow. Then he called at 4:30am to say he loved me before leaving for work -- I smelled him as I answered the phone and for a brief moment thought he was standing next to the bed. I won't be doing that again. It hurt when reality intruded.

Today my sister texts to tell me she has a present for me and that it is cute. I find myself hoping that it is my bunny even though I know it is impossible. I'd give anything to have him just for a few hours.

*sigh* Less than two months left to wait before the next visit. Feels like forever.
The night before last I sprayed his cologne on my pillow. Then he called at 4:30am to say he loved me before leaving for work -- I smelled him as I answered the phone and for a brief moment thought he was standing next to the bed. I won't be doing that again. It hurt when reality intruded.

Today my sister texts to tell me she has a present for me and that it is cute. I find myself hoping that it is my bunny even though I know it is impossible. I'd give anything to have him just for a few hours.

*sigh* Less than two months left to wait before the next visit. Feels like forever.

Scent is so important. I can recognise scents, but can never remember them. I just can't seem to imagine smells. So I have a travel sized bottle of her shampoo and a tiny little bottle of lotion. Sometimes you just need to remember what scent you're missing, even if it makes you ache.
Scent is so important. I can recognise scents, but can never remember them. I just can't seem to imagine smells. So I have a travel sized bottle of her shampoo and a tiny little bottle of lotion. Sometimes you just need to remember what scent you're missing, even if it makes you ache.

Scent is suppose to be the strongest memory trigger.

And I am the same. I can recognize them but not imagine them. That was how the cologne idea came up actually. We were on the phone and I mentioned not being able to remember his scent and he reminded me that his cologne was still in the medicine cabinet. It was a nice reminder but it most certainly made me ache.
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