Disgusting, but I have to ask


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2001
Warning!! This grossed out even me, so if you're eating and/or have a weak stomach, close this post immediately!!

OK...well, before my ex-Dom and I split up, we managed to discover what was causing my continual yeast infections. It wasn't him re-infecting me, because we used condoms for a month or so to rule that out. I went off my birth control pills at the same time to rule those out as well. It was the lube, specifically KY Jelly, Astroglide, or anything else with glycerin in it. The more reading I did, and I talked to my Dr...it would seem that glycerin is a sugar, and yeast loves sugar. So there you have it. I tried a little test run. I used an applicator I had lying around from some sundry yeast infection or another, filled it with KY at night when I was SURE I didn't have an infection, and inserted it. Sure as shit, the next morning, I had a yeast infection.

So that was that, and we switched to silicone based lube. No more yeast. Which was good, since I was starting to get a little more than frustrated and freaked out.

Well, last night, having no partner, I was in the mood for a little solo play. I used the silicone lube on my, uh..."implement" ;) and took care of what needed taking care of. This morning though, performing my normal hygeine type stuff, I discovered something roughly the color and consistency of rubber cement. I have no infection, no itching, burning or weird discharge, so I'm thinking it was just he leftover lube since the stuff doesn't absorb and is waterproof.

Has anyone else had this happen to them? Just wondering...
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Sounds like its just the left over residue to me,but of course I am not an expert.

I feel for you though on your reactions to the lube.

I too, have those reactions,not to mention the fact that I am allergic to latex too,which makes me unable to use most condoms.

Tends to be a pain sometimes,I know.

My thought would be,if you have a hand held shower head,use it to uh...rinse yourself afterwards to make sure all of the lube is gone.

If not,then take a bath or something.

I think that being that it is silicone based,its just harder to clean than the water based ones.
Thankee for your help on this most oogy problem. :)

The only thing is, short of douching, which is just tempting fate anyway, how do you get the stuff out from inside of you, which I suspect is where this came from as I washed externally very well afterwards? Even off the pill, I'm just one of those unfortunate women that doesn't produce a whole lot of natural moisture, which is why I need the lube in the first place.

As for your condom troubles, I assume you've tried polyurethane? Trojan makes one but only in a spermicidal type (which I react to so you might as well...the spermicide, not the condom) and there's another brand, Avanti, I think, that doesn't have spermicide.

Do you get the yeastie beasties from glycerin too, or is it more of a "classic" irritation type allergy?

All seems well since the discovery of the...stuff...which sure beats the hell out of chronic infections. If I have to deal with it, I have to deal with it.
I get the classic irritation,which is a pain to deal with.

I agree with you though,I'd live with that residue as long as it no longer gave me yeast infections,goodness I hate those.

I've not tried those condoms,as I dont have to use condoms anymore. But if I need to again,I will go look for them.

I kinda just gave up on condoms,after they did that to me.

Right, I've got a fantastic vibrator that gets me off in 4 minutes flat. It's a clit jobby so I need no lube to orgasm.

HOWEVER, vaseline is good for me, don't feed them beasties.

Spit works too. Sorry, but it does!
Since I am loaded,I shoudlnt post,but the shower head is a gals best friend really it is.

I've never been able to do the water thing either with a shower head or under a faucet. I'm also one of those unfortunate women who "takes a while" and I have to have JUST the right kind of stimulation.

And no worries, lovetoread...I"ve had a few drinks myself at this point.

Oh BTW, Artless Preen, I WARNED you it might be too much information. :D
Oh BTW they say vaseline is really bad because it can mask infections and clog things up causing them. Plus if you're doing anything that involves a condom it'll break down the latex. I do like it for external things though.