Did You Know That You Have an ESG Score and it Can Be Used Against You? Truly 1984x2024

So it's not true?
I admit, I've never heard of ESG before. So I did my research and found that it's a tool for managing financial markets and investments.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG), is a set of aspects, including environmental issues, social issues and corporate governance that can be considered in investing. Investing with ESG considerations is sometimes referred to as responsible investing or, in more proactive cases, impact investing.[1]

The inclusion of ESG criteria in investment decisions has attracted growing interest in the financial markets.

So it has precious little to do with you buying your next comfort bang-bang stick or six-pack of Bud Light, never mind affecting your piss-poor credit score.
So before you even know what it was. You dismissed it and yet after you know what it is. You dismiss the actual links in the post...
I admit, I've never heard of ESG before. So I did my research and found that it's a tool for managing financial markets and investments.

So it has precious little to do with you buying your next comfort bang-bang stick or six-pack of Bud Light, never mind affecting your piss-poor credit score.
Quelle surprise, snailspace over egging his misrepresentations again.
In 1984x2024

Facts will be denied, despite knowing nothing about the topic. Only because facts must be denied because of the association of the presenters

Truly NewSpeak
I have "fuck you" money. Enough money I don't need no stinking credit, so, fuck you!
So before you even know what it was. You dismissed it and yet after you know what it is. You dismiss the actual links in the post...
Dude. The day I take a David Strom link to a fake story on face value (or cheek of my ass value for that matter) is a long way away.
I have "fuck you" money. Enough money I don't need no stinking credit, so, fuck you!

I have excellent credit because I have the money to pay them off every month. My cards are cash back which is why I use them.
As always, the mind of conspiracy nuts is fascinating.

The problem is that the minds of conspiracy nuts gain synergy when they form communities. Before the internet, this conspiracy-based community phenomenon was limited to specific geographical areas.
I think 1984x2024 is an FBI psyop to make right wing crazies look bad by highlighting their wacko conspiracy theories.
So before you even know what it was. You dismissed it and yet after you know what it is. You dismiss the actual links in the post...

Correct - because that's the piss-poor level of credibility you and your kind have built for yourselves.

If you really cared about a topic, you'd shut up and let better people bring it up for you instead.

But, two problems with that: 1. You don't care about the topic; you care about your personal feel feels instead. 2. There aren't any "better people" in your ranks. šŸ˜Ž
In 1984x2024

You have a mesh of newspeak, 1984

And Animal Farm, all animals are equal, some are more equal then others

Who decides?

They do

Who are they

The crazies running the asylum

The crazies out themselves
Correct - because that's the piss-poor level of credibility you and your kind have built for yourselves.

If you really cared about a topic, you'd shut up and let better people bring it up for you instead.

But, two problems with that: 1. You don't care about the topic; you care about your personal feel feels instead. 2. There aren't any "better people" in your ranks. šŸ˜Ž
In 1984x2024

They decide what one is thinking or not thinking

They decide the caste one is assigned to