Did I just hear this right?


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
Tonight Texas carries out its 7th execution this year...

Jeez it's only February 4...

How do they do it? I remember hearing about them asking residents to turn off electrical devices so there would be more for the execution.

its a worry
Yup....and the same crowd that is Anti Abortion Rights, are the same crowd that wants the Death Penalty in all states.

Thou shalt not kill.......now pump that fucker full of potassium chloride.

It's the first I've heard about this--I'll look into it. Really the local news stopped reporting this stuff. I heard on NPR that 90% of southerners don't see a problem with spanking a child to "encourage" discipline. 60% have no problem with public school teachers levying that sort of punishment on their kids. Whereas the upperNortheast puts a 60% accepting rate on parental spanking. The upperNortheast doesn't allow executions. Possibly a correlation--more probable that despite so few having faith in our court system, after an uneducated person is convicted of a capital offence by a jury of their "peers", their blood should be boiled the next day.
70/30 said:
It's the first I've heard about this--I'll look into it. Really the local news stopped reporting this stuff.

It's really a UK related story. The man due to be executed is a Brit although he claims he was innocent of an actual murder some years ago...

He confesses to being present at the time though...

None of your business..

How we deal with murderers is our business, you deal with your "society." Nobody ever say's anything about the 300 people murdered worldwide in the space of this thread.

*Try 'em and fry 'em!
Re: None of your business..

Lost Cause said:
Nobody ever say's anything about the 300 people murdered worldwide in the space of this thread.

That's your business...

You can if you want...


Killswitch said:
Yup....and the same crowd that is Anti Abortion Rights, are the same crowd that wants the Death Penalty in all states.

Thou shalt not kill.......now pump that fucker full of potassium chloride.

When you can successfully demonstrate an equivalency between an unborn child and a convicted murderer, you can use this argument.

Until then, shut your fucking cakehole.

p_p_man said:
It's really a UK related story. The man due to be executed is a Brit although he claims he was innocent of an actual murder some years ago...

He confesses to being present at the time though...


I mean I haven't heard about any of these executions. Admittedly, I have given up on Texas.

I watch CSPAN 1, 2, 3--they show a little more promise. I saw some of Blair's House of Commons appearance Monday--if only GWB could be directly questioned. Ari is the spinning answer man, GWB just reads the teleprompter and signs his name at Cheney's request.
teddybear4play said:
When you can successfully demonstrate an equivalency between an unborn child and a convicted murderer, you can use this argument.

Until then, shut your fucking cakehole.


Hi gang....ahhhh this is Teddy bear four play.....duhhhhhhh...lame.

How fucking embarrassing.

I dont thump the bible asshole....your crowd does.....

It says though shalt not murder.....but you want to muder.
It says vengence is mine sayeth the lord...but you want to exact your own vengance.

I am not pro abortion....but I am pro choice....I am not some arrogant bible thumping redneck hillbilly hypocrite.

I am against the death penalty ..at least until they can tell me why 95% of the people on it are minorities.

I am also against it until we have a perfect criminal justice system that can proove beyond a shadow of a doubt that anyone is guilty of a crime.....

Do you know how many innocent men are sitting on death row right now?

Im sure there are scumbags a plenty too....letem break rocks 22 hours a day for life.......I dont kill people and I dont condone it.
teddybear4play said:
When you can successfully demonstrate an equivalency between an unborn child and a convicted murderer, you can use this argument.

Until then, shut your fucking cakehole.


If you think that a life, is a life, is a life and that taking any human life is fundamentally wrong then yes you can use this argument. The Catholic Church is a good example of this.

This is of course getting into philosophy and that is well above the intellectual capability of most people.
Killswitch said:
Yup....and the same crowd that is Anti Abortion Rights, are the same crowd that wants the Death Penalty in all states.

Thou shalt not kill.......now pump that fucker full of potassium chloride.


It has to do with innocence..and no, I don't thump the bible....

Yep, my tax dollars are doing a bang up job keeping Manson alive....
fucking barbarian rednecks.
only country in the western world that hasn't crawled down out of the trees and evolved by banning the death penalty.
Coolville said:
fucking barbarian rednecks.
only country in the western world that hasn't crawled down out of the trees and evolved by banning the death penalty.

Stay on your side of the pond...

wouldn't want those pesky monkey droppings from being flung at you...
It is rather ironic.If he had been convicted in the UK and received
his mandatory life sentence he could have been released after 16 years,or less.
Coolville said:
fucking barbarian rednecks.
only country in the western world that hasn't crawled down out of the trees and evolved by banning the death penalty.

It took that news story to make you realize that the United States is a backward shithole full of poorly educated, blood-thirsty fascists? Same shit, different day.


Didn't NASA and the US government just fry 7 people all over the US?

What goes up must come down.

Fucking sad how they knew once they took off, the chances were they would end up fucked over.

Yanks complained about the Pali's dancing in the streets after 9/11.

At least they weren't rushing out in their pick up trucks trying to get souvenir's to sell for $$$$$$$$.

Aren't you such a lovely bunch of people.

Who found the missing head?

Is it on your mantle piece at home?

Anyone? anyone? Fry? Fry?

mig said:
It is rather ironic.If he had been convicted in the UK and received
his mandatory life sentence he could have been released after 16 years,or less.

The UK has had a number of miscarriages of justice over the years. Miscarriages that would, at one time, have resulted in the state murder of innocent men and women. Much better that they are imprisoned than killed...

At least it gives them the option to keep pleading their case. They can't if they're dead.

But you're right. Some sentences seem ridiculously inadequate for the crime that had allegedly taken place and that's why for certain crimes the Law is about to be changed so that 'Life' means life.

But it still enables the prisoner to plead his case, or for previously undiscovered evidence to come to light or for improved forensic techniques to be developed...

QuickDuck said:
How do they do it? I remember hearing about them asking residents to turn off electrical devices so there would be more for the execution.

its a worry

We put 'em to sleep. You know, kinda like at the animal pound. We call it "lethal injection" (DUH!)

Now....I say "we" because this is my state we are talking about. Personally, I am against the death penalty. I hold with the hard labor theory. Hard labor and no frills. Tax money? Yeah, but if it saves innocent lives, it is worth it, plus the tax money that could be saved by putting them to work doing whatever could reasonably be managed by the prison system. I know.....I'm living in a dream world.
mig said:
It is rather ironic.If he had been convicted in the UK and received
his mandatory life sentence he could have been released after 16 years,or less.
Yes, but in civilised countries we don't write off a citizen after a crime. They are still members of our society and we accept that something went wrong in their lives at some point that led to the violent crime.

16 years in jail and that time is used on rehabilitation of the individual. And, in Denmark, 85% of them return to society after those 16 years and never revert to violent crime again, living normal lives. Then they end up putting themselves to good use in society and repaying, indirectly, the costs we ensued keeping them incarcarated.

Highest rehablitation rate in the world. Similar in the other Scandinavian countries.

You people just write them off. If you don't slaughter them, you condemn them to a worthless life without any possibility for making good. They can't even vote!

Barbarians, the lot of you.
mig said:
It is rather ironic.If he had been convicted in the UK and received
his mandatory life sentence he could have been released after 16 years,or less.

Well, if Charles Manson had done his horrendous deed in this day and age he probably would have gotten off on a technicality or received a lighter sentence because of a deprived upbringing or somesuch.
Coolville said:
Yes, but in civilised countries we don't write off a citizen after a crime. They are still members of our society and we accept that something went wrong in their lives at some point that led to the violent crime.

16 years in jail and that time is used on rehabilitation of the individual. And, in Denmark, 85% of them return to society after those 16 years and never revert to violent crime again, living normal lives. Then they end up putting themselves to good use in society and repaying, indirectly, the costs we ensued keeping them incarcarated.

Highest rehablitation rate in the world. Similar in the other Scandinavian countries.

You people just write them off. If you don't slaughter them, you condemn them to a worthless life without any possibility for making good. They can't even vote!

Barbarians, the lot of you.

You're missing the point that the death penalty in the United States is a weapon of terror against the lower classes. It's application is heavily skewed toward the poor and the non-white. Wealthy White men, regardless of their crimes, rarely get executed. It will be interesting to see if either Phil Spector or Robert Blake get the death penalty. I'd wager my left testicle that neither will (assuming that they are convicted).
It took that news story to make you realize that the United States is a backward shithole full of poorly educated, blood-thirsty fascists? Same shit, different day

You are an imbecilic, prejudiced pig. On a good day.