Despite Akin, GOP’s Odds Improve On Taking Senate

It's just polls.

Everyone I know knows it's going to be an Obama landslide.

Republicans hate women, children, minorities, the poor, clean air and water...,
The only thing they love is telling a woman what to do with her body and sending the children of illegals to Mexico without their families!

I hope the pubs take it. McConnells got a big mouth and I'd like to see him have to put some money there. Maybe they can do more than they did last time they were in power...which was nothing. Oh, except for unfunded wars, Medicare and tax cuts.:cool: They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel for website names.
The last time the Rinos controlled the Senate Bill Frist let the McCain Gang of moderates bend over for the Democrats. It wont be different this time cuz McConnell is a Rino, too.
I'll vote for her:



can I pull the joy stick?

err, the lever to vote for her?

Now THAT is a great looking woman

Me? I had business to conduct and was out and almost missed this:)
I think it will be different James. I think the Pubs learned from that loss of power too the Dems. Politics change with the political winds, there's a storm over the horizon, conditions are different, a revolution of the productive class is afoot. They will tread lightly when it comes to business as usual.

And theyre running ads on FOX asking for folks to get behind gay marriage.

No sir, the Rino Wing is gonna pull a swindle as they always do.