Senate Democrats Seriously Fuck Things Up On The Appropriations Committee


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
Senator Diane Feinstein's death left an opening on the most powerful committee in the Senate: The Senate Appropriation Committee.

Democrats announced today they would fill that vacancy with......Kyrsten Sinema?

Seriously? "Independent" Kyrsten Sinema?

This is a major mistake and will not end well.
Senator Diane Feinstein's death left an opening on the most powerful committee in the Senate: The Senate Appropriation Committee.

Democrats announced today they would fill that vacancy with......Kyrsten Sinema?

Seriously? "Independent" Kyrsten Sinema?

This is a major mistake and will not end well.
on the face of it, this seems madness... but what back door deal was done to give it to her? perhaps it means securing support over important upcoming issues. i cannot see why on earth she'd be chosen if there was no benefit to the party in doing so
I hate it when Dems insist on a "hold my beer" moment for no damn reason
on the face of it, this seems madness... but what back door deal was done to give it to her? perhaps it means securing support over important upcoming issues. i cannot see why on earth she'd be chosen if there was no benefit to the party in doing so
This move defies reason. A seat on the most important committee in the Senate...the one that controls the nation's purse strings, has been traditionally reserved for the most experienced, tenured Senators. Sinema has a scant four years experiene, has no loyalty or discipline, and is basically a "loose cannon".

I predict hard times ahead until after the 2024 elections.
on a happier note:

During a day of House disfunction, the other side of the Capitol building was humming with the business of government Tuesday as the Senate unanimously filled the late Senator Dianne Feinstein's vacant committee seats with her appointed replacement, Laphonza Butler.

Most importantly, Butler was seated on the Judiciary Committee, restoring the Democrats majority on the Committee and ending the GOP blockade of Biden's federal judge nominations.
I would be so glad I wouldn't have found out about THAT until after work tomorrow but NOOOO Rob has to tell me the world is even more on fire than I thought.
Senator Diane Feinstein's death left an opening on the most powerful committee in the Senate: The Senate Appropriation Committee.

Democrats announced today they would fill that vacancy with......Kyrsten Sinema?

Seriously? "Independent" Kyrsten Sinema?

This is a major mistake and will not end well.
got a link to this, rob? i'm not finding it in my searches :confused:
no worries... my inclusion of Feinstein's name in the search messed things up. got it now.
perhaps her history here is partly why:
Sinema has been a member of the Senate’s banking and commerce committees, giving her an outsized role in oversight of the financial industry and interstate commerce matters. The Appropriations Committee is the largest panel in the Senate and originates spending decisions for the federal budget in the Senate, including supplemental bills.

Kelly, a former Navy fighter pilot, joins the intelligence committee after heading the Senate Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on emerging threats, an area closely linked to intelligence matters. Arizona’s Fort Huachuca garrison is an intelligence center for the U.S. Army.

isn't sinema going up against lake at some point? perhaps she's seen as a workable unit in getting where the dems want to go: they don't have to like her, just trust she'll act in her own interests and understand how to use that. independents siding with sinema need encouraging to see democrats as a viable ballot choice in '24

perhaps she's had to agree to caucus with the dems on future issues in order to get this seat AND keep her others.
I hate it when Dems insist on a "hold my beer" moment for no damn reason
There very well may be a reason--horse trading, as has already been mentioned. We have no reason to think there hasn't been a party benefit packaged involved.
There very well may be a reason--horse trading, as has already been mentioned. We have no reason to think there hasn't been a party benefit packaged involved.

Unless the horse trading involves a genuine horse and Sinema we lost on that.
Unless the horse trading involves a genuine horse and Sinema we lost on that.
Neither you nor I have any idea what the arrangement/trade off was. It's politically naive armchair quarterbacking to continue to think you do.
Neither you nor I have any idea what the arrangement/trade off was. It's politically naive armchair quarterbacking to continue to think you do.

We know from the past three years how this thing works. Biden or whomever gives Sinema something upfront in good faith. She then promptly doesn't hold up her end of the bargain.