Describe The Person Above You With One Word

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Squires_Wench said:
Kind-hearted Aww thanks hun, that is sweet of you but I am sure I will be fine :) and as for being led astray, who says I wouldn't be leading them - or you... ;) :devil:

Affectionate Actually this may be true hehehehe ...would be fun finding out :nana: :D
hotsxylady said:
Affectionate Actually this may be true hehehehe ...would be fun finding out :nana: :D

easily-led?? lol Yeah it would - and we are back to sharing Chinese again aren't we?? lol
Squires_Wench said:
Tempting Oh lady, you shouldn't tell me things like that - I was sure you were in the USA!! I have family in Scotland... :eek:

Mistaken Nope most people assume that about idea why, my spelling is a dead give away usually :D Good place to have my family ;)
hotsxylady said:
Mistaken Nope most people assume that about idea why, my spelling is a dead give away usually :D Good place to have my family ;)

Enjoying-herself I have no idea why I thought that, and maybe next time I am up that way, we could have that Chinese after all :D
Squires_Wench said:
Enjoying-herself I have no idea why I thought that, and maybe next time I am up that way, we could have that Chinese after all :D

Intuitive I would love that hon...we could have a lot of fun and i could drag you around my locals :D
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