Democratic leaders want the party to stop its Kamala Harris pile-on

You can ALWAYS count on the SCLM to find someone to comment for "Democrats in Disarray" stories. It's about as noteworthy as rain in Seattle.
She is an embarassment. She is ill informed, and just as bumbling as Joe Biden himself.

Translation: “TrailerHitch” is butthurt because Vice President Kamala Harris has risen to a station in life and American society that “TraileHitch” could only dream of achieving.

That goes for the rest of the RWCJ.

👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

Translation: “TrailerHitch” is butthurt because Vice President Kamala Harris has risen to a station in life and American society that “TraileHitch” could only dream of achieving.

That goes for the rest of the RWCJ.

👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

When senior members of your own party see both the president and the vice president as liabilities, not assets, what you think about my opinion means nothing. Joe has only remained because he is little more than a puppet. Harris is a weak link that no democrat leadership wants to see as president.

As for achieving her station in life no thank you, the idea of fucking a married man to start my political career just does not appeal to me.
All I hear when “TrailerHitch” posts is Waaaaaah.

Side note: President Biden and Vice President Harris are shepherding the country through a post MAGAt insurrection America, a proxy war in Ukraine, and a post(?) pandemic world, while simultaneously working to blunt China’s aggressive expansionism and address climate change. The legislative achievements of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the Democratic Majority, are historically impressive.


👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

When senior members of your own party see both the president and the vice president as liabilities, not assets, what you think about my opinion means nothing. Joe has only remained because he is little more than a puppet. Harris is a weak link that no democrat leadership wants to see as president.

As for achieving her station in life no thank you, the idea of fucking a married man to start my political career just does not appeal to me.
What members, can you be specific? Cus I find that Right Wingers always speak in very, very vague terms so you can't dispute them. Then they hope you go through however many hundred people including people like Obama or Hillary who aren't really politically active but their voices make a difference and you have to check off every single one.

After that time I went one by one through Hillary's kill list and found maybe 5 out of the 50 or so that you could say look suspicious. Like we can debate if she handled Bengazi properly but she certainly didn't send Chris and Co specifically to Bengazi, not give them whatever is "appropriate" security, didn't call a helicoptor to just destroy a lot of civilians because he. . .what snubbed her at her daughter's wedding or some shit? I refuse to do it again.

The Right loves to make you chase down facts, half of which don't exist and then scream 'ah ha!' so you can't find proof that Betty White and Hillary Clinton were ever in the same room! So how do you know they aren't the same person, you don't! You're just like those idiots at the Daily Bugle who just ignore that Clark Kent is obviously Superman!

For the record I think JJ knew Peter was Spidey for a lot longer than is let on. I mean what? Pete just happens to be on the roof top near every crime, minor and major? Just like he knew the man was a hero, but like Tucker Carlson the Green was more important than the truth.
All I hear when “TrailerHitch” posts is Waaaaaah.

Side note: President Biden and Vice President Harris are shepherding the country through a post MAGAt insurrection America, a proxy war in Ukraine, and a post(?) pandemic world, while simultaneously working to blunt China’s aggressive expansionism and address climate change. The legislative achievements of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the Democratic Majority, are HYSTERICALLY UNIMPRESSIVE.


👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

Ah, another drone that can't post without being insulting. Sad your momma didn't raise you better.

Look above, I fixed your post for you.
What members, can you be specific? Cus I find that Right Wingers always speak in very, very vague terms so you can't dispute them. Then they hope you go through however many hundred people including people like Obama or Hillary who aren't really politically active but their voices make a difference and you have to check off every single one.

After that time I went one by one through Hillary's kill list and found maybe 5 out of the 50 or so that you could say look suspicious. Like we can debate if she handled Bengazi properly but she certainly didn't send Chris and Co specifically to Bengazi, not give them whatever is "appropriate" security, didn't call a helicoptor to just destroy a lot of civilians because he. . .what snubbed her at her daughter's wedding or some shit? I refuse to do it again.

The Right loves to make you chase down facts, half of which don't exist and then scream 'ah ha!' so you can't find proof that Betty White and Hillary Clinton were ever in the same room! So how do you know they aren't the same person, you don't! You're just like those idiots at the Daily Bugle who just ignore that Clark Kent is obviously Superman!

For the record I think JJ knew Peter was Spidey for a lot longer than is let on. I mean what? Pete just happens to be on the roof top near every crime, minor and major? Just like he knew the man was a hero, but like Tucker Carlson the Green was more important than the truth.
WOW! What a rambling off topic diatribe. No points will be awarded.

I guess the fact that dems are being told to circle the wagons instead of speaking the truth about kamala means nothing to you.
WOW! What a rambling off topic diatribe. No points will be awarded.

I guess the fact that dems are being told to circle the wagons instead of speaking the truth about kamala means nothing to you.
Who is telling them to circle the wagons? Dems are notoriously bad at protecting our own. Usually we eat our own.
She is an embarassment. She is ill informed, and just as bumbling as Joe Biden himself.

Also “TrailerHitch”:

When senior members of your own party see both the president and the vice president as liabilities, not assets, what you think about my opinion means nothing. Joe has only remained because he is little more than a puppet. Harris is a weak link that no democrat leadership wants to see as president.

As for achieving her station in life no thank you, the idea of fucking a married man to start my political career just does not appeal to me.

Also “TrailerHitch”:

Wow! Another dem that can't debate facts and immediately goes to insults. Your momma must be deeply embarassed by your behavior.

👉 “TeailerHitch” 🤣


Side note: “TrailerHitch” bit haaaaard on that “some people are saying” hook that “Right”guide baited with RWCJ red meat.

👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

Also “TrailerHitch”:

Also “TrailerHitch”:

👉 “TeailerHitch” 🤣


Side note: “TrailerHitch” bit haaaaard on that “some people are saying” hook that “Right”guide baited with RWCJ red meat.

👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

Your personal attacks instead of addressing what I say show a pathetic weakness in your debating skills.
Honestly you are wasting your time trying to insult me. In order to be insulted I must respect the insulter and I never have thought much of anonymous keyboard tough guys trying to be so cool in front of their keyboard buddies.
“TrailerHitch” begins the thread with insults, co-signs “Right”guide’s “some people are saying” nonsense, and attacks others who mock the idiocy of their posts.

👉 “TrailerHitch” 🤣

I had an opinion about the president and vp. I did not attack any other poster. Unlike you and your merry band that went rght to personal attacks on me in an attempt to shut me down. Sorry not going to work.
I had an opinion about the president and vp. I did not attack any other poster. Unlike you and your merry band that went rght to personal attacks on me in an attempt to shut me down. Sorry not going to work.

It's all they have. Well that and feigned ignorance.
Who is telling them to circle the wagons? Dems are notoriously bad at protecting our own. Usually we eat our own.
The sharks are swimming around Kamala in the Democratic pool when the likes of the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN publish stories like this.
Wow! Another dem that can't debate facts and immediately goes to insults. Your momma must be deeply embarassed by your behavior.
You weren't involved with the OP which presented zero facts.

Your momma raised a moron.
You weren't involved with the OP which presented zero facts.

Your momma raised a moron.
YAWN...More of the same old nonsense from the leftist play book. Scream it loud enough and maybe someone else will believe it. Yeah...NO.