Daddy Fetish

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So my daddy wants to add another to our relationship. Another girl. He says that I'd remain #1 but I'm scared. What if he ends up wanting her more? It just seems like a bad idea to me. But I'm new at this. Am I just being stupid and insecure. It's his option in the end, I can't stop him and I don't want to if this is what he wants but it scares me. What should I do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Polygamy, in any of its forms, CAN work, but if you have reservations going in and he is brushing them aside (I assume you HAVE told him, right?), then I would be concerned about you in this relationship.

Bringing another person in is a pretty big deal, and not one to just be forced upon a person. Being submissive doesn't mean being a doormat, as was said above, and it's not wrong to have a sense of self worth that goes beyond just taking whatever he wants to throw at you just because you call him Daddy.

Raw, wonderfully worded, my friend. All I can add is that if he is so determined to have you be with another woman when you have reservations, thecurioussubmissive, then see if he'd be willing to try things first with another male (if indeed that is a fantasy of yours). It tests wether or not he's willing to put your wants and desires before his own (as any good Daddy should do) plus it tests to see the level of seriousness he takes on being a Dom/Daddy.

Or (and this is just crazy talk here) you can both try and talk like adults about the manner and let him know you have reservations about this. If being polygamous is something you would enjoy, then it may take you baby steps to get there…..sure some folks learn to swim by being thrown in the deep end, but others need to take their time. In the end, you know what is best for you, a Daddy can just help you get there.

Ok, I'm going to try and explain this, but I bet I end up rambling.

Submission is a gift, not something that can be taken by force. It is a privilege to be given that gift, because it comes with trust. Any Dom, Daddy or otherwise, will respect that trust and the bond between the Dom and sub. Otherwise, the relationship will inevitably fail.

Daddies are there to push our limits at times, yes. But, they also must know when those limits have been reached, and not continue to force the issue. If you are not comfortable enough to admit that something doesn't seem quite right to you, then maybe the trust isn't where it should be.

It should be both give and take, and in equal parts. There are days that I feel like I take more than I give. And I'm sure my Daddy feels the same. However, I'm comfortable with him, and we talk about everything, and I do mean everything. More than half of the time that we talk, it is just talking. Sharing our days with each other, experiences, thoughts, ramblings, etc. The sexual play is nice, but that's not all our relationship is about. They aren't just roles we play.

I hope that makes sense.

Beautifully put, photograph.

The only thought I would, well not necessarily disagree with, just showing my personal belief, is in regards to the part about pushing limits. Yes, a Dom/Daddy is there to push your limits and help reel you in when things get too "murky" (if you will) but they also should try to encourage you to strive, even if it's just a little, past those limits, of course only if talked about beforehand plus you both have the rhythm of one another down and he can tell when you truly can go a just that tad bit further. Perhaps even if you're both comfortable enough, maybe push you past your limits when you least expect it, of only to help you overcome that hurdle easier. (Much like ripping off a band aid swiftly, it's the stealth in which it's done that makes it not hurt as much as taking one's time.) But regardless of what maybe the case, in the end, he definitely pulls you in when you've had enough and helps you settle back down/savor the experience.
I don't think there's much more I can add (especially not after being awake for 16 hours and out of the house for 14) then what the daddies and girls have said.

RA I don't think you over stepped at all.

I have a date tomorrow :eek:
Raw, wonderfully worded, my friend. All I can add is that if he is so determined to have you be with another woman when you have reservations, thecurioussubmissive, then see if he'd be willing to try things first with another male (if indeed that is a fantasy of yours). It tests wether or not he's willing to put your wants and desires before his own (as any good Daddy should do) plus it tests to see the level of seriousness he takes on being a Dom/Daddy.

Or (and this is just crazy talk here) you can both try and talk like adults about the manner and let him know you have reservations about this. If being polygamous is something you would enjoy, then it may take you baby steps to get there…..sure some folks learn to swim by being thrown in the deep end, but others need to take their time. In the end, you know what is best for you, a Daddy can just help you get there.

Beautifully put, photograph.

The only thought I would, well not necessarily disagree with, just showing my personal belief, is in regards to the part about pushing limits. Yes, a Dom/Daddy is there to push your limits and help reel you in when things get too "murky" (if you will) but they also should try to encourage you to strive, even if it's just a little, past those limits, of course only if talked about beforehand plus you both have the rhythm of one another down and he can tell when you truly can go a just that tad bit further. Perhaps even if you're both comfortable enough, maybe push you past your limits when you least expect it, of only to help you overcome that hurdle easier. (Much like ripping off a band aid swiftly, it's the stealth in which it's done that makes it not hurt as much as taking one's time.) But regardless of what maybe the case, in the end, he definitely pulls you in when you've had enough and helps you settle back down/savor the experience.

Thank you so much. We are going to pursue finding him another sub, but taking it slow. He's promoses that if I become uncomfortable we'll step back. I do want to give this to him, but I'm scared of what it will mean to us. I hope it brings us closer, only time will tell. I've got alot of trust issues but hopefully I will learn to trust him. Fingers crossed.
** I do want to give this to him, but I'm scared of what it will mean to us. I hope it brings us closer, only time will tell. I've got alot of trust issues but hopefully I will learn to trust him **

I wish you the best of luck ... but there are so very many red flags in this passage. I do not see this ending well for any involved. Remember to care for yourself first and foremost.
Good Morning all ... a bit late, so we'll do a bit of brunch. Coffee and a lovely frittata full of veggies and cheese and bacon

Hope all the Lovelies and Gents have a wonderful day :)
** I do want to give this to him, but I'm scared of what it will mean to us. I hope it brings us closer, only time will tell. I've got alot of trust issues but hopefully I will learn to trust him **

I wish you the best of luck ... but there are so very many red flags in this passage. I do not see this ending well for any involved. Remember to care for yourself first and foremost.

I feel the exact same way.

A Daddy is to protect his little girl and he is being very selfish and not keeping you safe.


Thank you so much. We are going to pursue finding him another sub, but taking it slow. He's promoses that if I become uncomfortable we'll step back. I do want to give this to him, but I'm scared of what it will mean to us. I hope it brings us closer, only time will tell. I've got alot of trust issues but hopefully I will learn to trust him. Fingers crossed.

You already feel more than uncomfortable and he is not stepping back. :rose:
I don't think there's much more I can add (especially not after being awake for 16 hours and out of the house for 14) then what the daddies and girls have said.

RA I don't think you over stepped at all.

I have a date tomorrow :eek:


A date!


What is he like

Where are you going

and most importantly

what are you wearing? :D
You already feel more than uncomfortable and he is not stepping back. :rose:

Concerns me even further that this appears to be a very new relationship? I could be entirely wrong ... but I am not seeing this ending well.
Please be careful and please do not accept that which makes you unsettled.
Late and loaded up

HS strolls in calling out:

''Good day to all the special family and friends here''

Then sensing the concerned debate, he quietly tends the flourishing garden, before handing out huge Cornish ice cream cones and strawberries (From his own garden) to DD, Serene and TCS, before making himself scarce in the cool depths of the nearby bar with a Bavaria zero for company.
hiya to all the Daddys and lil girls out there.

@thecurioussubmissive: if your relationship is new, then maybe its not time to introduce anyone new? 3 weeks is not enough time to gain each others trust for such a big step.
but who am i to speak? i just had to break up with someone so i dont think i am someone who should be giving advice.
We've been together about 3 weeks.

3 weeks is definitely not long enough for you and he's relationships to have been cemented, let alone confuse things more by bringing in someone else.

Do you trust him? From the sounds of it, not completely, not quite yet.

Do not let him bum-rush you into doing something you don't want to do.

A date!


What is he like

Where are you going

and most importantly

what are you wearing? :D

He's seem nice so far, we're clicking well.

To.......sexpo, a movie and dinner. LOL. Sexpo was my suggestion. :D

He's 6'4 which is awesome for me cause i'm 6'

Jeans, wedges, and a pretty with just enough sexy black and sparkle top

We've been together about 3 weeks.

Yeah ok this just keeps raising MASSIVE red flags for me.
That is so not enough time to establish trust, let alone enough to bring someone else in
We've been together about 3 weeks.

I have written and deleted this answer numerous times for I don't wish to appear to be badgering.
Please, Please trust your first reaction. To question, to think, to say "no". This is not the action of a man (much less a Daddy) who has **your** best interests at heart. Three weeks is not enough time to establish a foundation, a base of trust between you two. Heck ... do you know his favorite band, color, tv show, food, juice? This is the timeframe you learn about each other ... private and needed time to connect. It is not time to bring in another party to play with.
You are not comfortable ... reasonable and intelligent women are not comfortable for you. I beseech you to reconsider your choice to allow him to seek another sub. For your safety and well-being. If, in the coming months, it feels like what you want to do ... then explore it. When *you* are comfortable with him in all ways. This is about you!
Submissive is *Not* doormat. You have a voice, a choice, and a will.
I have written and deleted this answer numerous times for I don't wish to appear to be badgering.
Please, Please trust your first reaction. To question, to think, to say "no". This is not the action of a man (much less a Daddy) who has **your** best interests at heart. Three weeks is not enough time to establish a foundation, a base of trust between you two. Heck ... do you know his favorite band, color, tv show, food, juice? This is the timeframe you learn about each other ... private and needed time to connect. It is not time to bring in another party to play with.
You are not comfortable ... reasonable and intelligent women are not comfortable for you. I beseech you to reconsider your choice to allow him to seek another sub. For your safety and well-being. If, in the coming months, it feels like what you want to do ... then explore it. When *you* are comfortable with him in all ways. This is about you!
Submissive is *Not* doormat. You have a voice, a choice, and a will.

VERY well said. I'm glad you said this and didn't delete it
I have written and deleted this answer numerous times for I don't wish to appear to be badgering.
Please, Please trust your first reaction. To question, to think, to say "no". This is not the action of a man (much less a Daddy) who has **your** best interests at heart. Three weeks is not enough time to establish a foundation, a base of trust between you two. Heck ... do you know his favorite band, color, tv show, food, juice? This is the timeframe you learn about each other ... private and needed time to connect. It is not time to bring in another party to play with.
You are not comfortable ... reasonable and intelligent women are not comfortable for you. I beseech you to reconsider your choice to allow him to seek another sub. For your safety and well-being. If, in the coming months, it feels like what you want to do ... then explore it. When *you* are comfortable with him in all ways. This is about you!
Submissive is *Not* doormat. You have a voice, a choice, and a will.

well said. :)
I have written and deleted this answer numerous times for I don't wish to appear to be badgering.
Please, Please trust your first reaction. To question, to think, to say "no". This is not the action of a man (much less a Daddy) who has **your** best interests at heart. Three weeks is not enough time to establish a foundation, a base of trust between you two. Heck ... do you know his favorite band, color, tv show, food, juice? This is the timeframe you learn about each other ... private and needed time to connect. It is not time to bring in another party to play with.
You are not comfortable ... reasonable and intelligent women are not comfortable for you. I beseech you to reconsider your choice to allow him to seek another sub. For your safety and well-being. If, in the coming months, it feels like what you want to do ... then explore it. When *you* are comfortable with him in all ways. This is about you!
Submissive is *Not* doormat. You have a voice, a choice, and a will.

Please, please please listen to DappleDoxie!
He's seem nice so far, we're clicking well.

To.......sexpo, a movie and dinner. LOL. Sexpo was my suggestion. :D

He's 6'4 which is awesome for me cause i'm 6'

Jeans, wedges, and a pretty with just enough sexy black and sparkle top

Yeah ok this just keeps raising MASSIVE red flags for me.
That is so not enough time to establish trust, let alone enough to bring someone else in


Sounds interesting. :)

I hope it goes well for you both. :rose:
I have written and deleted this answer numerous times for I don't wish to appear to be badgering.
Please, Please trust your first reaction. To question, to think, to say "no". This is not the action of a man (much less a Daddy) who has **your** best interests at heart. Three weeks is not enough time to establish a foundation, a base of trust between you two. Heck ... do you know his favorite band, color, tv show, food, juice? This is the timeframe you learn about each other ... private and needed time to connect. It is not time to bring in another party to play with.
You are not comfortable ... reasonable and intelligent women are not comfortable for you. I beseech you to reconsider your choice to allow him to seek another sub. For your safety and well-being. If, in the coming months, it feels like what you want to do ... then explore it. When *you* are comfortable with him in all ways. This is about you!
Submissive is *Not* doormat. You have a voice, a choice, and a will.

Badger Badger
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