Curiosity Intrigues the Cat. (closed to DrekSilverBorn


Ruby Mistress of Desire
Jul 18, 2012
~This thread is closed to DrekSilverBorn and myself. Please do not post if you are not welcome. Thank you and enjoy your stay while reading our thread.~

Aurora Tigris -- Feline Humanoid -- Last of her Clan.

As the moon cast its opalescent shine onto the river below, Aurora of the Tigris clan sighed against the cool night air. Perched in a tree high above the Kinabatangan River stream that ran through the misty jungle, she could only dream of finding someone to mate with. Being the last of her clan has made her feel lonely, almost hopeless as she looked to the stars that hung in the black of the sky. Her kind were hunted during the last exploration time of the humans. They would come to hunt her kin for their skins, or to take them as slaves for their own entertainment. Hope was at a loss as her tail fluttered beneath her.

The echoing sounds of other creatures and wild beasts filled the night air as she swatted away a few pestering night moths with her limber tail. Right now she was in her true form, her tiger form. She was renowned as the prestigious leader of the Tigris Clan, but even now -- she couldn't help but feel like a failure. If she didn't find a worthy mate soon, her clan's bloodline would surely be lost. But many others have left or gone further inland. She had watched her own sister being killed by the flash fire from the contraption the humans held. She had tried to save her sister, but the look in her sibling's eyes told her to stay.

Even now as she sat high in the tree, off of the ground as to not be seen, the memory of her sister Rassa's amber eyes made her own drip tears. Her stomach rumbled as she looked down at the ground. With her keen eyesight, she caught the path of a small jungle mole. It wouldn't be much until daybreak, but she needed a touch of sustenance. She made her way down the front side of the tree, clawing at the bark as quietly as she could. As the moonlight hit against her tawny hide, she transformed into a humanoid being. Her body glistening, breasts large on her chest. She looked to the moon once again. "Only in the damned moonlight and shade of day do I become like one of them, or stars forbid that I become aroused.."

Cursed years ago along with many of her clan by a tribeswoman nearby, whenever she becomes aroused or is in the moonlight, she becomes half human, have feline predator. She pounced with her might in this form to try and get the jungle mole, but the bastard critter escaped her claws diving down a hole in evasion.. She groaned as she sulked back to the shadows, only to revert back to her previous form. She was mid-transformation when she heard rustling in the trees behind her. She quickly bounded up the tree, hiding out of sight. Her keen sense of smell brought forth the whiffs of male pheromones. That's when her body reacted and she stayed in the humanoid form. "Oh fucking hell!" she growled as she used her eyesight to look in the direction of the male scent. What she saw was someone that sent her mind and body into overdrive.
Flynn age twenty three was on a research trip for new types of flowers for his thesis he was on his way back to his camp site but thats when he heard a rustling noise he didn't want to check it out but his gut feeling told him if he didn't and it ended up being a big animal that could kill him later down the road so he went with his gut feeling he passed a big tree by the river stream he could feel something was watching him hey shouted who's there he took his flashlight and began shining it everywhere trying to find out what that rustling noise was maybe this country was taking its toll on him that he was hearing stuff.

Flynn Carsen Looks
Aurora edged her way around the tree, moving from branch to branch as best she could in this form. "If only I was in my normal form," she growled within her own mind. She continued until she was certain that she was out of his sight. That's when her transformed foot slipped on the branch that she was sitting on. She started to fall, desperately trying to grasp onto the wood of the tree with what claws she had in this form. She landed on her feet of course but was now spotted by the man that had shown up in her territory. She glanced up at him, hissing at the air as she backed away, only to realize that she had injured herself a bit. "Oh, ow.." she said as she looked at the back of her leg, a scrape bleeding on her skin.
He was startled by the loud noise behind him he turned around and saw her a girl he said but she had ears and a tail he heard stories of people like this in other countries as slaves and pets but he never thought it was true he saw her in pain and he walked closer to her not getting too close for fear of what she could do to him do you need help he spoke in a calm voice to show her he meant her no harm he took out a red box out of his pack a med kit so he could doctrine her wound if she let him.
She continued to hiss until she caught whiff of his pheromones again. That's when she began to purr out of habit, out of natural reaction. Since she was the female matriarch of her clan, it was normal for her to know the varying scents of the male species. She looked with her amber eyes to the container that the man held in his hands. She looked to him and her body relaxed. He seemed normal enough and from looking him over for a moment, she noticed he didn't have something like what the man had killed her sister had. She calmed down, turning around in a circle as she stretched her wounded leg out. She wasn't used to being in this form for too long, so it was strange. She understood a bit of what he was saying from what she had heard and learned from previous encounters. "" she questioned, her voice turning into an alluring purr.
He watched her move around looked like she was judging him he was used to that he was just a geek growing up so he was used to being judged he saw her finally lay down and put her bad leg up and told me healing man he walked up close to her and began to inspect the wound he put his hand on her leg and began using the alcohol to clean the wound he could hear her purring at him i'm sorry if it hurts i said while putting the bandage on didn't mean to scare you and you fall out of that tree she was quite stunning very beautiful with a cute tail.
The man amazed her at how kind he was. Quite different from what she had encountered in the past. Her natural purring was taking control as she watched him as he moved his hands against her skin. The liquid that he was using on her caused her claws to extend, digging into the dirt surrounding them as she looked to him. She thought about the next word that she would use on him. She knew very little, but she was a sly and quick learner. "Name?" she questioned, hoping that the word was correct in the means of what she wanted to ask him.
He was shocked when she said name he pointed his finger to himself my name its Flynn Carsen i said i finished wrapping the bandage around her leg try to keep off the leg and don't get it dirty if you don't it will get more infected and you could be sick in a matter of days where are you from he said pointing up to the tree she feel out of is that your home and is there others like you around sorry i said i ask alot of question when i am next to a beautiful woman well in your case a cat woman.
She heard his name as she looked to him, glaring deep into his eyes as he spoke his words. She was putting together a bit of what he was saying. When he pointed to the tree, she shook her head to disagree. She lifted her arms up and made a large circle with them. "Here....home..." she said trying to explain that the whole jungle was her home. She pointed at herself with her transformed paw. "Aur--rrr--ora.." Her r's were going with the purr of her throat. She wasn't used to speaking in this form, only growls to other creatures. She heard him call her a cat woman and that's when her tail flickered at the words. "Tigris...clan.." were her next words. That's when she lowered her head, remembering her lost blood-kin.
He smiled when she told him her name Aurora that's a very pretty name you got i looked down when she said Tigris clan i got scolded there are no others i take it i said still looking down your alone i'm guessing in this jungle my camp site is just half a mile that way if you want you can come with me so i can doctor the wound some more i got fresh water and food i might have a couple of steak i can cook for you i got up and held out my hand seeing what Aurora would want to do.
As she watched him hold out his hand, she was hesitant. Others had trusted the humans and she knew where that got them. But for some reason, seeing into his eyes made her trust him. Something within her made her believe he wouldn't harm her. She nodded and placed her transformed paw into his hand. She wasn't changing back to her normal form anytime soon it seemed. There was one word that made her want to go with him anyway. Her stomach was ruling her right now. She followed him to where he was leading her. She looked back to the tree that she had made her bed and a hint of concern rose from the pit of her stomach as she followed this man she had just met.
Aurora took his hand he helped her walk towards the his camp they finally got back to his camp and he helped her sit down in one of his chairs he looked into his cold box and pulled out three steaks two for Aurora one for himself and turned on his little grill and begin cooking all three steaks he sat down while they cooked so whats the story about your people he asked i mean i heard there where pets and slaves like you in other countries other than my own i just never saw one of your kind before today how is it your alone i asked sorry about all the questions i said with my head down i ask questions when i get nervous.
She smelled an array of various scents around his campsite. It was the middle of the night, so he had a fire going. She watched carefully as he brought out the steaks. It smelled divine and then she watched him place it over the fire. She had only smelled meat cooked in that manner only around the native tribes surrounding the river. She heard his words again and knew that he wanted answers instantly.

Her gaze stuck to the food that was being cooked before her. Her mouth was watering as she then looked up to him. She saw that his head was lowered. Was he sad? And for what reason? She purred as her tail flickered again against the night air. "No sorry," she spoke. "Not your fault. They've all been taken from me. My own blood.." Her words, echoed by purrs as she spoke. Her heart sank as she explained it to him.

"My family. My clan. My sister. All gone. Due to the humans." She looked to him. "But...Flynn is different. Kind. Gentle. Not like other humans.." She let a smile cross her face as her ears jerked hearing the sizzle of the meat before her again. That's where her gaze turned to again as her abdomen tightened as she was reminded of her hunger.
I just shook my head her whole clan taken by humans so there are none left shit i said that's got to be rough being the last of your own kind he saw her paying attention to the steaks they got good and done so he took them off the grill and put them on a plate sorry i don't have another plate its just me here he passed the steaks to Aurora here go ahead and eat i can hear you stomach rumble over here and besides its the least i can do for a good talk been out here for about three weeks no other communication from other humans i study flowers and trying to find a new flower for my thesis for collage i rambled yet again and she probably didn't know what the heck i was talking about but it was nice having some companionship out in this jungle other than myself.
"Companionship...." The word echoed in her mind as she took the steak from him. She picked up the steak straight from the plate and held it in her hands. She sniffed it for a moment before taking a huge bite out of it. Even during transformation, her fangs stayed the same. She chewed the steak with ease, savoring the flavor. That's when she looked to him again. "You are alone...too?" she questioned. She heard him speak of a flower. That's when she sniffed the air. She got up out of the chair and walked over to the bushes near his camp. She brought it back over to him and laid it before him. "This?" She held up a blue flower, known for many cures in the jungle, even among her clan.

OOC: *flower is a Blue Bell Tunicate for anyone that wants to know*
He saw her grabbed a steak off the plate and watched her eat it he smiled you have cute teeth i said knowing she probably couldn't understand what he said yea i'm alone i mean don't get me wrong i have family back in New Zealand a nice little home too not as big as your home i said with a chuckle you can stay the night if you want too i got up out of my chair and sat on the ground and began undressing her wound and doctoring it some more i have plenty of room keeps out the bugs and snakes when he said that she got up and looked around and went into the bushes and brought out a flower Aurora you just saved me two more weeks of searching for a new flower so this cure many illness i took out my notepad and began jotting down what this flower looked like and how it can cure many illness thank you so much Aurora now i won't have to spend anymore time searching i can instead if its ok spend it with you learn more about you.
The thought of staying near him echoed in her mind. Not to mention 'companionship'. Was he interested in her? She could see that he seemed sincere enough. She finished eating and then sat next to him, looking at the small tree he was making images with. She was a prowling tiger until years ago when the tribeswoman cursed her. She watched him closely until he was done. She nodded looking to him when he spoke that. " is fine.." Her words purring again. For some reason she really didn't want to lose this man, but the longer she was around him, she would stay in the humanoid form. Was that really what she wanted? Her body was reacting to just being around him. "You are...from...New Zea--eeee---land?" Her fangs made it where she couldn't speak well, but she was trying.
He loved looking at her but he kept blushing every time he looked at her he said cool i can now study something new yes i said i am from new zealand its a island off the coast of Australia in a town called Waikouaiti how about we play a game i ask you a question you ask me a question that way we can get to know each other more and hopefully you can tell me more about other plants around this area and what they can be used for.
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She looked at him inquisitively as she heard his words. A majority of them jumbled together, but within time, she was certain that she would learn more of his spoken tongue, since now she would be with him a lot in this form. "Question-nnn..." she started, her tail flickering about and her ears perking up. " do you mean....companionship?" she questioned. She wasn't sure how he meant, so she was curious.
Companionship i said well it means spending time with a friend or spending time with someone you love it can also mean spending time with someone because you want to when did your people come into this world i guess what i am trying to ask is how old are you.
Her body kept reacting to how his words were explaining companionship to her. Her ears perking and twisting as she listened to him. That is when her ears lowered hearing his question to her. She looked down and then looked back to him, her ears perking up. "I am not normally in this form as you see me," she spoke to him. "I am many moons and seasons old, around the amount of 24 years. I am, or was...." she paused. "...the matriarch of my clan. Tigers, is your word for us. Like I said, not normally in this form. I was cursed by a tribeswoman along with many others." She purred looking to him thinking of her next question. "Do you plan to...use me as a slave?"
So your usually a full on tiger he could image that hope she doesn't have my throat for lunch so a leader wish there was more of your kind here that would make you less lonesome a curse so your kind was cursed to the end of days i take it no i do not or will ever make you a slave because to me being a slave is a shitty life to live and obey your master i would never do that to you are my friend and my companion.
Tear drops started to come to her eyes as she heard him speak. He truly was a different kind of human, nothing like the ones she had ever encountered. "I'm just the last of my clan. Others left once humans started frequenting here, I stayed behind hoping my clan would come back..." She looked to him and placed her hand on his leg as she sat on the ground next to him. "You are very kind, Flynn." She smiled and purred as her tail flickered reacting to her happiness.

She looked to him, her nostrils being filled by his pheromones. "I'm be in this form when the moon's light hits me or I..." she paused again. "...I become aroused. This is the longest I've been in this form." She waited for his reaction to what she was saying.
Well when i get back to New Zealand i will look for others of your kind so you won't be the last of your kind anymore thanks i always been told that by only a few people mostly girls in school I looked out beyond the trees no moonlight in sight so what your saying is your aroused by being near me well have you ever mated with someone before to cure that arousal.
He was catching on! Her ears perked when he said that. Her face grew hot from the truth of it. "Y-yes..I'm aroused by you..." she said as she looked down for a moment. She looked back to him and continued. "Not since before being cursed. None of the male tigers would mate with me or others after the females of the clan were cursed. They were not interested with us. That's when the humans started coming and taking us, killing the males for their hides.." She was nervous as she sat there with him. "Are you...aroused by me?" she questioned. His pheromones were keeping her in this form, so she only wondered if the source of his scent was true.