Cover Song Better Than The Original

Here is another one of my favorites from the movie Less Than Zero (Hazy Shade of Winter by the Bangles).
I believe the original was done in the 60s by Simon & Garfuncle.
First, love Sussana Hoffs. Secondly, they give this some an edge. Still listening to it today.

Now, I love the Bjorks Army Of Me. It's ballsy and grungey and a wonderful song when dealing with energy leeching arseholes. But when I heard this cover by In This Moment my mind was blown. I fucking love it.

I’m not trying to drag the Beatles by any stretch, but I think Fanny’s version of “Hey Bulldog” is a much crisper performance and has a much better level of production. It also happened to be recorded at Abbey Road Studios with the blessing of the Beatles. George Harrison actually used to refer to Fanny as “the female Beatles”, so he was a fan too as well as David Bowie.

I’m not trying to drag the Beatles by any stretch, but I think Fanny’s version of “Hey Bulldog” is a much crisper performance and has a much better level of production. It also happened to be recorded at Abbey Road Studios with the blessing of the Beatles. George Harrison actually used to refer to Fanny as “the female Beatles”, so he was a fan too as well as David Bowie.

Fanny is amazing. It's a crime that they are only now getting the attention they deserve.
Fanny is amazing. It's a crime that they are only now getting the attention they deserve.
I picked up all their records on the cheap at a record store in Nashville about 15 years ago while on a business trip. I listened to them in order, and my jaw was on the floor. I couldn’t believe I’d never heard of them before. When I researched and found they’d had 2 top 40 hits and numerous national and international television appearances, I was shocked at how they just fell off the musical map for no apparent reason.
I picked up all their records on the cheap at a record store in Nashville about 15 years ago while on a business trip. I listened to them in order, and my jaw was on the floor. I couldn’t believe I’d never heard of them before. When I researched and found they’d had 2 top 40 hits and numerous national and international television appearances, I was shocked at how they just fell off the musical map for no apparent reason.
If you haven't seen it yet you have to watch "Fanny: The Right to Rock."
David Gray’s version of Say Hello and Wave Goodbye is infinitely better than Soft Cell’s. That thing was a steaming pile of garbage.

Also, every version of Hallelujah since Leonard Cohen. That man wrote the most perfect song lyrically and musically and sang it like a drunken night club singer.