Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT The new year has brought some realistic terror with it...but I know I'll be alright, somehow.
ICT I'm stressed about trying to find new job. Can't move until I do. Then there's all my crap to move. Ugh. Can't wait for my new life to start.
ICT I missed my friends that didn't get on over the holidays. Fuckin' pussies! :p

ICT The new year has brought some realistic terror with it...but I know I'll be alright, somehow.

ICT I want to have my cake and eat it too...

ICT I'm stressed about trying to find new job. Can't move until I do. Then there's all my crap to move. Ugh. Can't wait for my new life to start.

ICT that the thought of 4 pretty ladies really turns me on. :)
ICT last night I had a dream about an ex. I either came in my sleep or dreamed that I came. Either way it felt amazing!! :)
:eek::eek:I confess that if I confessed what I should confess here that it may upset some people who might read what I confessed to.

i didn't want to wait in the long line to get into a club so i went up to one of the bouncers and told him that if i could get in, i'd let him finger me.
ICT that the thought of 4 pretty ladies really turns me on. :)
Lol. I think you stay that way ;)
ICT last night I had a dream about an ex. I either came in my sleep or dreamed that I came. Either way it felt amazing!! :)
I've only had one dream like that but it was good!
:eek::eek:I confess that if I confessed what I should confess here that it may upset some people who might read what I confessed to.

Now I'm really curious.
ICT I think I've lost my sex drive. :(
That's one of my biggest fears.
i didn't want to wait in the long line to get into a club so i went up to one of the bouncers and told him that if i could get in, i'd let him finger me.
I'd say that's a win win situation. How was it?
in the past few months i've had a couple different hot encounters at a hotel pool. gets me wet just thinking about it..........
ICT I know where I want to go, and its opposite of what I want in every other way/shape/form *sigh*
ITC that I believe that the maggots who create computer viruses should die excruciatingly slow and painful government sponsored deaths.
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