A Tool for Your Relationship: What Number?


Sep 26, 2013
So recently I've been experiencing swings where my libido is at an all time high. No problem. Write a short sexy message or story, insert a few well curated nudes of myself and through the magic of the interwebs, they would appear in the inbox of my wife or baby girl. I would eventually peak back and there would be a message from them, but very little engagement vs. months prior. You see, my Babygirl and wife are both super busy at the moment, and that cuts into their libido which made me realize I was engaging with them sexually at the wrong times. This sucked for them because there is a bit of guilt on their part for not being able to be 'in the moment', but also for me who would curate and craft these well thought out messages and not get the response I was hoping for. A bit of thought and imagination later, I came up with a system that works for us that's quick, easy to decipher, and saves us the stress of text message communication and getting our wires crossed.

When we want to know emotionally where the other person is, we ask 'What Number?' Here's how the number system works:

0 - extremely upset: stay away or extreme caution when engaging
1 - very upset: sad, angry, frustrated
2 - mildly upset: sad, angry, frustrated
3 - moderate mood: not in the mood for anything sexual
4 - moderate mood: okay to bring up sexual things
5 - happy: try me out with sexual banter
6 - slightly wet: something fun happened
7 - wet: a longer sexual thought happened. What are you doing? What are you wearing? Engage me.
8 - visibly wet: I'm begging you to tell me something dirty. Touch me.
9 - gushing: Finish me.
10 - I will jump your bones on sight: I'm yours and do anything you want with me

And just like that, I now know when to unload my sexual tension on them and when to bring it online for some random playtime.

Feel free to use this or make your own version for your partners. Happy communicating!