Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I don't wanna just be "ok"...I want to scream and really get it out....but for fuck's sake, that's not socially acceptable, damn it! People might look at me funny!
ICT I don't wanna just be "ok"...I want to scream and really get it out....but for fuck's sake, that's not socially acceptable, damn it! People might look at me funny!

people look at me funny all the time...:rolleyes:

middle of the woods?

in the shower when home alone?

in a pillow?

In an elevator?

I feel your pain, sometimes a good scream really WOULD make you feel better
people look at me funny all the time...:rolleyes:

middle of the woods?

in the shower when home alone?

in a pillow?

In an elevator?

I feel your pain, sometimes a good scream really WOULD make you feel better

ICT at this moment I just don't give a shit. LOL! Let 'em look! *Screams*

ICT part of me REALLY wants to move, and part of me is absofuckinlutely terrified.
ICT for some reason, I've been undressing the majority of the ladies I see with my eyes lately, more so than usual.
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