Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I heard my female neighbor get what sounded like a really solid and vigirous fucking, and it's made me horny as hell all night!
ICT I'm too lazy to start a thread of any kind:rolleyes: (plus I think that if I were to ever try to leave again, the responsibility of maintaining a frequented thread would preclude my departure)

ICT it occurs to me that my paranoia and mistrust of nearly everyone almost certainly guarantees I will be forever lonely:(
ICT while this may seem like impetus for a change, I'm certain it will not be:cool:
Good morning, hon. Here we are contemplating lonliness for different reasons. I'm glad you are back. If you're like me, you've had experiences that led to that mistrust of people. I personally think that dogs are better than most people. Lots will disagree, I'm sure but that's just me.
Good morning, hon. Here we are contemplating lonliness for different reasons. I'm glad you are back. If you're like me, you've had experiences that led to that mistrust of people. I personally think that dogs are better than most people. Lots will disagree, I'm sure but that's just me.
I never quite managed to leave but tried to for awhile, until I realized that the majority of my meaningful human contact occurs on Lit.

I'd love to have a dog again but living arrangements prohibit dog ownership:(
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I never quite managed to leave but tried to for awhile, until I realized that the majority of my meaningful human contact occurs on Lit.

I'd love to have a dog again but living arrangements prohibit dog ownership:(
Well we're glad to have you :rose: I'm sorry you can't have a dog :( If I had to go without one, I think I couldn't bear it. They mean so much to me.
Well we're glad to have you :rose: I'm sorry you can't have a dog :( If I had to go without one, I think I couldn't bear it. They mean so much to me.

ICT not being able to have a dog sucks. My apartment building doesn't allow dogs or cats, so sometimes it gets lonely when the wife is away.
Well we're glad to have you :rose: I'm sorry you can't have a dog :( If I had to go without one, I think I couldn't bear it. They mean so much to me.

I appreciate how you:rose: and others (most with whom I've never talked:eek::confused:) have made me feel welcomed here:)

I definitely understand how a dog can most certainly be as important as any human family member or friend:D

ICT my perpetual self-screening of everything I post hobbles my ability to carry on a conversation:eek:

ICT my above confession just made me think of a Bill Cosby bit where he talks about thinking, as a child, that his father was an idiot because he spoke in stuttered incomplete sentences. Only in adulthood and in the course of his own life as a parent did he come to realize that the reason his father spoke as he did was due to his father's self-editing of his words, especially removing expletives:D
ICT not being able to have a dog sucks. My apartment building doesn't allow dogs or cats, so sometimes it gets lonely when the wife is away.
I'm sorry sweetie. I don't know why so many places are like that. To me, it isn't a home without a critter to love. You can visit my dog. He's a big love bug.
ICT that my boss told me today she's increasing my weekly hours by 50%. Oddly enough I'm crazy good with that as it increases my weekly earnings by 50% too. Woot, sometimes it's good to be good. LOL. *sorry for that gratuitous bit of own horn tooting*

ICT that my boss told me today she's increasing my weekly hours by 50%. Oddly enough I'm crazy good with that as it increases my weekly earnings by 50% too. Woot, sometimes it's good to be good. LOL. *sorry for that gratuitous bit of own horn tooting*

ICT that cracks me up:rolleyes::D

Well, of course, the downside is that you may have to cut time spent here as a result of increased workload:eek:
ICT every time I see the stray dog on my break that it tears my heart. He's very streetwise. I see him every so often. I tried on time to talk to him but he just runs away. No telling what kind of cruelty he's been given. I wish I could take him and make him a happy dog. A dog, when they're happy, is one of life's best things to watch.

I had a what I'd hoped was a stray wander to the house the other day, cause if he'd been a real stray I would have had to take him in. I need/want a dog in the worst way, and think I'll be talking to my landlord soon about having one. We have cats, and while okay, well, they're cats, it's just not the same as a loyal friendly companion like a dog. One of the finest pet companions I ever had was a stray I found while walking the streets of a town I once lived in. I took her in and she was a best friend for many years.
I had a what I'd hoped was a stray wander to the house the other day, cause if he'd been a real stray I would have had to take him in. I need/want a dog in the worst way, and think I'll be talking to my landlord soon about having one. We have cats, and while okay, well, they're cats, it's just not the same as a loyal friendly companion like a dog. One of the finest pet companions I ever had was a stray I found while walking the streets of a town I once lived in. I took her in and she was a best friend for many years.

ICT I once taught a cat to fetch:D
Truly, I've had horrible luck getting the little bastards to recognize their names, though the do come quite readily when you open a can of food.

Yes, I too, have had little luck with name recognition:rolleyes: I tend to think that cats are generally more selfish and if they don't see the immediate benefit of doing something they are disinterested.

Even with the cat I taught to fetch the success rate (defined as returning with thrown item) was probably only around 75-80 percent at best and diminished as boredom set in.
ICT after 6 years classical violin lessons and 4 years cello lessons I suck at playing the guitar. Those 2 extra strings flummox me :(
ICT that I lashed out on a new web cam today.

I further confess that I am very glad that my children have gone to stay with their grandparents for a week.

Not the one I'm living in... the other one.

You might not think that's very exciting.... but, it means I can pay the arrears on this place, refinance and then my deranged ex can't get the kids and I kicked out of our home.
ICT that I lashed out on a new web cam today.

I further confess that I am very glad that my children have gone to stay with their grandparents for a week.

ict this post intrigues me quite a lot :D

i also confess that since the packers and the patriots are both out of the playoffs, i have no idea who to support now?
ict this post intrigues me quite a lot :D

i also confess that since the packers and the patriots are both out of the playoffs, i have no idea who to support now?

My money's on the Colts now the Patriots are out.
ICT to feeling good about calling the girl who stood me up yesterday out on her lies and bullshit story she tried to give me as an excuse.
ict this post intrigues me quite a lot :D

i also confess that since the packers and the patriots are both out of the playoffs, i have no idea who to support now?

ICT i happily welcome you to support my team - the Colts!!! :)
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