Computer Question


Feb 17, 2002
Okay, besides the "built in" cd player on my pc, is there any other downloadable players that are good?

(Not real player)
LadyGuinivere said:
Okay, besides the "built in" cd player on my pc, is there any other downloadable players that are good?

(Not real player)
Actually many of the players that come with CD drives or sound cards are some of the better ones available.

You might look at WinAmp - it will play CDA files (regular music CDs) in addition to MP3 files and is quite full featured.

Good one.

But here's another question for you. For my regular cd player, I have a cleaning disk. What do I use for the cd drive in the pc?
Yeah, me too, that was funny.

Hmm..if I COULD do that, I could get me a new job :)
MusicMatch is a good player. Lots of features. There's a free version and a plus version which you have to pay for.