Come on show your faces? Or are you chicken? Bawk bawk bawk...

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Awww pretty! :rose:

You are very attractive, even with your safety goggles.

Very pretty!

Genuinely pretty. I helped renovate my parents house to sell it and the wreck of a house I last owned. It'd been trashed by previous owners. I hated the work while doing it but reflecting back realize how much I really enjoyed the experience.

lol, lovely

looking busy, and great at the same time.

Thanks, everyone. It is a lot of fun. I've been renovating this house for almost a year now, and am almost done. I started with absolutely no idea what I was doing. Today I built a bay window :). This photo was my stress test.

Lazy Sunday :)
Gorgeous :rose:
All in a great chatacter IHC. One of The best smiles on Lit

Awe thanks. I just find it interesting that some days it is more prominent than others. I was pitching in college. A batter lined it back at me. Smacked me right between the eyes. 28 stitches and some fractures healed and I am good to go.
Awe thanks. I just find it interesting that some days it is more prominent than others. I was pitching in college. A batter lined it back at me. Smacked me right between the eyes. 28 stitches and some fractures healed and I am good to go.

I have 1 through my left eyebrow. Can't see it unless you get close enough and look hard or if I frown then you can see it . Jumping on the bed when I was young.
Awe thanks. I just find it interesting that some days it is more prominent than others. I was pitching in college. A batter lined it back at me. Smacked me right between the eyes. 28 stitches and some fractures healed and I am good to go.

Visit Toronto and tell everybody it was from playing semi-pro hockey. You'd need to chum the puck bunnies away from you with Jager filled Timbits.

I've got a few scars on my face, but I just wanna give a shout out to all the gals with scars. They're sexy on chicks too.
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